In the Melancholy Moonlight

By wheremyarmorends

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Lumos! "Love is the light that will guide you home." Lucy Diggory has heard these words from her family all h... More

Chapter I: Something Bittersweet About Dusk
Chapter II: Be Brave
Chapter III: A Monster
Chapter IV: Where You Hold It All Together
Chapter V: I've Got You
Chapter VI: Take to the Sky
Chapter VII: Us, A Distraction?
Chapter VIII: The One Who Keeps Me Here
Chapter IX: Wingardium Leviosa!
Chapter X: Let's Hear It for the Boy
Chapter XI: You're a Good Detective
Chapter XII: Tidings of Comfort and Joy
Chapter XIII: The Real Cedric
Chapter XIV: First to Last
Chapter XV: I'm Your Brother
Chapter XVI: It Could Stay This Simple
Chapter XVII: More to This Than Meets the Eye
Chapter XVIII: Already Brave Enough
Chapter XIX: Made to Fly
Chapter XX: More Than When I Left
Chapter XXI: Feels Different, Doesn't It?
Chapter XXII: Eleven Years Old
Chapter XXIII: Lilac
Chapter XXIV: Branch Within My Reach
Chapter XXV: A Natural Healer
Chapter XXVI: Darkness Will Be Rewritten
Chapter XXVII: Where Did Everyone Go?
Chapter XXVIII: Your Light is a Seed
Chapter XXIX: Ready for This One, Too
Chapter XXX: A Merry Little Christmas
Chapter XXXI: It Wasn't Hagrid
Chapter XXXII: Some Truths Are Sharper Than Knives
Chapter XXXIII: I'll Go First
Chapter XXXIV: Anywhere Your Dreams Can Take You
Chapter XXXV: Wow
Chapter XXXVI: This Perfect Day
Chapter XXXVII: Impossible
Chapter XXXVIII: Garden of Shadows
Chapter XXXIX: Nothing But the Truth
Chapter XL: You Give Me One
Chapter XLI: Sky Eyes
Chapter XLII: Close to Something Real
Chapter XLIII: The Temporary Truce
Chapter XLIV: Long Live
Chapter XLV: Sound Like a Plan?
Chapter XLVI: The Path Leads Right to Where They Won't Go
Chapter XLVII: The Bestest Birthday Ever
Chapter XLVIII: I'll Come Back When You Call Me
Chapter XLIX: "Good Thing"
Chapter L: We've Got Brighter Lights Back Home
Chapter LI: Real Love and Truth
Chapter LII: I Believe in Family
Chapter LIII: A Gentle and Tender Hand
Chapter LIV: Till the Sirens Sound, I'm Safe
Chapter LV: Leaps of Faith
Chapter LVI: Dream Away These Fears
Chapter LVII: What Sort of Secrets
Chapter LVIII: Under the Rain
Chapter LIX: To Celebrate a Fleeting Moment
Chapter LX: Doesn't Somebody Want to be Wanted?
Chapter LXI: Shining Just For You
Chapter LXII: I Want Your Midnights
Chapter LXIII: Pioneer
Chapter LXIV: What Do You Know About Love?
Chapter LXV: All Will Be Restored in Your Melody
Chapter LXVI: How Brave I'd Be
Chapter LXVII: Till We're Fixed from the Inside
Chapter LXVIII: Shadows on the Water
Chapter LXIX: The Only Star That Guided Me Was You
Chapter LXX: You're What I Know About Love
Chapter LXXI: A Place I Cannot Find
Chapter LXXII: I Only See Clouds
Chapter LXXIII: I Will Not Say Goodbye
Chapter LXXIV: It All Comes Undone
Chapter LXXV: Emphasis
Chapter LLXVI: Wait for Dawn
Chapter LXXVII: In the Wake of Devastation
Chapter LXXVIII: What About Me?
Chapter LXXIX: When the Nightmares Take Me
Chapter LXXX: Only a Moment Ago
Chapter LXXXI: Rose
Chapter LXXXII: Not Cautious Enough
Chapter LXXXIII: Too Late
Chapter LXXXIV: Kill Me, Then
Chapter LXXXV: Dear Cedric,
Chapter LXXXVI: The Bad Feeling
Chapter LXXXVII: I'm Not Done Yet
Chapter LXXXVIII: Tuck
Chapter LXXXIX: For a Moment
Chapter XC: Never Alone
Chapter XCI: I'll Always Come Back
Chapter XCII: A Delinquent
Chapter XCIII: You Can Ebb
Chapter XCIV: And I Can Flow
Chapter XCV: Dear Cedric,
