8K 240 46
By theclockworkghost


    Harry could not sleep that night. No, he tossed and turned, and the few hours he was able to catch was time plagued with horrible nightmares. The pirate normally experienced nightmares (a punishment from the Isle) but they had never been this bad. Not so bad that he was jumping awake, his breathing harsh and waking Uma from her own sleep.

Not so bad that Uma literally had to get into bed with him and stroke his head until he was pulled back into another short nap. And most definitely had he never been plagued with nightmares of Winter being terrorized and killed in the most horrible of ways.

No, this had never happened before. But then again, neither did a damn demon possession.

Earlier, Harry had been in an extremely splendid mood. Both of the Auradon Swords and Shields teams won, and not only did they win, but they set record-high scores. It was the strongest start to a season that Auradon Prep had ever been blessed with, and it was all thanks to the newest VKs on the teams.

However, that mood was immediately dampened when Mal pulled him, Uma, Jay, Lonnie, and Gil away. She claimed that Jonah had something important to tell them. When they all met at the stairway leading into Morton Hall, it was a no-brainer that this had something to do with Winter. Admittedly, they all thought she had simply overworked herself and was holed up in her room once again.

Harry had been excited to drag her (even if she was kicking and screaming and he had to haul her over his shoulder) and take her out to a celebratory dinner in downtown Auradon. That is where the majority of the team and other students had fled anyway.

Alas, this was not the case.

No, the real issue was much much worse.

Harry had no words when they were taken to the third levelโ€”but they all felt the chilling evil. It made Mal, in particular, more on edge than ever. This was the type of evil that reminded her of her mother, but at least her mother's evilness had never been directed at her.

When they were led to Winter's room, it got even worse. Evie had cried out, Mal gasped and placed a hand on her stomach, Carlos and Jay gaped, Ben looked about ready to pass out, Uma stood shock-silent, and everyone else was simply a mess. Harry was staring, his heart dropping and breathing picking up.

The story that came next shocked them all to no end. Harry Hook just about killed Freddie Facilier on the spot, he had pulled his hook out and was a hair away from stabbing it right through her neck. Begone FG's anger management lessons and hello Psycho Hook. He had never liked that chick anyway.

It was Jay, Jonah, and Gil who had to hold him back, and Carlos was forced to stand in between them all. Harry had only been seeing red, cursing Freddie and her entire family. Freddie had screamed back trying to explain herself, but it only made Harry angrier and fight harder.

Finally, after a long fifteen minutes and a stern talking-to from Uma, Harry had calmed down. Surprisingly, it was Ben who was freaking out next. Sure, he and Winter were not the closest, but seeing as they were both royal childrenโ€”they had known each other since childhood. They were linked togetherโ€”forever bound by the pact of Auradon. The pact that kept all the kingdoms united.

Not to mention he was freaking out about Winter's parents. To the VKs surprise (mostly because they had not heard much about Winter's heritage over the months they had known her) her parents might very well cause just the coldest, most desolate, and deadliest winter that Auradon had ever seen in wake of their daughter's disappearance.

It was something hard to be controlled, for if the spirits of ice, wind, cold, and all things revolving around the season of winter were angry or upset enough, then the season would reflect it.

Ice storms stronger than hell, avalanches terroizing mountain-side villages and kingdoms, temperatures below freezingโ€”it was something that no one would look forward to. Something many might not even survive. The number of casualties would be enormous!

And that would all happen if Winter was not found before they were forced to write to Arendelle and Ahtohallan about the news. It made Ben's head spin, because even if they were to find her and she was actually possessed, then what the hell do you do then?

Ben Florian could handle a lot of things, but Jesus Christโ€”a demon possession? Now that was just pushing it!

After much discussion and panic, the large group agreed on a plan. It was already getting late and the tiredness was beginning to seep in for many of them. Despite this, they would spend much of the night searching around the vast campus, asking students about her, and the very outskirts of the forests and grounds surrounding the school.

If she was not found that night, then they would break for sleep and pray that she found her way back in the morning. If morning came and she was still not there, then they would spend the rest of the day searching. However, if nightfall hit and there was still no sign of her, then Ben would be forced to tell Fairy Godmother.

And Lord help those around when FG hears of the news. She would immediately send word to Winter's home before putting the kingdom on high alert. And from there, pure chaos would ensue.

So far, it was only the very early hours of the morning after a full night of searching, and Harry laid in bed snuggled against Uma allowing her to stroke her fingers through his hair. He could almost imagine that it was Winter insteadโ€”a lot of things suddenly reminded Harry of Winter.

It made his sadness open up like a bottomless pit.

He was up bright and early the next morning, but Uma made him try and at least catch an extra two hours of sleep. He drifted, but when he woke he had never felt more energized. And that was only because of his drive to search for Winter.

