The Prime Minister's Daughter

By therebelwritergirl

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Tianna never cared much for politics, she was just born into it. She thought that was just her life. When he... More

Chapter 1- Jamaica's Princess
Chapters 2 - The Ball
Chapter 4- Something For Something
Chapters 5- Freedom, At last?
Chapters 6 - Come over
Chapters 7- Fast Hearts
Chapters 8- Gone Girl
Chapters 9- Face It
Chapter 10- Feel me?
Chapters 11- The Grand Betrayal
Chapters 12- Drift Night
Chapters 13- Good Girl?
Chapters 14- Roses and Tears
Chapters 15- Dolly House
Chapters 16 - New Energy
Chapters 17- Love and Sex
Chapters 18 - Fire Play
Chapters 19- Stop The Clock
Chapters 20- Garden
Chapter 21- The Inlaws
Chapter 22- Snatching Souls
Chapter 23 - Love Bites
Chapter 24 - Long Tears
Chapter 25- Casualties
Chapters 26- Gut Feelings
Chapter 27- Still Waters
Chapters 28- Power
Chapter 29 - The Garden, I do
Chapter 30 - War Poetry
Chapter 31 - The Prime Minister's Daughter

Chapters 3- Link up

3.6K 298 116
By therebelwritergirl

Tianna's POV

Daniel did not return my call like he said he would neither did he store my number because I could not see his profile picture or status updates. Maybe I was over thinking I thought for a moment. I did not want to obsess too much about it but I was really curious about him. Knowing that he was the son of my father's rival helped to peak my interest in him, plus he was so fine. I made my move and decided to give him a call. I rang his phone and he did not pick up but a message came in right after.

Daniel's Chat

Daniel: Hey I saw your missed call. A little tied up at the moment but we could text if you like.

Me: I was just calling you back because you said you would but you didn't.

Daniel: Sorry got caught up at dinner. My father had some guests over.

Me: Ok cool. So we will talk later then?

Daniel: No, we can gwan text. I'm bored anyways.

Me: Ok. I have to go to bed soon, I have couple classes for early morning.

Daniel: Where you go school?


Daniel: Ok cool

Me: you?

Daniel: I just graduated from FAMU I Majored in public relations.

Me: OK, I'm in my second year. Doing international Relations

Daniel: Ok that's cool

Me: well I'm not going to keep you away from you guests, plus I need to catch some sleep.

Daniel: Ok. Talk to you in the morning.

I was not going to sleep but I did not want to keep him away from his guest I found it to be rude. I was thinking about him a lot though. I like his personality, he seemed a little like a bad boy but with class to match.

Molly, Sammy's Chat:

Me: I am going to send you bitches a picture of a guy and tell me what you think.

Molly: send it.

Sammy: ok send.

Me: File attached: jpg📎

Molly: he foiiine who diss?

Sammy: I know this nigga.

Me: Yeah?

Molly: yeah who him?

Sammy: That's Danny, Dr. Hyman's son. Molly how you don't remember Danny.

Me: suh you know him well Sammy?

Molly: Oh yeah, I remember Daniel. He came here one summer and a girl he was with at IMAC almost overdose because of him.

Me: really?

Sammy: yeah I know of him. He does not live here but he came back that one summer and it was not his fault either, she was trying hard to impress him and shit went wrong. They did blame him though so he never came back.

Me: Interesting

Molly: Wait you met him or something?

Me: Yeah I met him at the fund raiser's ball he was in the garden smoking weed.


Sammy: yeah? Cool.

Me: He gave me his number and we talked just now, he seems cool.

Sammy: You do know that his father is the opposition leader right?

Me: Found that out today.

Molly: you like him?

Me: I don't know nothing about him but I am thinking of him. LOL!

Sammy: ok

Molly: hump him DWL!

Me: Molly bye. I'm going to bed. See you guys tomorrow.

Molly: bye bitch.

Sammy: Bye.

My mother was at home when I got ready for school, she said she was running a bit late but wanted to tell me that I had brunch with the Smallings on Wednesday and she also wanted to let me know in person that she will talk to my father again about me living on campus. I didn't think he would agree with her but it was worth a try again.

I got to school and molly was finally at school for once and she always looked as if she rolled out of bed and got into her car and just came to school. Sammy was at her first early class so we waited until she was finish so we could go to out next class together.

"Aye yuh see how Sim did her breast and her body look lean as fuck?" Molly said.

"Shhh suppose someone hear you and guh call back our names" I said.

"Me nuh care, dem cyah beat we plus the bitch does look fuck up" She said.

"Molly please stop, oh my God" I said.

We saw when Sammy came out of her class but she did not greet us like she normally did. Something was off with her today. She had her security with her and she never normally have him. We called to her but she just waved to us and kept walking.

"Wah dat bout?" I asked Molly.

"Girl I don't know but since I am here might as well me guh class" Molly said.

We got to class and Sammy was sitting at the back, I tried to talk to her and she said she was just not in the mood and she did not want to talk so she would catch up with us later. We found her behavior a little strange but we gave her some space.

My mom called to tell me that we were having dinner tonight and that my father wanted to talk with me. I was a little excited because it sounded as if he was going to let me live on campus.

"What if they make you live on campus? You're going to be such a ho'" Molly said.

"No I'm not, I just want my own space that is all" I said.

"Have you heard from Daniel?" Molly asked. I was thinking of him all day but I would not call unless he call me.

"No, I find him strange" I said.

"Most men are honey" She said.

"Are you going to call Sammy later?" I asked

"nah, meck she call us, we don't do her anything" She said. I agreed.

