A Z R I E L (A Freenbecky Fan...

By blinksforpinks

7K 303 47

Aelia Isabella Fireheart only has three goals upon entering Ravenwood Academy -A prestigious academy for trai... More



481 18 1
By blinksforpinks



The signage read as the car I was in, stopped in front of the huge gate of the school intended to train supernatural beings like me, the academy was situated somewhere no ordinary human can find. It was concealed by an enchantment so that it can only be accessible to supernaturals. It is my dream to train here, just like my father, he was a noble man and I admire him so much, I want to be just like him, and my mother does not like the Idea of it, don't get me wrong, mom loves dad so much she just don't want me to end up like him.

"Identification?" a tall man with a very built physique visible despite his clothes spoke as I approached the entrance.

I handed him my acceptance letter I received last week.

"Acceptance letter? School started last month, This is overdue." He again spoke and stared at me suspiciously.

"It was sent to me last week, There's a date indicated there."
He opened the letter and his expression confused me, he stared at me and asked me if I was somehow related to Einar.

"Yeah, He's my father."

"Well I'll be damned." He chuckled. "Come in" He opened the gate and ushered me inside.
"You wait here and I'll signal Ms. Lim that you have arrived."

I sat on a bench and took my time to admire the place where I have always wanted to be at. This is it, dad. I'll do everything I can to follow your footsteps. I'll make you proud. I whispered to myself.

"Ms. Fireheart" A beautiful woman called to me as I stand up to greet her.

"Yes, that's me." She extended her hand for a handshake which I gladly took.

"I'm Ammara Lim, Welcome to RAVENWOOD academy, I'm the administrator for the academy's Student affairs." She looks like an angel with a very sweet smile and the softest voice ever, and she looks very young like only a few years older than me. "Follow me, Ms."

We started walking while I continue to roam my eyes around the place. Damn, this place is very huge, as we are walking we passed by some students talking or playing around, what mesmerizes me is that they were using their powers and joking around freely. I grew up not really able to use my gift as freely as I want, sure my dad taught me how to properly control it and trained me to fight, but living in a place where normal human beings are, kind of restricts me from exploring my powers more. But hey, In our world, natural and supernatural human beings coexist, but super beings having the ability so unnatural, most of the times scared the naturals, that is why we kind of avoid letting them see us use our powers. But here, In this place, I can use my ability freely, the thought paints a smile on my face.

"How are you feeling right now Ms. Fireheart?" I heard Ms. Lim asked as we stopped in front of a door with an engraving on it, Ammara Davika Lim. "This is my office, Come in." I followed her inside and she ushered me to sit on the chair in front of her table.

"I feel excited, It has always been my dream to join this Academy." I answered to her earlier question to me. "But can I ask something?" She nod her head. " The man from the gate told me that class already started like a month ago. Why was the letter for me arrived just last week?"

"Oh, that. There was just some error in sorting the papers, we apologize."

"Oh, no, it's okay. I was just confused. So I missed a month of lectures then?" I asked.

"Yes, but don't worry Ms. Fireheart. We got it covered for you" she said as she took out some papers and books and hand it to me. "This is the student handbook, the rules and regulations of the Academy, read it since you missed the orientation for the new students, but I'll have someone guide you and orient you still." I nod as I took the handbook from her. "And this are the lessons you missed, Just read it. It's not really much, you can catch up easily. Now, We give new students a week to settle down here and everything before you are required to attend classes." Settle down, fvck my things. "Where are your belongings Ms. Fireheart?" She asked me, Oh damn I left it at the car that picked me up and brought me here, I was so mesmerized by the place that it completely left my mind.

"About that, I left it at the car." I facepalm myself, so stupid.

Ms. Lim just gave me a sweet smile as she handed me what looks like a cellphone and a card.
"Your things are waiting for you in your dorm room." She hand me what looks like my room key. What? My things are already in the dorm room? I was confused but did not question her as my attention is on this device that I am holding.

"That is the RW student device. I'll have someone explain it to you, he'll be here in a few, and that is your identification card." Identification card? It's blank though? This is all very confusing.
I was about to ask her but we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Ms. Lim called out and the door opened and came in a guy who looks older than me. "Mr. Daeng" Ms. Lim called while the guy sat in front of me. "This is Ms. Aelia Fireheart, Our new student" I smiled at him as he did the same "I assign you to guide her and help her settle down here, Brief her in also with the school rules and regulations and the basics of the academy."

"Copy that Ms. Lim." He looked at me. "Let's go." He stood up and bow to Ms. Lim, I did the same.

"Again welcome to Ravenwood Academy Ms. Fireheart." Ms Lim said and responded with a thnk you and smiled at her.

