ENDURING {Sequel to Everlasti...

By originalwriter_99

8.1K 323 474

Life after the ceremony was different. Kali was completely alone for the first time in her life, no parents m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Part A
Chapter 2 - Part B
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Part A
Chapter 5 - Part B
Chapter 6 - Part A
Chapter 6 - Part B
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Part A
Chapter 8 - Part B
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Part A
Chapter 16 - Part B
Chapter 17 - Part A
Chapter 17 - Part B
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Part A
Chapter 20 - Part B
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Part A
Chapter 30 - Part B
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - Part A
Chapter 33 - Part B
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 36 - Part A
Chapter 36 - Part B
Chapter 37 - Part A
Chapter 37 - Part B
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 - A
Chapter 39 - B
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 - Part A
Chapter 44 - Part B
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 Part A
Chapter 50 - Part B
Chapter 51 - Part A
Chapter 51 - Part B
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 - Part A
Chapter 53 - Part B
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 - Part A
Chapter 57 - Part B
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 - Part A
Chapter 67 - Part B
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 - Part A
Chapter 69 - Part B
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72 - Part A
Chapter 72 - Part B
Chapter 72 - Part C
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 - Part A
Chapter 76 - Part B
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 62

65 1 0
By originalwriter_99

"Today we're going to do something different. I have wasted a month of my life trying to teach you fucking useless mutts gender equality, and you've learned absolutely nothing." I chuckle dryly, staring at the groups coldly.

"MUTTS-" A man instantly rears up in defence.

"THEREFORE...if you will not obey me, you will obey him." I speak sharply, cutting off the angry male immediately.

"Who?" Multiple voices echo.

"Lucifer." I smirk, hearing his name being called, he immediately comes from the trees behind the men.

I knew the moment they hear him, they all turn in unison. The moment they realise what he is, what breed he is, the men begin to back off in some attempt to create a path way. I saw it on their faces, the look that I have been waiting to see and having no such luck.


"Lucifer has a very high bite count, don't let his obedience and trust for me fool you. He's still very much in training, like all of you, difference is...this dog came from a very harsh and hostile background, and with time he is still able to learn his place." I state, giving Lucifer a biscuit as a reward.

"It's a dog. How is a dog going to do your job? Or even ours?" I'm asked.

"It's not just about giving the dog a command. It's about building that bond, that respect and trust, it's about making sure he's fed, that he's taken care of, it's about reading his facial and body language to know what he wants, how he feels." I explain.

While the men have zero care for me, they seem to be curious about Lucifer. Which is what I hoped for, because wolves don't interact with dogs, so they assume it's a stupid thing to do as first. Until they do it, and they train it.

"What does he do?" A man questions.

"He was used as fighting dog, and that aggression couldn't be tamed. So instead of changing him, we basically re-routed his aggression. For now he is just in training, but eventually he will be a protection dog." I inform them.

"First he has to master his attack and recall, and I figured since you all heal a lot faster than me, you can be the bait." I smirk.

"Not a fucking chance."

"Hell no."

"Not today, nu-uh, not today."

Voices of refusal instantly echo from many of the wolves.

"It's not a choice." I clarify.

"Now, there are plenty of dogs just like Lucifer waiting to be killed. We will go to the shelters and you can all hand pick your very own dog, we will spend six months training these dogs and if you decide you don't want to keep it, that's not a problem. BUT, you're going to save one, and you're going to train it." I state firmly, making it perfectly clear that this really isn't up for negotiations.

"There's like one fifty, two hundred of us, where the hell are even putting that many dogs?" One them ask me.

"This land is almost four hundred and eighty thousand acres, and expanding. This field itself is almost ninety acres, I'm certain we'll find somewhere." I retort with a sweet smile.

They don't like it, they hate the idea, but it's not their decision. If they want a pack, an Alpha that actually cares, they'll do this. Because the only way they're staying in this pack is if they learn some respect towards she-wolves.

"Alright. We're going to run through a couple of scenarios. Lucifer and I are walking, and some guy tries to take my purse." I say, putting the men in random order either side of me.

