Poems to forget the first...

By Mikan_Kurenai

376 53 34

Just poems since I have nothing better to do. However, some of these will involve a bit of depression and pro... More

Thank God
Move On
Your Decision
Past Liking
How do you feel??
I'm Thankful For...
😢Nothing to Say🤕
I'm Through
Faith in Me
Uta Ronin's Lyrical Poem
Mikan's Lyrical Poem
Valerie Lyrical Poem
Crush or Love
Crimson Wave By Clandestine
Childish Assumptions By Clandestine
Unrequited by Clandestine

💔🖤Something New🖤💔

10 0 0
By Mikan_Kurenai

Tell me how's it going
After the world is damaging.
How has the time change so much
I can barely remember the last good that made people feel touched.

I don't want to see the world become cruel.
No, I want to change the world withe you!
I'm tired seeing how foolish could do.
I want to see something new.

Why do we have to be killers?
Why do we become liars?
Why don't we stop spreading our bitter
And make the world become sweeter?

I want to see something new
I wish to spread good to the world with you!
I hope you think the same
Because I can't do this without you and it's true!

No, I didn't ask for the world to break down
I asked for someone to break down his crown.
These seven devils are all around.
Get up high to not get close to the ground!

I wish to see this world with you.
Although my wish to see something new
Might not ever come true.

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