
By Ana_huss33

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Sophia Salvatore is the long lost sister of Damon and Stefan. While one brother is aware of her, the other is... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
20 Years Later
Author's Note

Chapter 52

11 4 3
By Ana_huss33


It was the fifth grimoire of my mother's i held in my hand and halfway through it, I wanted to toss it into the fire. There were several resurrection spells but nothing on how to reverse a death curse or even to grant my best friend eternal life. Lifting my head, I glanced at my sister who had no luck either. Her head was lowered, she gaped at the book in front, and I could see the big, beaded tears. She didn't need to look up for me to see how red her eyes were. "We can't give up!" She spoke in a hoarse whisper.

My own voice was raw and cracked. "I know...every time I think we've made a breakthrough-we're back to square one!" Glancing down at my hands shaking in a palsy of rage, I balled them into fists to kill it off. Freya glanced up and I winced. Worry lines framed her mouth and tugged at her eyes. The door opened and she slammed the grimoire shut, springing to her feet.

Elijah entered; vision narrowed to a pinprick. "Sisters, please explain to me the meaning of this," he gestured to the scattered books and papers surrounding us. "All day I've been noticing—in fact, for some time now I've apprehended there is something not right with the pair of you and our darling Sophia." He studied us with a predator's unwavering attention.

I locked my arms and sensed the muscles in Freya's neck tighten. "Nothing." My voice thick with conviction.

Freya swallowed down and scarcely interchanged glances with me. Turning to Elijah, her eyes peered slightly to the wall, avoiding looking directly at him. "We're just going through some spells to find a way to reverse the effects of the cure."

Stepping in, he closed the door behind him and shook his head. "I want the truth. No more lies."

"Elijah! There is nothing to worry about." I insisted, trying to direct his attention away from the mess behind me. "Bloody hell Elijah, you really are beginning to act like Nik! Has paranoia become your default setting?"

"I can see what you're striving to do here, Rebekah and I assure you, it is not working." His thin voice took on a pedantic tone. "Before I bring our brothers and the Salvatores, I suggest you quit the games and spit it out. Please, go ahead I'm waiting." My eyes were quick to dart to Freya, expressing with my eyes we couldn't break our promise, but she screwed her eyes shut. "Now please!" Anger crept into his voice.

"Sophia is dying! She was cursed because of what Nik and Damon did and now there's no way to stop it and we've been trying to find a way! The real reason she wiped our memories is because she's dying, and she doesn't have long left!" I caved in breathy explosions of words and immediately bit my tongue. Elijah knew with applying just the right amount of pressure upon us, we would crumble. Apologetic, I looked to my sister. She hadn't realised she was holding her breath. Meeting my state, she slumped down.

His eyes went round, and I couldn't read what his was feeling. All at once he felt everything from betrayal, fear, worry and pain. Scanning from his face down to his clenched fists that slowly began to unclench themselves, I ran to him and hugged him tight. "We're so sorry. She asked us not to tell anyone."

"Elijah, I'm so sorry I should have said something, but I thought I could find a way and it wouldn't be necessary to tell anyone! There's hardly anything and I- we can't..." she held up her palms. "I'm terrified."

"When did you find out? How long has this been going on for?" His lips pulled taught, and eyes throbbed with suffering.

"The day after they returned from their honeymoon and Rebekah found out right after we got her back..." she gestured for me to continue.

I Swallowed down the massive lump in my throat. Seeing Elijah, seeing him register what we disclosed and the hurt, it was brutal. "Kol and her were arguing and she accidentally told him she was dying. That's when I found out—I heard the conversation and how she erased his memory a second time."

Freya rushed to him and held onto him. "Elijah, you can't tell her you know or anyone else!"

Rage nearly consumed our brother, and it was unnatural. "You have lost the right to bargain with me. You lied for God knows how long!" Pivoting on his heels, he took off with the door slamming shut. The jig was up and what waited in its wake, we could only assume.


When we reached home, I couldn't tell. That little bit of separation sprung anxiety within me and the events of the previous month traumatised me to the point, everything gave me the jitters. Feeling the space beside me, alarmed to find it empty. Kol was gone. Throwing the duvet off me and stumbling out of bed, I hurried to the door. Twisting the doorknob, it flung open and arms gripped me, steadying me from toppling over.

