messy love •harrypotterxoc•

By d1ckmedownp0tt3r

125K 3.3K 7.4K

harry potter and addelaine weasley, or addy, are meant to be. well that's what harry thinks, and claims to ad... More

• year 1 - cast
• chapter one (1)
• chapter two (1)
• chapter three (1)
• chapter four (1)
• chapter five (1)
• chapter six (1)
• chapter seven (1)
• chapter eight (1)
• chapter nine (1)
• chapter ten (1)
• chapter eleven (1)
• chapter twelve (1)
• chapter thirteen (1)
• chapter fourteen (1)
• year 2 - cast
• chapter fifteen (2)
• chapter sixteen (2)
• chapter seventeen (2)
• chapter eighteen (2)
• chapter nineteen (2)
• chapter twenty (2)
• chapter twenty one (2)
• chapter twenty two (2)
• chapter twenty three (2)
• chapter twenty four (2)
• year 3 - cast
• chapter twenty five (3)
• chapter twenty six (3)
• chapter twenty seven (3)
• chapter twenty eight (3)
• chapter twenty nine (3)
• chapter thirty (3)
• chapter thirty one (3)
• chapter thirty two (3)
• chapter thirty three (3)
• chapter thirty four (3)
• chapter thirty five (3)
• chapter thirty six (3)
• chapter thirty seven (3)
• chapter thirty eight (3)
• chapter thirty nine (3)
• chapter forty (3)
• chapter forty one (3)
• chapter forty two (3)
• chapter forty three (3)
• chapter forty four (3)
• chapter forty five (3)
• chapter forty six (3)
• year 4 - cast
• chapter forty seven (4)
• chapter forty nine (4)
• a/n
• chapter fifty (4)
• chapter fifty one (4)
• chapter fifty two (4)
• chapter fifty three (4)
chapter fifty four (4)
• chapter forty five (4)
• chapter forty six (4)
• chapter forty seven (4)
• a/n
•chapter forty eight (4)
• chapter forty nine (4)
• chapter fifty (4)
• chapter fifty one

• chapter forty eight (4)

1.2K 36 50
By d1ckmedownp0tt3r

theo was battered and not like a split lip and black eye, properly battered. infact he would bet his entire vault that he'd atleast broken a rib.

letters from addy was the only thing keeping him going nowadays, his bestfriend addy. he missed her, like merlin, missed is too little of a word. he needed her more then he ever needed anything right now

he was currently sat at dinner eating some fancy food, that, for one, he didn't even like but shovelled down his throat so he could leave the room quicker away from his parents

"calm down son, your eating too quickly" his father said in a calm voice, he was in an alright mood today "how was your day" he asked

"good" theo said weakly

"good!?! good use better vocabulary" his father bellowed at him "we're notts not peasants, we speak with grace and pride not this slum your talking like. you do remember that don't you, or do i need to remind you like i did the other night"

"no father, it was favourable, i lettered draco and that daphne girl like you asked" theo said cowering down in his seat

"good, good draco is a pureblood and so is that daphne, that's good for future arrangements" his father said eating some more of his food "KRINKLE" he yelled loudly standing up from the head of the table as a house elf came in shaking

"y-yes m-m-master nott" she stuttered, cuts and bruises visable on her body

"what is this eh? this vermin, it looks and tastes like tadpoles, are you trying to kill me" he spat at the elf who fell to the floor in fright as spit came out theo's fathers mouth

"i'm not that lucky" theo said quietly to himself as he played with his food with his fork

"what was that boy" he yelled as theo eyes widened but he still didn't answer his dad "I WILL BE ANSWERED TO, ANSWER ME!" he barked at theo who let out a small whimper "what a pathetic excuse of a son you are" he whispered lowly to him before kicking theo's chair over "pathetic"

theo grabbed his legs and curled into a little ball protecting his head as his dad continuously kicked him leaving bruises all over his lanky, pale body. his dad kicking one of his ribs made theo let's go in pain and his nose get trampled on by his dads leather boot, whilst his mother sits at the table drinking her champagne with her eyebrows raised in distaste

