Those Ocean Eyes and That Cha...

By DanielleMCU

277K 6.7K 16.7K

"You're staring." Bucky speaks with some insecurity in his voice "You can't blame me, Barnes." I shake my hea... More

Author's Note
Trigger Warnings
Author's Note
Playlists and Songs Used


2K 40 145
By DanielleMCU

A week and a half has passed by since that dreadful, awful mission and Tony hasn't let me go on any missions because of all the missing memories that include trigger words and habits so I don't go full Winter Soldier on them as stupid as it sounds but I know he is worried with how sensitive he has been since that day. They said it wouldn't be a big deal because they already have a plan in set for Bucky incase he ever switches but they're just making sure so I get it. Tony also gave me a custom bracelet he made that night to wear that has a tracking device in it and if anything happens- God forbid, he can disable my magic which I don't know how that works but it sounds draining along with the fact that I'm not allowed to take it off and couldn't if I tried as it sits on my left wrist, looking like a regular bracelet but made out of vibranium and painted black.

I haven't had any bad days surprisingly except for when I go to bed and the nightmares strike. It was fine at first, just a simple shadow walking beside me but it quickly turned into flashbacks that had me screaming awake in the middle of the night. Bucky was a real sweetheart and immediately wrapped me in his arms, calming me down and telling me it wasn't real and I wasn't there anymore. We sat on my bed as he rocked me back asleep, whispering words of comfort and never let me out of his arms for the rest of the night. Clint's words and apple slices really helped me get back to acting like everything was normal as well but of course, there is that lingering doubt in my mind but it quickly goes away when the team also acts like nothing happened and doesn't look at me any differently.

Speaking of Clint, we ended up spending more time together when Bucky and Steve went out on their runs or trained and on one of those days, Clint knocked on my door and asked if he could teleport and I was beyond excited when I jumped off my bed, running to the elevator with Clint jogging behind me in laughter. I set up an area for us using the Five Twenty Method just like the rest of the team minus Peter, Tony, and Bruce. He was a little worried at first but quickly got the hang of it and only got a little dizzy and after he did eventually recover, he wanted to teleport across the tower so we spent time in the SHIELD cafeteria, scaring almost everyone around us which quickly became a game when we would teleport into the vents and crawl through to find highly populated areas and then teleport in front of the group, scaring everyone.

Right now, I sit on the crescent shaped, red couch in the living room, watching different Disney and Pixar movies because I was blessed with my period three days ago, ugh. The cramps aren't bad but the mood swings and cravings send Bucky up the fucking wall which made me laugh at how confused he got when I was screaming at him one moment then immediately cried when I felt bad and he had absolutely no idea what to do except for grab my computer and do some heavy research after he got me settled down. As I am cuddled in a fluffy blanket I conjured and the panda from mine and Bucky's date, now waiting for him to come home with food, the elevator opening and heavy footsteps that I haven't heard in over two weeks makes me pause my movie.

"Thor?" I ask and turn my head to see him walking in with his big smile. "Thor! You aren't supposed to come back for another week!" I smile through my happy greeting

"Yes, but when Heimdall told me about your past that has finally surfaced, I had to come back immediately to bring some happiness." Thor replies and comes over to the right side of the couch with many books stacked in his large hands

"You didn't have to do that." I frown and sink lower into the cushions when that dark cloud reminds me it will always be over my head

"Of course, I did!" He booms his countering words as he sits down next to me which bounces the cushions slightly. "You gave me those Oreos fries and I wanted to return the favor." He smiles wide

"Thor." I laugh and cross my legs while setting my panda in the space between them. "They're called 'fried Oreos' but I'm glad you liked them."

"Ah, yes." He rolls his eyes playfully at my correction he always appreciates because he always wants to get the language and 'lingo' here right so he doesn't seem too out of place. "But, I have talked to my brother and mother about you and your mystic abilities, little one." He lifts an eyebrow at me

"Oh, god." I drop my head against the back of the couch and close my eyes in embarrassment that lifts a pink hue to my cheekbones. "Tell me Loki isn't going to come for my head." I sort of beg and only half joke

"I would correct your words to jealousy, but he will not admit it." He chuckles and shakes his head while setting the books on the glass coffee table in front of us that all have different colors and styles on the front. "I have brought you some special books." He holds his hands out to the covers that look like they were were made from leather with no creases and recently polished

"I can see that." I lean forward to gaze at the different designs on each that have their own gem in the middle with magic swirling behind the glass looking material in the colors green, purple, red, and yellow. "It's pretty." I compliment

"Loki was very impressed with your most recent battle." He nods. "He said your magic is very similar to Asgardian and believes one of your ancestors were Asgardian who possessed our magic." He casually mentions but he surprises me when my eyes pop open wide

"Woah, hold up." I snap my head in his direction and look at him. "So, you're saying I'm Asgardian?" I ask in disbelief

"No, little one." He shakes his head and I purse my lips in disappointment. "The Asgardian gene dates back a few thousand years before I was even born so it has died off but the magic has been flowing through your bloodline for quite some time." He explains

"What?" I whisper in shock. "My ancestors also possessed magic?"