Chapter XCVI: Runs in the Family
Chapter XCVII: Buttons
Chapter XCVIII: The First Step
Chapter XCIX: Together
Chapter C: Oh My Dear
Chapter CI: The Beautiful Ghost
Chapter CII: Something Big
Chapter CIII: So Much for Fairness
Chapter CIV: Only Lines
Chapter CV: Dear Cedric,
Chapter CVI: The Bag of Carrots
Chapter CVII: Saturday Morning
Chapter CVIII: Unbelievable
Chapter CIX: Reckless But Honest Words
Chapter CX: Something New
Chapter CXI: Unnecessary Shield Charm
Chapter CXII: Venomous Tentacula
Chapter CXIII: My Problem
Chapter CXIV: So We Fight
Chapter CXV: Dear Cedric,
Chapter CXVI: Trust is Quicksand
Chapter CXVII: Shadows Stretch Behind the Truth
Chapter CXVIII: Truth or Dare
Chapter CXIX: The Coasts of Hit or Miss
Chapter CXX: Romulus
Chapter CXXI: Worth the Fight
Chapter CXXII: Cracks in the Floor
Chapter CXXIII: Silencio and Evanesco
Chapter CXXIV: The Champion for Hogwarts
Chapter CXXV: Dear Cedric,
Chapter CXXVI: A Knack for Escaping
Chapter CXXVII: A Bit Lighter
Chapter CXXVIII: What It Isn't
Chapter CXXIX: Both
Chapter CXXX: Where My Demons Hide
Chapter CXXXI: Only I Can Save Me
Chapter CXXXII: Pocket Watches
Chapter CXXXIII: Training Dummies
Chapter CXXXIV: The Twentieth of October
Chapter CXXXV: Dear Cedric,
Chapter CXXXVI: Whiplash
Chapter CXXXVII: October 14, 1989
Chapter CXXXVIII: The Melofors Jinx and Verdimillious
Chapter CXXXIX: Life's No Fun Without a Good Scare
Chapter CXL: Burning in the Skies
Chapter CXLI: About Quidditch
Chapter CXLII: The Mischief Managers' Guide to Playing Beater
Chapter CXLIII: Tug-of-War
Chapter CXLIV: The Third Time
Chapter CXLV: Dear Cedric,
Chapter CXLVI: Don't Forget to Breathe
Chapter CXLVII: An Astronaut on the Ocean Floor
Chapter CXLVIII: In the Embers
Chapter CXLIX: Maybe the Soul
Chapter CL: Evermore
Chapter CLI: Healing Magic
Chapter CLII: Better Than This
Chapter CLIII: A Snake Inside
Chapter CLIV: Just Might Work It Out, Forever
Chapter CLV: Dear Cedric,
A Playlist? A Playlist!
Chapter CLVI: You're My Best Friend
Chapter CLVII: Take a Chance on Me
Chapter CLVIII: Man on a Mission
Chapter CLIX: Are You Ready For It?
Chapter CLX: First Occlumency Lesson
Chapter CLXI: Show Me Where My Skin Begins
Chapter CLXII: For All Your Beautiful Traits
Chapter CLXIII: Grawp
Chapter CLXIV: "I Believe Harry"
Chapter CLXVI: I Hope I Was Your Favorite Crime
Chapter CLXVII: Don't Stop Me Now
Chapter CLXVIII: I Love You Just the Way You Are
Chapter CLXIX: Moving Forward
Chapter CLXX: Dust Off Your Highest Hopes
Chapter CLXXI: Troubled Water
Chapter CLXXII: As Long As We're Together
Chapter CLXXIII: Crossing a Line
Chapter CLXXIV: Restless and Hungry
Chapter CLXXV: Dear Cedric,
Chapter CLXXVI: Their Pitchforks and Proof
Chapter CLXXVII: Dancing with the Devil
Chapter CLXXVIII: Clouds In My Coffee
Chapter CLXXIX: Where Does the Time Go?
Chapter CLXXX: Imma Do My Own Thing
Chapter CLXXXI: Just Hold On Tight
Chapter CLXXXII: O.W.L. Exams
TikTok Account
Chapter CLXXXIII: Don't Blame Me, Love Made Me Crazy
Dean Winchester Is Saved (AKA Where I've Been)
Chapter CLXXXIV: Hit It
Chapter CLXXXV: Dear Cedric,
Chapter CLXXXVI: The Courage of Stars
Chapter CLXXXVII: You'll Wish for Time to Turn Around
Chapter 188: When the Wolves Come Out
Chapter 189: Doing What We Do
Chapter 190: High on Believing
Chapter 191: We're Not Gonna Grow Up
Chapter 192: What Do I Stand For?
Chapter 193: Countin' on You to Carry Me Through
Chapter 194: Building to the Sky
Chapter 195: Dear Cedric,
Chapter 196: It's Delicate
Chapter 197: About Updates

