Only Shadows (Bucky Barnes x...

By TheBlackSymphony

689 44 115

In a world where you can only see colour when you make eye contact with you soulmate. The blind goddess Lofn... More

Into the Unknown
Dark Touch
Beneath it all
Friend in Unexpected Places
After Midnight
A choice between hell and fury
Curse of the Heart

Never Knowing

133 8 33
By TheBlackSymphony

I'm quite excited for this one been researching some stuff on Norse Gods etc to get some context for this one so in short Lofn is a Norse Goddess and Sigyn is also a goddess who has appeared in Marvel before


Enjoy :)

Some days it was hard to tell that I had woken up. I dreamed of darkness and woke to darkness. I did have remnants of sight that remained as I could still see light and see shadows moving through the light. It was just often terrifying that I couldn't always tell who's shadow I was seeing.

I sat up in my bed feeling the silk sheets under my fingertips and could make out it was daytime by the faint light from the sun from the window.

I heard a knock at the door and cleared my throat "Come in," I announced in a tone that made me sound as I had not just woken up and I was ready for the day.

I heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps enter the room "Hello Lofn, my dear,"

My heart leapt "Loki?" I reached out into the darkness around the door and I heard his footsteps quicken and felt him sit on the bed and pull me into an embrace.

"You're back, it's really you?" I asked running my fingers through his long hair.

He chuckled into my shoulder "Yes it is and I have missed you very much,"

"As have I," I murmured pulling away feeling his face with my hands it was the only way I could 'see' his face.

I felt him smile and holding my hand against his cheek. I beamed in response, it often broke my heart that I'd never be able to see him. I knew that if I did he'd be the ones who would paint colours before my eyes, I truly did.

I had asked Loki time and time again if he had seen colour yet but his response was always no. Once we made eye contact with the one who is our soulmate the black and white world would erupt with colour.It did make my heart hurt somewhat but there was a small part of me that hoped he was lying to spare my feelings to fact I couldn't also share that experience.

I felt his face and focused and felt his emotions flood through my veins. The joyful nature but mixed with that hint of mischief.

"I do hope you didn't cause chaos on Midgard again," I murmured pulling my hands away and interlocking my fingers on my lap.

I knew he was furrowing his brow at that statement "I thought you promised me to not to invade in my private emotions again,"

I gave a half smile "You know I can't always help it and let's be honest Loki I'm blind to virtually everything else so let me have this,"

He sighed and I heard his head hit the pillow "There weren' many casualties as last time,"

I groaned "Loki we've been through this, all everyone else sees of you as is the villainous god of mischief, I'm the only one who doesn't have to witness that side and only feels the good in you and I know for a fact that you do not enjoy hurting people,"

He shifted "I have something for you,"

I scowled "Don't change the subject Loki,"

I felt him place something in my hands "I bought you a book back from Miguard, I had the scribes translate it to Braille for you, I know you've read every book Asgard that I've had translated for you so I thought you'd want something new,"

I grasped the book in my hands and felt the cover I could feel the embossed lettering and just about make it out "Fra....Frank...Frankenstein?"

"Indeed it's a story about a man named Victor Frankenstein who creates a monster following his grief of his mothers passing, I thought you'd like it since you've always appreciated the Asgardian ghost stories,"

I smiled feeling the pages against my fingertips and smelling the fresh new pages "Thank you Loki I love it," I murmured.

I felt him plant a kiss on the side of my head "You're more that welcome Lofn,"

I felt my cheeks flush and I looked down hoping he didn't catch sight of it.

"You have a busy day my dear?" He asked.

I paused to think over my schedule for that day "I have a few couples to consult today, all of them don't see colour and all and they have been refused marriage, strange requirements I must say, so they've come to me as a last resort,"

I felt Loki's hand on my lower back "You're too good to people Lofn,"

I felt a shiver travel up my back and smiled to hide it "Well I simply believe in treating others as one would want to be treated,"

I heard Loki take a breath to say something but was cut off by the sound of my chamber door of opening "Good morning Lady Lofn oh and good morning to you, your highness,"

I smiled at the sound of my maid Miella "Good morning my lovely," I gleefully said.

"I shall leave you ladies to prepare for the day, I sure we our paths will cross later today Lady Lofn," Loki announced as his feet hit the floor.

"Have a pleasant day your highness," I murmured as his footsteps faded away.

I slowly got up from the bed and walked my memorised path to my closet. I could walk confidently in spaces I was familiar with such as my room other places I did not require my staff which I used around Asgard and the palace. It helped me to not trip and also I had managed to develop my own sense of echolocation and have a vague sense of obstructions when it made contact with the ground. It wasn't picture perfect but it was good enough.

I felt my way through the closet feeling the shelves lined with shoes and linens. I felt a long lace dress and pulled it out "What colour is this Miella?" I asked holding it out to where I assumed she was. The good thing about Miella is that she had already met her soulmate and could see all the colours so it made it very useful in picking clothes.

