SBI Royal AU

By Rosemoon987

75.7K 2.4K 1.2K

Tommy is apart of the Royal family in L'manburg but him and his family don't get alone that well and they ten... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 5

4.3K 146 78
By Rosemoon987

George POV

Me and Dream both think it will be better for Tommy to take him to my palace in the Dream SMP hospital. But we both don't know how to get him to the palace.

There is a hospital or that's what the people who work here tell us ,to make us feel better when we send our friends off to that place, here told us to make us feel better when people were sent there. Its within a mile and that's the one the staff take people to when they get hurt or sick. So many people have gone there and not come back. Only about 6 people who have gone there came back. They said it was dirty and the walls are a grey and in a few spots you could see the white paint. The medical equipment they were using looked cheap and had been repaired with some old super glue. The people who worked there clearly didn't know what the hell they were doing so we didn't tell the staff about how serious Tommy's conditions are. We didn't want to risk Tommy not coming back to his home in L'manburg even if its not that good it would be better than going to that place.

"Quackity wait." I call out.

"Oh ok one second," Quackity mumbled under his breath "talk later Tommy." He said while waving a goodbye to the child and walked out of the other room. "Yes what did you want to talk about."

"We have been thinking." Dream starts "That it will be best for Tommy if we take him to the palace in Dream SMP. What do you think."

"I think it will be best for him too but hoe do we get him there because if we tell the staff they will send him to the hospital. And I don't think we should risk him going there and not coming back." Quackity explained.

"Yeah well we don't exactly have a plan at the moment and we were kinda hoping you could help us think of one." Dream said while me and Quackity walked over to the table and sat down as quietly as we could so we wouldn't wake Tommy up.

"I mean I can help you two think of a plan." Quackity offered.

"Yeah I think we would both like that." I chirped in.

"We could just walk out." Karl said as he jumped up out of nowhere.

"What the hell Karl where did you come from." I say trying to catch my breath after Kark scared me. I tried to not get a bit annoyed at Karl but apparently Dream found it funny due to the fact that he was wheezing and it sounded like he was being deflated.

"I've been here for a while but we work at different times so I'm not here with you as much as the other people here." Karl explained while trying to no burst out laughing.

"Ok well do you have any normal ideas that will work." I ask Karl.

"No I'm serious there is no security in the left corner at night on Monday so we can leave in 3 days if you want." Karl explained sounding serious but none of us bought it and he could tell by the expression on our faces. "I swear it's true then we can take him to your palace George or we can send him back to L'manburg and he can get better there."

"I don't think that's a good idea sending him to L'manburg. But other than that we can do that if it's true which from the sound of your voice I think your being honest." Sapnap says.

"Ok so how do we get Tommy outside." Quackity asks as Sapnap Dream and Karl take a seat at the table we were sat at.

"Can he not walk I'm sorry but you are going to have to fill me in on some stuff I don't know." Karl questions us.

"Yeah no well he can walk but it hurts him I'm not sure how much though." Dream says.

"Ok how far can he walk because its not that far of a walk it's like 3 to 5 minutes so we could do it." Karl said.

"I recon we can do it but when we are out what do we do, George how far away is your place?" Sapnap said.

"It's about 30 miles but I can call someone to pick us up so we should be fine about that part." I say.

"Ok so in 3 days we go." Dream says.

Technoblade POV

I'm starting to think Wilbur is right and I do feel a little bit bad for Tommy. I do miss him even if I never talked to him he is still my younger brother and aren't siblings supposed to look out for there younger ones. If so what am I doing.

Philza has been trying to convince us that what we did was right and that is Tommy's fault. I mean he did convince me for a few weeks but now that Wilbur has started to change and bringing Tommy up I do think we were wrong.

Now Philza has never really liked Tommy we don't really know why but we do think it is because of the fact that our mother died giving birth and Phil was never the same after that. He was always a bit cold towards Tommy and something that made it worse was that Tommy looked like our mother more than Phil.

I know I shouldn't feel bad for Tommy and I know he deserves what happened to him. It's his fault anyway.

I have been thinking about it and I think I should send him a letter. I know writing isn't my best thing in the world but I kind of want to reach out to him. After all its been nearly 2 months and I do want to know if he's alright and alive.

I walk over to my desk and grab and pen and a piece of paper. I write a few lines and ask if he's OK and that me and Wilbur didn't have a say if he went there and that Phil forced us to say all of that stuff and that me and Wilbur were forced to stay away from him and that we are sorry. I know that we did have a say in this and that we weren't forced to say anything but when he comes back I don't want him to hate me and Wilbur.

1101 words

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