"Again... no." He frowns regretfully but I smile at my wrong assumptions. "Magic is not a dominant gene unless you are Asgardian along with your birth parents and that is if you possess the ability. The magic was hidden until you were born and decided to surface from being hidden for so long."

"Wow." I shake my head. "That's a lot."

"I know." He smiles and moves to place a heavy hand on my shoulder that makes me look at him. "Mother and Loki are very interested in your abilities so they have gifted you four spell books designed specifically for you and your magic." He presents

My mouth drops open and attempts to form some sort of English but I am speechless at the words that just came out of Thor's mouth. He laughs at my reaction and drops his hand from my frozen frame to lean over and pick up the first book that has a green gem on the front. I immediately move my panda to the side and grab the book where I feel the soft but strong leather against the pads of my fingers. The second my fingertips graze the book, my magic surfaces without my permission and flows onto the cover that makes me flinch at the uncontrollable movement and it doesn't bother me when the magic following the almost lace like designs illuminating the dark leather catches my attention pretty well. My magic falls into the gem where the green, gold, and navy blue magic swirl together until it glows bright and turns back into the green like before.

"Seems like the books accept your magic." Thor says after noticing my confused but shocked expression. "There was a chance that they would not accept your magic." He shrugs when I glance at him

"So, I wouldn't be able to use these?" I ask and hold up the green book that I shake a few times in a motion

"You... would." He hesitates a little and nods his head to the side. "It would be rather hard to learn the spells but, your magic was accepted which means you will learn and excel rapidly." He smiles confidently

"Awesome." I smile wide when I start getting excited. "Now, I'm guessing these are different because of the colors?" I ask

"You are correct this time." He nods and I scoff a laugh at his tease. "Loki designed this one." He reaches over and taps the crystal that makes the magic inside move away from his finger like he has some sort of plague

Thor's eyebrows furrow deeply as he looks at the magic suddenly pushing to the edges of the gem like a crowded subway so it doesn't touch his finger and leaves a black space under the clear crystal. He sighs when he comes to a conclusion and rolls his eyes as he lifts his finger to let the magic fall back to the center like a swarming tsunami with how free and careless the magic acts as it caves in on itself. Curiosity gets the best the best of me and I press my finger on the crystal to watch the magic gather under my finger instead of around the edges and is not trying to get away like it did with Thor. He chuckles beside me as I start to run my finger all over to gaze at the water like magic splash up on the sides to chase my finger.

"Of course." Thor laughs contagiously which makes me laugh. "My brother designed the book so you will be the only one to access it." He explains and I gasp at the advanced tech

"Holy shit!" I exclaim through my laughter. "This is the best thing ever! Thank you, Thor!" I jump up from my seat and throw my arms over Thor's shoulders, hugging him tight to my chest

"You are very welcome." He chuckles and wraps his arms around my body, holding me to his armor covered chest and telling me how welcome I am when I thank him over and over

"Alright." I break the hug and fall back on the couch. "Tell me what these different represent."

"Right." He clears his throat and taps the front of the book. "This was designed by Loki so most of his magic will be in here since you two possess similar magic. You will find different spells that deal with the mind like telekinesis, teleportation, mind control, illusions, mind reading and so on." He lists off with a wave his hand

As he speaks, I nod my head in understanding and open the book to see and feel the silk like pages that are thinner than paper on the tips of my fingers like they can break any moment which scares me only a little bit. Many detailed pictures and words fill the pages with step-by-step instructions and other sections of what I should feel and see if I do it properly and what happens if I don't. There are also parts that explain how to reverse the spell and the history behind the magic which I love because I know almost nothing about the backstory of my own magic that I was born with and it's all here, everything is written in black, fancy cursive script that gives off heavy prince and Asgard vibes.

"Everything is straight forward." I comment and run my fingers over the dent where the letters were written. "I'm surprised it's not in complex explanations."

"That is because Loki wasn't sure if you would be able to read the Asgardian language since you only know greetings right now." Thor shrugs

"There's the asshole Loki I know." I laugh and my comment makes Thor chuckle

"This next one-" Thor speaks while grabbing the yellow one. "Is the one my mother has designed for you." He says and hands me the book that all look the same except for the different colors with this one not protected like the one Loki made which doesn't bother me and is a little flattering in my opinion that he would take the time to protect it like that. "My mother is head of the healing ward on Asgard is is the strongest healer in the realm so she designed this book to help you expand your knowledge and magic on healing." He explains

"Wow." I shake my head in disbelief that the Queen and Prince of Asgard would take their time to customize spell books just for me and it makes me want to cry but that could just be my stupid hormones talking

Speaking of which, where the fuck is Bucky?

"How advanced is your healing?" Thor asks and his deep voice breaks me from my thoughts

"I can only heal small cuts." I shrug in a small self scold. "I can't really practice because I have to help injured people and they don't really come through as much which is good but difficult for me."