Chapter CLXV: Dear Cedric,

62 7 7
By wheremyarmorends

February 14, 1996

Dear Cedric,

   Merlin, what a wild couple of months it's been. I had to read my last letter to you again just so I'd remember what I last told you and update you accordingly.

   About Quidditch, my first match as Beater is on Saturday! Truthfully, I'm more excited than I am nervous. I know, that's crazy, but I can't help but feel like I'm finally finding my footing again after being so unstable for so long. I'm finally figuring out who I am and where I'm supposed to be. I loved Chaser, but Beater just feels RIGHT. As fun as it was scoring the points, there's something that feels right about being one of the people protecting the rest of the team. We had practice only a couple days before the full moon, and I actually felt stronger instead of weaker. Playing Beater feels right, and having Ginny as the other Beater just makes it that much better.

   GINNY. MERLIN. YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE THIS GIRL. SHE'S AN ANIMAGUS NOW. A HORSE, A WHITE HORSE WITH BLACK SPOTS IN THE PATTERN OF HER FRECKLES. She's mad, I'm telling you. I love her, mad though she is. She's mad in the best way possible. Don't tell her I said that. I just tell her she's mad and that I love her, in that order.

   I got a few more answers about my magic. Apparently it's not terribly uncommon for werewolves to have something like this happen, though it's unusual that it happened to me so young. It happened to Remus (Professor Lupin) when he was 21. I've found that I'm able to control my magic best when I let myself release it; I've started dueling Harry and Ginny and Neville a couple times a week, and sometimes I even let it go during Quidditch practice. It makes Dennis laugh when I whack a Bludger with so much force orange sparks explode from my bat. He's our new Seeker, by the way! Dennis Creevey, Colin's younger brother. We've become good friends, actually, since he loves Charms as much as I do. I've started teaching a couple of the fun ones from the book you got me when I turned 12.

   Mr. Weasley made a full recovery, thankfully! As far as Harry's concerned, we don't have too many answers yet about what happened and why, but he's started Occlumency lessons with Snape. I still feel like Harry would learn better if Professor Dumbledore was the one giving the lessons, and I still hate Snape, but I suppose I just have to hope Harry starts to get the hang of it soon. He hasn't complained of any strange dreams in quite a while. I can tell his scar bothers him, though, even when he tries not to show it. I know him too well.

   Speaking of us, I don't know exactly where we stand, but I think I know where we will end up one day. Technically speaking, he's Cho's boyfriend, but I don't think that will last much longer. Cho was perfect for you, and you were perfect for her. I love Harry dearly, but he's not you. I supported Harry and Cho wholeheartedly, I promise I'm not saying this from a place of jealousy. I supported their relationship until it became clear they were both miserable in it. Now I just hope one or both of them has the sense to end it before they hurt each other further. Cho just wants to feel close to you, which I completely understand, but it's not good for Harry to keep going back to that night. It's not good for any of us.

   We had to go back to that night today, though. I hope it will be worth it. Harry and I both talked to Rita Skeeter (yes, THAT Rita Skeeter... truly awful) because she's going to publish something in The Quibbler about what happened — the FULL truth about what happened. I think people are ready to listen. There was a breakout from Azkaban, and I doubt people are satisfied with the answers (or lack thereof) in the Prophet. I think people might be more willing to give Harry a shot now. I think people might want to listen to me, too. The name Diggory carries weight, even though it's not truly mine. Well... no. It IS mine. I may not have been their daughter, but I always have been and always will be your sister.

