a new family [Discontinued]

By Niko_Shall

20.8K 660 337

Tommy has been in the system for seven years, ever since his parents died in a car accident. A man came to fo... More

Mall shinanigens
Ice cream
Fallen down
School is not so fun (A/N)
First Day
Living the dream
Wilbur is a terrible driver
Fish on land
A long awaited A/N

Official First Day

1.2K 45 37
By Niko_Shall

"Tommy" Tommy stirred in his sleep, yawning and opening his eyes. He sat up, his stomach giving a painful churn, he started to regret eating the night before. Techno was at his door, leaning on the door frame. "Come on- We have to get to school." Tommy stared at Techno, not processing any of the words in his head.

"Mgghn- what ?" Tommy mumbled sleepily. Techno gave a soft sigh and walked over to him, ruffling up Tommy's hair.

"School, you have to get up" Techno said and Tommy blinked.

"M'kay" Tommy said with another yawn.

"Get dressed, otherwise you might be late and Wilbur will have to drive us." Techno said. Tommy pushed Techno aside, getting up and going to his closet.

"Get out- I'll be done in a sec" Tommy said, Techno chuckling and leaving the room.

Tommy threw on the red sweater Wilbur had bought him at the mall and a pair of jeans, pulling on his boots on the way out the door. Techno nodded to him, a book in his hands.

"What are you reading?" Tommy asked, tilting his head curiously.

"Art of War" Techno said, Tommy giggled.


"Hey- I'm not a nerd." Techno said. "I'm just smarter then you." Tommy gasped.

"How dare you!"

Techno laughed, Tommy bursting into a fit of giggles, walking down the stairs with Techno. "I hear a gremlin!" Tommy grinned as Wilbur got up from his spot on the couch and walked over to him and Techno. "Good morning"

" 'mornin' " Techno said.

"Morning" Tommy said, Wilbur smiling at him.

"Second day of school" Wilbur said. "You ready?" Tommy nodded, Techno bumping shoulders with him gently as he walked past him and Wilbur.

"Is Phil up?" Techno asked as he made his way to the kitchen.

"You could say that" Wilbur said, looking a bit annoyed. "He went out to get coffee- doubt he got any for us" Tommy wrinkled his nose.

"Coffee? You drink that stuff?" Tommy said and Wilbur grinned.


"It's the only thing we run on." Techno said. "Coffee and insomnia" Wilbur scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Speak for yourself"

"Toast anyone?" Techno asked, throwing bread into the toaster.

"Nah" Tommy said, walking into the kitchen and standing at the counter in front of the toaster, waiting. Techno watched him, confused.

"What are yo-"

"Shhh" Tommy said quietly, eyes back on the toaster. Wilbur walked over curiously, tilting his head. There were a few moments of silence, then the bread popped out of the toaster, making all of them jump. "Okay- have fun with your bread," Wilbur laughed.

"The hell was that?" He asked.

"I like watching it toast" Tommy said with a shrug. Techno snorted, rolling his eyes and taking the toast out and throwing it on a plate. Tommy hopped on the counter, watching Techno and Wilbur put jam on the toast. "I wonder how it works"

"How what works?" Wilbur asked.

"A toaster," Tommy said, staring at the toaster. "Can I take it apart?"

"Wh- No" Techno said, sputtering. "Phil wouldn't be too happy with it." Tommy pouted.

"Just look it up," Wilbur suggested.

"Not as fun as figuring it out though" Tommy muttered. Wilbur hummed and shrugged.

"I guess"

"So I can take it apart?"

"No" Techno and Wilbur said in unison.

"Kids!" The front door opened, making Tommy jump so bad he fell off the counter.

"Holy shi-" Techno started, Wilbur cutting him off.

"PHILZA FUCKING MINECRAFT" Wilbur yelled, storming off to the front door. "YOU GAVE THE FOURTEEN YEAR OLD A HEART ATTACK" Techno chuckled, helping Tommy up.

"You good?" Techno asked.

"Yup" Tommy said. "Fallen off of trees higher than that counter" Techno gave a small smile. Philza walked into the kitchen, ignoring WIlbur who was following him yelling at him about toasters and coffee.

"You know- I got you coffee- but you dont look like you need it" Phil remarked, Wilbur freezing in his tracks and staring hard at Phil.

"Gimme" He said simply, holding his hands out. Phil sighed, rolling his eyes as he put the tray with the drinks down on the table. Wilbur immediately grabbed his drink and ran off into the living room.

Techno grabbed his coffee and sat down at the table. "I thought we were going to be late" Tommy said, sitting next to Techno.