"honey this wine, it's cheap, can you get me another one from the cellar" she asks not glancing at theo whos sobbing in pain

"sure, sure, i'm done getting enough filth on my shoe anyway" theo's dad says and with one look towards theo, he scoffed before spitting on him and walking away muttering words with distaste on theo

"get up theodore, you'll stain the carpet and it's worth more then you" she says with her nose raised.

not shooting any glances to anything  theo ran to his bedroom, locking the door, and ran to his bathroom to look at his now broken nose

"shit" he cursed before getting a towel and shoving it in his mouth and leaned against the wall. he took a deep breath before snapping it back in place, screaming into the towel in his mouth in pain.

he stood up looking at the broken face in his mirror, searching his reflection for the joyful young boy he once was, but the depressed teenager with a fucked up face looked back at him, almost mocking him, laughing at his pain, teasing him

his cheek ached from cuts and slashes scaring his once soft cheek while his lip quivers chapped from where he bites down on it to hold in the agonising screams. lifting up his shirt he saw yellow and a blue-y black colour painted over his tall torso where his light abs covered. he had long scars covering it from where his dad would be extremely angry and throw his glass of bourbon at him cutting into his shirt, letting it bleed out before he was allowed to leave and let a house elf fix him up

his slender fingers traced over them as he winced slightly at the light pain of the contact.

but what theo was extremely grateful for was the quidditch world cup, more so the fact that draco is taking him. his dad said something about having business during that time anyway so he was free to go, he would floo to the malfoy manor and then stay there the rest of the summer until hogwarts and too that he owed draco his life

sure the malfoy manor wasn't the greatest place but with mrs malfoy there is was alright. she'd taken a liking to theo when draco came home with him on the 1st year christmas and since then she'd taken it upon herself to look after him as her own since his mother doesn't

mr malfoy knew the boy, and would shoot him the occasional nod in his direction but they weren't the closest, and theo was glad. from what he'd heard from draco his father isn't the greatest man either but who was theo to pick and choose, dracos house was more then enough for theo. anything to get him out of that shithole he once called home

snapping back to reality, theo went to his room and looked around for a piece of parchment but there was nothing around. he checked his king size bed for some but nothing but the silk sheets which soaked up his bloody face at night was there. he searched his desk, which held, in neat piles, extra school work to do if he got bored but theo within the first week had finished all of it. everything he could ever need was in there, a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a set of draws, a big window with a view of a large lake, everything but a price of parchment

needing to write to addy, he opened his door and crept to his fathers office, was this a bad idea? yes, yes it was. would he do it anyway? yes, yes he will

he stepped down the stairs onto the downstairs landing and crept around the corner, groaning when he heard his father in the office

"-no ofcourse Lucius i won't disappoint. you gave the tickets to the girl am i right? it won't work if she doesn't see it!" his father hissed "do not raise your voice at me, you may be high on his books but your surely not on mine, just make sure she's there or you'll be to blame" he slammed down the old fashioned phone and let out a loud line of curses before walking to get some more bourbon presumably

this was his chance; run in now get the paper. he walked inside closing the door slowly and quietly and walked over searching for parchment, after minutes of looking he got it and ran back to his room ignoring the stares and tuts from the paintings of previous notts on the walls

he got to his room and locked the door once again before sitting on his bed and writing

hey addy,

parents still giving you shit? call them round here and i'll show them shit don't you worry love, i'll whoop there ass


unless you want me to then i fully will...

i hope your going okay, i'm not, another eppisode today all because the soup they made looked like soup, merlin he's a twat

anyway i was wondering if your still not going to the quidditch cup, because if your not i'll get you a momentum don't worry, i'll get you a large t-shirt with the Bulgarian logo on because i know you like when there big on you, it was Bulgarian wasn't it not Ireland. ugh i can't remember i'll just get you both anyway i'm not paying soooo

i have to go now since i'm running out of parchment but i'll owl you soon

love you endlessly
theo your platonic soulmate :)

he put it in a envelope and sent it using his family owl praying his father doesn't need it until he got his reply

3 more days, 3 more days until he's out of his house and in the malfoy manor and he couldn't wait until then

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