Pointing to a random wolf as the one to come at me, I hold my phone in my right hand, Lucifer on my left heel, his thick soft fur brushing my upper thigh as we walk.

I didn't say a word, I didn't give a command. The wolf walks towards me at normal pace, reaching out and grabbing my phone as he passes. Like a normal person, I hold on to it, making it clear to the dog there's a struggle.

Lucifer instantly lets out a deafening bark, lunging straight for the mans arm closest to me. His teeth latch on to the wolfs forearm, gobbled in Lucifers powerful jaws.

"Touch." I command firmly.

Lucifer growl rumbles for all of three seconds, before he releases the wolf and touches his wet nose against my open palm. I reward him instantly.

"Now I want you to just walk past me." I tell the wolf,  walking a couple metres away before turning around and walking back.

Lucifer sticks to my heel, eyes on me as we walk. The second the wolf gets within a metre of me, Lucifer bristles instantly. But, as he simply walks past me without any commotion, Lucifer carries on walking.

"Good." I praise and reward.

"Now you're going to greet me, and we're going to hug." I instruct.

Turning and walking again, this time he touches my arm to stop me, greeting me with a friendly tone. Lucifer remains stiff, at my side, letting out a quiet gruff bark as I hug the wolf.

"Ok, that was good. Now you." I point to another wolf at random, letting the bleeding man step back into the crowd.

"I'm not really a fan of dogs." He admits in a slight nervous tone.

"Alright, we'll come back to you." I tell him, letting him fall back in place as I choose someone else.

Mark my words, those most nervous of dogs are going to be the first one to choose their dog. The way I see it, these dogs are deemed too vicious for society, and wolves heal anyway so why not take that chance of training them? Saving their lives?

Don't get me wrong, if I hadn't lost my wolf I'd of never even considered getting a pet. But in a way I've gained a lot, as much as what I've lost.

We go through different everyday scenarios, correcting and rewarding when necessary. Lucifer and I definitely need Matts guidance for this, but I know the basics. The real training is where Matt comes in, he knows this dog so he'll always be my choice of trainer. But Matt knows someone who specifically trains dogs to be protection dogs, or guard dogs if you prefer. He charges a lot of money, but it's not like that's a problem.

The dogs he's trained, he also sells from anywhere near fifteen thousand to thirty five thousand. Depending on the breed and how much work has gone into that specific dog.

"Alright, we're done for the day, Lucifers exhausted." I sigh, glancing at the slightly panting dog sat at my feet.

The men head off into the woods almost instantly, so I take this chance to rush into the house and take a shower, leaving Lucifer in the bedroom to rest for a while. I make sure to shave my legs and pits, scrubbing today's sweat away. Then I begin blow drying my hair, which instantly makes Lucifer bark in surprise.

I just chuckle and carry on, running the curlers through the bottom half of my hair just to give it that little bit of elegance. Deciding on a simple white dress with a little floral print, I remain bare foot simply because it's more comfortable. The dress splits at the top of my left leg, revealing a shorter dress layer underneath that stops mid thigh. The top of fitted, but soft and stretchy, strapless.

I make sure to grab all the gift bags from the nightstand.

"Lucifer, come." I call him as I head for the door, instantly hearing his collar jingle behind me.

We head downstairs and out of the mansion, walking around the back. It's around four-ish, so it's still warm and bright, I can smell the bbq smoke before it even comes into sight.

Winter laughter is the first thing I hear, although the moment everyone realises I brought Lucifer with me, I could tell that they're not exactly pleased.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Hardin whispers in my ear, making me jump out of my skin.

"Don't do that!" I scold him, my heart racing despite the fact that I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you though." I grin, wrapping my arm around his waist while he slings his over my shoulders as we walk.

He wears suit bottoms and a white shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows and the top few buttons open to reveal part of his golden chest. He usually wears suits when he's got business to attend, or some event. But hey, I'm not complaining, have you seen the guy in a suit?

"Heel." I tell Lucifer, which he does immediately.

"Don't approach him, it'll be fine." Lucifer tells everyone as he notices the stares.

"Hey, I...I'm sorry that I've left this so long." I say to Winter as I approach her, feeling guilty beyond belief.

