Rise of The Guardians: Hallow...

By Jack_1_Frost

15K 596 180

-COMPLETED- It's 3 days before Halloween. Jack Frost and the Guardians prepare for their first Halloween toge... More

A Very Spooky Party
Party Crasher
Jack, I'm Jake
The Search
Where's North?!
The First Sip
Jack Go Bananas
Author's Note heh...
What Is Happening?
A Journey Begins
Revelation Pt. 1
Revelation Pt. 2
A New Awakening
Out of Control
Their Bond
A Plan
I will be there
A Quiet Emergency
A Little Good
Sleep Tight
One Step Closer
It's Time
Happiness and Warmth
The End: A/N

Some Comfort

139 10 3
By Jack_1_Frost

*No One's P.O.V.*

It was late into the night while everyone was soumd asleep that Jamie had woke to the sound of nearly inaudible mumbling. He looked around, thankful that the moon was bright enough as to be able to tell the different people shaped lumps apart.

Once his eyes scanned over the empty space where his best friend was supposed to be, he did a double take. Jack wasn't there. The mumbling, he remembered. He quietly got up and began to follow where he thought the mumbling might be coming from.

He saw a small pond, about the size of a large kiddie pool, with a slim figure peering into it. He noticed the red eyes glowing in the reflection and almost didn't recognize the person as his beeloved friend.

As Jamie stared, the mumbling had stopped and the figure- Jack was now looking in his direction, making the smaller boy snap back into reality and fteeze up at his friend's haunting gaze.

"What do you want?" Jacks voice came out low and almost eratic. This scared Jamie, for reasons he couldn't quite discern. Jack's facial expressions were calm, yet intense, as if he were almost anxious or stressed.

"What do you want?" The taller boy repeated, tone the same as before. This time Jamie replied. "I... I-I couldn't sleep and when I saw that you were gone, I.." he trailed off, not sure if he should mention the mumbling since the last time someone mentioned something, Jack almost snapped.

Said boy merely blinked and looked off to the side. "Worried I might find another victim to drain?" He asked in a snarky yet annoyed tone, the eraticness he previously had seemed to be dissipating. "What?!" Jamie shouted in surprise, earning the return of the intense red-eyed stare and a harsh "sh!" From the older boy.

The younger took a deep breath, "No not at all. I just care about you, Jack. You know that." He had a pleading and almost sad look. Jack's gaze softened, for the first time that whole day. Jamie had almost missed it, the softness that was almost always there in his friend's eyes.

"What's wrong Jack? You can talk to me, you know you can," Jamie took a step closer and the vampire boy abruptly stood and took an equal step back. So many thoughts were running through Jack's head, almost making his vision swim. "I'm dangerous, kid. Don't.." he breathed out, the eratic tone becoming more prominent, along with a bit of fear.

Jamie took quick notice. "You'd never hurt me, I trust you Jack." The small boy pleaded. The taller shook his head and Jamie took notice as his intense red eyes faded to orange. This gave Jamie a small sense of relief.

"I don't want to hurt anyone- but he-" the older boy realised what he'd said and grew pale. Jamie stopped what he was about to say. "He?" He questioned. Jack looked on the verge of panic. He'd said too much. This was the end for him.

Woopsies!~ The voice sang in his head.
Look what you did! You did a big uh oh~ It chuckled tauntingly at Jack, who was flying into a full on panic at this rate. "N-no! I didn't mean to- I- Shut up!" He didn't realise he'd been talking out loud. Jamie's heart broke at the sight. His friend was so scared, as was Jamie, but his friend seemed utterly terrified.

"Jack," Jamie coaxed, taking a slow step towards the panicking boy. Jack jumped, startled and Jamie was now right in front of him. "It's okay. I think I understand now, but you need to breathe and keep your voice down or we'll attract unwanted attention, yeah?" Jamie gave a soft smile and the other boy seemed to listen.

He took a big deep breath and ran a hand through his messy hair, the voice being pushed to the back of his mind for now. "You've had a hard day, lets get some sleep okay?" The younger boy gently took the older's hand, Jack nodding in aggreement.

"I'm sorry, Jamie," Jack's voice was quiet and sad, Jamie nodded. "Don't be, its going to be okay," he replied, leading them back to camp. Jack gathered their blankets and propped himself up on a tree, wrapping his arm around his little brother-like friend, and wrapping a blanket around them both.

Jamie hugged Jack tightly and protectively, as said boy gave an exhausted huff. Jamie chuckled softly, making Jack smile a little. He smiled! Jamie cheered inwardly, happy to have his friend act like his usual self, even if its only for tonight.

Jack fell asleep rather quickly, much to Jamie's surprise and relief and so he too decided he should rest as well.


Morning came and everyone had woken up, except for one spirit-turned vampire and one little boy. Both, giving off soft snores and snuggled tightly next to eachother, Jamie almost completely in Jack's lap.

The others took quick notice of the pair and smiled softly once they made sure  that neither were harmed in any way, specifically Jamie. The group devided to let them get extra shut-eye while breakfast was prepared, and a few pictures were taken.

Jamie was the first to stir. "Mornin' sleepy head," Tooth smiled as she offered him a plate, making sure to keep her voice down. The boy gave a big sleepy grin, mumbled a "thank you" and chowed down.

"Mind if I asked what happened last night?" She asked, glancing cautiously at the sleeping Jack. "He was stressed out and couldn't sleep so I tried to help any way that I could," was the only response he gave.

Any other questions that were asked were either 'unheard' or answered with a "hm." Jamie wasn't going to tell a soul what had happened the previous night, not even how Jack's eyes flickered from red to orange when he spoke to 'him'.

Jack shifted under Jamie but it was barely noticeable. His eyes peeked open and he frowned when he was met with sunlight, although he was under a nice shady tree. He huffed, and decided the 5 more minutes of sleep couldn't hurt anyone. The others noticed this and smiled softly, deciding to let him rest a bit before bothering the boy.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

I hope you enjoyed this kind of soft chapter! Im sorry for taking forever to update im just dealing with alot right now but thanks for all the support! I love you all!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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