He, Gil, and Uma met with the others in the courtyard around ten. None of them looked any better off than Harry, and Jonah simply looked a right mess. He was already on his second cigarette within ten minutes.

"So what the fuck is the plan?" Jonah asked harshly, smoke falling out of his mouth.

His hair was pulled back in a bun, something very rare for him to do as Jonah loved styling his hair down. He did not want to waste the time today, however.

Harry stood beside the teenager and nodded, his arms crossed harshly. Ben could not help but eye the shining silver hook adorned on Harry's hand. The dark-haired looked the most Isle that he had in months: the extremely dark liner, the hair that was far beyond unkept, and ragged leather.

Not to mention, watching Harry show-off that damn hook again was pretty intimidating. He only prayed that Harry did not come across FG today, because he has no doubt that he would score himself detention for weeks to come.

"We do the same as last night, except this time we expand our search into the downtown area and to the village beyond that if we can," Ben explained.

Mal jumped in after, "Okay, so we've put together some teams. Ben, Doug Evie, Jonah are heading into the village because they know the village the best out of all of us. I, Carlos, and Jay will search the downtown area since we know that place a little more. Harry, Uma, Gil, and Freddie, you are going to search the school grounds again and the edges of the forest. Any questions?"

Everyone looked at each other before shaking their heads: it appeared no one had any questions.

"Good, let's head out,"

And like that, another day of searching began.


The lookalike Winterfell walked onto campus as though it was nothing, her cloak covered her from head-to-toe and the hood was pulled up. Beleth did not waste any time, she was sneaky in getting back into Morton Hall.

So sneaky, in fact, that no one even noticed as she climbed up the stairs and entered Winterfell's room. She tsked upon closing the door and marveling at the mess made. Beleth silently grabbed ahold of the amulet and with the will of hell: Winter's room began to clean itself.

She watched as shattered mirrors and broken chairs mended, the bed fixed itself and objects picked themselves up off the floor. Within the seconds, the room was exactly as it was weeks ago: spotless and perfectly organized. Beleth smiled at her work.

She could not help but snicker though as she watched the real Winterfell stare from one of the room's mirrors in sadness. Pulling her cloak off, Beleth hung it in the closet while babbling.

"It's your fault, you know," the demon rolled her brown eyes, "you did not need to open that book: albeit I still would have possessed you someway in the future. You only sped up the process, kind of messed up my fun in terrifying you though," Beleth sighed in mock sadness.

She was digging through Winter's clothing, "God you have horrible fashion," she muttered offhand, "it's all good and dandy though, after all, now I have a body!"

Winter, from in the mirror began shouting, slamming on the glass as hard as she could. And yet, in the real world โ€” in the world she belonged in, no one was able to hear her. Beleth ignored her, pulling out a cute red top.

"Ooh," she muttered in awe, surprised to find this hiding in the back of her closet.

It was a long-sleeve but it was rather showy on the breasts and tight. However, it was perfect for the quickly cooling fall: snow was due in the next few weeks after all. This paired with... oh yes... skinny ripped jeans.

Beleth quickly changed, running into the bathroom and wiping off her previous makeup. She easily created a new wing for her dark eyeliner paired with thick and long lashes. Bold and sharp brows: spiraled hair โ€” a definite yes. Now just for those bangs.

Beleth was more than happy at her new body: with easy touch-ups, she looked fucking hot. The demon could not possibly fathom how the girl of Winter allowed her hair to stay so boring and pin straight.

She fluffed it up and popped her cherry red lips. The other Winterfell โ€” the real one โ€” suddenly appeared in the mirror with a scowl.

"Oh, don't look at me like that," Beleth scowled while tapping the glass harshly โ€” Winterfell jumped back in shock, "you needed a glow-up badly, hun. But why are you a blondie in there, actually not even blond, like your hair is white,"

Beleth was staring at the girl in confusion, not understanding how that happened. Generally, going into the other dimension did not mess with looks... unless, of course. The demon tilted her head and side-stepped the other reflection of Winterfell.

Examining her new body's hair a bit closer, she was able to find streaks of white coming in at the roots mostly and falling down the rest of her tumbling curls.

"Oh my gosh, don't tell me you've been dying your hair," Beleth said in shock, her mouth falling open in amusement as she stared at the white-haired reflection.

The other Winterfell was only glaring harshly. In this whole situation, the real Winterfell could care less about her hair color. That seemed like such a superficial worry in comparison to what she was now dealing with.

"Wow, alright โ€” this brings back a better look, let's see..." the fake Winter bit her lip and tilted her head โ€” in an instant, she knew what she wanted.

"Ha, alright ... "

From the other side of the mirror, the real Winter shrieked as her beloved hair was turned into a mixture of brown and white. Something that in a million years she would never have done. She would have even worn her hair naturally white compared to this!

