Not the same - enemies to lov...

By SBella1234

147K 2.8K 1.3K

y/n is brought in by fury to be held in Lokis old cell. How will the avengers react to a stranger being broug... More

Part 1~unwelcome
Part 2- show off
Part 3- old friends
Part 4- understand me
Part 5- the new me
Part 6- 2% moments
Part 7- the mission
Part 8- memories to remember
Part 9- here we go again
Part 11- 2 down 1 more to go
Part 12- your joking right?
Part 13- I wanna know
Part 14- consequences
Part 15- undercover part 1
Part 16- Undercover part 2- arguments
Part 17- undercover part 3- Everything I want to be
Part 18- home sweet home
part 19- lies, lies and more lies
Part 20- 1 step forward, 3 steps back
Part 21- nothing goes according to plan
Part 22- A beach day from hell
Part 23- starting over again
Part 24- the raft
Part 25- dead ends and new beginnings
Part 26- Until forever falls apart
Part 27- Let the battle begin
Part 28- Falling
Part 29- He knows
Part 30- All The What If's
Part 31- This is all a game
Part 32- what is normal ?
Part 33- And then there was light
Part 34- I'm sorry it has to be like this.
Part 35- use somebody
Part 36- paradise from hell
Part 37- not everyone gets out alive
Part 38- a wager that cost too much
Part 39- watchful eye
Part 40- stranger danger
Part 41- back to the roots
Part 42- little white lies
Part 43- You can hear it in the silence
Part 44- I hope they all get their happy end...

Part 10- watch me watch you

3.6K 69 43
By SBella1234

I jumped up from water hitting my face, looking up I saw some guards holding buckets laughing at me, I was still sat on the floor so they lifted me to a chair as some doctors came in and sewed up the wounds on my body. I looked at them confused, why are they doing this?

doctor-"we need you nice and strong for you to survive the last stage" he smirked at me causing shivers to run down my spine.

After they were done they left, I hadn't looked around the room, I couldn't. I didn't want the disappointment to hit when I see that the avengers, my friends, were never here and it was all just another experiment to mess with my head. "y/n" someone whispered, my head shot up to see them all still there, looking at me with guilty eyes, I don't think I've ever been so happy to see them in my life. wait. no. they can't be here, it isn't safe.

y/n-"im sorry" were the only words that would come out of my mouth, what else could I say, its my fault they are stuck here, I shouldn't of told them I was here, i'm so selfish.

loki-"no, darling it's not your fault" I smiled at them all sadly.

I stood up and limped over so I could hug them or just touch them to know they are real, that's when the pain hit, an electrifying pain from my leg to the rest of my body, I fell screaming in pain causing all the team to shout for me and fight in there own restraints to get to me. the pain stopped and I looked down at my ankle, this stupid power restricting cuff can also electrocute me, great. I've had enough, something inside of me clicked, I felt a type of power I've never felt before brew deep in my soul. I looked up at the avengers worried faces and they seemed shocked, almost scarred I had the biggest grin on my face.

y/n-"game over." my eyes began to glow a faint green as I brought myself to stand, I began to hover above the ground and my hair started to flow like it was in water. I saw the grins on the avengers faces as the guards ran into the room, a loud and gut wrenching scream shot out of my mouth as the cuff on my leg broke and fell down to the floor. The green energy bursted from my body hitting every guard killing them instantly but when it hit the avengers all it did was break there restraints setting them free, I flew back down to the floor.

pietro-"that was awesome" I laughed jumping into his arms, everyone ran over giving me the biggest group hug ever.

y/n-"next time I'm just gonna break myself out and be home in time for dinner" they all laughed, although me and Tony had our ups and downs, I knew he had a soft for me. This theory was definitely confirmed because Tony pulled me in for a one on one hug and didn't let go, it felt nice, like home.

we all made it to the quinjet, on the ride home bruce looked over me, I was completely healed by my powers thank god, I don't even want to think about the pain. 

I kept catching Bucky staring at me but every time we made eye contact he'd look away, I hope he's okay, you know what I'm just gonna check.

bucky? - I spoke to him with my mind causing his eyes to dart back at me- are you okay? it must have been hard for you being back at hydra

y/n are you seriously worried about me after everything you've been through - he laughed outlaid making Steve look at him, making me laugh a little.

what were you going to tell me before, well uno... everything - I don't know why I was so nervous     asking him this, maybe deep down i'm scared he was going to tell me something really important that he won't tell me now because the moments passed.


Nothing. He said nothing! well it was clearly something then, I wonder if I just look a little deeper into his mind I could find out.

wanda-"that's against the rules y/n" she turned her head whispering it so only I would hear. I huffed and crossed my arms like a child which made her smirk.

we were finally back to the avengers tower and I ran to my room ready to get in a bed, god I missed my bed, its my favourite past of my- ROOM!

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!" my room was destroyed. and i'm feeling vengeful.

I heard everyone run and scatter to safety, I saw bucky first, I used my powers to stick him to the ceiling. one by one I caught them all and manipulated there minds so that they would have to clean my room, once done they snapped out of there manipulation and scolded me with some choice words, I missed them so much. god what have I become? these guys really knew how to get under your skin and stay there, I mean I'd die for them.

I fell on my bed and let sleep consume me.

the next morning I was up and in the gym by 5am, I felt great, no, better than great. I was ecstatic , I've never felt this alive in my life, I was stronger too all I had to go was throw one punch at the punching bag and it would fly across the room. 

bucky-"hey we gotta stop meeting like this, and you better clean this shit up for once" he joked walking into the room. 

I laughed and started cleaning up the Brocken bags, I hadn't even broke a sweat let alone hurt my hands like usual which he definitely noticed.

"hey did they put something in you back there, you seem stronger to say the least" he continued.

I looked up at him shaking my head no. 

y/n-"I think I unlocked my full power." I blurted out, he gave me a look to continue. "when I used my powers breaking the cuff stopping me from using them at all, before I did it I felt deep in my soul, like a shift maybe? but since then I've felt crazy strong." he nodded along just smiling at me 

bucky-"I'm so glad your back"            ''me too''     we smiled, looking into each others eyes his thoughts were really loud.

I wish I told her.

"tell me now then" I said immediately realising I gave myself up. he gave me an annoyed look, if he hadn't told me a million times already he hates me in his head, I didn't mean to he basically shouted his thoughts at me, I wasn't even trying. 

bucky-"I lo-"

loki-"y/n!! my love come with me" loki walked into the room quickly and confidently, he wrapped an arm around my waist guiding me back out the room with him, I gave bucky an apologetic look before his face disappeared from my view.


hope you enjoyed 

got some juicy things coming up in the next few chapters!

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