Acknowledge His Heart

By jayneclaire23

174K 4.8K 814

Jasmine has been on wwe's smackdown brand for months, she gets on with everyone except one guy, Smackdown's r... More

Twice In One Day
A New Light
Have Fun
Have Fun Part 2
Worth More
His What?
Old Flame, New Problem
Don't Love Lightly
I Don't Know
What I Want
I'm Done
Need To Know
Bridges Are Burned?
Hopes Dashed
All Along
If You Need It
An Idea
An Idea Part 2
Maternity Shoot
Home Part 2
Reaching Out
Goodbye For Now
Back At Home
A Visitor
On The Way
Daddy's Girl
What He Really Wants
A Suprise For Mummy
An Answer For Daddy
Making Plans
Calm Before The Storm
Tribal Chieftess
A Favour
Wedding Choices
One Down, One To Go
Broken Dreams
Broken Hearts
Nothing Without Him
Packing Up
Being Civil
Clearing The Air
Boy or Girl
Locked In
Locked In Part 2
Family Plans
Day Out
Deja Vu
Getting Better
Suprise & A New Friend
Start Of Forever
Start Of Forever Pt 2
Start Of Forever Pt 3

Stepping Up

2.4K 69 7
By jayneclaire23

Two days later
Colby POV

"Jas you need to eat something" I say holding the plate of food under her nose but she just turns her head away

"I'm not hungry Colby" she sighs

"If you're not going to eat for yourself at least eat for the baby" I say keeping the plate firmly in place.

It had been two days since she found out she was pregnant and since then she had barely eaten anything at all, she wasn't sleeping either and she was exhausted.

"Fine"she sighs popping a single fry into her mouth "there I've eaten"

"That's not what I meant and you know it" I say putting the plate down.

"Look I just wanted to get this talk with Randy over with" she says "then I'll see how I feel"

"Sweetheart I know everything is shit right now but you need to take care of yourself and the baby" I say "please promise me you will start eating"

"I promise" she says giving me a weak smile

Jasmine POV

I know Colby meant well but I just wasn't hungry, I had absolutely no desire to eat, quite frankly all I wanted to do was get into bed and hide under the covers for the next six months I just couldn't face anything.

I knew I had to talk to Randy and I had given myself a couple of days to get my head around everything and now I just wanted it to be over with.

As we walk into the arena Colby takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze, we head to the locker rooms finding the door with Randy's name on it.
I knock gently and then slowly open the door.

"Jas hey I was wondering when I would hear from you" Randy smiles and quite frankly I feel sick.

"Randy we need to talk" I say and he looks from me to Colby

"Alright but was the backup necessary?" He asks

"You bet your ass it is" Colby says through gritted teeth

"Look this won't take long but you might want to sit down" I say sitting on one of the benches and Randy takes a seat opposite me.
"I'm  just going to come straight out with it, I'm pregnant and it might be yours"

"P...pregnant" he gasps "wow that's a little unexpected

"Tell me about it" I sigh

"How did Joe take it?" He asks

"Not good, he walked out of the hospital and he hasn't spoken to me since" I say fighting back the tears

"He what?" He asks "He's just left you to deal with this on your own?"

"Pretty much" I say

"Jas I'm going to support you in anyway I can" he says "if you need me I'll be there, I want to be there for you"

"Thank you Randy, I appreciate that" I say

"I tell you what else I'm going to do I'm going to have a word with Joe, he can't just ignore this" he says

"You just leave Joe to me" Colby says "you go getting in his face will make everything worse"

"Remind me again why your are here?" Randy snaps

"Because my best friend asked me to be here" Colby snaps back "and to make sure you don't take advantage of her again"

"Take advantage of her?" Randy snaps standing up "I would never do that, believe it or not I love that girl, even if she doesn't love me"

"Oh really so why is it that you only appear when she's vulnerable huh?" Colby shouts "you need to let her go and stop holding on to something that isn't there"

"WILL YOU TWO STOP!" I shout "please I don't need this right now" I say standing up, but the second I'm on my feet I go lightheaded and sway.

"That's it you are going to eat something if I have to force feed you" Colby says as he catches me

"She's not eating?" Randy asks

"I'm pretty sure that's what I just said" Colby says sarcastically

"Jas honey you need to eat for you and the baby" he says "you need to take care of both of you"

"See dipshit knows I'm right" Colby says "so now that we are done here I'm taking you for food"

"Alright fine lead the way" I say to exhausted to argue

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