"Elijah?" I breathed hard.

"I heard you panic as I walked by. Is everything okay?" He leaned forward and brows furrowed. He was paying close attention and I felt myself shrink.

"I was just looking for Kol." Scratching the back of my neck, I kept my eyes on the open doorway. Following my gaze, he slowly closed it and blocked it with his body.

"I know."

"What?" I stammered.

Running his finger over the edge of the chest of drawers, he frowned. "My sisters were kind enough to let me in on your secret."

I shuffled back, swallowing constantly, almost choking on the trapped words. "I-I don't know what you're referring to."

His eyes latched onto me, had me riveted. "Niklaus and Damon's actions have condemned you."

It was all I needed to know he knew I was dying, and I couldn't be saved. I think he was more hurt than angry. He confessed how hurt he felt. He stated I was selfish because I knew all our family had been through and all they have lost and yet I made them believe all was right, playing make belief. I had never seen him so broken, in distress and desperate. "Elijah, I am so sorry-" I began but he cut me off.

"You knew what we lost. I gave you my word that you are a part of my family and that I will always do everything in my power to keep you safe. We trusted you and you could not do the same. Where did I go wrong?"

The tears poured down my cheeks and I ran to him, hugging him because I couldn't see him in the state he was in. I had to find a way to diffuse the situation. He wasn't meant to know. "I'm so sorry Elijah..." slowly raising my hands from my sides towards his temples. I was a blithering mess. He lunged backwards and gripped my arms.

"I will not let you do what you did to my brother. You will not wipe my memory again." He kept his fury in check, but I knew it roared through him.

"Elijah you can't tell our family! They will not be able to handle it! Damon and Klaus, it will eat them alive if they knew it was because of them and Kol—I can't begin to fathom what it would do to him!"

"You think that justifies your actions? What do you think will happen to us if we lost you without any explanation or good reason?"

"I don't know!" I shot back, my own rage gripping me.

"When will you open up your eyes and truly see what lengths we will go for you!"

"Elijah! I know what you're all capable of! You can't save me! That is what you cannot see and that is what will be your biggest downfall!"

He scoffed. "You said you trusted me! Why did you not trust me this time?"

My shoulders slumped as I sighed. "I do trust you, Elijah. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you!"

His hold on me loosened and my arms fell to my sides. "How long did you know?"

"Since you all bought me back from the dead."

Crossing the floor and walking over to the window, he stared out. He didn't say anything for a long time. I kept glancing back at the door for fear of someone entering. "Elijah say something!"

"I'm afraid I have nothing left to say." He turned back to me once again, one hand gripping the drapes.

"You can't tell anyone you understand right?"

"You leave me with no choice. It's better we all know and if we work together-"

"For crying out loud! What part of you can't save me do you not get Elijah?! Qetsiyah gave me a year, but I've mucked it up by doing magic!"

His hand dropped. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "Every time I use powerful magic it chips away at my life, speeding up my death. I may not even have half a year left with all the magic I've used."

A second later he was an inch away from my face. "This is why we need to inform the family!"

"No! You will do no such thing! I mean it Elijah. Don't make me hurt you!" I raised my hand, curling my fingers, ready to inflict him with a wave of pain.

"Go ahead, you underestimate me my dear."

"Please Elijah!"

He shook his head.

"Fine!" I turned away from him, positioning my body towards the door where he stood by a second later; with his back to me, ready to leave.

"You've left me with no choice! If you leave this room and you tell our family, I swear to you that I will leave." He spun back around and like slits, his eyes narrowed. "I swear to you Elijah I will leave before you even get the chance to open your mouth. So go ahead and test me."

He set one foot out. "If that's not enough to persuade you, then I'll just have to take my life right in front of you and good luck trying to bring me back because it won't happen!" I cried out.

He whipped around, eyes in disbelief over what I spewed. "You wouldn't." Betrayed by my wicked ultimatum. I felt sick to the stomach, but I knew I had to be strong.

Raising both palms, summoning every bit of power in me. "I'll self-destruct. Is that what you want?"