"I think it is in your best interest then to start from the first page of every book even though you already know that material." He suggests

"Yeah, I was already going to do that." I agree and he takes the healing book from my hands to switch it out for the purple one

"This one is for everyday magic like clothing and hair spells but it will also teach you how to conjure and summon items from infinite pockets." He summarizes the book

"Infinite pockets?" I ask with wide eyes

"Every sorcerer or sorceress when strong enough or has the proper training, can place things in magical pockets." He explains and opens the book to the page. "It's a fairly easy spell, the hard part is creating the pockets. After that, you are free to put whatever you want in there and it will always protected." He smiles when pointing to the different steps as he explains

"Huh." I bite my lip in concentration as I look at the different pictures. "Seems easy." I shrug

"Be careful, Y/n." He warns me seriously. "These spells will take a lot of energy when practicing for the first time so take your time and don't get ahead of yourself." He gives me a stern look

"Hey." I say and hold up my hands. "You have my word." I smile and tip my head to the side

"Hmm." He narrows his eyes and slowly looks away from me while grabbing the book off my lap and switching it out for the last one that is decorated with a red gem

"Promise." I add and drop my hands to the book as we break our acts with some laughs before getting back to the spells

"This one is for weapons and anything you need to defend yourself with in battle. It will teach you how to save your magic and even create crimson bands." He smiles and is absolutely loving the talk about battle when he gets the chance

"Crimson bands?" I furrow my eyebrows

"You'll see." He beams in happiness. "But, I shall warn you that this book is on defending yourself in life or death situations so it will teach you different methods of killing your enemy effectively and in traditional ways on Asgard during wars." He continues more seriously. "You must treat this with respect and only use it for good."

"I promise." I immediately nod. "I don't want to go back to that life." I shake my head with a frown

"I don't believe you will ever go back to those horrific ways, little one." He says confidently. "You have matured and grown since you have been here, using your magic or gift as I like to call it for good and good only." He smiles softly

"Thanks, Thor." I press my lips into a smile and look down where I trace the patterns of the leather

Our sort of deep conversation ends just in time for the elevator to chime and signal someone's arrival when the doors open to reveal Bucky and Steve which makes me happy as I toss my spell book aside and thankfully, Thor catches it with a small but scolding look shot at me. I ignore it only because I gasp when I look over my shoulder at the noise of the elevator and turn around in my seat, now standing up on my knees to lean over the back of the couch all with a big, happy smile on my face.

"My love!" I exclaim in all happiness. "Come here! I have something I want to show you!" I say and hold out my hands

"Told you." Steve smiles and shakes his head as he starts for the kitchen after clapping Bucky on the shoulder who stands with a mix of worried, confused, and amused look on his face

"You're not mad or crying." Bucky hesitantly walks over to me with narrowing his eyes and holding a paper bag in his hand. "Where is the real Y/n and what have you done with her?" He says in a playful tone 

"Buck, come on." I almost whine. "I told you I was sorry and I'm fine." I sigh as a smile tugs at the corner of his lips while I toss my head back and sigh a groan before looking back at him when he doesn't believe me

"Are you sure?" He asks as Thor chuckles and stands up, leaving us alone to go talk with Steve in the kitchen as he sets his own paper bag on the island

"I promise, Bucky." I nod with a small smile

"I don't know if I believe you." He smiles and walks around the couch. "The other Y/n was yelling at me an hour ago to go get her food from the cafe." He reminds me

"Well, now she's fine because Thor brought her some books." I roll my eyes again with a small smile and plop down on the cushions

"Did he now?" He hums with that adoring look in his eyes as he gazes down at me

"Yes, now can I show you?" I ask and sit on the couch with my left leg crossed and my right leg resting on top

I prop my left arm up on top of the couch and hold my head in my hand as Bucky doesn't give me an answer when he walks over and sits down next to me, setting the bag on the coffee table before he smiles brightly at my unamused expression and lifts his hands to the sides of my head to grab the oversized hood on my sweatshirt and pull it down to reveal my messy bun I slept in last night with the loose hairs hanging down in my face that are all frizzy around the actual bun.

"You are so beautiful." Bucky mumbles and drops his hands to the blanket where he pulls it back over my sweatpants and picks up my panda to set it on my lap

"Thank you, now can I show you what I got?" I ask impatiently

"Can I have a kiss?" He smirks and leans towards me

"Yes." I sigh but find myself smiling as I bend forward and place my lips on his in a quick kiss and before I can pull away, he slides his right hand to the back of my head, holding my lips to his 

"Mmm." He tilts my head back slightly as he readjusts his position on the couch so he sits closer to me. "That's so good." He mutters

"Bucky, please." I whine against his lips

"I love hearing you say that." He mumbles while wrapping his other hand around my waist. "So fucking sexy of you to beg for me like that." He hums

"Bucky." I repeat a little more sternly

"I haven't had sex with you in three days." He huffs and backs up a little to look at me with those big blue eyes. "I'm getting desperate here." He admits

"You can wait four more days." I tilt my head to the side

"I don't mind a little blood." He scoffs and shakes his head before dropping his expression into that charming smirk he knows will break me. "I also found out that you get very horny on your period and sex helps with period cramps so why don't we test that theory?" He asks and leans back in with his stupid smile I love so much. "You got cramps, baby? I can help you with my cock." He promises

"Sweetheart." I laugh and lean back

"Fine." He sighs and gives up at his attempts to seduce me when he drops his head to my chest, hugging me to his body. "I love you." He kisses to top of my breasts

"I love you more." I chuckle and hug him back while running my hands through his silky brown hair before letting him go and whispering in his ear. "I'll think about it."

