limbo ~ malum au (boyxboy)

By kissmyxashton

8.6K 612 1K

Limbo: where your soul goes when you're on the verge of death. High school football star Calum Hood gets inj... More

1 - someone got a crush?
3 - limbo? like the game?
4 - i don't like boys!
5 - yeah, i'm sure.
6 - shut up queer!
7 - just fucking wake up!
8 - #cakeisreal
9 - bitch you thought
10 - satan meat (repost)
11 - operation save calum
12 - something on my mind
Very important please read
13 - the most painful feeling

2 - thick and thin

635 48 76
By kissmyxashton

October 22, 2014

An annoyingly loud beeping started from Calum's phone in his bedroom at 6:00am exactly, just like every morning.

And, just like every morning, he hit snooze.

6:07am: Snooze. 6:14am: Snooze. 6:21am: Snooze... Until the time on his phone read 6:49am. That gave him barely enough time to shower and get dressed, having to eat at school or pick something up on the way. He kept his alarm set so early because he hoped that, maybe one day, he would actually hop out of bed at exactly six and maybe make himself a proper breakfast. Even though he is content with his normal morning routine, he just feels as though having time to spare is more.. civilized. Makes him feel like he's got his shit together, even though he already has.

He hurried in the shower, taking his toothbrush with him in order to save time. He also enjoys the fact that he can freely spit out the toothpaste wherever he desires, just for the scalding hot water to wash it away.

After drying his tanned, muscular body off with his towel, he took a pair of black skinny jeans out of his dresser and pulled them up, having to hop around a bit with his fingers curled through his belt loops. He then strolled over to his closet and picked out a white singlet that read "Santa Cruz" and a jacket. He's never been there; maybe he'll visit one day.

Calum tugged on a pair of classic black vans, pocketed his phone, sauntered into the small kitchen and picked up his wallet and backpack; quick to make his way out the door.

Unlike other populars at his school, Calum doesn't have a car and isn't rich. He lives in a two bedroom apartment with his mom and walks to school. Luke used to offer him rides, but he's declined so many times that the blonde just stopped asking. It doesn't bother him though, almost nothing bothers Calum.

The raven haired boy hopped down the front porch steps and began his usual route to school. It was approximately a ten minute walk, so he could manage. The cool October air nipped at his cheeks, but his brisk strides caused his heart rate to elevate, heating up his body.

He brought his hand to the front pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out a a fresh pack of cigarettes. He hit the box against his palm four times before unwrapping it and pulling out a crisp, extra long Marlboro. The cigarette rested between his lips as he cupped his hands around it, lighting it.

Calum knows the dangers of smoking and how it affects his body, but that didn't matter to him. The tobacco helped relieve his stress and kept his hands from shaking while at school. The thick, phlegmy cough that he slowly acquired was a small price to pay for keeping his sanity.

Lately everything has been stressing him out. He's failing three classes, which means when grades come out he will not be able to continue playing football. His mom also works late, and he never gets to spend time with her. He realizes how selfish he sounds, considering he doesn't have a job and Joy is working hard to provide for both of them, but he can't help it. He is pretty selfish, anyways.

Sometimes, though, it all gets to be too much, and he wishes he could start over. Every once in a while, he will find himself holding on tight to the bathroom sink; the force in his chest will grip tight to his heart and lungs and the pain is unbearable. He swears it's caused by stress; the pain he is feeling is all in his head due to the fact that he fucking hates himself. But, Calum would never admit to feeling that way. He simply pushes the feelings away and goes back to being a cold, heartless dick like he's been since age 14.

He grasped the cigarette between his middle and forefinger and tilted his head up to blow the smoke out through his chapped lips. With every exhale, he started to care a little less, and by the time he reached the butt of his cigarette, he couldn't give half a fuck. About anything.


