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By Moraten_may

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♛ Desire makes slaves out of kings Patience makes kings out of slaves ♛ ___________ EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO... More

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New Book?
⭒42 ⭒
The Tale of Meskin
⭒ Epilogue ⭒


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By Moraten_may

I've always had a way with a gun. As a kid I'd love to fire them at the shooting range in amusement parks. I'd always return home with a handful of prizes
{Olga Kurylenko}

They say it's takes thirty days to break a bad habit and adopt a new one. But for Rafael, his habit was unbreakable. His habit wasn't like a marker on a whiteboard which could be erased easily. His habit was like carves in a rock, permanent and standing against the odds of time.

He would never get tired of killing people. It was a part of him, just like breathing. It was an addiction. An addiction which had no cure.

That's explains why he was stood infront of the two men solely responsible for the five stolen drug crates. It was a foolish action on their behalf, but Rafael couldn't have been more thrilled.

He lived for the ecstasy that blood and torture provided. It'd been a long time since he'd killed someone, thanks to a tiny creature.

Despite having broke their fingers and executed other gruesome tortures to get them speaking, it looked like nothing was working.

They were cheating scoundrels anyways, whose wives were hell bent on their suffering.

They both entered the room their mouths gagged with a rag and their hands tied behind their backs. It was all an act of course. Nothing would happen to the precious ladies. Not when they'd agreed to work for the King Rafael. They had no choice if they knew what was best for them.

Louis and Andrew with wide eyes stared at their wives.

"L-look señor, please leave our wives out of this. They are innocent" Rafael didn't bother hearing who was speaking.

"Please. We beg you Rafael" pleaded the other. His wife's face was swollen and so was her tummy. "Please, I am just about to become a father. I beg you let my wife go"

Should have thought about that before cheating on your wife, sir.

They thought it was okay to not answer the cruelest man in the room, but they forgot there was a reason he was labeled as such. Only in that situation, upon seeing their wives, did they realise how dangerous he truly was. How merciless he was.

"Are you willing to tell me now who you work for"

"Any-anything you want. But please, leave them out of this" the other stuttered. Rafael smirked, if only they knew.

"S-señor, we work for Cairo. He offered us a good sum of money if we'd stole five of your crates"

Rafael smirked.

"And why would he need to steal my drugs"

"B-bec-because he needs money. He needs money to settle his debt. The remaining money he'd saved from y-your drugs is what he'd used for his underground house. He's wanting to traffick women of all ages and sell them to the highest bidder"

Rafael's blood boiled with the information. That money would've been put to better use had his men not become sloppy in their jobs. That's why he'd demanded for Mark to be present here, alongside Leonardo. Both of them needed to be taught a lesson.

"If that's all gentleman. Any last words"

Both their eyes widened, that small hint of relief transforming to dread.

"B-bu-" They were both shot in the forehead, a clean shot. The wives sat opposite them screaming through the rag. This wasn't the deal. They agreed to torture the men, beat them but not to kill them.

Before it was all talk, but now they realised how cruel the man before them truly was.

The two ladies were fearful for their lives, but so were Mark and Leonardo. They gulped as their eyes were glued to the two dead bodies. Their battered and bruised faces unrecognisable.

"Clean this shit up and bag it to Cairo's place"

Instantly both the fearful men jumped to action.

Rafael left the scene without so much as a remorseful thought, a secretive smirk playing at his lips.

"Come with me Señoras"

"Carmela, be a dear and help these ladies out" she nodded, gesturing for the two women to follow her lead. It wasn't even ten minutes in Rafael's presence and the ladies regretted ever making a deal with the devil.

There was no way in hell they'd get out of this unscathed. The soon to be born child was also going to grow and become a Mafia man. They were helpless but had no where to go.

And that was exactly where Rafael wanted them to be.

A couple of days after that, Rafael was in his house on call to his uncle. The lady beside him was mad. She wasn't receiving the attention she craved for, and did what any other women in her shoes would do.

Grabbing the phone from his hands, before she could end it and throw the phone away, Rafael's vice like grip stopped her from moving even an inch back.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!" He bellowed, angry about another problem rising within the Mafia, and to top it all of, the puta next to him was annoying him like no other.

"Baby, you've been on the phone for the past ten minutes. My body can't wait any longer' she complained in her high pitch voice. Rafael was getting irritated by the second.

She began touching him, despite knowing that now he was in no mood to play.

"Get the fuck out!" He yelled causing the lady to get up fearfully. She knew not to say another word especially when he was this angry.

So she quietly gathered her clothes in her arms and walked out the door with her tail between her legs.