He lunged forward, arms out in attempt to take me down. Flicking my right wrist sending him stumbling back.


The windows rattled, threatening to shatter. The power swished around us. The more vehement it grew the more of my life slipped away. Fighting through his restraint, he broke free and charged, taking me down with him. "You have me defeated. I won't tell them; you have my word!" His head hung low.

Releasing a harsh breath, i staggered back up and held onto my stomach. Watching Elijah back on his feet, he repeated in heaves of breath, "you have my word."

"Thank you." He said nothing and giving me one last look of defeat, he vamped out, leaving behind a gush of wind. Hearing footsteps I hurried back into bed and pulled the duvet over me, snapping my eyes shut. Voices. Kol and Elijah. They spoke low but I could discern each word. "Elijah, lurking outside my room."

"Oh, come now little brother, lurking is much too of a harsh word don't you think? I was merely checking up on Sophia."

Kol snorted. "Lighten up brother."

My heartbeat was so fast and so loud I feared it would give me away. I begged for it to settle before Kol made an entrance. Just as he strolled in, my breathing fell under control. The lights were left on, he switched it off and moved about in the room. Feeling the warmth as he brushed by to switch the lamp light on. I dared not move a muscle. Warmth trickled through me the moment the back of his fingers brushed my cheek. He stood hovering over me, eyes soaking up the sight for several minutes.

I awoke the following morning in bed, caressed by the warm sunlight and a smiling Kol. Turning my body I placed a hand on his face, stroking him. I giggled at the feeling of his light stubble that felt strange against my fingertips. The growl from my stomach told him all he needed to know. "I'll go bring you some breakfast." Kissing the top of my head, within a flash he was dressed and out the room. I was genuinely happy. There was contentment and I told myself in the end, it will all be okay. The phone chimed beside me. Reaching out I grabbed it and squinted as the screen turned on. A message from Rebekah notifying me that her and Freya were heading to New Orleans in search of answers. They weren't giving up. They were persistent. So eager to save me. Bit of a coincidence they left before I could even get my moment of giving them an earful!

Blowing out air I tumbled out of bed, feeling much more invigorated. Staring at myself in the mirror, I was no longer bothered by the weight gain around my stomach. My reflection smiled back at me. A gentle knock at the door. "Come in." I called out, straightening out my dress. The door clicked open, and in strut Laura.

"Hey, do you want to join me and Elijah for a day out?"

I beamed. "You and Elijah? Why of course I'd love to." I winked teasing her, knowing I never was able to muster that trick. Elijah wanted me to join? Or was this his way of keeping up with the facade of life being normal? Whatever normal was. I hated myself for what I did to Elijah, leaving him with no other choice.

"Don't do that again!" She laughed, throwing her head back. "You're terrible and should leave the winking to the experts."

"Mean!" I shot back. Kol entered with a tray filled with food. A platter of fruits, baked goods, scrambled eggs, and plenty of juice.

"Smells so good." I delighted, closing my eyes, and inhaling in the aromas. Placing the tray on the bed he patted the space before him.

"I'll leave you two alone." Laura smiled, taking her leave. Waving her off I sat before Kol on the bed and stuck in. I was hungry and just wanted to get a bit of everything in me. Breakfast was a treat. Foolishly I thought, I'd devour everything before me, but I couldn't. I ate my share and a half. He ate the rest of the food, trying to convince me to take a few more bites here and there.

"So..." I began. "I heard whispers of my sister-in-laws planning my birthday which isn't until next month, anything you have to say?"

Finishing off the last bite of toast he shook his head. "I don't know what to say darling, other than I've been sworn to secrecy."

"You, an original vampire sworn to secrecy, and you obliged?"

He shrugged. "Caroline can be scary."

"I don't want a big celebration."

"You don't get to decide that."

"Bloody hell, thanks for that!" I rolled my eyes, slipping out of bed and rubbing my belly.

"You're gorgeous, so perfect." Once again, I blushed to his adulation. I truly was on top of the world with him by my side.

