Please Don't Go... (Ranboo x...

By AlexAft0n

11.5K 187 120

Y/N is a 16 year old streamer in California who suffers from Severe depression. They simp for a streamer that... More

<1: The Beginning>
<2: Flashback>
<3: Viewers are Strange>
<4:The Plans>
<5: Arriving in Russia>
<7: Kirill has a Crush 😏>
<8: Voices?>
<9: Bad Times>
<10: Ranboo Says Stuff>
<11: Sad>
<12: Sweet Dreams>
<13: Manhunt>
<17: Back to America>
Last A/N
Please Read This

<6:Alex is Dumb>

498 9 1
By AlexAft0n

⚠️ TW: Blood, Self harm ⚠️ 

Y/n PoV

Once we ended the stream we headed to out rooms to go to sleep since it was so late. I went down to my room and stopped faking the smile I had to wear all day because of my housemates. I turned off the light and started scrolling through Twitter. I saw that there was fanart of me, but then that was normal, I had 10 million subscribers on YouTube. I was just scrolling and liking things as I went when I decided to tweet something out


Doing a Dream inspired man hunt! 3 hunters and 1 speedrunner, but there's a twist, who ever wins gets $2,000!

Alex Anomoly

Wait- who are the hunters gonna be?


Check DMs


Oh ok cool!


Sick bro, see ya then!


But isn't it like midnight for you guys?


I was just about to go to sleep-

I closed my phone and decided to try and sleep, I sat there for hours, just thinking of the thing I wish I had forgotten, then I said allowd to myself;

'We forgot the things we should've remembered, and remembered the things we should've forgotten' 

I said it with pain in my voice, nothing but pain, but I stayed quiet as I didn't want to wake the others. I looked over at my bedside table and saw the knife and smiled at it.

'You know things weren't always like this' I said to the knife

'My family used to be happy' I said moving my gaze to the ceiling still smiling a sad smile

'It was all because of my father that the family fell into a deep depression' I said sitting up and grabbing the knife. I started slitting my wrist until I was satisfied, luckily, I knew where the bandages were. I was headed to the bathroom to get the bandages when I noticed none other than Alex? Sitting on the floor staring into nothingness, I looked at him with a confused look. He looked up at me, his eyes only showed pain but he put on a small smile.

Y/n: Alex? Why are you just sitting here?

Alex: well, I just needed some alone time.

Y/n: are you sure?

Alex: yeah, I'm sure

Y/n: hey, could you get me the bandages? I got some cuts on my wrist.

Alex: yeah sure

Y/n: thank you

And with that he gave me the bandages.

Alex: hey, you wanna watch Ranboo's stream with me?

Y/n: yeah sure why not?

Once I was done putting on the bandages we went to Alex's room since it was the biggest room in the house.

Alex: one sec I have something I need to take care of before you come in.

I nodded in agreement and waited outside his door. I waited about 3 minutes before he let me into the room. He had a bought a big TV for the room and we connected it to his phone for screen share so we could watch Ranboo's stream.

Alex Anomoly Donated 2000 

Hello, that's worth 26.97 USD for u :) anyway my friend Y/n here is a simp for you, they're watching your stream with me if you could say hi :))

Tubbo: RaNbOo

Ranboo: oNe SeC i GoT a DoNo

Tubbo: Fine

Ranboo: Hello Alex! Thank you for the 2000 rubles! That's worth 26.97 USD for you anyway my friend Y/n here is a simp for you they're watching your stream with me if you could say hi. Hello Alex and Y/n, and Y/n, we all know you're a simp.

I looked at Alex

Y/n: dude

Alex: bro it was funny, and your like so red right now

I felt my face and we laughed about it.

Alex: yo, we should raid his stream 

Y/n: no

Alex: yes

Y/n: no, I thought you were the responsible one

Alex: fine, leave your senpai

Y/n: he's not my senpai

Alex: fine, I'm actually gonna go do something, but I need my phone, sorry

I nodded and got my phone and opened Ranboo's stream

Alex: you can stay in my room if you like for now.

Y/n: oki 

With that Alex walked out of the room and I continued to watch Ranboo's stream

Alex's PoV

I had an amazing idea so I left Y/N to watch Ranboo's stream alone and let them stay in my room while I went to my streaming room. I opened up stream labs and waited for the stream to start.

Alex: Hello chat! I hope your all hydrated and doing well in hell. Anyway today ae're gonna be getting into the DreamSMP, just for one thing though.

I chuckled and looked at the chat.




Dude stop


Why would you wanna get into that? Your SMP is like 20 times better



I look back and get going. After a while I get into the DreamSMP.

Alex: well chat, looks like we're in! Now, someone tell me where Ranboo is.

RedGaytorade donated $20

He's at his mansion with Tubbo :)

Alex: ok, let's gooooo

I arrive at his mansion and chuckle

Alex: let's hope I don't get banned right now, anyway how should I enter?


Since you have no items you should walk in all sneaky like


Knock on the door and run

TokyoRat Donated $3

Wait, do you have Ranboo's discord? If you do you should change your name for a bit to just dots, and use a voice changer and whisper things like 'I'm here' and that stuff :D

Alex: good idea! Lemme go do that!

I went on to discord, changed my name to '...........' and then got a voice changer so my voice was deeper.

Alex: ok guys! I'm gonna join the call lol here we go!

Ranboo: who just joined the call

Tubbo: I-I don't know-

Alex: I'm here...

Ranboo: what the hell?

Tubbo: eew

Alex: I'm outside your house Ranboo

Tubbo: in the game?

Alex: what game?

Ranboo: Uh- Minecraft

Alex:Minecraft isn't a game

Tubbo: yes, yes it is-

Ranboo: yeah

Alex: I'm going inside your house now


Alex: I'm inside your house

Tubbo: I'm at the door, no you not

Alex: look behind you


Ranboo: Tubbo?

Alex: Tubbo is no more 

I had dm-ed Tubbo and told him to mute for a prank.

Ranboo: Tubbo?

Alex:Tubbo is dead

Ranboo: what?

Alex: I'm behind you

Ranboo: no you're not

Alex:look again


Alex:I was always here.

Ranboo: no you weren't 

Alex:Oh well, here's your beloved Tubbo back


Ranbo: Tubbooo!

Alex: hello guys

Ranboo: wait- I knew it was a joke but you? 

Alex: yup, 

Tubbo: how did you even get in?

Alex: ways

Ranboo: what ways

Alex: my ways

Tubbo: oh well

Alex: anyway I have to go back to Y/n bye!

Tubbo: bye!

Ranboo: bye?

And with that I left the call laughing.

(Sorry this chapter was a little weird, I promise to do better in the future 😖

Anyway hydrate or diedrate lovelies)

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