Love & Risks - A Rich Prick l...

By TrinaMReads

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Working hard the last six years slinging drinks at a dive bar, Eden Rhodes, a recent college graduate has fin... More

Chapter 1 - Eden
Chapter 2 - Wes
Chapter 4- Wes
Chapter 5 - Eden
Chapter 6- Wes
Chapter 7- Eden
Chapter 8 - Eden
Chapter 9 - Wes
Chapter 10 - Eden
Chapter 11 - Wes
Chapter 12 - Eden
Chapter 13 - Wes
Chapter 14 - Eden
Chapter 15 - Eden

Chapter 3- Eden

3 1 0
By TrinaMReads



Monday Morning

I hadn't slept much the night before. My excitement had overwhelmed me, causing me to toss and turn as I wondered what my first day at The Wesley Connor Group would look like.

Who would I meet?

What would be my first assignment?

Would I do well?

Would I fail?

The thought of it all overwhelmed me and now here I was, wide awake two hours before my alarm was to wake me, standing over my kitchen sink, eating a buttered bagel and drinking a cup of breakfast tea. I am wearing a sleeveless cream silk blouse, paired with a baby blue form fitting pencil skirt, and nude pumps. I curled my normally straight hair letting it fall over my shoulders in waves, instead of my usual tousled look. I dust my high cheeks bones, courtesy of my mother's Egyptian heritage, with a soft pink blush and line my plump lips with a glossy pink lip balm. I flip through Instagram as I try to kill another thirty minutes or so before I head towards the subway.

The pictures from my last night at Libra's flood my timeline and I smile. The butterflies in my stomach begin to fade away as I remember all the hard work that I'd put in over the last six years, getting me to where I am today. To the prestigious company that I landed a six-month long paid internship with. The long nights at work, the weeklong Ramen noodle binges after I'd just dropped more money than I cared to admit on five classes, noting that it was all worth it.

I check the time on my phone, and even though I'm an hour and a half ahead of schedule, I decide to leave for work. I'll be too early, even for me, but it would give me the opportunity to scoop out the building and maybe even meet a few people before orientation. I begin to hum the tune "I'm walking on Sunshine" as I toss my dirty dishes into the sink, grab my purse, and messenger bag and head out the door, with an extra pep in my step.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Twenty minutes later...

You have got to be kidding me, I say to myself.

So much for walking on fucking sunshine.

My train had stalled over twenty minutes ago. Leaving me in a non-airconditioned, subway surrounded by other travelers who too were on their way to work. It's mid-September, and the fall air is unusually hot for New York. I guess that's the global warming my 4th grade science teacher warned me about. We are told over the intercom that there is a stalled train on the tracks in front of us and that we will be moving as soon as possible. Twenty minutes quickly turned in forty-five minutes and I begin to sweat, my nerves getting the best of me.

I can't be late on my first day, I think. I could feel the sweat start to drip down my back, my silk blouse sticking to my moist skin. This can't be happening. In what universe does a person wake up two hours before their alarm only to be stuck underground in the sweltering September heat, with the possibility of being late on her first at a new job? Me that's who. Although my phone carried no signal underground, I'm still able to check the time. I now have forty minutes to get across town, to The Wesley Connor building, past security and into human resources.

Fuck my life.

But just before I managed to have a complete meltdown, the train suddenly starts to move, and the air conditioner hums to life. I close my eyes, thanking the good man up above and sit for the next six stops, practically tripping over my four-inch heels as I run off the train and up the concrete steps.

I'm sweaty and I can feel it. My blouse clings to my skin and my thighs are sticking together. I'm now second guessing the pencil skirt option and wishing that I'd worn pants instead. I sprint the remaining two blocks towards the skyscraper with only fifteen minutes to give myself a once over and haul ass towards the fifteenth floor, where the Human Resources director would be waiting for me. There isn't a long line through security, and I spot the women's restroom near the elevators.

Perfect, I can run into the restroom scrub the subway off me, fix my hair and makeup and can be on the next elevator. If I played my cards right, I'd be walking off the elevator with ten minutes to spare.

I flash the temporary badge that was mailed to me in my welcome packet at the security officer. He smiles and wishes me luck on my first day, as he gestures for the person behind me to step forward. My heels click against the floor, and I don't stop until I'm in the women's restroom, standing over the various sinks desperately needing to get the smell of the sweat, and the subway scent off of me.

I'm thankful that my makeup is still in place, except for the small sweat beads that form on my forehead and nose. The pits under my silk blouse are a little stained with sweat, but it's nothing too noticeable. I reach up and grab a few paper towels and turn on the faucet, immediately wishing that I hadn't. A stream of water shoots outward, wetting and staining my cream-colored blouse with more than a few large drops of water.