"Thank you." I expressed, giving him a twirl. "Elijah and Laura must be waiting, I've got to go. I'll see you soon." I bent down, kissing him softly. As predicted, Elijah and Laura waited at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes flickered from the stairs and onto me. Though he smiled, his eyes told me something more. I never felt this much guilt in my life, so remorseful and so ashamed. Jogging down, I greeted them and together we headed out. We hadn't planned out what we wanted to do. Everything was spontaneous. From visiting Camden market, eating churros and trying out bubble waffles, to visiting an underrated bookstore. The interior and exterior of the bookstore was timeless. The shelves of books reached the ceiling. Every book with a different binder and size and thickness. I could quite completely get lost within it.

We spread out, exploring the store from top to bottom. There were books I've read and been around while they were in the process of publishing, and books that I had not read. Every genre known to man. "Look what I found!" Laura exclaimed. She slammed the book down on the polished brown table. Moving closer I read the front cover.

"Grimm's' twisted fairy that the original book cover and binding?" I asked the owner, pointing at the opened book, jaw slacked.

The owner smiled. "Yes. We only have two copies left."

"We'll take both." Elijah announced, stepping forward and reaching into his blazer pocket he pulled out cash which he then placed in the hands of the owner. His gaze was wide and fixed, jaw dropped. Finally, he managed a thanks. He turned his eyes on me. "One copy is yours and the other, Laura's." After what I pulled, why was he being so good to me?

My eyes and nose crinkled with my smile, his kindness breaking through me. "Thank you, Elijah." I made a mental note to read the book as soon as I got home. We left the bookstore and decided to head for the Thames River boat. The streets were bustling. The sun was shining which meant people were out and about basking it in. Walking through the crowd, i made contact with a group of men and women who stared at me with blank expressions. Paying them no attention, I continued down the path. I looked to my left, finding Elijah was no longer by my side. "Laura, where's Elijah?" Immediately something felt off.

She glanced around, apprehensive. "He was here a minute ago...we must have lost him in the crowd."

Looking over my shoulder, it was truly packed. Searching for his face, I had no luck. There were far too many people. I turned around fast, slamming into a stranger. Laura grabbed my arm, turning on her heel to run, only to be shoved back by two bulky looking men. We were cornered by the same group of people I made brief eye contact with. "Which one of you is Sophia?" The purple haired woman questioned, squaring herself as she took a step closer. Pulling a face, I inspected her up and down.

Before I could speak, Laura cut through. "I am! What do you want?"

Their eyes glowed amber. "Werewolves." I grumbled. They paid no interest in me. I gripped Laura tightly. "What are you doing?"

She shoved me back. "I'll ask again, what do you want from me?" She took a fighting stance, ready to pounce.

"That's not your business. If you want your little friend alive, you'll come with us—dead or alive."

Stepping forward I scoffed. The woman crumpled to the floor, screeching, and clawing at her face. Narrowing my eyes, I turned to the lanky man, forcing him to his knees. He clutched his head, howling in agony. The others charged, separating us. Holding off on using magic, I relied upon my combat skills. Instead of looking at who pushed me, I tried to save myself from falling. Grabbing the lamp post I hauled myself up. The man continued to advance. I waited till he got closer and struck. Crack. He landed on the floor, face down. Brining my foot down on the back of his neck, I struck hard. He tried phasing into his wolf form but failed. I searched for Laura. Three against one. She fought off one only to have two more lunge at her.

They crashed to the floor, pinning her down. "Laura!" I shrieked. Heads snapped. The realisation sunk in. She wasn't who they were looking for. Loosening his grip on her was his first mistake. She kicked him down and shoved her hand through his chest, yanking out his oozing heart. The group split. Three charging for me while the others fought her.

"Sophia run!" She ordered.

I didn't obey. The three wolves leapt into the air, coming into their true forms. My magic faltered. Without my talisman I was weak. Turning on my heels, I pelted. A sickening crunch. Tearing of flesh. Gurgling. I froze. "Sophia, it's okay. It's me Elijah." Slowly I pivoted. The three wolves lay dead before his feet. Using his handkerchief, he wiped himself clean of their blood.

"Laura! We need to go!" Grabbing his arm, I ran. She still remained in their locks, trying to fight them off. My footsteps alerted them. Dropping her they turned for me. She jumped in front, tackling them.