"I lied- woke you up because Phil was getting breakfast" Techno said and Tommy blinked.

"Oh" Tommy said, frowning. Phil sat with them, taking his coffee from the trey, one styrofoam cup left.

"I got you hot chocolate if you want it- I didn't know what you liked and I didn't want to wake you" Phil said with a small smile.

"Hot chocolate?" Tommy said, eyes wide. Phil tilted his head.

"Yeah?" He said. Tommy reached for the cup immediately. He remembered an old social worker he had that got him hot chocolate all the time. He left though, and Tommy didn't know why. He remembered the times he would go through the drive thru, asking for the usual since the workers there knew him, and they would always get two hot chocolates with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles. Tommy sighed, breathing in the steam from the hot chocolate, it smelled like home.

"Tommy?" Phil said, a smile on his face, albeit a confused one. Tommy snapped out of his thoughts. Home. What a silly thing to think. He had been there for around a week, all the things that could go wrong were endless. He frowned, staring at the hot chocolate. "Toms- you alright, mate?"

"M'fine" Tommy muttered, drinking his hot cocoa to distract himself from his thoughts. It was good. It tasted like straight melted chocolate and it was wonderful. "Thank you" He said softly. Phil nodded.

"Of course, mate," Phil said with a smile. When he finished with his hot cocoa, he stood and threw the cup away. He turned to sit back down, when Wilbur came out of nowhere and smacked into him, buzzing with pure caffeine.

"HI" Wilbur said, practically shaking.

"Um-" Tommy let out a squeak as Wilbur hugged him, pinning his arms down. Tommy let out another noise as Wilbur picked him up off the ground and spun him around. "TECHNO-"

"Wilbur put him down," Techno said, looking annoyed as he sipped his coffee. "This is why we usually get you decaf." Techno looked pointedly at Phil. Wilbur put Tommy down, dropping him.

"Let's go- Eret and Niki have a presentation in first class and I dont wanna miss it-" Wilbur said excitedly. "Its about politics or something but they showed me and its actually super funny" Tommy looked up at Wilbur, then looked at Techno from his spot on the ground.

"Never get him coffee around me ever again" Tommy said, Phil laughing a bit.

The car ride was short, Phil being careful unlike Wilburs reckless driving. Never again would Tommy let Wilbur drive a car with him in it. Even with Phils careful driving, his stomach started to act up, probably from eating that pizza the night before. It was good, he hadn't had pizza in a long time, but he was starting to really wish he hadn't bothered to eat.

When they got to school, it was a lot less crowded then the day before. "Okay! I'm kicking all of you out of my car." Phil said, though his tone was light and joking. "Get out!" Wilbur grinned at Phil.

"Bye dad!" He said, hopping out of the car and sprinting to the front entrance of the school.

"Bye" Techno said, getting out. Tommy followed him and waved at Phil.

"Bye you two" Phil said, "Have a good day!" They nodded and walked off towards the school, Tommy taking note of the few people that were around as he and Techno walked inside.

"You know where your first class is?" Techno asked him quietly. Tommy gave a nod. "Good-Have fun"

"As if" Tommy said but flashed Techno a smile before walking off towards his class.

"One twenty...six- there it is" Tommy muttered to himself as he walked to his first class. History. He quite liked history. Having missed his first class on the first day, he didn't know what half the classes were like but he figured it would be fine. He walked in and sat down, the teacher not even in the class. The only other person there was a kid that looked his age with brown hair with a green collared shirt on.

"Hello!" The boy said, grinning. Tommy ignored him, leaning his face on his hand. The boy grabbed his bag and stood, walking over to Tommy and sitting in the seat next to his. "I'm Tubbo! What's your name? You're new right? Even though we're both first years, everybody knows everybody in this town!" Tommy glanced at him, looking him up and down. This kid didn't seem mean or particularly manipulative, though people were good at hiding things.

"Tommy" Tommy finally said after a moment of silence. Tubbos' smile widened.

"It's nice to meet you, Tommy!" Tubbo said happily, continuing to chat Tommy's ear off until the teacher walked into class. The teacher looked nice enough, greeting them both with a smile, then saying good morning to the other kids as they walked in as well. He seemed laid back, which was good for Tommy since he hated the strict teachers the most. More likely to rat him out and get him in trouble.

He decided that he didn't mind Tubbo as the brunette slid him a note in class that said, 'want to sit together at lunch? I want to show you my Animal Crossing Island on my switch'. He smiled and nodded at Tubbo, even though half the note was spelled incredibly wrong, he liked the idea of having lunch with Tubbo.

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