"Fuck, yes." He smiles in victory before pressing another kiss to my lips and sits back against the couch throwing his right ankle on his left knee. "Mine." He grabs my panda and positions him in his lap as he throws his right arm over the back of the couch behind my head. "Okay, doll." He finally says. "Show me what you've got."

"Fuck, yes!" I laugh as my own smile of victory molds to my face when I bend over and grab all four books from the table and sit back against his side while bringing my knees slightly up to my chest and rest my thighs against his lifted leg. "Thor brought me different spell books designed specifically for my magic." I start with a cheery smile after getting excited all over again

He just smiles and lets me get my excitement out as I explain what Loki and his mother- whose name I believe is Frigga, said about my magic and how I have Asgardian ancestors but I'm not Asgardian with my magic gene being recessive and that confused him so I tried to explain it deeper until he got more confused so I restarted and put in such baby terms, even he asked me to explain more. He nods understanding at the full story I finally get through with him only asking a few questions about how in the Hell Loki and Frigga knew how the last mission went and when I explained that Heimdall is all knowing and sees everything, all I got was a very confused slow nod.

"Anyways!" I wave my hands in the air before grabbing the first book and setting the rest aside for later. "This is for my magic but has a lot of Loki's magical traits in it since our magic is almost the exact same." I explain and hold up the green book

"Looks cool." Bucky grabs the book when I hand it to him and sets it in his lap to watch the magic in the gem flow away from his metal fingers. "The fuck?" He tries to open the book but fails to and think it's because he's only using one hand so he brings his right hand forward to pry it open but is still unable to. "Why can't I open it?" He asks

"Loki placed a protection spell on it so no one else has access to it except for me." I smile when grabbing the book and opening it to reveal the cursive lettering and colorful pages

"I thought he hated 'Midgardians'" He replies and mocks the word while not at all hiding the jealously in his tone

"Relax, Buck." I pat his chest with the back of my hand as he throws his arm back behind my shoulders after he hums. "Magic is a serious thing and if someone got ahold of these it could be bad so he was being careful especially since it contains his magic as well." I explain with a shrug

"Okay, yeah." He shrugs as well but still lets his jealousy peak through. "I guess you have a point."

"I guess I always do." I sigh and playfully roll my eyes before switching out the green book for the yellow and let him flip through the pages where he tries to understand the words and pictures but we both know he has absolutely no idea what he's looking at. "This one is for healing." I explain and get a nod in return. "I can only heal small cuts and bruises right now but hopefully with this, I can heal bigger cuts and broken bones."

"Yeah, it would be helpful." He chuckles a sigh. "It would really help the team out since Sam likes to get injured a lot." He laughs

"That's only in trainings." I furrow my eyebrows

"Because of you." He smiles lovingly and presses a kiss to my cheek. "Kicking his ass all of the time since I can't anymore." 

"You have a point." I admit and grab the healing book to replace it with the purple one

"Don't I always?" He asks and mocks me

"No. Never." I scoff and shake my head while dropping the book on his lap instead of handing it to him and it makes him flinch when it gets too close to the zipper of his pants

"Careful, baby, or I'll have you kiss it to make it feel better." He laughs as the book hits my panda and slides off his legs but he's quick to catch it and open it up to random page

"Everyday spells like clothes, hair and magical pockets." I move on with pink cheeks he smiles at and kisses

"Pockets." He echos with a confused grimace

"Infinite pockets." I vaguely elaborate with a small smile and slow nod in a tiny brag, expecting him to understand how convenient it is

"Yeah." He mirrors my expression when pretending to understand. "Infinite pockets." He repeats and we burst out in laughter as I bend over to pick up the last book through my giggles and try to get a good grip on it

"Here we go. I think this one is my favorite." I eventually do grip it once our laughter calms down and I hand it to him. "It's used for battle and weapons." I clear my throat

"This looks morbid." He mutters when looking at the pictures

"I know." I shrug. "But, it will really help me when I can go on missions again." I mumble

"Which shouldn't be long and I'm glad you got these books." He smiles and looks over at me

"Me too." I smile back and he sets all four books on the glass table when he moves to sit on the edge of the couch to grab the paper bag full of whatever he got. "What did you get? Smells good."

"I wasn't sure what you wanted so I got you a chicken quesadilla and a Sprite." He says and pulls out the items that he hands to me

"Yes." I sigh and open the container to watch the steam come off the top of the toasted cheese and chicken that makes my stomach grumble and my mouth water

I pick up a slice, not caring about hot it is and take a bite before dramatically falling against the couch with rolled eyes when I feel the satisfaction lift my mood even more. Bucky just smiles as he watches me sway back and forth, eating my food as he takes out his sandwich and Coke before calmly sitting back against the couch. As we eat our lunch, we talk about random things like his journey to the cafe and seeing Barron where he said that Mary now 'works' there but she just stays in the back, talking to Barron and occasionally helping with the light work like frosting cupcakes and organizing the display case so they could spend more time together and Mary can feel like she is useful from her words that Bucky, Barron, and I all disagree with because she is very useful and important in our lives.