"We don't want you!" Growled the blond man. Using his vampiric speed, Elijah hurled himself at them. The four now split into a group of one and three. The blond man barrelled across the road. I retreated knowing I couldn't win the fight. He forged ahead. "Sweet thing, come with me and I promise I'll do you no harm. I'll take good care of you." He leered, flashing his teeth. I glanced over his shoulder horrified. To my horror, Elijah had abandoned Laura. The blond man slumped down, folding over, his heart in Elijah's hand. The ground beneath me slid side to side like two tectonic plates.


She shot up, kicking, and screaming. Her eyes darted left to right and right to left. Realising she was home, she settled and her frantic breathing decreased. "What happened? Why-why am I-why am I here?"

Elijah slipped past me. "You emitted a blast from within you and it knocked you out."

"I didn't—the last thing I remember is splitting up and fighting the wolves off..." she searched the room. "Where's Laura?"

He sat on the edge of the couch, placing a firm hand on her leg. "After you released that blast of energy, they split up." He dragged.

"What-what? I don't Understand?"

"It left you exposed and vulnerable and they saw that. They split up and one of them headed for you-"

"That doesn't explain where Laura is! Just tell me where she is!"

"There wasn't enough time Sophia...I had to save one and I chose you." She sat there speechless, her mouth opening and closing, face turning bright with rage. Denial. She turned her face away from him, her chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. He drew in a long breath. "I did what I needed to. Laura, made that sacrifice for you."

She turned her head sharply. "Sacrifice! No, she didn't! You could have saved her, but you didn't! You made that choice for her!" With blind rage she lunged at him. He moved backwards, dodging her attacks. Grabbing her arms i restrained her.

"That is enough!" I yelled in an abrasive manner. Her feelings didn't matter. I couldn't care less what she thought and whether Laura died. She tried fighting me off. Gripping her arms harder I sat her back down. "ENOUGH! You will do as I say! Stop trying to be a martyr." She seethed, glaring at me as her nose flared. She shook her head hard. "What do you want to do huh? Attack me like you did Elijah? Go on throw your magic at me!" I continued shaking her. She listened aghast.

"Damon! You're scaring her! She just lost and friend!" Stefan carped, yanking me back.

"I don't care!" I shot back, taking his hand off my shoulder. "She rather die than be alive, here with us! And I'm not okay with that!"

"Look at me Damon! She lost another friend, imagine what she must be going through right now? As her brothers, we need to be there for her. We can't be pushing her away and scaring her!"

I grit my teeth hard, clenching my fists even tighter. It took a few seconds for his words to sink in before I changed my demeanour. Terrified, I turned ever so slowly, meeting her. I watched her fall apart over and over again. The loss turned her feral. "Where is she?" She thundered, shooting to her feet. "I want to see her!"

"You can't!" Elijah snapped. His reaction was out of character. He wasn't one to lose all composure.

"Why not?!" She scathed. Her eyes told me how much she wanted to hurt him. To hold him responsible but she restrained herself from doing so. The way she shot him that murderous look, the way she prowled closer, fists balled.

He opened his mouth but couldn't form the words. Taking pity, I interjected. "Because there's nothing left!"

"What do you mean!" She hissed, preparing to launch herself. Reaching out, I pulled her in and held her close.

"I'm sorry Bitsy...there's nothing left to see of her."

She sobbed into my chest. "What does that mean!"

"Means, they tore her limb by limb." Were his final words. Without another word he turned and vanished, leaving behind a gust of wind. She cried and when she had no tears left to shed, she fell silent, staring into the empty space. The hours stretched, as though time slowed down. It dawned on me just how much she lost. One by one everyone she loved were snatched. I knew internally she was kicking herself, blaming herself. It wasn't her fault. She lay back into the couch, curling up in a foetal position. Our words fell on deaf ears. We weren't visible to her. Her eyelids pulled down, as if closing her eyes would block us out.


I struggled to peel my eyes open. The living room was illuminated from the light of the small fire. My face was left itchy and dry from the crying. I didn't need the mirror to see how blotchy and red my face was, I could feel it. Tucking my hair behind my ears I sat up, my feet feeling the soft carpet under them. Standing on my feet was when I realised everyone was present with me, fast asleep in various positions. They remained with me the entire night, never leaving my side. The light from the fire cast a glow over them. Even Klaus sat on his throne like chair, deep in sleep.

