Mistakes Were Made || Teresa...

By ScopedJourneys

58.7K 2.1K 716

When Y/n shows up at the glade, she believes she's the only female. Until only a few weeks later when another... More

Chapter 1... Greenie
Chapter 2... Y/n
Chapter 3... Banishment
Chapter 4... The Box
Chapter 5... Nightmares
Chapter 6... Bad Vibes
Chapter 8... The Slammer
Chapter 9... Invasion
Chapter 10... Box Cure
Chapter 11... Treehouse
Chapter 12... Flirting?
Chapter 13... The Fog
Chapter 14... Everything Clears
Chapter 15... Shock
Chapter 16... The Truth
Chapter 17... Next Morning
Chapter 18... Brother?
Chapter 19... Passing of Time
Chapter 20... Run
Chapter 21... New-Found Aggression
Chapter 22... Device
Chapter 23... 1 Month Free
Chapter 24... An Explanation
Chapter 25... Filling An Empty Void
Chapter 26... Intruders?
Chapter 27... Hurt
Chapter 29... Wicked
Chapter 30... Right Arm
Chapter 31... Lies
Chapter 32... Captured
Chapter 33... Prosthetic
Chapter 34... Tunnels
Chapter 35... Inner Walls
Chapter 36... Interrogation
Chapter 37... Janson
Chapter 38... Explosions
Chapter 39... Awakening
Chapter 40... Honesty
Finishing Statement

Chapter 7... The Greivers Sting

1.7K 63 28
By ScopedJourneys

"Seriously, how did you make it out of there? I really thought you were dead. I heard you scream." Newt wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"The thing dropped me from like twenty feet in the air.. it hurt, a lot." I mumble. Flashbacks to that moment replay in my head, and I quickly shake them out.

"Probably shouldn't remind her of it. I've heard thinking about a traumatic experience is worse than nightmares." A voice says to our left. We both look over.

Great. It's Teresa.

"Really?" Newt asks, glancing at me before back at Teresa.

"Yeah. It's PTSD." She shrugs nonchalantly.

I glare at her.

"I'm gonna go relax in the treehouse, see ya later Newt.." I mutter, parting from the boy and quickly walking away, hiding the limp I had.


I gently kick the hatch closed, limping over to the couch. I grimace as I pull my pants leg up, staring at my leg.

It was half scabbed over, different colors of yellow, green and blue. From the edges you can start to see where the infection begins.

I frown, muttering Damnit beneath my breath. So I am infected... what am I gonna do? I don't want to hurt anybody.. but I don't want to be banished. It wasn't bad yet.. it's been a few days. Ben was stung and only hours later he'd gone crazy. Maybe I am okay...

Someone knocks on the hatch. I jump, quickly pulling the leg of my pants back down.

"Uhhh, come in!" I yell, assuming it's just Newt or Thomas.

The hatch flips open, and up climbs Teresa. I sigh.

"Oh, it's you... I thought it was Newt or Thomas.." I mumble. She shrugs, closing the hatch.

"Was there something you needed... or..?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

She eyes me suspiciously, "Why don't you like me?" She asks.

I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, sitting up.

"You-" She sighs, "You won't even give me a chance. From the moment you saw me in the box you've completely ignored me. Anytime I'm around you leave, or you just get.. aggressive."

I look away from her, closing my eyes. I clench my jaw, slowly standing from the couch.

"From the very moment that you got here, things started going wrong. Even moments before, as if events were lined up for your arrival." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Really? Like what?" She asks.

I look at her, "Ben gets stung. He then attacks me. Then you show up. And you make this big deal, and the first thing you remember was my name. My name." I snap.

She stares at me, unsure what to say.

"So, what, you think I'm something special? That I'm secretly working for whoever sent us here or something? I'm not, Y/n. It's all coincidence. I was sent here just like you were. Alone. Scared, and confused." She snapped back.

I walk forwards, towards the corner of the room, but forget about the hatch. I trip over it, falling forwards onto the wooden floor. I groan in pain.

"Woah are yo- hey wait.." She mumbled quietly.

"What?" I ask, glancing at her, as I begin to push myself up off the floor.

"Your leg, there was something-"

I quickly cut her off, rolling over and pulling my pants leg back down. It slid up.

"It's uhm.. a tattoo.. not sure where I got it or why.. just some weird signature.." I mumble.

I go to stand but she pulls out a machete- the same one from the tower. She points it at me.

"No, you're going to stay there, and let me look at your leg, or so help me I will slice your throat open." She threatens. I gulp, putting my hands up innocently.

"Alright.. alright.." I mutter.

She keep the blade directed at me, crouching down at my feet. She pulls both legs of my pants up. She stares at my injured leg.

"You... you were stung?" She asks, looking at me.

"Please.. don't say anything.. it's- it's not affecting me like it did Ben! I swear!" I plead with her. She looks back to my leg. The black infection would only spread further the next few days.

"You lied..." She mumbled, "And you've been hating me for thinking I'm lying this entire time." She glares. She looks around, grabbing something nearby.

I quickly go to stand, but she tackles me back down to the floor. I yell for help, but she covers my mouth with her hand.

"Nobodies coming for you, yet." She mutters.

I struggle beneath her, but given my recent injuries, I'm too weak. She manages to flip me over, and pin my arms behind my back. I feel rough rope being wrapped around them. I pull at it but to no avail.

//Kinky ;)//
//I'm kidding please don't hurt me lmao//

She moves down and ties my legs together, at the knees and then at the ankles. I could barely move. She grabs a rag, and as I go to yell again she shoves it in my mouth. I gag, before glaring at her.

"Stay here, sweetheart, I'll be back with some of our friends."

The rag muffles my next yell, as I wiggle around in my restraints.

She exits the treehouse, making sure the hatch is closed. I try everything I can think of to escape my restraints, but I can't.

What if she just leaves me here? What if she tells everyone I ran off to the maze, but really just leaves me here to suffer. My mind races to the worst possibilities, as I continue to frantically wiggle around.

"Come on!" I hear Teresa yell. The hatch flies open, coming down on my leg. I yell into the rag in pain, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment.

"Y/n?! What the hell did you do to her, Teresa!" Newt yells, racing to my side. He goes to cut the ropes, but pauses, staring at my leg.

"Y/n.. you-" Newt stops mid sentence.

Alby and Thomas climb up into the treehouse, looking at my leg, where Newt stares.

"You got stung?!" Thomas yells.

I try to get out of the restraints again, but I fail. I'm too weak. I let my body go limp as I avoid looking at them. I can feel the smirk on Teresa's face. Fucking bitch..

"Alby, we can't just banish her..." Newt mumbles.

"I... I know I know.. what do we do?" Alby mutters.

The four look between eachother.

"We can put her in a cell for now... and monitor the infection..?" Teresa suggests.

"And if she goes insane? Like Ben?" Thomas asks.

"Then we.. banish her.. but, only if it's the worst case.." Alby mumbles. They all nod.

I feel tears slip down my face. The pain in the pit of my stomach is unbearable. I have a killer headache, and my leg has been utterly abused by a trapdoor.

Fucking. Teresa.


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