Love, Lies, Traitors & Spies

By MelissaMayer-Blue

41.7K 1.7K 57

Virginia, 1864… Juliet Jackson hasn’t heard from her fiancé in over a year. Writing Cole off as yet another c... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Story Completed

Chapter Eight

3.7K 201 21
By MelissaMayer-Blue

Chapter Eight

"What do you intend to do? Will you still marry Cole?"

Juliet watched little curls of steam swirl up from the top of her teacup and sighed. "I don't know." She looked back to her mother, who was now fully apprised of all that had transpired... even Juliet's role in helping smuggle the information to the Yankees. "I love him as much as I ever have."

Her mother cocked her head to the side. "Then what's the problem, my dear?"

Juliet sighed and took a sip of tea. Bitter. How she longed for the days when she'd sweetened it with sugar. "It's hard to explain, but... I wonder if I really know him."

"Oh, my dear, you know Cole Turner better than he knows himself."

"Do I? I never would have imagined him capable of such deceit. I'm afraid I believed him to be a very different person than he truly is."

Her mother didn't readily respond, merely held her gaze compassionately and allowed Juliet to talk and work out her feelings.

"When he proposed I was so happy. I'd been infatuated with him for so long that I never really stopped to consider the trust that goes into a marriage. Now I'm afraid that no matter how much I love him, I'll never really be able to trust him. I'm afraid I'll always wonder what he's keeping from me."

Her mother reached for her hand. "Your concerns are valid, Juliet, and I won't begin to belittle them. However, there is one thing I want you to consider."


"You and Cole shared a major life experience in a time that is far from the ideal. Maybe that time is what you needed to find yourselves, and learn about one another in all the ways that matter. You may find that the experience you shared has brought you closer than anything else could."

Juliet nibbled her lip. "So you think I should marry him."

"I think you should follow your heart. What is your heart telling you, Juliet?"

Juliet folded her arms on the table and buried her head in them. "I don't know. I'm so confused!"

Her mother patted her arm. "Give it time. The answer will come to you. All you need is time."

Time... Was time a friend? Juliet couldn't be sure. It always seemed to be working against her.After all, Cole may very well be out of time. His injuries were severe and he may not survive them no matter how tough he was. In the end all of her deliberation may be for naught.


Days slid into weeks and the weeks slid into months with no word from Cole. In late spring the blessed news arrived that the war had ended. General Lee had surrendered to General Grant in Virginia not fifty miles from Juliet and her mother's small farm. The news brought relief and celebration and the return of many many sons and husbands. It was a time for celebration, tears and grief. More than anything... it was a time to start anew.

Juliet waited every day for word from Cole, but nothing came, not even after the surrender. Eventually she was forced to accept that he'd likely succumbed to his injuries and would not be coming home. As had become her habit in the last few years, Juliet simply accepted the reality, squared her shoulders and soldiered on. Life continued even in the face of loss and sadness. It was high time she and her mother plan for the future and start working the farm again.

One particularly fine afternoon Juliet went to the garden to work. The low-set sun cast warm rays over her shoulders, and for the first time in a long while she felt happy. Humming to herself, she pulled weeds and watered the sprouting plants.

"I say, you're a fair sight cleaner than the last time I saw you."

Juliet froze, dropping the watering pot at her feet. Her heart skipped with excitement as she whirled, eyes lighting on the striking figure of a man straddling a magnificent horse. "Cole!" She was half-tempted to pinch herself to ensure this was not yet another dream. She didn't want to wake and be disappointed again.

With a brilliant grin he swung off of Hercules.

Without a thought she ran into his arms and threw her arms around his neck.

Laughing, he scooped her up and spun her in a circle.

"You horrible man," she chastised without releasing him. "You might have written!"

"And ruin the effect of my return? Never."

Juliet stepped back. "Let me see you." She flicked a critical eye over him. He'd lost some weight, but overall he looked well, healthy, and he wore a sharp gray suit that hugged his frame like a glove. "I thought you must have died."

"Are you pleased to see me then?" he asked hopefully.

She beamed up at him. "There are not words."

Hope and longing shined in Cole's eyes as he stared down at her. "I love you, Juliet. I'm sorry fo-"

"Enough." She cut him off and pressed a finger to his lips. "I don't want to speak of the past. It's behind us and it's time to move forward."

Cole nodded and sucked in a deep breath. "I want to get married," he said in a rush. "But I want you to have all the facts before I ask you again." He drew a deep breath and slid his palms around her waist. "Apparently I impressed the right people with my efforts during the war and I've been offered a position with the Pinkerton detectives. I'd like to take it."

Juliet blinked in surprise. "Oh my, that is very prestigious. W-we would have to move away."

"Yes," Cole replied solemnly. "I think that might be for the best though. The word must be out that I was being hunted as a Yankee spy. I'll be little more than a leper in these parts."

"That's true," Juliet said. The rumors about Cole had been flying since she'd returned home. Surprisingly, she'd been spared from most of the gossip.

Cole glanced away nervously. "You're not going to make this easy on me, are you?" he muttered. "Never mind that, I deserve no better." He cleared his throat and stepped away. Dipping one hand in his pocket, he withdrew a diamond ring that glittered in the sunlight.

"Y-you bought me a new ring? But I still have the other one. I-"

"New beginnings require new rings," Cole interrupted. A grin toyed at the corners of his mouth. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to propose."

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry. Do continue."

"Juliet Jackson," he began, "I love you as I have no other. You have been my dearest friend since childhood and you have seen me through the most trying times of my life. You have seen me at my best and my worst, and it is my solemn vow never to lie to you again. You are my strength, my future, and the love of my life. Will you forgive me my past transgressions, and do me the undying honor of becoming my wife?"

Tears of toy welled in Juliet's eyes as she closed the distance between them and sank into the grass. Sliding her palms over his smooth, clean-shaven face, she dropped a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you too, Cole. Nothing would make me happier than to be your bride. Today, if possible."

Laughing out loud, he lashed his arms around her and gathered her close. Together they tumbled into the sweet smelling grass. Juliet laughed and curled her fingers into his thick dark hair. He took her lips in a long slow smoldering kiss that held the promise of a lifetime. Finally he drew back. "I can't believe you said yes," he said quietly. "I was afraid I'd lost you for good."

"I've had a lot of time to think and sort things out," she said, idly stroking his hair. "The war is over and I want to move forward. I can see no future without you by my side."

"You'll move away with me then? You're willing to leave home?"

"Yes," she replied, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for another sweet kiss. "I suppose that's the price for loving a spy, but I'd rather think of it as our next adventure."

The End

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