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By Abiix13

14K 217 52

"๐—–๐—ฎ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ ๐—ถ๐—บ ๐—ท๐˜‚๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ฎ ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ฒ ๐—ฑ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐˜๐—ฏ๐—ฎ๐—ด ๐—ฏ๐—ฎ๐—ฏ๐˜†" ๐—Œ๐—๐–บ๐—๐—‡ ๐—๐—Ž๐—‡๐—๐–พ๐—‹ ๐–ฟ๐–บ๐—‡ ๐–ฟ๐—‚๐–ผ [๏ฟฝ... More

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{Chapter 21)

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227 4 0
By Abiix13

"Good morning Class I would like you all to let out your most agonised groan." Feeny said making the class go aw in fake disappointment.

"Good now lets start planning our springtime class play." Feeny said making the whole class groan in pure frustration.

"Been there heard that, now before you give up in despair you may want to hear my play selection. It has sword fights murders,Skulls even ghosts, how does that sound?" Feeny said to the class who's faces has lightened up.

"Sounds like Spielberg." Cory said running his hands together with a massive smile on his face.

"Sounds like Shakespeare." Feeny said pointing his finger and walking away to his desk.

"Sounds like a loser!" Shawn said smiling at Cory who had turned out to face him.

"We will be doing selected scenes from the play Hamlet." Feeny said as he grabbed a box of books and began walking towards Shawn's desk.

"Mr Hunter, in the parlance of the theatre you will be a spear carrier." Feeny said making Shawn smile up at him.

"Excellent so this guy i play is like what a warrior and a hero?" Shawn said making Feeny's face turn to a sarcastic expression.

"No this guy you play has very few lines to memorise." Feeny said making Maddison turn to him.

"Mr Feeny your taking a risk giving him any lines at at all." Maddison said making Shawn death stare her which she replied with a smile.

"Miss Lawrence you will be playing the tragic heroine Ophelia, Now this is a challenging role she goes quite insane." Feeny said with a serious tone looking down at the joyful looking Topanga.

"Topanga insane? What a stretch." Cory said sarcastically making her turn to him.

"If I were a less-Evolved person I'd say cram it Brillo-head." Topanga said making Maddison laugh and Cory turn to her with an angry look plastered on his face.

"What she didn't lie you are a Brillo-head!" Maddison said making Cory gasp.

"Well at least I'm not, I'm not." Cory said struggling for an insult making Maddison laugh.

"Turn around Cor your starting to embarrass yourself." Maddison said making Cory turn around with a defeated look on his face.

"Miss McKay, you will be playing polonius's wife." Feeny said making Maddison look up at him with a nod.

"Mr Minkus you will be playing the role of the wise old polonius." Feeny said making Minkus's face drop into a gloomy expression.

"Polonius? He only has 48 lines." Minkus said in.
Shocked tone before fixing his posture.

"I sort of pictured myself as the melancholy dane." Minkus said with a smug look on his face.

"Wait he's my husband?" Maddison said staring at Minkus with a confused look.

"Yes Miss McKay you will be portraying Minkus's wife." Feeny said making Minkus shoot up.

"Well hello Wife!" Minkus said with a wink making Maddison shake her head.

"Shawn I politely would like to say, SUCK IT!" Minkus said making Shawn turn to him.

"Your only playing her husband one day I actually will be her husband." Shawn said with a smug look to Maddison.

"If either of you end up my Husband I will have failed at life." Maddison said to the two boys.

"Enough with whatever this conversation is back to what Minkus said about Dane, For those of you unfamiliar with the reference Mr Minkus means the lead role prince hamlet, now this is a tricky part to cast because Hamlet gets on a lot of people's nerves he makes one stupid mistake after another and for 5 acts he never shuts up." Feeny said making the whole class look over at Cory who was staring at the ground.

"What do I have a booger?" Cory said to Shawn as he looked up noticing the class staring at him as Feeny threw the book at his desk.

"So Hunter excited to be carrying a massive spear for a full play?" Maddison asked Shawn as they walked down the familiar path.

"Yeah have you not seen these muscles?" Shawn said as he jumped in-front of Maddison flexing his "Muscles".

"Let me get a closer look maybe I will see them that way." Maddison said as she grabbed Shawn's arm and pushed it out the way so she could continue walking.

"Hey that was uncalled for!" Shawn said as he walked beside Maddison.

"It was very called for." Maddison said with a grin on her face.

