Spirit Animals: The Stolen Cr...

By darkspine875

457 14 0

(Note: This is a fanfiction of the book series Spirit Animals. If you liked this story I wrote then check out... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

25 1 0
By darkspine875

Nazeer woke up throwing the blanket off of him. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest while the woman's voice rang clear in his head. He couldn't get the image of the crown out of his head. He had a sinking feeling that it had something to do with the Greencloaks and Greenhaven. Goosebumps started to form by just remembering the last words the woman said. 

"Find me. I await for you. My blood." 

What was up with that? And what did it mean by blood? His family was dead and he knew none of his realtives. 

"Bad dream?" Kai asked. Nazeer whirled his head around so fast that he though he snapped his neck. 

"How long were you there?" he hissed. 

"I got here a couple of minutes ago so don't bother. If you talk in your sleep I wasn't around to hear it." Nazeer realized he was holding his breath and let it out. It's not that he doesn't talk in his sleep, it's the fact that he doesn't know if he does. Not to mention that he also might let something slip if he did talk in his sleep.

"What time is it?" he said trying to change the subject.

"I'd say that there is about an hour left before midnight. Something wrong?" 

"No," Nazeer said turning away. Suddenly a bird came into Nazeer's view and started making a noise that sounded like a creaky wagon wheel being dragged across the blackboard. He covered his ears immediately upon hearing it. 

"Hanza! You're going to wake up everyone! Get back into passive state!" Kai hissed while rolling up his sleeves. Hanza went in a flash of light but not before pecking Nazeer multiple times on his arms. He rubbed the spots where he got pecked by Kai's bird. 

"Sorry about that." Nazeer jumped suddenly realizing how close Kai was to him. When he called his spirit animal to passive state he was beside his bed, now he was practically next to him. Nazeer wasn't particularly shocked that he was across the room in a few seconds. The room itself wasn't particularly big, it was the fact that he did it so silently that Nazeer didn't hear him.

Kai offered some kind of cream to him. Nazeer looked at him skeptically. "Hanza has a habit of pecking people. Especially new people he's never seen before, so I usually keep this on me since it helps soothe the pain and make your skin feel better," Kai explained. Nazeer took it and examined it cautiously as he opened the tiny container.

"Jeez you're really paranoid. You know it's not some kind poison that will dissolve your skin upon contact" Kai said snickering at his discomfort. Nazeer took a little bit and rubbed it over his arms where he go pecked. "Go to sleep Nazeer. Tomorrow we're going to be doing combat practice together. You'll need you're rest," Kai said.

"Yeah yeah I get it. You don't need to be my dad. I'll go to sleep." Nazeer turned around and laid down on his bed, not before the woman's words echoed in his head again. 

Find me. I await for you. My blood.

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