Dinner was set and my parents were late as usual. When they finally got to the table my father was already strap for time and my mother had her phone closed by. I wanted this dinner to be over as quick as possible because I was not even hungry.

"How everything going with your classes Tianna?" My father asked.

"Not bad. I had a test, I think I did well on it" I replied.

"Good, just keep your focus my sweet girl" He said.

"Do you have any plants this weekend sweetheart?" My mother asked.

She never asked me if I had plans they would just throw me into whatever they had plan so I thought carefully before I answer them because this might be my opportunity.

"Molly is having a get together and I wanted to go, only for a few hours" I said. I was lying but it was worth a try.

"Ok, just keep us posted so we know how to organize your security" My dad said. What the fuck was going on? I thought to myself. I might just push it a little further then.

"Dad did you consider me living on campus?" I asked.

My mother looked at me with her mouth open because she knew how this conversation always goes.

"I am still thinking about it sweetheart" He said. I looked at my mother and gave her a little smile and she smile back and gave me a hidden thumps up.

We had a nice little dinner and a good conversation that we haven't had in a good while. It made me think they were up to something. Whatever it was if it allowed me to have some freedom I was all for it. They reminded me about the brunch on Wednesday with the Smallings. I haven't spoken to Jarred since the Ball it would be nice to see him again, I liked his company. I could learn a lot from him. We wrapped up dinner my dad head back to his office, my mom head to her office and I made my way to my bedroom.

Daniel's Chat

Me: Can't hear from you

Daniel: Hi princess. Been a little busy. Starting my new job and its taking a lot out of me.

Me: Cool I understand.

Daniel: What you been up to?

Me: Just school, that's it. You want to hang out this weekend? I have some free time.

Daniel: Sounds ok, will let you know what I'm up to by Friday.

Me: Ok cool. I have some studying to do so we will talk.

Daniel: Ok, lata.

I kept wondering if I was being too forward with Daniel because he hardly show any interest in me but I wanted to find out about him. Maybe if I spend some time with him then I can somehow figure him out. I called Molly and told her to arrange a link up at her place.

Sammy's Chat

Me: Sam Sam are you feeling better?

Sammy: Yeah I am feeling a little better. I was just in a mood and I did not want to talk about it.

Me: Ok I understand. Hey we gonna link up at Molly's this weekend. You could come if you want.

Sammy: Ok I will come.

Me: Cool. Later.

Sammy: Bye.

My mother called me Wednesday while I was at school to remind me about the brunch. I was glad she called because I almost forgot. I got ready from my friends room and told my driver to take me to them. I was running late, everyone was already seated in the private room. Jarred was handsome as ever and nicely dress, his face lit up when he saw me. I took my seat beside him and pinched him on his side.

"Can we ditch them" I whispered.

"Not a chance in hell, they would probably tackle us at the door" He said. I giggled.

The brunch was mostly about business and joining our families as one. I never understood what it meant at the time because I was just there for support. Jarred and I had our own little conversations while they discussed bossiness plans and politics.

The brunch lasted for an hour but seemed like it was an eternity. I hugged Jarred and told him it was nice seeing him again and he should text or call me. He said he would see me on Sunday because they were coming to my house after church for dinner. He always knew their schedule I wondered if he was the one making them. I had no problem because I was supporting my father's businesses and making some solid friendships I thought.

Friday morning I got a call from Daniel, he said that he would be available to hang with me on Saturday, I was elated. He asked if he should pick me up but poor thing don't even know I don't roll like that so I told he no I would just meet him there. These are the things that made me so fucking mad. I wanted to drive myself wherever I wanted to go but no, I have a driver for my every move.

"Molly you really got a caterer for a little link up?" I asked. She was so extra with everything.

"Yes bitch, I don't want nobody to say that my party sucked" She said and took a sip from her cup.

"Daniel said he was on his way" I said

'yaaaay finally yah get a man" She said

"It's nothing like that, we just cool" I said.

"What are we laughing about" Sammy asked.

"Daniel is coming to see Tianna" Molly said.

"Oh ok, you guys are a thing now?" She asked. I did not like how she asked the question nor the look on her face.

"No we are just cool" I said.

Daniel sent a text to me that he was outside so I decided to walk out to me meet him. He was wearing jeans and white shirt, he looked so handsome. He smiled at me as I approached him and he greeted me with a hug. I literally lost I his arms. I realized he was familiar with some of the people at the link up, he hailed some people and said a few names. I led him inside to where I left Sammy and Molly but only Molly was there, Sammy was nowhere in sight. I introduced him to Molly and she gushed over how handsome he was, I had to laugh because Molly was being Molly.

I got him something to drink but he seemed not too comfortable with the crowd so I asked him if he wanted to go outside by his car and he was ok with it. I was sitting in the driver's seat and he sat outside on a stool, my security was visible and Uncle Larry was parked across the road from the car. I hated this but if this was my life then I guess I had to work with it.

"So when were you going to tell me that you are the Prime Minister's Daughter?" He asked. He was waiting forever to ask me this question it seemed.

"When were you going to tell me you were the Opps?" I asked. He laughed hard.

"You are funny" He said.

I was happy we could laugh about this and not make politics come between us. I asked him if he wanted to go into politics and he told me he had considered it but was still on the fence about it. I must have been the only politician's kid that did not want to go into politics.

We talked for a while, I got to know a little about him nothing too deep but I could deal with what I knew. It was time for me to leave and he understood and said he would drive out behind me because his apartment was minutes away from my house. Of course he knew here I lived. I told Molly I was leaving and texted Sammy because she was nowhere to be found. We drove out at the same time, I watched him blinking his headlights behind my car and I knew he was being mischievous. I send him a message to tell him I will text him when I was settle in.

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