"You know you don't have to be right in every conversation?" Shawn said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulling her slightly closer to him.

"I know I don't have to but I always am." Maddison said making Shawn out her in a slight headlock.

"Get off me you doofus!" Maddison said Shawn still keeping her in the headlock.

"Doofus? A new insult I see." Shawn said making Maddison Elbowed him in the stomach.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" Shawn said holding his stomach as Maddison kept on walking.

"Shawn you where trying to choke me even though you failed Miserably at it but that's not the point." Maddison said walking Ahead making Shawn run towards her.

"Okay but we're even now?" Shawn said walking with her Maddison not replying to him.

"Right?" Shawn said putting his hand out for her to shake.

Maddison grabbed his hand and twisted it.

"Now we are!" Maddison said with a smug smirk before walking towards her drive way.

"I hate you Maddison." Shawn said looking at the ground.

"You know you love me!" Maddison said making Shawn gasp.

"That's my line McKay!" Shawn said making Maddison smile and save goodbye to him.

"To be or not to be that is the question, whether tis
Nobel or in the mind to suffer the sling and arrows of Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah." Cory said as he stood in the Middle of the Classroom which the desks had been moved to make a circle.

"Mr Feeny who wrote this garbage?" Cory said pointing his finger at the book in his hand.

"Some say Shakespeare's plays were written by a group of individuals but I don't necessarily believe that." Feeny said Before Minkus began to speak.

"I personally subscribe to the Francis Bacon theory." Minkus said to Cory as Shawn and Maddison sat beside each other on their desks.

"I go with the Jimmy Dean sausage Theory." Shawn said nodding his head with a smile.

"Please continue Mr Matthews." Feeny said pointing at the young boy stood in the middle of the Classroom.

"Okay, to die to sleep no more and by a sleep to say we end the heartache can i please stop whining and shove a sword through somebody's guts." Cory said with a fake smile on his face clearly annoyed.

"Yes as soon as you get to the Queen's chamber!" Feeny said before pretending to stab someone.

"See there's your problem right there you want murder you want suspense you don't go to your mother's bedroom." Cory said before placing the Book down on the table.

"And how are you going to improve the greatest play in English literature?" Feeny questioned Cory while the boy now stood in front of his desks

"Well for starters let's set this thing in a burning skyscraper then I could do sort of a Bruce Willis thing you know? Shooting uzis blowing away terrorists jumping out windows, all this guy Hamlet does is talk he even talks when nobody's there." Cory said While Feeny got out of his desk.

"And you don't do that?" Maddison said to Cory who turned to her.

"I don't talk to myself!" Cory said making Maddison laugh.

"Don't let me remind you of the many occupations I have walked in on you talking to yourself Cor!" Maddison said making Cory's face go red from embarrassment before turning back around to Feeny.

"Prince hamlet finds himself in the middle of a terrible dilemma whatever course of action he chooses could have dire consequences he's racked with indecision he is one of the literature's most Human characters." Feeny said shaking his hands around the air Dramatically while staring at Cory.

"You mean most wimpy characters wimps talk hero's do stuff." Cory said making Maddison nod her head with a smile.

"At least your self aware." Maddison said making Cory look behind Feeny to look at her.

"Will you ever stop insulting me!" Cory said shaking His head making Maddison make eye contact with him.

"Let me think? No." Maddison said with a smile making Feeny turn to her.

"Miss McKay may you please let me start my sentence where I left off without interrupting to Insult Mr Matthews?" Feeny said making Maddison roll her eyes.

"The gospel according to Jean-Claude Van dame." Feeny said before Topanga walked in with her Ophelia costume on and holding Another costume in her hand.

"Ah Ophelia don't you look Authentic." Feeny said clapping his hands together.

"Thank you Mr Feeny, here's your costume" Topanga said holding out the black costume and showing it Cory before Feeny took it out of her hands and held it up.

"Jedediah Sewed it last night." Topanga said as Cory grabbed a sleeve off the costume while looking at it.

"Wait a minute what was your dad thinking this a minidress and pantyhose." Cory said looking at the costume in utter disgust.

"No no actually this is a doublet and tights which is how make actors dressed back in the 1600s see?" Feeny said holding up the costume making Maddison look at Cory.

"Cory don't worry about it I'm sure you will look great in some tights!" Maddison said making Feeny turn round to her and glare at her.

"Miss McKay outside now." Feeny said making Her stand up and look at him.

"Hey that was a complement!" Maddison said making Feeny point towards the door.