"SHIT!" I scream, stumbling back from the sink. "This cannot be fucking happening" I add through gritted teeth. I frantically search for the hand dryer, thankful that this bathroom even still had one, and I turn it on. I angle my body in front of the dryer. Fanning my shirt, I pray that the water stains would dry quickly because I didn't have time for this shit. After five minutes of standing in front of the hand dryer, my shirt and pits are bone dry. I don't even bother to check the time as I haul ass out of the restroom and into a crowd of people who just like me, are waiting for the elevator. I considered running up the fifteen flights of steps, but thought better of it, my high heels wouldn't be able to withstand the idea of it even if I tried.

I manage to shove myself into the fourth available elevator, and as the doors slide close, I hang my head. I'm late and I know it and being late on my first day doesn't look good for me. Especially since my plan was to conquer this position, in hopes that my internship would turn into a full-time job at the end of the six months. Although it looked as if things weren't going as I thought they would, I decided not to let this poor moment ruin my entire day. Shit happens, and this was no different.

The elevator doors open to the fifteenth floor, and I quickly make my exit. I push past the two-glass doors, and I'm greeted warmly by a middle-aged woman wearing a pair of stylish, turquoise-colored eyeglasses.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" She asks.

"Good morning, I'm Eden Rhodes, and I'm here for the advertising associate's orientation." I answer, hoping that I sounded confident even though I was a few minutes late.

"Welcome aboard Ms. Rhodes, we are happy to have you. Orientation has just started, it's held in auditorium room A, just down the hall. Take any empty seat that has a welcome packet on it. Be sure to fill out the packet in its entirety and drop it into this basket before the end of day." She says warmly, pointing to a wired basket on her desk.

"Thank you." I say and begin to walk towards the auditorium.

"You're welcome and good luck." I smile and disappear down the long hallway.

I try my best to quiet my heels as I turn the handle and open the door to auditorium room A. It's smaller than I'd thought it would be, there's a little over twenty other advertising associates, sitting and listening to the speaker whom I assumed to be the head of human resources. The tall, studious man hadn't seemed to notice me yet, so I take the opportunity to slip into a chair towards the back of the small room. This isn't exactly how I wanted my first day to go, but C'est la vie. I grab a pen from my purse ready to take notes, just as the lecturer stops speaking and glances my way.

"I see we have a late comer." He says, as he points to me. I can literally feel my throat grow dry and my heart thudding in my ears.

"Please, stand and introduce yourself." He says, his voice annoyed, and I don't miss the side eye he's giving me. Not very professional if you ask me, but hell, what do I know? The only job I've ever had was a camp counselor to seven-year-olds, as well as my most current position, waiting tables and slinging drinks. So, who was I to say that this little show he's putting on wasn't the norm for these corporate Pricks. I stand on my heels and smooth out my pencil skirt.

"Hello everyone, my name is Eden Rhodes and I apologize for my lateness but –"Cutting me off the lecturer steps closer towards me.

"No need, welcome aboard Ms. Rhodes and while you're off to a terrible start I was just letting the associates know about the details of this position. Please take a seat and try to keep up." He says, turning and walking back towards the front of the room.

Damn, that was rough. I quickly take my seat, wanting to both melt away and stick my middle finger up at that asshole. I grab my pen, waiting for this asshole to continue. The female associate that occupies the chair in front of me, turns and extends her hand.

"Hey, I'm Reese and don't worry I can give you the details on everything you've missed so far. Also, the lecture started fifteen minutes before it was supposed too so, technically you're not that late." She says with a wink.

"Thank you" I whisper, shaking her hand and regaining my composure. She turns in her chair, and I begin to listen to the lecturer whose name I still hadn't learned due to my lateness.

He begins to inform us about the history of the company and the vision behind the direction that Mr. Connor wants to take the company. Last summer he'd put together a paid internship bringing on twenty entry level advertising associates, wanting to bring on New York City's most eligible interns, who had a passion for advertising and marketing. His goal was to mold, and shape said associates by giving them an opportunity to take on different projects within the company with clients and pitching to them different ads for the client to obtain a broader audience all the while keeping their current target audience. Once that internship ended, he hired four full-time interns, turning them in ad associates.

The lecturer informed us that by the end of the six-month internship there will be eight positions within the firm for a full-time advertising associates. It was the position that I wanted. No, scratch that. It was the position that I needed. As I look out at the other associates around me, wondering if they were as eager as I was to be one of the interns to land a full-time position, the doors to the auditorium swings open loudly, causing the lecturer to stop his speech, before slamming closed.

Everyone, including myself turn to find a very handsome, tall, well-tailored man strutting in. His perfectly hard jawline is covered in well-groomed facial hair, and from what I can make of his eyes, they too are hard as he stares down at his cell phone presumably texting. He doesn't bother to acknowledge the rest of us as we do him, and for the moment I'm happy that I'm not the only one late. I turn to the lecturer who smiles, as the man slides into an available seat upfront. My face falters at the sight, confused at his welcoming of this man's late entrance.

"It's nice of you to join us, Wes." The lecturer greets, just before turning his attention back to the group.