   I miss you, Cedric. So much. I've been trying to figure myself out lately. I want to understand how and why people love me. Maybe one day even start to love myself. But the more I do that, the more I realize just how profoundly the loss of you has affected me. Everything I do has you in it somehow. Revising for O.W.L.s, I think of all of the study tips you shared with me over the years. Walking to the greenhouses, I see the tree where you and Henry spent so much time together. When I'm in the sky is when I feel you most. Sometimes I feel like if I fly high enough, I'll find you again. At the very least, I'll find an osprey. I never realized just how fitting your Patronus was, but it fits so perfectly, Ced. You were meant to fly. I wonder what it felt like to die. I hope it felt like flying and not falling. Falling is terrifying, but flying is exhilarating.

   Have you ever thought about how odd it is that people "fall" in love? I don't want to fall in love, I want to fly in love. Gravity has always felt reversed to me. I know gravity technically holds me to the ground, but I feel like there's another gravity, a stronger gravity, that calls me to the sky. The sky feels more like home than the ground ever has or ever will. I don't want to fall in love. I want to fly into love, with Harry. We're going to be together, I just know it. I guess I'm just waiting for him to know it too.

   I should go to bed now. It's been a long day (there was a bit of an incident at Quidditch practice) and I need to rest up before the Gryffindor-Hufflepuff match on Saturday. Don't worry, I'll be sure not to injure Henry. I make no promises about Anthony Rickett, though — Harry might have stopped me from hexing him, but if I get the chance to send a Bludger his way, I'll take it.

   Anyway, Cedric, I love you and I miss you. I don't know if the osprey really is you or not, but it's nice to see regardless. Like you're still around, checking up on us. I still feel you here. You're a part of me, and I know you'll never be fully gone as long as those of us who loved you remember you. And we do. I promise we do.

      Love always, Lucy


February 14, 1996

Dear Cedric,

   I need help.

   I wish I knew what to do to make Cho happy. She's sought me out for months now, but I wish I knew what she wanted from me. I know she wants to talk about you, but I can't bring myself to do that. That being said, I don't know what ELSE to do. We can talk about Quidditch a bit, but that's a sore subject since Umbridge booted me off the team and since you loved Quidditch so much. We can complain about Umbridge too, but even that topic of conversation dries up after a bit. I wish she would just talk to Lucy, because I know Lucy wants to be friends and wants to try to help her, but Cho refuses. I wish I knew what you did to make Cho happy so I could do the same. Or, better yet, I wish I knew what you did to make Cho happy so I could do the opposite so it doesn't remind her of you. I don't want to try to replace you, because you're irreplaceable. I just wish I could try to fill the hole you left behind, since it's my fault you're gone in the first place.

   Today was a real mess, but I think something good will come out of it. I told Rita Skeeter the whole story of that night, and she'll publish it in The Quibbler. I hope people finally hear me and actually LISTEN to me. I feel like I've been shouting into a void ever since that night, but only a dozen people care enough to lend me an ear. Merlin, I'm so glad Lucy of all people believes me. She's the best, Cedric, I mean that. I don't know how I would have gotten through all of this without her. I suppose that's another part of why I'm thinking about breaking up with Cho, she doesn't like Lucy — at the very least, she doesn't like being around Lucy — but Lucy's my best friend and I'd always choose her first. I've never told anyone this before, but last year, during the second task, I almost rescued her instead of Ron before I realized that Ron wouldn't have been your "treasure." If the other Hogwarts champion had been anyone other than you, Lucy would have been the person for me to rescue. She's rescued me time and time again — from myself, from others, from everything that's tried to hurt me — and I hope I've done alright returning the favor this past year, which I would argue has been the hardest and darkest year of her life.

   Well, I have quite a bit to ponder. I think breaking up with Cho would be the best decision for both of us, but I don't know how exactly to go about it. I hope she understands. Maybe she'll even be glad for it, I don't know. Thanks for hearing me out, if in fact you've heard me at all. We all really miss you down here, Lucy most of all. She's alright, though. She's getting better and better and better and better by the day. She rebounds faster and faster from setbacks, and she smiles and laughs more and more. She's not the same Lucy she was a year ago, I don't know if she ever will be, but I think that's okay. She's still Lucy through and through, and I think she's starting to realize we all love her no matter what. Whenever Lucy figures that out for once and for all, I think everyone will throw a party. As long as it's not close to a full moon, anyway, in which case we'd throw it once she was feeling better. I'll let you know as soon as that happens — I hope it's someday soon.

      Sincerely, Harry Potter        

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