By -fromthehallows

205K 4.7K 3.6K

"I fail to see how YOU fail to see that it's AWESOME!" What's awesome, you ask? The fact that I have Hiro X... More

Author's Note
Story 1--Cupid's arrow
Story 2--To be a Bot Fighter
Story 3--"It is okay to cry"
Story 4--Taking Flight
Story 5--Masquerade
Story 6--Flower crowns and Fairy wings
Story 7--Crazy Carpets
Story 9--Don't believe me just watch!
Story 10--Self-defense (part 1)
Story 11--Self-defense (part 2)
Story 12--Mochi? Mochi.
Story 13--Self-defense (part 3)
Story 14--Mystery of the fire
Story 15--Nothing but Net!
Story 17--Hair troubles
Story 18--Rain, rain, go away
Story 19--Torn and Taped
Story 20--Forgive and Forget
Story 21--The dove and forge (part 1)
Story 22--Do I trust you?
Story 23--The dove and forge (part 2)
Story 24--Fangirls and Paparazzi (part 1)
Story 25--Fangirls and Paparazzi (part 2)
Story 26--The dove and forge(part 3)
Story 27--On the same board
Story 28--The dove and forge (part 4)
Story 29--Shining Star (part 1)
Story 30--The dove and forge (part 5)
Story 31--Shining Star (part 2)
Story 32--Shining Star (part 3)
Story 33--Here beside me
Story 34--New hope
Quick AN
Story 35--A Castaway's Decision
Story 36--Only you, only me
Story 37--Aloha, Amore! (1)
Story 38--Aloha, Amore! (2)
Story 39--Cherry Picking
Story 40--Human
Story 41--Dishonour on who now?
Story 42--Small Token, Huge Favour
Story 43--Love, Hate, Love again
Story 44--Under a Full Moon (1)
Story 45--Street Rat and "Suicide"
Story 46--A "Shakespearean Descendants" Kind of Story (1)
Story 47--A "Shakespearean/Descendants" Kind of Story (2)
Story 48--Under a Full Moon (2)
Story 49--The Last Picnic of the Summer
Q and A
Story 50--Nostalgia, Gunpoint, and Crossroads
Story 51--Monsters out BACK!
Story 53--You IDIOT, Hamada!
Story 54--That would bring us back to...
Story 55--Finding My Family
Story 56--Way More
Story 57--My Hero, My Hiro
Story 58--Horror Gone Wrong
Story 59--Run from Trouble
Story 60--Till Death Do Us Part
Story 61--Trick, then Treat (ft. Ryan Potter)
Story 62--A Telekinetic Hero
New Story in the Works!!
It's up!
Story 63--Boxing Day "Blues"
Story 64--Someone of Worth
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED!!! (yes this is an AN)
A.N.--Fanfiction Awards!
Story 65--Frozen Heart
Story 66--Broken
Story 67--Your Heart will Lead You Home
Story 68--Wrongfully "Accused"
Story 69--Summer School
Author's Note

Story 8--A mob of...ducks?

3.3K 111 141
By -fromthehallows


(Y/N): Your Name


You smiled as you kneeled by the pond's edge, taking a good look at all the ducks swimming around in the water with their babies trailing right behind them. It was a really good day to be out and around too, especially since winter was finally over and spring had just arrived, and the sunny days just meant warmer, not colder temperatures. 

"Fancy seeing you here," you heard a boy's voice speak up right behind you.

Startled, you turned to face your best friend, Hiro Hamada.

"HIRO!" you cried. But Hiro just smiled.

"Whoa, don't get mad," Hiro said, putting his hands up in surrender. "I was just surprised to see you here."

"Let's just say I am too," you smiled. "What brings you here?"

"I was just taking a break from the pressures of the lab," he simply replied, now kneeling beside you. "You?"

"I just finished my homework, and my mom forced me to go out and get some fresh air," you responded flatly. "Not that it's a bad thing, I guess. I'll admit it, I haven't been out in a while."

"Me neither," Hiro said. Then he looked out on the water to see the ducks swimming around.

"Wow. They're out and about, alright," Hiro observed, nodding. 

"Yeah." Absentmindedly you started to trace your finger in the water, creating ripples in the pond. "I remember when I was still little, my parents and I would come here every weekend. But they say the main reason they did so was that I could see the ducks. According to them, they were the reason why I enjoyed going here so much."

"Really?" Hiro looked at you in fascination.


Then out of the corner of your eye, you saw some younger children waddle around imitate the way that ducks walk around.

"I REMEMBER DOING THAT!" Hiro cried. "Oh my god, I remember, Tadashi and I would do this all the time when we were younger!" A grin creeped across his face. "And then we would start waddling around like them all over the place--out of the park, in our old home, at Aunt Cass's--practically all over the city! No one ever questioned."

"Oooooookay." You laughed nervously. "So you're saying..."

"Let's do this," he declared.

"Wait, what are we doing?" you asked.

"Let's act like ducks for the whole day!" he cried. "Come on, (Y/N), it would be fun!"

He got up now, and held a hand out to you, and you took it as he helped you up.

Then he started off with a pump of his arms, like they were wings. "Quack."

You giggled. "Hiro?"

"Quack quack quaaaaack," Hiro simply said.

