Francis: sass,
Jock: big buff,
Jeff: kinda sus,
Herbert: Hidden sus,
Bob: fake dumb but isnt,
Billy: fake smart, talk out of his ass, Jenson: I'll make it your problem if I fuck up,
freezie lad: troll,
Samantha: absolute bitch,
Tiffany: she a hoe.
Santa: Main antagonist, very greedy lad
Side cast: Anthony: I eat glue,
Trisha: Popcorn wielder,
Bing: Know it all but not know it all, Sugar: likes sweets a little too much, Stew: Snorts "snow",
Timmy: replaces sugar with salt, doesn't like Sugar,
Bread: pepper fanatic. Also hotsauce. Oats: throws icing away.
Jelly: not a fan of peanut or butter. Peanut: doesn't like Jelly. Butter: twin of Peanut, not fan of Jelly. Licks butter straight from the tub (bathes in butter but shh no one needs to find out),
Felicia: chair flinger, no one likes her.,