RWBY: The New Guy (Volume 1)

By Markahomie

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Alex Carabello is a new student at Beacon he came about a month after Initiation. Due To his semblance Ozpin... More

Chapter 1 Bio/Meeting Alex
Chapter 2 Alex VS RWY
Chapter 3 Blake&Alexs Morning And Yangs Confession
Chapter 5 The Secrets Out
Chapter 6 Forever Fall (Short)
Chapter 7 Meeting Tai And Summer
Chapter 8 Racism Of A Schnee
Chapter 9 The Human The Cat and The Monkey

Chapter 4 Bullies? Or Friends?

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By Markahomie

Ruby: So Alex do you have anything to put up in our room?

Alex: Well Technically, but. I don't want anyone to accidentally break it. It's a collectible.

Ruby: Come on, we won't break it.

Alex: Ruby, no it was a gift from my girlfriend, I don't want it to accidentally break.

Weiss: You really care for this faunus girl?

Alex: I don't need you being racist towards her so shut up.

Weiss: I'm actually kind of agreeing with Yang here though, I mean why are you so hellbent on being with a terrorist?

I was seriously about to tell everyone Blake is a faunus and my girlfriend. I'm so mad, I guess everyone could tell.

Blake: Alex, calm down she's not worth it.

Yang: Yeah, we're teammates, it's not worth it to fight each other.

Alex: Alright. Weiss, why do you care that I'm with a faunus?

She starts blushing madly, and turned her head away from me.

Weiss: Because I don't want you to be a accomplice to the white fang.

Alex: Aw you care. But, she isn't apart of the white fang.

Weiss: How do you know?

Alex: Because, I thought she was too until she balled her eyes out opening up to me.

After that conversation we made it to ports class.

Port: Monsters, demons, we call Grimm all of these things, but what I call them is prey. So will all of you in due time.

Alex: We're not even a minute into this class and I already think I'm falling asleep.

Blake: This's Ports class for ya.

Alex: I think I'm gonna die from boredom. Blake if I die I want you to know I love you.

Blake: I'm not gonna let you die.

She said as port continued his lecture. I fell asleep, and when I woke up Weiss was fighting a boarbatusk.

Alex: Is it bad I want to see her fail?

Blake: A little bit.

Alex: Meh, I don't care.

After a little bit Weiss got pinned and didn't have her weapon.

Ruby: Weiss, Go for its belly there's no armor there!



Weiss: FINE!

She yelled at me and took the advice killing the boarbatusk.

Port: Congratulations Weiss you have the spirit of a true huntress in training.

After that class ended. Ruby and Weiss had a falling out and me Blake and Yang decided to stay out of it. So we just hung out with each other the rest of the day.

Timeskip Tomorrow Combat Class.

Alex: Wait a second, this guy can't fight can he?

Ruby: He's not the best fighter.

Weiss: Not the best, he hasn't even hit Cardin.

Alex: Wait did you say Cardin? Like as in Cardin Winchester?

Yang: Yeah, why do you know him?

Alex: Yeah I do. We used to be best friends when we were kids but then I moved away. Wonder what happened to him?

Blake: Why he's a Jerk?

Alex: He is? Back when I knew him he was a jerk but in like a buddy kinda way. Like, how me and you are Blake.

Weiss: I find that hard to believe.

Alex: Well believe it.


Naruko: Some one just said my catchphrase.

Alex Branwen: What, Believe it?

Naruko: Yeah.

Saki: You're delusional, who would say something as stupid as that?

Kashi: It's not that stupid. But they probably would say it to make someone believe them.

Alex Branwen: Whatever, come on let's go before we don't make it back to the cliff.

Back with Alex Carabello.

We were at our lunch table eating obviously. Anyway, Nora Was telling a story.

Nora: It was in the dead of night.

Ren: It was day.

Nora: We we're surrounded by Ursai-

Ren: They were Beowolves.

Nora: -12 of them.

Ren: 2 of them.

Nora: But they were no match for us and we made a ton of Lien by selling the pelts.

Ren: She's been having the same reoccurring dream for a month now.

Alex: I wish I had that reoccurring dream mine is....... Never mind.

Blake: What's it about?

Alex: Ugh....

The Dream

Alex: What the hell?!

Alex (Nine Tailed Hunter): Where am I?

Alex (Why): Am I dead?

Alex (Forever Red): Huh? Goddammit did Rita find me?! I should've listened to Tommy.

Alex (The Spider Of Remanent): Oh great there's 4 other me's. Mysterio the jig is up show your self!

All of the Alex's look at each other.


Alex (Author): Hello Me's.

All of the Alex's look up towards the Author.

Alex (Author): I am you but from the real world. And all of you are probably wondering why am I here? I could be with Blake, Yang, Joan, Naruko, or Ava. Well I am here to tell you there's a threat to our very existence.

Alex (NTH): What is it?

Alex (A): Someone who's stronger than any foe you've ever faced or will face.

Alex (TSOR): Even stronger than the sinister 6?

Alex (A): Yes. Her name is DEA. She has a very powerful Semblance, That can rewrite reality.

Alex: So we're gonna fight someone who could blink and we'd be erased from existence?

Alex (FR): That seems like a impossible fight.

Alex (Why): Ugh I don't know if we could beat her. I mean even with the 5 of us and you who seems like a god.