Clearly, you didn't understand. "Hiro, really."

"Quack! Quack quack!" Hiro cried.

You sighed. "Okay..." Then you decided to pump your arms in a similar fashion, like wings. "Quack."

"Quack quack quaack!" Hiro cried joyfully, and then he motioned you to follow him. You two started to "waddle" all over the perimeter of the pond, surprising a lot of people and even some of the younger children. The moment they saw you, they cried in joy and started to walk right behind you, unbeknownst to either of you.

"Quack quack quack! QUACK QUACK!" 

Your quacks echoed all over the park in chorus, and then you started walking out of the park and into the busy streets of San Fransokyo, still acting like ducks. 

As you passed SFIT, you looked up to see Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi, Fred, and Tadashi all look at you blankly.

"Quack quack quaaaaack!" you all sang, waddling in a line.

"Oh dear," Tadashi sighed, facepalming himself. "Unbelievable."

"Come on, that looks like fun!" Honey Lemon squealed. "Let's join them!"

"I'll admit that looks...interesting," Gogo smirked. She and Honey Lemon then joined the back of the line, just behind a couple girls. "Quack quack quack quack!"

"Join them?" Wasabi asked Fred and Tadashi.

"Okay, why not," Tadashi gave in. 

"YEAHH!" Fred cried. "Quack quack qua-quack quack quack quaaaaaack!"

Tadashi laughed as he lined up right behind Fred. "Quack quack quack!"

Hiro, in front, glanced behind to see the huge line of children right behind you, plus some of the gang from SFIT, all waddling along as you made your way through the city. He grinned at you, and you smiled. "Quack."

Right in front of the Lucky Cat Cafe you walked by, and even Aunt Cass looked out to see the commotion.

"What the..." she muttered to herself. Then she opened the door to see you, Hiro, a bunch of children, plus some of the gang from SFIT waddling along in a line. Baymax came over to join her.

"What seems to be the trouble?" Baymax asked her.

"Ducks," Aunt Cass murmured. "They're acting like ducks!"

"They are having fun," Baymax corrected her. "Acting like ducks makes them happy."

He then decided to go out and join the line, right behind Tadashi, waddling and quacking in his monotone robotic voice. "Quack. Quack."

Tadashi turned to see his nurse bot join the queue, and he smiled. "Quack quack quaaaaack," he sang to Baymax, who just blinked.

You and Hiro lead the whole group all over San Fransokyo, making sure that all of you crossed the streets safely before continuing on with your quacking chorus. Of course, you all made heads turn but it seemed like no one minded. Without you realizing, however, you have all attracted a couple more ducks--actual, real live ducks--to waddle right behind Baymax.

"Quack," you heard a duck quack.

"Quack?" you asked questioningly, but you couldn't see anything behind Baymax.

"Quack quack qua-quack qua-quaaaaack!" you heard the duck quack.

"Quack..." you said, looking round before you finally saw them--another line of ducks right behind Baymax, just trailing behind him. 

"Quack quack quack!" Hiro cried happily, and all the children giggled. 

"Quack. Quack quack quack!" the children chorused. 

"Quack quack!" the gang from SFIT cried along.

"Quack," Baymax said, and you laughed.

Soon, you all reached the pond again, and you were extremely tired now from your waddling all over the neighbourhood. The moment they saw their parents, the children all ran back to find them, and the parents all cried with joy at their little ducklings finally returning home safely. You and the rest of the gang, however, kept quacking until you reached the pond's edge again, and then you collapsed, laughing. Everyone else laughed too.

"I have to admit, that was lots of fun!" Hiro smiled, looking at you. 

"Yeah, I guess," you smiled back. Then you poked him. "Quack."

"Quack quack," Hiro quacked back. 

"Oh no, not again!" Tadashi cried.

"What? We're just playing around!" you protested. 

Tadashi smiled gently. "We'll leave you two ducks in peace, then." He got up and motioned the rest of the group to follow him, which they did. But the both of you were unaware that all they did was hide behind a big tree, close to where you two were still hanging out.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Hiro asked softly.


Hiro's face turned beet red. "Quack."

"What?" you asked, confused.

"I...oh screw it," he said. "I like you. As in, like like."

"You...like me?" you asked in wonder. 

"Shoot, I shouldn't have--"

"No no no, it's fine." You took his hand. "I like you too."

"Quack," Hiro joked.

You smiled. "Is that going to be our code word now?"

"Ah, perhaps," he smirked, leaning in and kissing you. 

You kissed back in complete shock. True, you had a crush on Hiro. True, you have known him for so long now that a mop of black hair would always stand out in a large crowd. But you didn't expect this to happen. Yet you didn't pull back. 

When you finally broke the kiss off due to the fact that your lungs were screaming for air, you poked Hiro again. "Quack."

Hiro smiled back. "I love you too."

You failed to see the rest of the gang sigh dreamily behind the big tree.

Hey hey guys I'm back with another Hiro x Reader short!

How do you guys like this? Sorry if the ending is kind of crappy, I really wanted to incorporate some romance somehow. But yeah, admit that you did this when you were little. I most certainly did. But never did I want to join a line of human ducks. Ahh well. Maybe when I see geese and ducks around campus I'll think about it. Quack quack.

Anyways yeah, that's it from me. Stay tuned for another story!


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