School went normal, neither good nor bad. Calum likes going so he can play football, hang out with his friends, and get out of the house. Plus, he's seeing a new girl this week; and by seeing, he means making out in the janitor's closet during study hall. Her name is Jasmine, and she's on the president's council for some club Calum didn't know, but she was popular and fit and that's all that mattered.

Image is all that matters in high school. Calum swears that he doesn't enjoy Jasmine's sticky lip gloss covered kisses simply because he's not in love with her. Yeah, that's it.

But now, the tan lad was sitting on a bench in the locker room attempting to gain his composure before heading out to the field to win Enterprise's homecoming game. Tonight is the most important game of the season, and Calum was determined to kick River Valley's ass and be crowned homecoming king. That crown will look so good sitting stop his thick black waves, he can see it now.

But currently, his blood was pumping and he tried relaxing by taking deep breaths, which only resulted in a rough coughing fit. Calum attempted to cough up whatever he could; nonetheless, nothing came up. Instead, there was only a scratchy feeling in his throat due to all the hacking and grunting. It probably didn't help that Calum smoked 16 cigarettes today.

Luke, along with the rest of Calum's team, stampeded into the locker room, obnoxious howls and shouts filling the confined space, and the stench of sweat and nerves made Calum's face contort in disgust.

"Let's go win us a game!" Luke shouted and the entire team erupted in a fit of barking and hollers, all fueled by pure excitement. Calum joined in on the festivities as they trampled the gravel before running out into the brightly lit football field. Fans in the stands cheered and Calum felt like this is exactly where he was meant to be.


It was the beginning of the second quarter, and Enterprise was down by 6. I swear the running back is on roids, Calum thought while propping his hands on his knees in attempt to catch his breath before the next play began, he's too fast.

The game had been going smoothly for the first quarter, until the opposing team switched out one of their players for a hefty 6"4 running back. His jersey read "Brown" with a large 11 printed under. He had a good 60 pounds on Calum, and it made a difference considering they were practically the same height. But his speed was astounding for 240lbs.

The lads were in the middle of a play, and Calum was determined to catch number 11 and retrieve the ball for his team. When the quarterback of the opposing team announced the play, then, in one fluid motion, snapped the ball to 11, and he sprinted down the field.

Now was Calum's chance. He charged at number 11 who was a good 5 yards ahead of him, ignoring the tightening in his chest. His breathing became heavy and and forced, but he ignored it and sprinted even faster. His vision went blurry, and that only made him run faster; so fast, that his legs buckled in and the pain in his chest erupted. Calum collapsed right on the 40 yard line.

The entire stadium became silent, and the fans in the stands all stood up, trying to get a look at the kiwi boy who wouldn't get up. Luke and his teammates, along with the paramedics, rushed over to the passed out boy and what they found when they all huddled around him wasn't good.

Calum's lips were blue. His eyes were closed and his face was white as a ghost, almost grey.

"Calum! Calum wake up! Please, please wake up!" Luke yelled and attempted to bring Calum back to consciousness by slapping his face, but when his hand made contact with Calum's face, he pulled back abruptly. Luke's eyes prickled with tears.

He was ice cold.

The on site ambulance pulled out onto the field and placed a breathing mask on the unconscious lad. They strapped him to the gurney and loaded him up onto the ambulance.

As the medics drove away with Calum in the back, Luke didn't move from the spot on the field where he sat on his knees. He didn't know what to do. His best friend of 6 years just got taken away on an ambulance. Luke didn't want to think about what may be happening to his best friend, but he couldn't help it. His body shook with fear as he attempted to blink back his tears, but failed miserably.

"We're supposed t-to stick together," Luke managed to choke out, "through thi-ick and thi-n." His voice cracked and he didn't bother to wipe away the tears that streamed down his face.

This book is so depressing it wouldn't surprise me if u guys don't continue reading lmao I'm srry.

What do u think is wrong with Calum?

This chapter is v long but I feel like it makes up for the last chapter lmao

Pls vote and comment I really love reading comments honestly even if they're just "me" or "same" they still make me happy :-)


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