Faking Fine (Mikey x Reader)

By Yeouya

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"You cant pretend Forever" -Sometimes you just have to smile, Pretends everything is okay. Hold back the tear... More

Chapter I - Me
Chapter II- Emma
Chapter III- Him
Chapter IV- The Kiss
Chapter VI- Smut
Chapter VII- Festival
Chapter VIII- New Life
Chapter IX- Face Him
Chapter X- REGRETS
Chapter XI- Reunited
Chapter XII- Baby

Chapter V- Couple

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By Yeouya

I already told Aunt Ina about Mikey, but she never got the chance to meet him in person, im not mentally prepared to introduce them to each other.

I dont wanna hide anything from Aunt Ina so i told him about me having a boyfriend.

She is very understanding and she told me to know my boundaries. She doesn't want me getting pregnant at early age.

My relationship with Mikey was fun, he is such a loving person, a little possessive at times but i know he doesn't like sharing me with anybody. He always called me when im home alone and drive me home with his CBT250 motorbike.

I didn't told him about Aunt Ina's job yet. But, I was planning too.

It has been 2 months since we became a couple. He invited me to the park.

We are sitting on a bench while eating dotayaki together. It was his favorite snack, after that we went to the nearby river while holding hands.

We stopped and watch the beautiful sunset. He then handed me a box that he just took from his pocket.

Inside the box was a silver necklace with moon and star design on it.

The Crescent Moon & Star is one of our world's most ancient symbols, combining powerful icons joining man and woman. The Star represents the female principle, and celebrates the cosmic powers of the love Goddesses Venus & Ishtar.

He puts the necklace on my neck, it looks so pretty.

I was so flattered with the gift.

" I will treasure this until i die" i smiled at Mikey and he smiled back.

Everything seems so perfect, i wanted to be by his side always. I never wanted this feeling to end.

He brought me to his house and we hang out there together with Emma and Shinichiro.

We laughed a lot and played card games while eating the cheese rolls emma made.

Mikey on the other hand demanded a cuddle in front of his siblings. He pulled me into his lap and begun hugging me nonstop, he would launch few kisses on my cheeks every minute not even caring if there's other people around us.

Emma would giggled looking at the two of us. Still can't believe i still put up with his childish brother.

Mikey drove me home and i said goodbye to him while making my way to the front door. He ran up to me and said " Where's my kiss?"

" You had enough kissed earlier, no more.." i said turning round.

He pouted like a child while groaning in annoyance.

" All right , okay - okay.. Geez", i said as i kissed his lips and pulled away. I could see the bastard smile like an idiot.

He drove off and i went inside. Changing my clothes and start studying. I heard the front door opens. Aunt Ina must be home.

I ran downstairs to greet her but i didnt find anyone there.

Well that was weird , i really heard the front door opens.

I walked to the kitchen and saw Aunt Ina placing a bag of grocery in the counter, i signed in relief. I remember that it's her birthday tommorow. She promise me that we will be celebrating together.

The next day, i change into some casual clothes. We went to the mall, we ate sushi and went to buy new clothes.

It was a fun day, Aunt Ina receive a call from her manager that she needs to come to the club ASAP.

I heard it was something important .

She told me that it wont take long so i tag along, i was there with her and she is talking to an old rich guy. He was looking for her all morning. He must be one of her costumer.

We went outside together with her other coworker and she handed me her bag cause she forgot her phone inside. I waited for her at the exit for 5 minutes.

When we arrive home she cooks dinner for the two of us, i was looking at my phone and waiting for Mikey to text me or call me. Ive texted him a few times but he is not responding.

Made me think that something bad has happened to him.

Im getting worried.

While we are eating dinner, Aunt Ina told me about her and my Mom being so close to each other and how my mom took care of her when they were young.

" She was always the kind one and i am the mean type."

" She's so smart, everything she do seems effortless"

"I'd never seen her cry before, she always pretend to be strong."

" i still cant believe that she killed herself"

"She's not that type of person, that would do stuff like that"

" I wonder what she had gone through and how much pain she endure"

" but-

" Im so happy that we are together..I dont know if she'd wanted you to be with me.. "

" im not the best choice "

" but i try my best to give you everything she would. "

Aunt Ina spoke as if she was seeing my mother face to face, i wish she could have her own child. She deserve a family on her own too.

The night was long. We watch a comedy movie while eating popcorn. I would take a glimpse of my phone from time to time.