Barron does run the store by himself but he also has a few college kids who come in every week to help him do the dirty work for some extra cash like cleaning and lifting heavy boxes when his shipments come in after his high schoolers were too immature for his business and Bucky helped kick them out. My favorite college student is Lincoln, he is twenty two and is currently trying to get his nursing degree after taking a gap year to help his grandma before she passed away from cancer. He said that helping Barron and Mary makes it feel like he's helping his grandma again which made my heart swell when he told me the story. Thor soon came over and updated us on his palace life, saying it was good to be back at home and visiting his family but he missed Midgard and wanted to go out to explore more land. He sometimes goes out and travels to different countries, visiting the popular sites when we don't have missions or tower work.

After updating us on his life and us doing the same, he left to go up to his room to do whatever he does in there which is probably to go take a nap because despite the fact that Asgard's days run slower than Earth's and they don't need as much sleep as us, he still loves his naps and takes them every chance he gets. Sometimes, I think he loves them more than his Pop-Tarts but after a few hours of talking, I lay on the couch with my head in Bucky's lap with me still wrapped in my blanket with my panda cuddled to my chest as he runs his hands through my hair after he took out my hair tie. Steve sits on the couch as well, watching the movie I was watching with my feet on his lap because I absolutely refused to move for anything and settled for lifting and have him slide under my legs. He was confused but when I explained that the position was stopping my cramps, he turned bright red being the innocent forties man he is and nodded before resuming the movie.

But, let's be honest he is not innocent at fucking all.

I have my resources and evidence to back me up.

And you best believe when the time comes where he says some out of pocket shit, I will be exposing that man.

"Doll, you should take some medicine." Bucky suggests when I move around and grip his right hand harder that rests on my stomach. "It's been eight hours and you get bad cramps like your mama." He reminds me

"No." I softly groan through my small twinge of hormonal pain

"Why not, baby?" He asks while gently wiping my fly aways out of my face with his free hand

"Because I don't want to." I shrug and look up at him. "And it doesn't help." I add

"So stubborn." He sighs. "And it does help, you just have to wait for it to kick in. It doesn't work right away like you want it." He softly explains

"I just have to wait until Sam gets here and I'll be fine." I mumble when his metal fingers rake through my hair

"What is Sam going to do?" He asks with distaste

"Uhh." I look at him like he should know. "Help me train and use my new spell book... duh." I mirror his expression

"Okay, pretty girl." He stares at me a little longer before letting a smile break through. "Fair enough." He shrugs and looks back up at the tv

Just as we continue watching tv, the elevator door opens and in walks the person I have been waiting for which is Sam who is already in his Avengers uniform, ready for some training. It makes me forget about my own pain when I jump up from my seat after I see him while throwing the blanket at Steve and my panda at Bucky as they laugh, watching me rush over to Sam. I wave a hand down my front to summon my own uniform while Sam smiles and jogs over to the elevator but before I can follow him, Bucky wraps his arms around my waist from behind and picks me up from my stance after he quickly got up to follow me.

I groan and throw my head back as he chuckles at my frustration for not wanting to take medicine which is where he is taking me when he walks into the kitchen and sets my weightless, limp body on the counter with his strength and walks over to the medicine cabinet. He rummages through it for a while before popping the cap off the bottle he grabbed and pours some out in to his hands which distracts me for a moment when I see the veins in his hand and the shifting plates on the other but I ignore it as I watch him fill up a cup with water and walk back over to me with a small but stern smile on his face, holding out two Tylenol and the cup.

"Medicine before training." Bucky compromises and comes to stand in between my spread thighs

"No." I grimace, not wanting to take the medication

"Take it or you won't train at all." He shrugs and gives me the option. "You pick."

With that threat- in my opinion, I hold his dominant gaze for a little longer before inevitably dropping my shoulders and grabbing the cup from his hand. He smiles in success and presses a kiss to my head in a small, silent praise as he drops the pills into my hand. I quickly take the medicine and open my mouth with my tongue so he knows I didn't cheat the system because I have done that before and he knew when my face contorted at the bitter taste of the pills dissolving at a rate I didn't know exist.

Bucky's smile turns into a smirk when his eyes drop to my tongue to see it resting on my bottom lip after he gets done investigating my mouth for any hidden pill. When he's done, he leans forward and grabs the back of my head while dropping his tongue to rest on his bottom lip as he pulls me into a heated kiss. My eyes flutter close as our tongues touch and lick up in our mouths with my hands finding his biceps quickly to squeeze the hard plates and relaxed muscle. He wraps his left arm around my waist and tugs my hips to his while leaning us back that makes my right hand shoot back to support us.

"Fuck." I breathe and break the kiss from lack of oxygen

Sam and Steve have thankfully left the room which only leaves Bucky and I in the kitchen alone as he continues his sinful act leaving chains of kisses down my jawline and neck, spending extra time on my pulse point because he knows how weak in the knees it gets me which makes me thank him silently for setting me on the counter. My hands run down his chest to feel his sculpted, toned muscles under his thin shirt and his dog tags that clink lightly under the movement of my fingers. The hormones in my body are screaming for something more of him but I hold back and silently curse myself for showing him how to use my laptop knowing he looked up what lovey things to do when his girlfriend is on her period.