The base of her hair was still brown, although the rest had an immense streak of white highlights running throughout it. Now, this is what was incredibly different and odd. The reflection of Winter stared at herself in horror, she nearly did not recognize herself.

"Oh fuck yeah," the demon chuckled, fluffing the curls even further.

With that, the demon put her middle finger up at the real Winterfell and turned out of the bathroom. This girl had hell to raise, and she could only do it in the right shoes. Of course, the black rhinestoned stilettos would have to do.

With the amulet resting on the center of her chest, "Winterfell" licked her lips.

"Best day ever," she shook her head with a laugh before walking out of the room.


So far, the group of Isle kids and Auradon kids had no luck. They were at a loss: they had already searched everywhere earlier that morning. It was a given that Winterfell was no longer on campus, but Auradon was huge. The newly lost princess could be anywhere!

Ben himself could not help but think of Rapunzel many years ago and how she was lost for eighteen years! The same could happen to poor Winterfell Frost.

"We need to go to Fairy Godmother," the King finally admitted as the large group stood around in the courtyard.

The previously heavy silence was broken. Harry looked up, his ice-blue eyes seeming to stare straight into Ben's soul. Mal moved forward with Evie close behind.

"Are you sure...?"

"Yes," he interrupted his fiancรฉ with a sad sigh, "at this rate the whole continent needs to be on high alert: we are risking her life the longer we wait,"

Of course Ben did not want to say anything! As soon as he did Jack Frost was no doubt bound to fly here and raise hell: Auradon would be thrown into an early winter that could last years! It might be a damn blizzard that does not end until Jack and Elsa's dear Winterfell is brought home.

The death toll could rise to unprecedented amounts.

So yes, of course, Ben was scared, but Winter was still his friend. And he knew the right thing to do was to inform every person he can until she was found and brought back.

Slowly, every head in the group was nodding, and off they went. Together they would tell Fairy Godmother. Harry stayed close to Uma and Gil: his face void of emotions. But everyone knew he was hurting on the inside.

Jonah, on the other hand, only looked sad. He was not blaming himself like last time, but Winterfell was practically his sister. The teenager felt incomplete without her.

And it was only as they all approached the office that he noticed her. Jonah's attention was only caught because how could one not notice someone like that walking through campus. It was like sex-on-legs: and her bouncy white-streaked hair was rather interesting. In an enduring manner.

But then he realized that he was staring at... Winter?!

"Winter?!" Jonah's yell caught the attention of all within the vicinity, and suddenly it seemed the whole school was staring at the girl.

Beleth appeared like a moth caught in a flame, she cursed mentally.

"Damn it, the fucking scooby squad..." she groaned in a very non-silent manner.

And of course, seeing as they were within hearing range of her โ€” everyone heard. They also noticed the slightly deeper tone that her voice had taken on as opposed to her naturally high-pitched bells.

Freddie knew it, she recognized the signs and they could all feel the maleficent nature coming from this warped version of their friend.

"That is not Winter," Freddie expressed, her voice giving off extreme warning signals.

Now, in this situation: Beleth had a few options. However, she tried her luck in potentially convincing the others that she was, in fact, Winterfell. In doing this, if she actually managed to trick them (which she highly doubted) then she could gain control of Ben. If she gains control of Ben then she gains control of the whole kingdom.

Good plan.

"WHAT!?" She shouted, far too dramatically and louder than the actual Winter ever would. "What the fuck do you mean this is not ME? Of course, I am ME!"

Okay, so maybe the demon did have a few anger issues. Just a few!

Just for the hell of it, she sat in her hip and gave perhaps the meanest resting bitch face that Winterfell has ever adorned. If the previous signs were not enough then that definitely was. There was no hesitation before Freddie was hollering.

"Quick โ€” get her! I can try and expel the demon!" Freddie shook her head.

The group was quick to all charge at her with Mal and Harry leading the pack. Beleth sighed in disdain as she watched them come for her. She tutted.

"Why do people always want to go the hard route," she had not even tried running, but as soon Mal and Harry were within five feet of her โ€” Beleth lifted both her hands and made a fist.

Immediately, Harry and Mal were brought to their knees gasping for air. The others were left in the same manner, many coughing violently. Why did the air suddenly feel thinner than a veil?

"Look โ€” I don't know who the hell you people think you are, but if you think for one second that any of you are going to ruin this for me...!" Her words were sharper than a dagger and filled with enough venom to fill an ocean.

No one responded for they could not in between their gasping. Mal and Uma were both separately trying to get ahold of themselves so they could attempt a counter curse. Although neither of them knew what the hell sort of magic this even was. All they know is that it is dark โ€” incredibly dark.