"Yes it may be worded like one But I know it wasn't supposed to be so out." Feeny said making Maddison role her eyes and began to walk outside the classroom.

"Hey Cor what you doing out here?" Maddison said as she stood leaning against the wall to let time pass by.

"I quit the play!" Cory said as leaned against the wall beside her.

"Why?" Maddison questioned the boy.

"Feeny is trying to make me wear tights how pathetic would I look in tights?" Cory said making Maddison look him up and down.

"Not any less pathetic than you look just now." Maddison said patting his shoulder before they heard the classroom door shut, both of them knowing it was Feeny making Cory leave not wanting to see the teacher right now.

"Miss McKay the insults inside my classroom towards Mr Matthews and Mr Hunter must stop." Feeny said making Maddison's eyes widen.

"I haven't insulted Shawn in the classroom yet!" Maddison said in defence to Feeny.

"Exactly "yet", Miss McKay I know it's your way of joking with your friends but you must keep it outside of the classroom." Feeny said making Maddison nod her head pretending to be listening.

"Have you got that Miss McKay?" Feeny said making Maddison stare at him.

"Yes Mr Feeny." Maddison said with a smile on her face.

"Now head back inside so we can continue working on the play." Feeny said as Maddison walked off before he stopped her.

"Remember no insulting Mr Hunter or Mr Matthews inside of my classroom." Feeny said making Maddison give him a thumbs up before walking inside with Feeny beside her.

"Hey Doofus!" Maddison said as she sat down beside Shawn.

"Miss McKay!" Feeny said to Maddison who just gave him an apologetic Smile.

"Why did Minkus just walk over speaking like a crazy person?" Maddison said walking up to Shawn and Cory stood not to far away from the lockers.

"Wait till Feeny sees our prince Haagen Dazs Over there he's going to be begging me to come back to the play with my Uzi, coming to an elementary school near you Hambo part 6, to kill or not to kill." Cory said as he then pretended to shoot Shawn who went along with the act.

"I'm really debating ending this friendship." Maddison

"I'm home!" Maddison said opening up the door the her house waiting on a reply which she never got making her take a guess it was her Mom who was in.

But the more Maddison walked around she realised she was home along which got her thinking, Maddison hadn't been home alone like usual due to the ear piercing situation. Maddison walked up stairs to her bedroom and noticed some old
Micheal Jackson records in a box in the hall she decided to pick up "Billie Jean" which was one of her personal favourites by Micheal Jackson.

Before she put it on she ran into her dads office to get the ice cream that was hidden in his mini fridge in his office. Maddison grabbed the ice cream tub then ran downstairs to get a spoon for the ice cream before heading back upstairs and putting on the record and dancing around her room eating the ice cream while singing with her bedroom door closed.

Maddison decided to turn to music up since no one was home to complain about it. Around half an hour went by Maddison was on her second tub of ice cream now playing "I want you back" by The Jackson 5 she was dancing and singing with the ice cream tub in her hands trying not to drop it before her door got slammed open making her jump slightly.

"Jackson 5 good choice." Mark said as he sat down on Maddison's bed making her turn off the music and place the Ice cream down on her bedside table.

"Oh ice cream." Mark said picking up the spoon and taking some of the ice cream.

"So this is what you do when we leave you alone dance to music and eat a tub of ice cream?" Mark said with a chuckle making Maddison correct him.

"Second tub of ice cream but at least I'm not making holes in my ear?" Maddison said with a smile before her dad playfully slapped the back of her head.

"I'm still shocked you did that Maddie." Mark said before standing up and getting ready to walk out.

"Oh and I would hurry up and clean this up your Mom will be home soon." Mark said closing the door behind him making Maddison stand up and begin the music again while she cleaned.

"Hail Corius" Shawn said As he walked over to Cory in his costume which was a red kings robe, a crown and a fake stomach, Maddison walked over not to far behind him in here costume, a Dark red dress with puffy sort of sleeves and a crown with a sort of veil attached.

"Where's your spear?" Cory questioned Shawn who struggled slightly to get down the steps due to the fake stomach.

"I've got guys to carry my spear." Shawn said holding onto the closing off his kings robe.

"Since when?" Cory asked his eye brows raised slightly staring at the boy.

"Since you left the play and Feeny shifted all the roles around, look I'm finally her husband!" Shawn said pointing at Shawn before resting his arm around Maddison's shoulder.