I follow the guy outside the office with the books and the device.

"So," He started off once we stepped out of Ms. Lim's office. "I'm Henry Daeng,"

Reaching for his hand that was stretch out for me to shake I introduced myself to him "Aelia Isabella Fireheart, it's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Fireheart," he smiled as we shook hands "I'm one of the senior students here and as you already know I was assigned by Ms. Ammara to assist you," I nod my head "I'll brief you in with the basics around the school." He lead me to walk beside him as he started speaking. "So the first thing you have to know is that the halls are tricky."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"The school halls are bounded by some spell, the walls, like playing tricks with the new students" he chuckled "Since you're new here, you might be lost around here if you're alone." He said as if it's a normal occurrence here, wait, is it?

"Wait, what?"

"You don't have to worry though, here" he said as he shuffled with his backpack and handed me what looks like a bracelet "you can wear this, it has like a counter spell to the enchantment casted on the halls, you should wear this until you familiarize the place, or until the place familiarizes you."

"I'm really confused." I stated truthfully.

"The enchantment around the halls were casted by the founder himself, it was made so that intruders won't have the freedom to roam around the school, although it's kind of a little flawed cause during the early years since the school was established students were constantly getting lost around, so it's kind of bad amongst new students, so Lady Sadie Ravenwood, the great granddaughter of the founder, came up with these little bracelets enchanted with a spell which counters the one casted by Lord Alaric Ravenwood. If you're still confused, you can find books in the library you can read about the history school."

"Okay. Thanks for that." I told him, looking up to him cause this guy is so freaking tall.

"It's no problem, it's what I'm assigned to do." He smiled "Oh, Let me warn you about the restricted door on-" He continued but I started getting distracted when I felt like someone is watching me. I look around but found that the students around here are doing something else. "You okay?" I heard henry asked me.

"Huh?" I looked at him

"You seem distracted?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I just feel like someone's watching me."

"Oh, don't worry about it. You're new, that's why." I nod my head on him but still feels a little uncomfortable.

I shook my head and ignored the feeling and listened to what Henry is saying.

After a few hours, Henry walked me to the dormitory and told me to just message him if I need some help or question with something in which I nod my head and thanked him before he left.

I proceeded to the Left wing Room 2-05, it was where I am assigned to room at.

I knocked on the door even though I have a key cause I don't want my roommate to get startled if I just entered the room suddenly.

"Hi" A very beautiful girl greeted me after opening the door of the room, She's so beautiful that I'm so freaking stunned and forgot to greet her back.

"Hey? Ms, are you okay?"
This girl is probably one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen, just damn. "Miss?" I heard her called me that's when I snapped back to reality embarrassed by how mesmerized I was with her beauty that I completely ignored her.

"Fuck!" I whispered then hastily recomposed myself before speaking "I'm sorry. Hi, I'm Aelia Fireheart" I extended my hand to her for a handshake then giving her a genuine smile.

She did not accept my hand but smiled at me "I'm sorry, I don't really do handshakes." She explained, letting out a breathy chuckle.
"But, My name's Kalliste Neredras, You can call me Kali." Then she ushers me inside the room where I saw my things already there.
"It was outside the door when I get back from class, They must've dropped it off, I saw it has your name so I took it here inside since I've already been notified that you're going to be my roommate." Kali stated pointing at my things maybe figuring out my confusion.

"Oh, Thank you." She just shrugged off and smiled.

"By the way, I cleared my things from the bed so that you can choose which bed you like." Damn, She seems very nice.

"What? You didn't have to do that, I'm okay with whichever."

"Nah, I'll let you choose since you're new. So, which would it be?"

"Fine, I'll just go with the one on the right."

"Sweet." She said then walked on the other bed then lay down.

I copied her but instead of laying down I sat on the other bed. "Is this your original bed?" I asked her, referring to the bed I chose.

"No." She chuckled, "If I had known you'll choose that one then I should've never removed my things here. But, anyways" she sat up. "Ms Fireheart"

"You can just call me Aelia or Bella."

"Bella?" She asked confused.

"Yeah, it's from my second name, Isabella." I explained

"Okay, Bella. Are you hungry? Do you want to come with me eat at the cafeteria?" She asked me before she stood up and walked near the door.

"No, I'm okay. Go ahead." I dismissed "I still need to fix my things."

"Are you sure? I can help you with that later." She offered. Is she really this kind or is this just a prompt?

"No, Kali, It's fine." I smiled at her.

"Okay, but I'll bring you some food when I come back." She announced then exits the room before I can even answer her.
I just shook my head smiling then laid down on my bed closing my eyes for a little rest.

A/N: I apologize if there are grammatical errors, english is not my first language.

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