"It is white my lady, it will give you fair skin a glow and you'll look wonderful,"

I nodded and handed it to her and she helped me get into it. I was capable of dressing myself but Miella got into such a fuss that I'd trip over the skirts and hurt myself that I let her continue.

Once I was dressed I made my way to my dresser and sat down in front of it feeling my way round the various powders and cosmetics. I always like to do my face myself it took a lot of practice to mentally work out what item was which and mapped my face out to know where to apply it. I picked up a powder and brushed it against my face and then felt around for the tiny tub of shadow my eyes and followed with a light application of lipstick.

I looked up at Miella who inspected my face and cleaned up any mistakes I made since I wasn't exactly perfect at applying without sight. Even though I couldn't see my face myself I wanted to look presentable and pleasing to others.

The last step came with a see through lace blindfold, see through so I could still pick up on the lights and shadows around me and the blindfold since I often get fed up when I know people are staring at my eyes that I knew were a faded grey and barely there.

Miella handed me my staff and we left the room together.


The palace was massive and echoes of voices seemed to bounce off the walls occasionally making it rather daunting to walk around as I couldn't tell if I was near the echos of the source.

"Ah the Lady Lofn, looking as radiant as ever,"

I rolled my eyes at the sound of Thor's voice and felt him take my hand and kiss the back of it l "I wish I could join in the spectacle that you behold but due to Odin removing my sight as a child I can not share in your joy,"

When I was a baby my family were poor and had no money but I supposedly had the ability to see the connections between people. People wait lifetimes to see colour when they meet their soulmate but I could literally see the threads that connected people. They sold my eyesight to Odin and he promised to take me in as his ward. He had transferred my sight to his eye but the old fool had to go lose that eye along with my sight.

"It is a tragedy you cannot behold the world as it is, but I promise you that you bleed radiance into the world around you,"

I smiled "Thank you your highness, I do apologise but I am running rather late,"

"Of course my apologies you proceed to bring happiness to those couples who long for it,"

I smiled and walked away down the hall. Many years ago Frigga had convinced Odin that I needed a purpose to keep me occupied. They had given me a post of the royal arranger of marriages, there were some marriage arrangers scattered through Asgard but they did have their own conditions that some did not meet or banned the couple from ever being married. So eventually they'd come to me and I had never rejected anyone if I truly felt they loved each other.

Miella opened a door for me and I felt my way to my desk and sat by it. "Should I let the first two in my last?" Miella asked.

"Of course lets not waste time, send them in,"

I heard her feet rush away into the other room and heard three pairs of feet come back.

"My Lady Lofn, may I present Marcus and Astrid,"

I looked up in the general direction of Miella's voice and smiled "Welcome both of you, please sit," I gestured towards the other side of my desk where two chairs rested.

I heard the sound of the scraping chairs "Thank you so much my lady for seeing us, it is an honour truly," a deep male voice announced who I assumed was Marcus.

"The honour is all mine, so from what Miella has informed me you have both been rejected from uniting yourselves in marriage on multiple occasions?"

A quiet female voice perked up "Yes my lady due to the fact we have never seen colour and they believe that means the marriage will be doomed to fail, we did once believe that ourselves but we realised after a long time we still hadn't found our soulmate and realised we did feel strongly about each other,"

I smiled and held my hands out "Let me take your hands,"

There was a pause and I felt one delicate hand rest in my right hand and one large callused hand in my left. I focused and felt it all, the passion, the happiness and that slight spark that seemed to dance back and forth from one hand to the other.

I smiled and raised a hand to gesture Miella to come over. I saw the glow of a candle by my face and heard the wax drip on a piece of paper "I have unlimited power from Odin to approve as many marriages as I desire and I do not doubt your intentions are pure of heart," I pressed my insignia ring to the area where the hot wax rested.

"Take this to Vox he resides on the South side of the palace, he will proceed with the ceremony promptly, no questions asked,"

I heard Astrid burst into tears "Thank you my lady I cannot express how much this means to us,"

"You can do that by keeping a strong and happy marriage,"


I rubbed my eyes and stretched as the last couple had left and I felt ready to retire.

Suddenly the door burst open and I jumped gripping my staff.

"Apologies for startling you my dear Lofn,"

I let out a sigh of relief at the sound of Loki's voice "That's quite alright Loki I was just a little tired that's all,"

I felt him stand next to me and I felt his breath tickle my forehead and I looked up.

"Pardon the intrusion but I am here to share glorious news," he exclaimed sounding giddy.

"I hope it's not any more chaos," I murmured raising my eyebrow.

"No, no nothing so serious and morbid," he laughed.

I smiled "Then do share what has got you in such high spirits,"

I could sense him grinning "Well Odin has invited Lord Theoric and his fiancée Lady Sigyn on a diplomatic visit and I cannot comprehend that I'm saying this outloud but the moment I looked into her eyes...Lofn I could see colour,"

I felt in that moment my heart was ripped out my chest.

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