"Trust me I wish I got my role switched at this point." Maddison said taking Shawn's arm off of her shoulder.

"But I do quite like the costume." Maddison said doing a curtesy.

"But Feeny bumped me up to Polonius pretty cool huh?" Shawn said holding onto the fake belly on him.

"You look more like a Balonius." Shawn said with a laugh making Shawn lean back slightly.

"Yeah he's kind of of a fat guy and there's alot of lines to memorise but you know what's really cool about him?" Shawn said pointing both his fingers towards Cory who was stood in front of his locker.

"What?" Cory asked with a small smile on his face.

"Act 3 scene 4." Shawn said before pretending to Stab himself making him go flying into the lockers before finally laying on the floor and dramatically dying.

"You die pretty realistically." Cory said nodding his Head with his hands on his hips.

"Yeah Feeny says it's his favourite part of the play." Shawn said as he stood up from the floor and fixing his kings robe.

"Oh it's definitely mine to." Maddison said with a smile on her face and a laugh.

"Yeah so you're really getting into it, how's Minkus doing in my part?" Cory asked making Maddison look at him.

"It's not really you're part anymore but." Maddison said letting Shawn finish her sentence off for her.

"Good good," Shawn said before him and Maddison looked at each other.

"Really stinking bad!" They said at the Same time with both their arms pointing at Cory."

"He's killing us Cory you got to come back." Shawn said making Cory put his hands in his pocket.

"I know I said it wasn't your role anymore but please come back." Maddison said making Shawn look at her then Cory.

"Hey if Feeny backs down on the ballerina outfit I'm there." Cory said making Maddison and Shawn glare at him.

"He's not gonna back down and Minkus is stinking up my play." Shawn said pointing his two thumbs towards himself making Cory shrug his shoulders.

"Well I'm not crawling back to Feeny." Cory said making Maddison and Shawn stare at him before Shawn decided to speak.

"Cory in asking you a favour." Shawn said his voice sounding lower than normal now.

"Shawn yesterday your worshipped me as a god for quitting, if the plays do bad then why don't you quit?" Shawn said shrugging his shoulder as his voice got slightly louder than before."

"I can't too many people are depending on me." Shawn said to Cory making Maddison give him a smile knowing his dad was going and how happy he was about it.

"Who's depending on you?" Cory said to Shawn in a shocked sort of tone.

"My dad he's coming to see the play." Shawn said looking over at Maddison and wrapping his arm around her shoulder again.

"Your Dad's taking time off work to watch you die?"
Cory said with a shocked look on his face.

"Apparently this something everybody wants to see." Shawn said making Cory point towards him and Maddison.

"You know what I want to  you two and me shooting hoops I'm the gym right now." Cory said making Maddison and Shawn stop.

"We can't Cory we got rehearsal." Maddison said before Shawn noticed some spear carries walking by.

"Hey guys wait up!" Shawn said making the two spear carriers keep walking.

"They disobey me like that again I'm going to sit in them." Shawn said as he walked away making Maddison turn to Cory.

"I'm not in the mood to get sat on by that fat suit I'll see you later?" Maddison said to Cory who just waved goodbye at her.

"What is he who grief beats such an emphasis." Minkus said in a strange tone facing the back off the stage.

"Stop Mr Minkus." Feeny shouted as he walked up to the stage.

"I answer only to Hamlet." Minkus said making Maddison do a face palm.

"He's ruining the play I can't take it much longer Shawn." Maddison whispers to Shawn who just shook his head in agreement.

"Stop Mr Hamlet." Feeny said throwing his hands up in the air before slapping them back down in frustration.

"Your supposed to be facing the Audience." Feeny said making Minkus turn around.

"Aren't I?" Minkus said as he walked nearly rught off the platform he was stood on only for Feeny to catch him.

"Hamlet where are your glasses?" Feeny asked in frustration to the boy.

"Minkus you told me you would wear them this time!" Maddison said since earlier her,Shawn and Minkus got at the stage earlier meaning they practised some.

"Mr Feeny, Miss Minkus They didn't have eyeglasses in the Middle Ages." Minkus said rubbing his hands together.

"What did you just call me?" Maddison said giving him a seat stare.

"Yeah what did you just call her?" Shawn said making Minkus fiddle with his hands some more.

"Put on your glasses and climb into Ophelia's grave!" Feeny said to Minkus jow more frustrated than before.

