Sambucky one shots (Requests?)

By cherrlemony

103K 3.5K 10.8K

Hey! These are just a bunch of Sambucky one shots. They are not connected to any of my other stories. Feel fr... More

A/N: Information
Electric Love
Drive Thru Date
The Wasp
Lunch With Sambucky
Spin The Bottle (High-school AU)
Laser Tag (High-school AU)
Snowball Fight
Crying In The Dark
Nighttime Truth Or Dare In The Kitchen
The Rain Storm
I'm Sorry
3 Words
The Drive Home
Dream Pt 2
Dream Pt 3
Dream Pt 4
Dream Pt 5
Sam Throws Self In Front Of Danger
Sam Throws Self In Front Of Danger Pt 2
The Soul Stone
The soul stone pt 2
Toxic Relationship (High-school AU)
Toxic Relationship Pt 2 (High-school AU)
(Wip) Toxic Relationship Pt 3 (High-school AU)
Sick Day
Lying On The Floor
'I Shouldn't Have Left You'
An Argument
Cat And Mouse
Cat And Mouse Pt 2
Cat And Mouse Pt 3
Valentines Day
Furniture Shopping
Sam's Nightmare
The Press Conference
Adopting Alpine
Meeting Alpine
The VR Set
Surprise Kiss
New Look
First Kiss (Kid AU)
Drunk Call
Model AU
Model AU Pt 2
'How Did We Get Here?'
Gentle Touch
It Started With A Glass Of Water
'I'm Cold'
Too Late
Actually Good Advice
The Dare
Kiss a boy
Let's dance
A/N: Thank you!
As The World Caves In (Wip)
That must be so confusing for a little boy
Living together
Under The Sea (Merman AU)
Happy birthday
Not an update but look at these!
Hide and seek
Detention (Highschool AU)
Accidently alligned

Unnecessary Competitions

1K 40 203
By cherrlemony

'Pl-Please stop'
'I ain't stopping'

Sam threw his head back and groaned.

'I'm gonna win'
'I hate you'

He looked up just in time to see Bucky come first in mario kart and for his character to crash into another wall.


Bucky elbowed him in the ribs, grinning.

'It's okay. You'll get used to losing soon'

He shot Sam a mischievous smile and tilted his head. Sam sighed in annoyance and looked away.

'I'm good at other things'
'Hm... And what's that?'

Sam reached out, jabbing Bucky in the ribs. He doubled up and laughed.

'What? Touching me?'
'What the actual fu-'

The door swung open.


'Hey fellas whatchu up to'

Sam and Bucky exchanged a look.

'I gotta go'
'Same. Bye Scott'

They both rushed out the door.

Scott sat down at the couch and picked up a controller.

'Aw c'mon'

* * *

Bucky woke up for the 5th day in a row, ready to start a competition with Sam. He was ready to test his friends limits. He jumped out of bed and snuck down the hall towards Sam's room.

He kicked the door open and screamed as loud as he could.


Sam sat up in shock and looked at him, his eyes wide. He was furious.



Bucky bounced into the room and over to Sam's bed. Sam sighed and lay down flat on his back.

'Gettt out'
'It's competition time!'

Sam looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

'What? Again?!'
'Mario kart. You. Me. Now'

Sam sat up and got out of bed.

'Get out. I'm getting changed'

But Bucky was still talking.

'I am gonna prove once and for all that I am better than you, Wilson'
'Yeah yeah, you've said this everyday for like a week... And why are you still standing there. Do you want to watch me getting changed?'

Bucky froze, a dull flush creeping up his cheeks. He began backing out of the room.

'No no no! I'm good'
'Okay then leave'

Bucky disappeared.

Then popped his head back in just as Sam was closing the door.

'Sitting room. In half an hour. Be ready'

Sam laughed, shaking his head and slammed the door. What the hell.


'Why is Bucky so peppy today?'
'I don't know. Maybe because he realised he likes Sam?'

Nat rolled her eyes and dragged Steve out, just as Bucky entered the room.

Bucky was feeling great. He was going to beat Sam!

At everything...

Video games, cooking, training, kissing, cleaning, talkin-

Wait. Kissing?

Where'd that come from?

Bucky shook his head and continued on. He'd already won Mario kart so all he needed to do now was persuade Sam to... Have another competition. He'd just have to find hi-

He turned the corner, walking straight into Sam.

'Shi- Bucky! S-Sorry'

Bucky didn't even bother talking. He just grabbed Sam's arm and dragged him to the kitchen.

'Competition time!'

But Sam dug his heels in and pulled away.

'Okay Bucky. Enough of the competitions. Why don't we just hang out?'

Bucky froze.

'Hang out?'
'Yeah Bucky. Not everything has to be a competition'

Sam was staring Bucky straight in the eyes, making him feel kind of-

Oh crap.

The realisation hit him.

I...I like Sam?

Suddenly all his dumb competitiveness made sense. It was all to impress Sam!

He yanked his arm away from Sam and stepped back, almost tripping in his haste to escape. Sam looked concerned.

'Are you okay?'

How would he act around Sam now?

He ran back to his room.


He heard Sam follow him and he panicked and slammed the door behind him. Silence.

Then a knock.

'Bucky? Are you okay?'

Sam stopped and Bucky could hear him sigh through the door. He leaned the back of his head against it, wishing he could open it.

But no. Sam would laugh at him.

No more friendship.

'Bucky? Let me in'
'Go away'

He felt the handle move downwards under his hand and the door was being pushed open. He panicked and slammed back against it, hitting Sam. He heard him swear and then silence.

'What the hell?! What'd you do that for?!'

Bucky stayed silent, praying he'd leave.



Sam left.

*3 hours later*

Bucky snuck out to the kitchen, making sure Sam wasn't near by. He grabbed some chips and was just heading back to his room when-

Sam walked into the kitchen.

Bucky almost dropped the chips. He dropped his gaze to the floor and ran over to the fridge, opening it and hiding behind. He could feel Sam's presence in the room.


Was he gone?

He closed the fridge door and-

'AHH- I mean... SAM...'

Bucky laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. He had dropped the chips.

Sam shot him a strange look and grabbed the chips, placing them on the kitchen island.

'Are you okay?'

He leaned a hand on the cupboard beside him, stopping Bucky from leaving.

'I-I gotta go-'
'Stop stop Bucky. Listen for a second'

Bucky stopped, his eyes on the ground. Suddenly a hand pushed his chin up and he was staring into the beautiful brown eyes of Sam Wilson.

'I-Uh... Wha-'

Sam pushed a finger to Bucky's lips, causing his heart rate to speed up. Bucky's couldn't move. He was mesmerised by Sam's face.

'I was talking to Steve and Nat about you'

Bucky didn't respond. He felt dizzy.

'And they told me something that made it all all click'

Sam paused, watching Bucky carefully.

'All the competitions? It's all a cover'

He removed his finger from Bucky's lips.

'You like me'

Sam raised an eyebrow. He had confirmed it that fast?

Bucky froze and shook his head, looking shocked and dazed.

'NO-I mean... I...'

He trailed off, looking down again. Sam chucked, sounding amused.

'I know, Bucky. Don't deny it'

Sam cut across him with a kiss, a hand sliding to his waist. He pushed him against the fridge, putting a hand beside his face.


This is great. This is amazing. This is-


They pulled apart.

Scott stood in the doorway.

Bucky snapped.


Scott ran away. Sam raised an eyebrow at Bucky, laughing.


They returned to kissing.

This is just a mess. Extremely chaotic and I apologise for that 😂

I hope you enjoyed... Somehow 😂

Feel free to comment feedback and suggestions!

Stay safe :)

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