It was in the search history.

"Bucky, please." I sigh as he drags his tongue up the side of my throat and kisses the spot under my ear

"Are you begging me to continue?" Bucky asks in that husky voice that pulls me in for everything he wants and needs

"I don't know." I admit after letting my hormones speak for me

He doesn't say anything when his eyes and smirk tell me everything as he kisses a trail back up to my lips, letting teeth clash as he pulls my head impossibly closer to his. He takes control of the kiss by nipping at my bottom lip enough to make my insides spark and head closer to giving into the temptation but the final straw is when he takes my bottom lip in between his teeth and pulls back and gives me a wink before letting it snap back into place then crashes his lips to mine and I finally find the strength to move my hands to his chest, pushing him away. He steps back with that smirk, looking me up and down with red swollen lips and a slightly heaving chest that matches mine as he licks his lips, humming at the taste while I roll my eyes and hop down from the counter.

"You are a tease." I mumble when walking past him

"I wasn't teasing." He shrugs. "I gave you the option but it seems like I have to take matters into my own hands." He decides with his arms crossed over his chest

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask and turn around to face him

"Don't worry about it, my gorgeous doll." He smiles and kisses my forehead 

"Hmm." I hum when he doesn't let me get another word in to settle my curious brain as he walks into the elevator and presses the button to the bedrooms where I assume he is going to clean his guns and sharpen his knives like he always does. "Whatever, Buck." I shake my head with a smile and teleport down to the training room where Sam and Steve fight in full uniform that include the use of Sam's wings and Steve's shield

"Ah, look who finally decided to show up." Sam smirks and catches Steve's shield as he flies to the ground with Steve turning around

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I wave my hand and walk over to them

"As long as you guys cleaned it up." Steve shrugs at his attempt to tease before Sam tosses the shield towards him

"Don't you start." I smile and point at Steve who caught his shield. "I have a lot of shit on you, Captain."

"Huh?" He furrows his eyebrows but then his face drops and turns bright red while Sam looks between us, trying to figure out what just happened. "Hey!" He exclaims

"What?" Sam immediately smiles, wanting to know why his friend turned as red as his shield at a nickname. "What?" He repeats himself

"Nothing." Steve waves him off and they continue sparring. "Let's keep going." He suggests

I laugh and walk to the other end of the mats near the weights and summon my red spell book, absolutely ready and impatient to learn some new techniques to help me so I can stop getting choked on missions. I stand in the middle of my training area in an assumption that I will need to be standing in a huge and open area since this is combat and I open to the first page, skimming through the words that talk about the things I already know like magic blasts and walls so I flip to the next page where something catches my eye. 

"Magic Platforms" It reads. "Method is used when the sorceress cannot fly and needs to get to a higher place in battle or can be used as another way to cushion a fall."

Reading over the instructions and looking at the pictures to make sure I get a good idea of what I am about to do, I close the book and set it on the ground before gently sliding it across the mats with the side of my foot. It's probably a stupid idea to attempt this by myself but when have I ever been careful on a mission? Exactly. It also doesn't make sense to have someone who doesn't know much about magic help me with magic related things so I continue with me standing with my feet shoulder width apart and crack my knuckles, shaking my fingers out to get ready as I bounce on the balls of my feet. I soon open that door to let my magic fall out and flow over every vein that is encased in the protective coats of shielding that brightens the lines on my suit and turns them to a dark blue

After taking a deep breath and dropping most of my magic into my feet so I feel small weights in my shoes like the book said and instructed, I walk forward and slowly gain speed until I am full on running and just before I make it into Steve and Sam's area where they stop fighting for a second, I lift my right foot and push my magic below my foot while still keeping it attached to my shoe. The image is easy when I simply start imagining a staircase step to form until a small disk like circle shoots out from my foot with different patterns heading towards the center where a geometric star sits surrounded by different runes. The platform sparks a bright navy blue supporting my foot and eventually my weight with sparkles shed off of the sides when I press my weight into the thin magic.

I step up onto the platform and feel it solidify under my weight as I swing my left foot to start repeating the same process where the same disk appears, lifting me into the air and this time, it feels easier to conjure than the first time. Thor was right, when you perform the spells once, it's natural and comes easy like I've been practicing for years so I continue running up until I stand above Sam and Steve. The book said not to stop running as the platforms only last a few seconds so on the last step, I push off and do a backflip into the air just to add some spice to the sight when I catch Sam and Steve's attention as I fall to the ground and before my feet hit the mats, I sweep my hands under me to cushion my fall and land into a low squat with a huge victorious smile on my face.