Winter just cracks a smile, immediately drawing me in and hugging me.

"I get it, you don't need to apologise." She whispers to me, giving me a small squeeze.

I smile slightly, my heart aching a little with relief, and sadness as I glance at the baby in Kyle's arms.

"Do you want to hold him?" She asks me, smiling as she pulls back.

I glance between her and Kyle, a little uncertain. "Are you sure?" I hesitate. The fact that she trusts me enough to hand me her pup without any worry, it makes me feel content.

"We're family, of course I'm sure." She muses, gently taking the baby boy from Kyle's arms and offering him to me.

I instantly feel a little bit nervous. But I step closer and gently take him in the crook of my arm, supporting his head while my forearm supports his body, and my hand supports his bum.

I gaze down at his little features, cheeks slightly rose with warmth, his hair thick and dark, eyebrows much lighter than his hair. He has a button nose, and tiny pouty lips, and of course his mommy's big brown doe eyes surrounded by lashes.

"He's so beautiful." I whisper, gently stroking his baby soft cheek with my thumb.

I could have had this. The memories of all of my pups, I saw their little faces just like Dante's, except his cheeks are rosy and warm with life. Mine were cold, and pale.

They're at peace now, in a place no one can ever disturb their sleep. I remind myself.

"Can I take a picture?" Winter asks hopefully.

"Um..yeah, sure." I agree.

Clearly Winter isn't that good at English, because she definitely takes multiple pictures instead of one. Not just of me and baby, but Hardin, me, Dante, and a couple with Phoebe and Lotti, some with her and Kyle with Hardin and me, even one where we're all in it which was a little hard.

There's me, Hardin, Zed, Beck, Jackson, Caleb, Winter, Kyle, Dante, Phoebe, Lotti, Maeve, and of course Hardin's cousin, Triss. Triss isn't here that often because she found her mate a while back, he's from another pack which means she stays there mostly.

"We brought you something." I voice as I remember the gifts, still cradling the baby as I hand Winter the two gift bags.

"I love it when people buy me stuff, I have no shame. Thank you so much!" Winter gushes, immediately opening the bags.

"I was literally telling Kyle yesterday that we didn't have any actual outfits, these are so cute! We love them, thank you." Winter wraps her arm around me, giving me a side hug.

"You're welcome." I smile, not exactly needing or wanting a thank you.

While Winter gushes over the gifts I got for her personally, and her mate of course because I couldn't leave him out, I give Phoebe and Lotti theirs.

"Don't kill me." I tell Phoebe with a sheepish grin, trying not to laugh as Lotti gets her biggest gift out.

"Oh my god!" She squeals, instantly jumping up and down with excitement.

Phoebe glances inside the bag, instantly letting out a loud groan, despite her almost pained laugh. It makes me chuckle, but it's not like I could help myself. Hardin thought it would be funny too, because Lotti literally doesn't shut up about it when she sees me.

"Oh my god, you didn't." She says, picking out the bright pink nunchucks.

"We did, I'm so sorry." I apologise as I laugh, while Lotti literally beams with happiness.

"Does she even know how to use them?" Phoebe whispers to me, utterly baffled.

"I'll teach her." I promise, knowing I did start training with her a while back but things didn't exactly go to plan.

"Thank you, you really didn't have to." Phoebe gives me a quick hug, smiling a thanks to Hardin who just watches Lotti and chuckles.

"You're welcome."

"I'm completely hogging your baby, do you want him?" I muse, realising it's been like an hour and I'm still cradling Dante.

"Oh it's fine." Winter waves it off, bending down as sniffing the baby's butt. Totally gross.

"Get a good mouthful?" I smirk.

Winter grins. "He shits like his daddy." She whispers to me, gently taking Dante for a diaper change.

I just chuckle and walk over to Hardin and Beck as they sit on the wicker style sofa. Given there's no other chairs, I simply plonk myself on Hardin's lap. Beck and Hardin immediately fall silent.

"Hi." Hardin grins, his arm around my back, hand settling on my thigh.

"Hi." I smile, getting comfortable on him. He just watches me with slightly dark eyes, I couldn't hold back my smirk, not when I can feel his excitement underneath me from my movements.