No new messages and no missed calls.

I just went to sleep, maybe he is just busy today. I missed my Dorayaki simp.

The next day, as i enter the classroom. Everyone is glaring at me.

Its not normal cause i can feel everyone's eyes on me.

" Hey YN-chan, i didnt know you work at the club as a stripper" one of my male classmates said and my eyes widened.

Before i could respond i saw emma entering the classroom in a hurry. She immediately grab me and lead me to the bathroom before looking the door.

She showed me a photo of me, what?!!!

It was me outside the club and some photos are also me walking from the exit.

Emma is still catching her breath.

" I tried to explain to Mikey last night but when i check his room he wasnt there. He left his phone and drive off. All i saw was his room being a mess and a few punch hole on the wall. He hasnt return since this morning." she said while trying not to faint between her words.

" She thought i was a stripper?, oh shit* he reacted like that because he thought I was working there. How much does he hates strippers? I mean my Auntie was a stripper. He acted like strippers are the worst individuals." i said, i dont know if i needed to apologize to him, thinking he looked down on strippers makes my blood boil. So there is no apologizing thats gonna happen for the meantime.

I clenched my fist and walked out of the bathroom. I could hear plenty of people gossiping as i pass through them.

I sat on my chair and continue to study. Not minding the people who proudly say bad stuff about me.

The day ended and Emma wont leave my side. She holds my hand to calm me down.

I can't hold back the tears and its started to fall on my cheeks.

My aunt is a stripper, its not illegal she's not even harming anybody. She works as a stripper to feed and provide for both of us.. I thought mikey would be open minded and just accept people like her just like emma did. Hearing him hated me because he thought i was one. Breaks my heart.

"i have to go home now Emma, thank you for helping me calm down." i waved my hands and say goodbye to emma while I walk towards my house.

I enter the door and saw my Auntie swiping the floor.

I dropped my bag and ran to her hugging her waist and burrying my face to her chest. I start to cry again, i dont want to tell her what happened so i kept quiet and she didn't force me to say anything.

I didn't realize i have fallen asleep in my aunties room.

She is still hugging me.

I slowly stood up and went back to my room. I was looking for my phone but it was nowhere to be found.

I didnt care for the meantime cause i was so tired and my head is throbbing.

The next morning, i saw my phone near the kitchen counter. I immediately put it inside my bag and started to walk towards the front door.

As I opened exited the door, my eyes widened when i saw mikey sitting on his bike waiting for me outside my house.

I inhale and continue to walk pass by him completely ignoring his presence.

I heard footsteps walking towards me from the back.

"Can we talk babe please!" he said with a low voice.

"There's nothing to talk about actually, i dont wanna see you or even hear your voice. Also, stop calling me babe,." i said due to anger, i never really wanted to break up with him but i dont wanna see his face for now.

He didnt respond and he give me the space i need. I was immature to end everything just like that but i was deeply hurt by what just happened.

I continue to walk while ignorning my surroundings, my classmates surprisingly acting kind again and friendly, Emma told me that Mikey announces to his gang and to everyone in school that he would beat up anyone who spread the photos and the false gossips.

Emma told her everything last night thats why he came eatlier to apologize.

I took my phone out and saw a lot of msgs and missed calls. There is one msg that caught my eyes.

Wait i didnt remember replying to him last night. I passed out crying.

The msgs.

My Dorayaki baby❤️

*im sorry about how i reacted. Also, i want to personally apologize to Aunt Ina about what happened*


* This is her Aunt, What ever it is that happened you can always come to our house Mikey. You are welcome here. *

Maybe i overreacted towards the issue, if my auntie could forgive him. I would too.

My tears started to fall as I ran towards the 2nd year classroom looking for mikey.

I saw him sitting at the back with Draken, Mitsuya, Pah-chin.

Draken immediately notice my presence and smiled.

I walk towards Mikey and he look up, his eyes widened from seeing me. I cupped his cheeks and hug him. My hands wrap around his neck and his arms on my waist.

He burried his head on my neck snipping my scent.

I heard Mitsuya cleared his throat.

I let go of mikey, i saw everyone is looking at us so i hid my face from embarrassment. But Mikey seems to be very happy.

" I - im sorry for saying those words earlier babe" i said while wiping my tears.

"I don't mind, i know your just angry" he grin while he cupped my cheeks and leaning closer to kiss me but Draken interupted him.

"Oi Mikey, get a room." Draken said.



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