"Damn, those books are really something." Sam smiles and folds his wings into his suit

"Yeah." I sigh and allow my magic to sink back into my skin. "Wanna test it out since I can go in the air now?" I ask him

"Hell yeah, I do." He nods, accepting my sparring offer

"I'll keep watch and score." Steve smiles as well while he steps off the mats and onto the lower ones so he can watch us and help if something goes horribly wrong which it never does but he always likes to be sure especially so Bucky doesn't kill any team members over a bruise I caused myself

"No illusions." Sam recites our rules and starts our match how we always do

"No RedWing." I nod and head into my squat with a small smirk

There is no warning when Sam comes at me after deciding to start with hand-to-hand combat first when he throws a few punches that I block with my forearms to try and find find a weak spot in him which isn't hard. I turn my body to the left and swing my right leg back to send my foot right for his side but his arm clamps down on my calf and stops my momentum. He smirks and turns his body to the left to throw me off balance but I take that as an advantage and as he is swinging me to slam me down, I brace my hands on the sides of my head for when my shoulders meet the ground. When they do, I push into the mats and kick my right leg out of Sam's hold before kicking him under the chin with my left so I am now in a handstand and turned away from him where I quickly cross my legs so I face him, watching his upside down figure recover from the kick to the jaw.

I drop my legs to the left and fall into a crouch with my left leg stretched out and my right leg bent under me just like Spiderman because I have gotten used to training with Peter but also for when Sam runs at me while unfolding his wings to sweep them under me in an attempt to knock me off balance but before his wing makes it to my side, I push up on my right leg to send myself in the air above him and spin to the right, missing his blow entirely. I land on my feet and start my own round of punches but are easily blocked by his wings so I raise my glowing hands and encase his vibranium wings in blue magic and thrust my hands up like a music conductor to make his wings unfold and expose his body, giving me the perfect opportunity to strike. I keep his wings in my magic for a second as I ball my hands into a fist and throw a punch to his face knowing he will block it and when he does, I drop down into a squat, punching him in the stomach that makes him bend over slightly.

He recovers quick when he lifts his leg and kicks me square in the stomach almost in the same spot where I punched him. His kick sends me back a few steps and on my ass but a no-hand kick up has me on my feet in less than a second. Smirking when we finally have enough space in between us, I run after Sam while he braces himself in a squat after expecting me to hit him but I raise my foot, conjuring the platforms under my feet and miss him. He smiles and jumps from his squat to send himself into the air as I jump through the air like the beginning course in American Ninja Warrior. I keep my feet moving as we make it almost to the ceiling while kicking, punching, and blocking each other all the way up to the top. I land a few punches while Sam lands a few kicks of his own and at the last moment of our match, I run up a half step and Sam swings his wings to knock me off my platforms but it doesn't work when I manage to dodge all of them until he lifts his foot, sending the heel of his shoe towards my stomach but he aims a little too high and kicks me in between my collarbones, knocking me off my platforms and the air out of my lungs.

"Shit!" Sam shouts and immediately starts flying after me when I fall towards the ground

"Oh, fuck!" I gasp as I fall towards the mats and summon as much magic as I can before I hit the blue mats that are coming closer and closer to my face

"Grab her, Sam!" Steve shouts while running below me as I spin in the air so I fall with my back towards the ground and I reach out for Sam who also has his hands extended

"I'm trying!" Sam thrusts his wings back so he flies faster towards me and just before my body hits Steve, my hand grabs onto Sam's and he pulls me to his chest when he flies back up into the air so he doesn't hurt either one of us

"Christ!" I exclaim at the jolt before he slowly lowers his to the ground and sets me on my feet where I place my hands on my knees, coughing out a mixture of air and laughs

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Steve runs over in worry

"I promise I didn't mean to kick that high." Sam apologizes while patting my back

"Holy shit." I cough out and flip my hair back to look at the two concerned faces. "What a fucking adrenaline rush." I smile and both Steve and Sam sigh a breath of relief

"I swear she is not afraid of getting hurt or death itself." He jokes with a smile

"That's the thrill of it all." I shrug. "I don't really have any fears besides electricity for obvious reasons." I wave around my hand

"Not even heights?" Steve asks with a small grimace. "It's a pretty common fear to have."

"Did you not just see me run up into the sky and get knocked out of my platforms?" I ask and wave my hands in the air once again. "By the way, nice takedown." I mention and lean towards Sam to nudge him with my shoulder. "Now you know how to kick an enchanted out of the air." I laugh and he does too as we raise our fists, bumping them together. "Wanna go again?" I ask and look between both Steve and Sam. "Cap can join this time." I suggest

"Actually, Y/n, I think you should take a break." Steve disagrees and shakes his head. "We really don't want Buck killing us once he sees the bruise on your chest." He almost whispers when fearing Bucky being nearby

"I'll cover it." I roll my eyes. "Besides, he knows that people get hurt in training, it happens."