"And as for you King," Beleth walked forward her heels clicking, "I have big plans for this kingdom..." she bent down so she was level with his ear.

Her words caressed him alike to silver. Ben looked up at her coughing violently, and he looked into those soulless eyes โ€” he knew at that exact moment that she was definitely not Winterfell. No matter if this demon wore her body.

Puckering her lips, Beleth gave him a mock apologetic look before standing to her full height and striding back to the front. She paused at Harry Hook's form, clicking her tongue.

"Oh, you're that pirate my body is so enamored by,"

Harry looked up and stared at her. How was it possible for Winterfell to look so unlike herself? Dark makeup, huge kinky curls โ€” what the hell did that demon do to her hair?

She and Harry had a stare-off for a few seconds in which she appeared to be thinking. Finally, her eyes lit up.

"Hmm," she hummed, "I can find a place for you โ€” it'll be fun!"

And like that, she turned on her heel and strutted away, "I will see you losers later!" She smirked, her eyes turning pitch black as she walked.

In seconds, whatever spell the teens were under was lifted and they were left gasping as the air-filled their lungs. Staring wide-eyed, none of them spotted Winterfell anywhere in sight.

"Fuck!" It was Harry who screamed in pure anger, and for the first time โ€” all of them were truly stumped.


"We have one option โ€” we need to tell Fairy Godmother..." Ben started only for Jonah to suddenly cut him off.

"Wait," he stepped forward, looking around the room to the people who he become oh-so-close to in a matter of only a few weeks. "I have an idea," he expressed, "before we tell Fairy Godmother and risk the anger of the winter spirits," he sighed.

Yes, Ben had expressed his extreme worry to the others in telling Fairy Godmother about Winterfell's state as she would be forced to call Jack Frost and Elsa. All of them were on board with not wanting to do that.

Harry rose a brow โ€” Uma sharing a similar look from where she leaned against him. Carlos tilted his head while Mal and Evie eyed him with interest.

Jonah, on the other hand, was only examining every one of importance in the room. He could only take a few with him, after all.

"Okay, I can only take a few of us so: Harry," he pointed to the pirate, "Mal, Uma, and Ben, you're the only four I am taking..."

"Hold on," Mal shook her head, "taking where? What are you on about, Jonah?"

A nod of agreement and murmurs of confusion were passed around the large group. Ben, in particular, looked worried. Jonah only breathed deeply allowing his shoulders to slump.

"Has Winter ever told you just exactly how she and I met?" He questioned causing the room to go silent.

Ben was the first to answer. "I thought you guys had a class together in Sophomore year and that's how you got close...?" He said it suspiciously.

Jonah bit his lip before shaking his head.

"No," the long-haired boy answer, "not at all, actually..."

"Okay, then how did you guys meet?" Mal asked slowly.

And so, Jonah took a deep breath, "to start how Winter and I met, well โ€” I'll need to tell you guys about who I am, and my story starts about fifty years ago..." tales of a digital world unseen, bright cycles of light and wars fought all with discs.

Everyone was mystified by Jonah's complicated stories โ€” the tale that was his life. Even Ben, who had thought he knew Jonah never knew this much, and he was equally as impressed. It was rare that he ventured to the cities of his kingdom, in fact, he rarely went to places in Auradon other than where the main people Kings and Queens of council resided at.

But hearing that there was an entirely new city within his kingdom, one that very few had experienced was amazing. And it made Ben thirsty to explore the rest of his kingdom. His parents had always been protective when he grew up, rarely allowing him to visit the nastier sides of Auradon.

The VKs were mesmerized, after all, they had grown up on the island. The Isle and this city of Auradon were the only places most of them had been to (except Mal who once toured the main kingdoms of Auradon with Ben). To hear of Jonah's story, one so vastly different from all others at Auradon Prep was akin to a dream.

Harry and Uma were especially intrigued โ€” they were pirates... adventures by heart. Once they graduated they would be off to explore the world and to hear that Jonah was going to be bringing both of them to the Grid made excitement course through their veins.

Even Harry, who was upset over this whole Winterfell situation, could not stop the excitement from visiting the Grid.

However, it was especially exciting to hear how Winterfell and Jonah actually met. Not only that, but she was apparently a natural at disc throwing? Now Harry has got to see that.

And so, a last-ditch plan was formed after Jonah told his story.

"There is no magic in the Grid..." he had explained calmly, "so what would happen if we forced Winter's body there?"

That brought on a whole new theory. Because what would happen? Technically speaking, Winter was being possessed by means of myth and magic โ€” and they had no clue where her soul is. Hopefully, if she is being held captive in her own body, then once she arrived in the Grid this demon would be forced out.

It was a stretch, but seeing as it was the only thing they had at the moment โ€” then they would take it and run. Hell, they would make this plan soar if they had to. Anything to get Winter back.

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