"You know I read an article that Elizabethan in English is a lot like American southern, so let me show you a little something I've been playing around with." Minkus said he out one foot on Topanga's stomach.

"Shazam, show me what thou't do, woo't weep woo't fight woo't tear thyself." Minkus said in a hillbilly accent making Maddison and Shawn's face turn to a look of sort of fear.

"Oh great Ernest goes to Denmark." Cory said  slapping his hands down on his legs.

"Stuart I can't breathe." Topanga said making Stuart keep his leg in the same spot on her stomach.

"Stick to the script!" Minkus said quickly looking down at Topanga then back up.

"Your food is on my liver." Topanga said pushing him off of her making him hit the ground with a thud.

"Finally someone did it!" Maddison said as she had Been waiting to do her scene so she could do it due to how annoying Minkus was being.

"I can't work like this." Minkus jumped up saying with a squeaky voice.

"All right all right I've had enough of rehearsal I want you all to go home!" Feeny said making Cory rub his hands together.

"Hey looks like we can shoot hoops after all!" Cory said making Shawn hold onto his gut.

"Yeah let me just go part my gut in the wardrobe room." Shawn said as Maddison followed to take her crown off.

"Just leave it." Cory said as he walked off making Maddison give him a sympathetic smile

"Hey you excited for the play?" Maddison said with a smile as she fixed her hair in the dressing room mirror and Shawn tried to keep his gut in its right place.

"Yeah if this stupid gut would stop rolling around!" Shawn said as Maddison walked over and helped him place it down right.

"Any of your parents coming?" Shawn said making Maddison shake her head.

"Nah didn't tell them." Maddison said as she began to grab the rest of her things from the changing room.

"Why not you have a pretty big role?" Shawn said making Maddison look at him through the mirror.

"Didn't want to waste they're times they are probably busy." Maddison said shrugging her shoulders making Shawn come and sit beside her.

"But you said your dad wasn't working late today." Shawn said making Maddison look at him.

"So he probably has stuff to do I don't want to waste his free time." Maddison said knowing if she invited her dad she would have to invite her Mom which she wasn't to excited about doing.

"Come on I got mine to come I'm sure you can to." Shawn said with a massive smile making her turn to him.

"But then I would have to invite my Mom to." Maddison said to Shawn who looked at her.

"Why don't you want to invite your Mom?" Shawn asked in a sympathetic tone making Maddison look at the floor.

"She was drinking when I left for school this morning so I'm guessing she still is now." Maddison said this was enough for Shawn to understand.

"Hey just ask your dad when you get home I'm sure he won't mind." Shawn said as he hugged Maddison tightly before they began to walk out the dressing room to head home.

"Dad?" Maddison said walking to her Dads office where she seen him sitting at his desk holding his guitar.

"Yeah Maddie?" Mark said placing the guitar down on the ground before looking up at her.

"There is a school play tonight and I'm in it I was wondering if you would maybe want to come only if you have time and I understand if you don't want to." Maddison said making Her Dad smile at her.

"Of course I'll be there just tell me when your leaving and I'll come, did you ask your Mom?" Mark said making Maddison sigh luckily her Mom was out at a Friends house which means there was no way to ask her.

"She's out." Maddison said as she walked out of her dads officially and heading to her room to get ready for the play.

"Oh that this too too solid flesh would melt thaw and resolve itself into A dew." Minkus said as Maddison stood beside Shawn as she noticed a spear carrier walking over to her.

The boy then popped Shawn's fake belly making Shawn push him beginning a fight and bumping into Maddison who knocked Minkus off the stage causing a massive fight to break out on stage.

"Hey are you doing anything after the play?" One boy asked Making Maddison stop to look at him.

"N-" Maddison said before Shawn ran over and looked at the boy.

"Yeah she's busy!" Shawn said as he pushed the boy back making Maddison look at him.

"No I'm not!" Maddison said as she watched the boy push Shawn back.

"Your walking me home now!" Shawn said making Maddison laugh and give the boy an apologetic look before Cory began knocking everyone off the stage, Maddison noticed and ran behind a prop waiting for everyone to be knocked over and Cory to start showing off.

As Cory started dancing on the stage Maddison ran over and pushed him off of the stage straight onto the floor watching him land on top on Shawn.

"Thank you for coming lady's and gentlemen!" Maddison said with a bow before sticking her tongue out at Shawn,Minkus and Cory.

Hi guys I'm going to start posting a new chapter every second Sunday so I can try and keep the updates more frequently, please vote if you can <3

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