"Maldita perra" he mumbled whilst simultaneously rubbing his eyes. A sudden chuckle bought him back to his problem at hand.

"I find it amusing how you're easily angered by a puta but not that Muslim girl" his uncle chuckled, but there was no humour in it. His words sounded accusing and Rafael was not one to take bullshit from anyone.

"Dear uncle" his voice laced with a sudden smoothness, yet an underlining of menace. "I find it amusing how you call the girl a whore when you also chain yourself down to three or even four in a day" he iced back fervently.

However his uncle just chuckled at this. He wasn't offended at all by his nephews sick humour. If anything it ran in the family.

"Anyways, keep me updated on Cairo. I suppose he still hasn't learned his lesson" Rafael tutted in pity for his life.

"Will do son, I'll let you know in two days" Rafael was about to end the call, until his uncles voice called out from the phone.

"And also, you need to let this anger out a different way, poor girl must've been so happy for tonight, ciao" His uncle tutted this time, causing Rafael to growl. He didn't need a goodbye to end the call.

Suddenly a knock on the door alerted Rafael.

"Come in"

His loyal butler, Jorge entered the room with a grave expression. Rafael could tell something was wrong as he walked to him, hands in his pocket.

"Que pasa"

"I-it's Jimena Señor"

Rafael instantly stood before him, his breaths coming out uneven.

"Que, lo que le ocurrió a ella"

"She's missing señor. Maria took her to the hospital and somehow Jimena wasn't next to her" Jorge let out in one breath, not wanting to face the wrath of the man before him.

Although Rafael hadn't ever given him a reason to fear him as he respected Jorge for his loyalty to the Rey family for the past couple of decades.

"Mierda" instantly Rafael got on call to Maria. She picked it after four rings.

"Maria, Juro por Dios que si mi hijo falta, joderé tus articulaciones reflejas" he all but growled.

Maria although was fearing for her life, was relieved that the kind lady, Laila, had found Jimena.

"S-señor, jimena esta conmigo ahora mismo"  Maria said much to her and Rafael's relief. Nonetheless, Rafael wanted to see his daughter In front of him.

"¡Vuelve a casa ahora mismo!"

"S-" he didn't wait for her reply.

Exactly ten minutes later, the house was echoing with tiny footsteps.

"Papa, I'm home" Rafael kneeled down on one knee, hugging his daughter. He glared at Maria who was stood beside the door, shaking in fear.

Jimena began giggling, finding the weird expression on her father's face funny.

"Papa. What are you doing"

Rafael turned to her."Looking at you my sweet" his lips stretched out into a beautiful smile which he only reserved for her.

"Papa. Do not get angry at Maria, she was only doing her job" she spoke in a low voice. Maria if possible shook even more having heard the sweet girls words.

What if Rafael thought Maria told him to say those words. What is Rafael shoots her right here right now. He wouldn't do that would he? Not infront of his daughter?

Rafael motioned with his hand for Maria to go, which she did so with a visible sigh of relief. She was now out of sight. He'd deal with her later.

"Papa, you know, mama was at the hospital today" Rafael looked on stunned at what his daughter was saying.

"Why do you say so cariño"

"I like her. A lot!" She jumped up with her arms in the air. Rafael picked her up.

"Does she have a name" he went along with her train of thoughts in amusement.

"Yes. But I don't remember. Something like La...Lali-aha! Si, si papa, her name was Laila" Rafael was stunned for a moment but he quickly gathered himself.

"Laila. Are you sure Jimena"

"Si papa. She's so pretty and nice to me. She's the one that took me to Maria. She even picked me up and gave me a beso!" She exclaimed ecstatically.

Rafael smirked at this.

"Is that so" he hummed to himself, whilst Jimena rambled on about other things that she did today.

Rafael listened half heartedly, his mind occupied elsewhere. Towards someone with the purest Emerald eyes.


I'm SO SORRY for all the swearing!! It was very much necessary to portray Rafael's character.

How do you like this Chapter from Rafael's POV?!

Señoras- ladies
Maldita perra- fucking bitch
Ciao- bye
Que pasa- what happened
lo que le ocurrió a ella-What happened to her
Juro por Dios que si mi hijo falta, joderé tus articulaciones reflejas- i swear to god if my child is missing i will fuck up your reflex joints
jimena esta conmigo ahora mismo- Jimena is with me right now.
¡Vuelve a casa ahora mismo!- get home right now!
Cariño- dear
Beso- kiss

Anyways, I hope you enjoy and please don't forget to VOTE COMMENT and SHARE.

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