What. The. Fuck.

What the hell was that? Why didn't he get berated like I did? I stare at the back of this Wes guy's head. Who is he? And why hadn't the lecturer force him to introduce himself the way he did me after I interrupted his lecture do to my lateness? I sit and stew for a moment, but then choose to put my own insecurities aside.

I'm not here to figure out anyone else's story, I'm here for my own, I repeat over and over in my head. The small pep-talk seemed to work as I turn my attention back to the lecturer as he begins to conclude the orientation.

"Before I finish, don't forget to meet with your assigned partner outside before you all begin the tour." He says and my eyes widen.

Wait! What? Partner? I don't remember him saying anything about a partner.

"Eden?" He snaps and I look up from my notes and meet his gaze.

"Since you and Wes were the last two to join us, you two will be paired with one another for the six-month duration." He says and I quickly look to Wes, who doesn't even bother to figure out who I am. His phone is now tucked away, as he scratches his jaw and by his slouched posture, I can tell that he is utterly bored by this orientation, unlike the rest of us.

"Ok, everyone thanks for your time. Please meet with one of our senior advertising executives out front who will take you all on a tour of the associates production level located on the seventeenth floor. Afterwards you and your assigned partner will be shown to your shared offices where you will break for an hour-long lunch. I sit frozen as everyone around me begin to stand, I snap out of my trance and follow my fellow co-workers out into the hallway, but not before glancing over at Wes, who is now staring at me.

His face is stoic, not to mention handsome. His squared shoulders and the lack of amusement on his face gives off an unfriendly appearance. The slight downward curve of his lip tells me that he's also not as amused to be here as the rest of us happy interns. His fitted, tailored navy suit and Italian leather shoes also tells me that he's someone who has money. Which led me to question why he was even taking an entry level advertising associates position in the first place.

We all exit the auditorium, and I squeeze my way to the front of the line. There is no way I'm allowing this second round to get away from me.

"Hello every and welcome. I'm Faith Hughes and I'm the Senior Advertising Executive that manages all production for the seventeenth floor, which means you'll be seeing a lot of me. From this point on we will begin our tour of the seventeenth floor, please remember to ask questions, as I am here to make your experience at WCG a memorable one. If you have completed your welcome packet, please be sure to drop it in the basket. If you have not completed your welcome packets, remember to return it before you leave today. Now, without further ado, please follow me." Faith says and we all begin to walk behind her. The associates around me begin to start a light conversation with their partner as I stand alone, wondering if my assigned partner would make his way towards me or not.

We stop at a service elevator, and I look over my shoulder in search of Wes. I find him standing at the back of the group. His tall frame stands over the crowd, making it easy to find him. Our eyes connect almost instantly and as much as I want to snap my focus to whatever it is Faith is saying, I can't. Wes' eyes roam over my body with ease. He's not at all refined with his ogling, making me shift uneasily in my heels. He takes in every bit of me, and it takes all my strength to pull my gaze away from his. I swallow hard, and square my shoulders, forcing my attention on Faith, yet I can still feel his eyes on me, but I refuse to give him the satisfaction.

The elevator doors open and we all file inside. I stand at the front, my favorite spot, while everyone piles in around me. Faith stands next to me near the elevator buttons, as Wes steps in last and stands directly next to me. He stands so close to me that his shoulder is pressed against mine, his cologne is intoxicating in an obviously good way, but again I will not give him the satisfaction.

He's obviously the type of guy who has women falling at his feet and has his pick of several different women twenty-four-seven. There is some room in the service elevator, not a lot, but just enough for everyone to stand comfortably, yet Wes takes another step closer towards me. My breath catches in my throat, and I hate the betrayal of my body responding to him. If I turned towards him just a little, he would be able to feel the swell of my breasts against his toned arm.

"Are you enjoying your first day?" He asks. His voice is smooth, thick, and commanding. I nod my head in response.

"The name is Wes, and you are?" he introduces, and I clear my throat lowering my voice.

"I know who you are, and my name is Eden. Eden Rhodes." I say choosing not to extend my hand to greet him. I keep my eyes forward, not wanting to look at him, even though I can tell that he's staring down at me through the reflection on the elevator doors. He steps a little closer and I swallow hard. I could feel the heat radiating from his body and I both loved and hated it. The elevator finally comes to a halt, and I let out a quiet breath as the doors slide open. As we all step off, Wes falls to the back of the line, his eyes are burning holes in my ass as he continues to stare at my curves in this skirt.

Was this how it was going to be for the next six months? This tension that I couldn't describe between Wes and me? I was new to all of this, and his confidence gave way that he wasn't. I needed to keep my cool and keep my eye on the prize. Although I didn't want to, I couldn't help but to sneak another glance his way, mimicking his ogling. My eyes roaming from his expensive shoes and up towards his panty-dropping smile. It was then that I could not help but to think that I may have had it wrong all along. That maybe this job was going to take much more than hard work.

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