My eyes lingered on Kol, sleeping soundlessly, resting his head on Freya. Tears stained her face. Rubbing my sore throat, I carefully stepped over Bonnie's legs. Every lungful of air robbed me of water from my body. The dull throb at the back of my head grew, threatening to become a powerful migraine. I glanced back at my family once again, a small smile flickering on my face. I was heavy with guilt and loss but seeing them provided me with that small moment of solace.

Stepping into the grand hallway, the cool air nipped at me. No one thought to heat up the entire house. Perhaps they were too caught up with me, they had forgotten to turn the hallway heating. As I neared the kitchen, I could make out a giant yellow orb. With each step I took it became clearer what that source of light was. A candlelight. Furrowing my brows, I entered. Elijah sat on the island stool, his back towards me. Without turning, he spoke. "Why are you awake? You should rest."

Walking over to the tea cupboard I pulled it open, took out a mug, my herbal tea bag and set them down on the counter. "I was feeling thirsty, decided for a tea." I pushed down the button and the kettle turned on, the electrical energy travelled through the coil, turning into heat.

He rose from the stool, rolled up his white sleeves and marched to the sink. Pulling out a tall glass, he gave it a quick rinse and poured in bottled water. "Water is far more beneficial, here." He pushed the glass into my hands. It took me a moments of hesitation before I took a few sips of the water. My throat instantly soothed. We tiptoed around the elephant in the room. I didn't want to address it. I didn't know how I was meant to feel, or what I felt for him. Understanding my silence, he decided to address the issue. "I know you must be angry at me, but I truly am sorry. I didn't have a choice."

I sighed, setting the glass down. "There's always a choice just made the wrong one."

"There's nothing more I can say my dear." He frowned.

"Tell me, was it a hard choice? Did you hesitate? You don't have to answer it if you don't want to."

There was a brief moment of silence. The air grew heavy and dense. A tiny part of me hoped to hear him say what I wanted to hear. To hear him say he was pained, and it was hard for him. "No, it was not a difficult choice." It was enough for me to hang my head low. I wasn't willing to hear what he had to say next, turning for the door but he held me back. "I will not let you die, knowing what I know. It is a hurtful truth, but I do not feel the regret of letting someone else die."

I ran out the kitchen and up the stairs to fall apart. First Theo and now Laura. I was meant to die, not them. Yet somehow everyone around me paid the price. There was so much rage in me, but there was nowhere for me to turn.


Pushing the door open she strut in, her hair bouncing with each step. "I'm home Jam jam." She sang, twirling her hair with her finger. The flawlessly presented woman peered through the living room, grinning from ear to ear.

"Laura! Finally, I was beginning to wonder if you switched sides, again." She chuckled lightly.

"Oh come on, as if I'd ever go back to that abysmal family." Grinning, she wrapped her arms around Jameela. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have my memories back. What do we do about the dogs? They obviously didn't get what they wanted."

Pulling away, Jameela focused. "Nothing. I've sent them two vials of blood which they think belongs to her. That way, we'll be rid of them and I'll let the council deal with them. The less abominations we have on this earth the better."

"Perfect!" She burst into wholehearted laughter. "You should have seen the way she reacted to my death...the way she broke and fell apart and poor Elijah thinking I actually cared about anything. Absolutely entertaining!" She twirled her hair once again, biting her lower lip.

Jameela turned back into the living room and resumed her sitting. Taking the book from the coffee table she continued her leisurely reading. "Help yourself to some tea...I would have hosted you but gosh this book is gripping! Almost makes me miss having a lover." She amused, not taking her eyes off the book. Popping herself down on the sofa, Laura dangled her legs over the arm of it, nestling her head into the fluffy cushions.

"I'm good. Let me take in the peace and drama free life."

"As you wish." She hummed, turning over to the next page.

Author's note

I keep getting this fear that my writing is getting bad and the plot line is getting boring. I don't want to bore you😢 I hope you are enjoying it. Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments and don't forget to vote!

Lots of love,

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