Alex (A): That's why at the state you are right now I'm warning you. So you can get stronger and learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. To build off of them.

Alex: Seems Legit.

Alex (A): You all will be sent back, to your respective universes, now don't slack any of you. I'll see you all in a month to check on your progress.

The Dream Ends.

Alex: I don't wanna talk about it.

I notice Jaune seems a bit off.

Alex: Jaune, Bro, you good?

Jaune: Yeah.

Ruby: You don't seem good.

Pyrrha: It's Cardin isn't it?

Jaune: Cardin Winchester, what no he just jokes around.

Alex: See he's not a bully.

Blake: Sometimes I wonder how your considered smart.

Alex: Probably Battle Smart.

Blake: That makes sense.

Yang: You do realize you insulted yourself right?

Blake: It's a habit of his.

Alex: Very true.

Blake: That I hate.

Alex: Unbelievably True.

We all chuckle.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry Alex and Jaune but Cardin's a bully.

Jaune: Name one time he bullied me.

Pyrrha: When he knocked your lunch tray out of your hands.

Jaune: That was just a joke.

Alex: Yeah, me and Cardin did that to each other a lot.

Pyrrha: What about when got you stuck in a door way

Alex: Ok, I can see why you think that's bullying.

Pyrrha: And the time he shoved you into a Locker and made it fly away.

Alex: Ok yeah that ones fucked up.

Ruby: Alex! You say one more curse word today I'll make you uh.....

Blake: You have to sleep with Yang instead of me tonight.

I look over to Yang, who's rubbing her hands together deviously.

Alex: You wouldn't do that to me. Would you?

Blake: Try me.

Alex: Ok. I'll yield.

Yang kicks me in the shin hard.


Yang: Shit.

Ruby: Yang Swear Jar.

She says holding up a jar to Yang.

Yang: Wait how come I get the swear jar and he doesn't?

Blake: Because that's a worse punishment for him.

Yang: What how?!

Pyrrha: Can we get back to the topic at hand please?

Alex: Yeah.

Yang puts 5 lien in the swear jar.

Jaune: I didn't land far from the school.

Ruby: It's still bullying.

Jaune: I'm not the only person he's done it too. He does it to everyone.

As he says that we hear a girl a scream, I turn around to see it was a faunus girl. I immediately get up and walk over to them.

Cardin: See I told you they were real.

Russel: What a freak.

???: Let go please.

Alex: Cardin Mutha Loving Winchester!

Cardin: Wait I know that voice. Alex?!

Alex: The one and on-I mean in the flesh!

Cardin: Dude I haven't seen you in like 6 years dude. How'd you get in?

Alex: My mom.

Cardin: Ah yeah I see now. Also did you say loving instead of fucking?

Alex: I'm apart of team RWBY. Ruby and my mom's hellbent on not getting me to stop cursing as much as I do.

Cardin: Oh anyway, wanna help pick on this faunus girl?

Alex: Actually. Remember 3 months ago when I told you I was dating a faunus.

Cardin: Yeah, why?

Alex: I realized that not all Faunus's are bad. You just have to give them a chance. So why don't you and your team let her go?

Cardin: Your girlfriend is like the only exception.

Alex: Alright, let me rephrase. Cardin, if you and your team don't stop picking on this girl, I'll tell everyone your secret.

Cardin's eyes widen.

Cardin: Bro, you promised you wouldn't tell.

Alex: And you promised to give every faunus you meet a chance.

Cardin: Dammit you're right. Guys lay off of her.

RDL: Why?!

Cardin: Because I'm a man of my word especially to my friends. So stop.

RDL: Fine.

Cardin: Hey are you ok?

???: Yeah, I'm gonna go now. But, first he said your name is Alex right?

Alex: That's correct.

Velvet: I'm Velvet Scarletina, thank you for stopping them.

Alex: No problem. Hey tell me if anyone is picking on you, and Cardin.

Cardin: Yeah?

Alex: Please at least try to be nicer to people especially Jaune. He's a good kid.

Cardin: All right I'll try. Hey Alex.

Alex: Yeah?

Cardin: It was nice seeing you again, we should catch up some time. Maybe, introduce me to me to your girlfriend.

Alex: Definitely, I'll tell you when we're free.

Cardin: Alright come on guys.

They walked off.

Alex: Velvet, seriously if anyone bullies you for anything especially your heritage, come to me and-

My aura hair and eye color turn red. I light a fire in my hand.

Alex: -I'll burn them to a crisp, or ashes, whichever you'd prefer.

Velvet: Thanks Alex, I'll keep that in mind.

I nod and smile at her and walk back to the table. They all looked shocked.

Jaune: H-How'd you do that?!

Blake: Yeah?

Ruby: That's so cool!

Yang: How did you do that without violence?

Weiss: At least you solved it civilly.

Pyrrha: How'd you get through to him?


Ren: Hm you remind me of someone.

Alex: Well, remember when I said he was a childhood friend?

All of them: Yeah.

Alex: Well we kept in touch, and I reminded him of a promise we made, and I got him to stop. Jaune, let me know if he picks on you again.

Jaune: Alright. Thanks Alex.

Alex: Hey I look out for my friends don't thank me.

After Lunch the rest of the day went as it normally would. And when I got back to my dorm I immediately flopped on me and Blake's bed and crashed.

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