"Yeah, but this is Bucky we're talking about." Sam says like it's going to change my mind

"I know who we are talking about." I shake my head like he's dumb. "He's not even that scary, he's just a big teddy bear." I shrug

"Whatever you say, Y/n." Steve smiles while I roll my eyes as my phone buzzes in my pocket and I sigh, fishing it out of my hidden pocket I had Tony install on my left bicep. Once I do have it out, I look down to see Bucky sent me a video and text message from about an hour ago and my phone is reminding me again that I have a message

"Speaking of the giant teddy bear." I mumble and show the two my screen. "I'll see you guys later." I wave and start walking towards the door

"Bye!" They both wave with a smile, still teasing me about how scary Bucky can get to which I shake my head at and continue walking towards the elevator where when I am by myself, I open my phone and look at the message to see a black screen with a play button and a message under it

Bucky: Make sure you're alone and turn the sound up ;)

Furrowing my eyebrows, I step into the elevator and turn my sound up as I press the button to my floor where confusion and curiosity go hand-in-hand at confusing me. The video is about a minute long and it's a longer ride to my floor so I should have enough time depending on how bad this video is. I press play without thinking much about it and immediately, my jaw drops at the screen and the raunchy noise filling the small lift that freaks me out for a second when I flinch. I soon get ahold of myself as the screen lifts to show me Bucky's abs and his right hand wrapped around his red hard dick. He moans pretty loud for what he is doing as he pumps his hand up and down his shaft before slowly running his thumb over his tip that makes his hips thrust into his hand when he grazes his sensitive spot.

His moans are over exaggerated but he knows how much I absolutely love his raspy moaning and guttural groans so he is constantly sighing out my name in a sexually strained voice that is telling me to come see him so he can do what he wants to do to me and what he wants to do to me, he tells me all about in deep detail. His words send blissful sparks down my legs and is already taking away some of the pain from my cramps that the Tylenol couldn't even begin to dampen. I lean against the rail of the elevator and press my fingers on my free hand to my temples as I watch his stomach lift from his heavy breathing and just imagining his messy hair and parted lips when he tips his head back to show his flushed cheeks and hooded eyes to the ceiling as he strokes himself on my bed.

It's a thought I have thought about multiple times.

His hips continue to follow his hand to meet his thrusts halfway in a small, cupped clap and his thighs flex as he bends his legs and opens them slightly to help pump himself into his hand which is all probably a small habit from when he always helps me out during the times I ride him since it's not my most confident moment but I am getting better. The video abruptly ends and I drop my hand to my side in a small clap on disappointment from not seeing him cum but all I can look at are my feet in an attempt to recover from probably one of the hottest things this man has ever done to me especially and it makes me regret training when I think that I should've followed him into our room. I can't be upset for too long because being the competitive person I am, a smile spreads across my face as I wave my hand down my front, changing my clothes underneath my uniform for some good old revenge time.

Two can play at that game, bitch.

The doors of the elevator open with a small chime that alerts no one in the empty hallway and I walk out of the small lift with a smirk molded to my face as I walk down to my room and pass Bucky's abandoned one that he only uses to clean his weapons or if we don't feel like walking to my room after a night out or a night of sex where we made a complete mess on the bed. I compose myself before I expose my plan from my smile before anything can even start so I take a deep breath and open my door to see Bucky sprawled out on my bed completely naked with only the thin sheet covering his hips and his right leg as his left leg is bent slightly and peeking out from the bedding that does nothing to hide him. He looks like a carefully crafted sculpture in a museum as he has a smile on his face and props his head up with his folded hands.

"Hey, doll." Bucky casually greets but has a small smirk pulling on the corner of his mouth. "How was training?" He asks 

"Oh, it was good." I answer in a shrug tone that dismisses his posture and seductive demeanor so I am not pulled into his very magnetic game. "I learned how to use magic platforms so Sam and I could finally take our fight in the air." I tell him

"You'll have to show me sometime." He suggests. "Maybe after dinner?" He raises an eyebrow

"Mmm." I act like I'm thinking about it as I close the door and walk to my desk while facing away from him as I set my phone on my desk and tug on the zipper in between my collarbones. "Not tonight, honey." I don't let the smirk on my face rise since he can see me in the mirror in front of my desk. "I'm really tired and need a shower." 

I pull the zipper down to my hips and tug the sleeves down off my arms to expose the golden colored bra that doesn't actually cover anything when it is only a thin layer of lace over my chest and shows every inch of my breasts and nipples. Pushing the suit down to my ankles, I shimmy out of them as I slowly bend down in front of Bucky where I feel his eyes on the backs of my thighs and my ass, staring at the matching thin lace of the underwear that stretch over my ass and is again, showing everything like the one piece of lingerie he is dying to see me in but hasn't yet. I kick the suit off and spin around to see Bucky's smile is no longer on his face and instead a clenched jaw and dark eyes with how blown out they are as they rake down my body sinfully.

"I need my knife sharpened and you seem to do it better than I do." I place my hands on my hips and lean my weight on my right leg to deepen the curve of my waist and it works when his eves snap to my stomach then back up at my eyes. "Do you mind sharpening it when you have the chance?" I ask sweetly

Bucky takes a deep breath and tears his eyes away from my chest when they catch his attention and looks me forcefully in my eyes and shakes his head that gives me a 'yes' on the knife question. Taking that as the only answer I am going to get, I smile and drop my hands to walk into the bathroom where I close the door and silently pump my fists in the air knowing I totally just won that and with a huge smile on my face, I summon my granny panties from my closet along with a sports bra and a baggy t-shirt before getting my underwear ready with a nighttime pad. Dancing to no music that plays in the echoey room, I strut over to the shower and turn the water on to get ready for part two of my sweet, sweet revenge. 


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