"You're having Markus' wolves train dogs?" Beck asks with amusement in his tone.

"Reverse psychology." I admit with a wide grin. "They didn't want to train, so I stopped training them as long as they each train a dog."

"You don't think they can?" Beck questions.

"I've had to learn how to be patient as a human, it's taken me a very long time. They have six months, they're high strung and arrogant, quick tempered and irritable on good days." I shrug.

"They won't last a month." I admit.

"They'll quit, realise a human female didn't, it'll make them feel like they're half a man." Beck realises, nodding slowly.

"Hopefully." I nod, glancing at Hardin as I feel his eyes burning into me.

"What?" I ask, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly.

"Winter and Maeve have offered to help you when these dogs are here, they figured you'd be a little overrun." Hardin tells me.

I frown slightly. "What makes you think I'm keeping them?"

Hardin gives me a look. "We both know that you're not going to allow those fuck-wits to train those dogs. You want to give the dogs a second chance, not sentence them to die."

I mean, he's not wrong. Sometimes it's annoying how well he knows me. It's already crossed my mind to cancel this whole thing, before I'm literally run off of my feet.

"You think it's a bad idea letting the wolves choose one and train it?" I sigh, already knowing the answer.

"I think it's a bad idea to get the wolves involved, I've seen how much time and effort you've put into this dog here." He points to Lucifer at our feet.

"Those men don't have that kind of patience, or interest. I know you want to save them, but those wolves are only going to fuck it all up for you." Hardin says, brutality and honesty coming together finely.

I immediately feel my shoulders fall slightly.

"Then I don't have another plan." I admit, feeling somewhat useless.

"I do." Beck chimes in.

Hardin and I stare at him silently, waiting for him to continue.

"When you came here no one respected you, even with your title and wolf. You earned everything you have, all of this." Beck gestures around me, to the people, the smiles.

"You think I don't want to put them in their place? I'm not a wolf anymore-"

"No, you're not. But you are still the Alpha Female, and you have more than you're wolf, Kali." Beck states firmly.

Did he just interrupt me? I silently wonder, sharing a wide eyed glance with Hardin as he most likely has the same thought.

"Guns are off limits, that's fair. But you know how to use a bow, you know how to use a sword, knuckle dusters, any weapon in our training room is yours to use...that's your armour, that's your back up. Put it to use and show those sexist fucks that even a goddamn human is capable of giving them a beat down." Beck tells me.

His tone makes me feel strong, it makes me feel like I can just get up and kick the shit out of those men. Why is so empowering when someone has faith in you?

"How long have you been practicing that speech?" I wonder curiously.

Beck just looks at me baffled, blinking. "What?"

"No complaints here, ten out of ten." I praise proudly.

"I don't understand." Beck says quietly, befuddled.

"I'm in, tomorrow I'm going to butcher them." I grin evilly.

"That contractor is arriving in the morning to go over the kennels with you." Hardin reminds me.

"Are you sure you don't mind me doing this? I can have it built at my house." I tell him, referring to the kennels.

"There's more than enough space, and if you change your mind the kennels can be taken down and moved whenever you want." He assures me, twirling the bottom of my hair around his finger.

"This is pack land, not a zoo." I sigh, glancing at the vast field and woods surrounding us.

"We'll talk about this in the morning, stop worrying and enjoy this." Hardin muses, giving my thigh a gentle tap.

I turn my eyes to our friends, our family, and I smile slightly. I really have missed this.

"Do you mind?" Phoebe asks sheepishly, offering me her chunky little pup Charlie.

"Not at all, give me the dumpling." I immediately state, holding out my arms for the fat little boy.

"Thanks, I won't be long." She assures me, heading off towards the house.

I sit the chubby baby boy on my thighs facing Hardin. Instantly the pup gives Hardin the biggest smile ever, eyes squinting and one tooth slightly visible.

My heart melts completely.

"He likes you." I smile, and Hardin gives up face in front of Beck, taking the pup in his left arm and playing with him.

It's a beautiful sight, one that I imagine would only be more beautiful is if it was our pup in his arms.

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