RWBY and Earth II: Collision

By UserWriter99

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Teams RWBY and JNPR continue fight in the war against Salem on Remnant, along with their friends from Earth... More

Future Plans
Remnant Preparations
Earth Preparations
Return to Beacon
The Meeting
Crime Education
Media Attention
Brother's Arrival
The New Base
U.S. Huntsmen
An Atlesian Visit
New Plans
Separate Travels Pt. 1
Separate Travels Pt. 2
Encounters Pt. 1
Encounters Pt. 2
New Objectives
Call to Action Pt. 1
Call to Action Pt. 2
Mistral Campaign
Atlas Campaign
Vacuo Campaign
The Grimm Reaper
Tensions Rising
Lighting the Fire
Catch and Miss
Fight Club Raid
Battle of Vacuo Pt. 1
Battle of Vacuo Pt. 2
The U.S. Airship
The Black Queen On Earth
The U.H.L.
Chp. 36: Supremacy
The V.I.P.
Volume 8 Night
A Little Training
Education and New Players
Red vs. Blue
Stepping to Relations
Russians and Nazis Pt. 2
Shocking Reveals
Attack on Earth
Making Ready
A Morning Out
Mall Raid
Mall Out War
Highway to Hell
Breakin' Outta Hell Pt. 1
Breakin' Outta Hell Pt. 2
From Bad to Worse
Battle of Titans

Russians and Nazis Pt. 1

1.6K 25 61
By UserWriter99

Atlas Academy

Headmaster's Office

Inside General Ironwood's office, Keaton, Jacob, Weiss, Winter, Ironwood, and Jacques were all still waiting for the Council to arrive.

"What is taking them so long? They should have been here by now," Ironwood said.

"Who knows? Traffic probably?" Jacob asked.

Ironwood's communicator beeps, and he puts his fingers to it, listening.

"Yes...? Send her in," the general said.

"Is it the Council?" Keaton asked.

"No. It's Robyn," Ironwood answered.

The doors open and walking inside the office is Robyn and approaches the small group of people. She looked around and noticed something was wrong.

"Where's the Council? Shouldn't they have been here already?" she asked.

"You weren't the only one to ask that question," Winter replied.

"General Ironwood, sir! We have a problem!" an officer on the comms suddenly interrupted.

"What is it?" Ironwood asked, as a holographic screen appeared over his desk.

The screen showed a video of the Russian military slowly approaching Mantle. Everyone gathered around and watched the video.

"An unknown army has just appeared on our radars, sir. They're heading straight for Mantle," the officer reported.

Keaton narrowed his eyes on one of the tanks and noticed a flag on one of the tanks. The flag is tricolored, consisting of three horizontal fields: the top is white, the middle is blue, and the bottom is red.

"It's the Russians," Keaton said.

"Are they yours? Jacques asked accusingly.

"Definitely not," Keaton answered.

"What are they doing here?" Jacob asked.

"Better question; how did they get here?" Keaton asked.

"Have our men down in Mantle ready," Ironwood ordered into the comms.

"But do not fire a single shot unless shot at first. My men will be joining you," Keaton added.

"Roger. We'll... Sir, we have another problem!" The officer said.

"What now?" Ironwood asked.

"Our security footage caught a group of armed men kidnapping the Council and Willow and Whitley Schnee," the officer reported.

"What?!" everyone asked in shock.

A second screen displayed the video of the Nazis holding the Council and the two Schnees at gunpoint. Jacob looked at the person in the passenger side of the Council's hover car.

"Nazis?" Keaton asked with a stunned look.

"General, can you zoom in on that man in that car?" Jacob asked, pointing to the man on screen.

Ironwood types on his keyboard and the screen zooms in on the man in the car revealing the man to be Victor. Jacob and Keaton widened their eyes in shock.

"Dad?!" Jacob and Keaton asked, beyond shocked.

"Wait! That's your father?!" Weiss asked.

"Your father kidnapped my son?!" Jacques asked.

"Aren't you concerned about your wife as well?" Robyn asked with a frown.

"Sure," Jacques answered with a scoff.

"Where are they being taken?" Ironwood asked.

"They're being flown somewhere within the Mantle Crater, sir," the officer answered.

"Winter, Take some men with you. Find the Council and the Schnees and take these gunmen in for questioning if you can," Ironwood ordered.

"Yes, sir," Winter said with a salute.

"I'm coming too. You're going to need my help," Keaton said.

"I'll go down into Mantle and help protect the people down in Mantle," Robyn said.

As everyone around him were talking, Jacob stared at Victor on the screen with infuriation as his fists tightened. A moment later Jacob walks away from everyone and out the doors as nobody pays any attention to him.

"We're gonna have to send somebody down into Mantle to speak with the Russians," Keaton said.

"What about the other leaders in Atlas?" Weiss asked.

"They'll be safely guarded by the militaries and the Huntsmen," Ironwood answered. "You and Jacob will be joining them."

"Wait, sir. Where is Mr. Gordon?" Winter asked.

Everyone looked around and realized he was gone.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Keaton said.


Mantle, Atlas

Outer Wall

Meanwhile outside the outer wall of Mantle, an army consisting of Atlesian, Canadian, and American soldiers stood prepared with their weapons ready as the Russian military slowly approached. Standing out on top of the wall, Yang, Blake, Rebecca, Sun, Ilia, Jaune, and Pyrrha watched the two armies below.

"What's going on?" Jaune asked.

Rebecca turns to a table and sees a pair of binoculars. She grabs the binoculars and looks through them at the oncoming Russians.

"Are those Russians? How did they get here?" Rebecca asked.

"Russians?" Ilia asked.

"Russia is America's on and off again national rival from what I read about," Pyrrha said.

"Meaning, anything could happen. Just hope that it isn't bad," Rebecca said.

"Guys, look!" Blake said, pointing.

Everyone turned to see what Blake was pointing at and saw coming up far left of both armies and Mantle was a large herd of Megoliaths and small groups of Sabyrs charging toward Mantle.

"I'll contact the Happy Huntresses and tell them to help protect the citizens," Yang said as she pulled out her Scroll.

"Tell them we'll be joining them," Jaune said.

Meanwhile far outside of Mantle, the Russians continue to approach the city. Sergeant Alexey Berlitrov rode in a helicopter with three other soldiers.

"So what's the plan?" one of the soldiers asked.

"Our original plan was to make contact with these Atlesians. We didn't expect the Americans and some of their allies to be here as well," Alexey explained.

"And what's the new plan?" another soldier asked.

"Gain Atlas' trust by helping them fight off these creatures heading toward the ground city. And our mission is a special case," Alexey said.

"And our mission is?" the third soldier asked.

"Our hackers discovered that their nation's government officials have just been taken hostage. Our mission is to find them in the city's crater and get them out of there," Alexey explained. "The president back at home wants this to lead to an opportunity and no mass bloodshed."

Alexey's helicopter turned off from the other helicopters and started to fly towards the crater.


Mantle Crater

Snow Shoe Shipping Facility

Meanwhile at the Snow Shoe Shipping Facility, numerous robots are seen manning devices next to large, slightly transparent tubes. A package goes up one of the tubes with an audible whoosh. Suddenly, Jacob shot down a tube and went to a quick stop at the end of the ube where the cargo was loaded. He stumbles out of the tube, breathing heavily, before gasping for breath.

"Note to self; never do that again," Jacob said to himself.

He begins to walk out of the room. A few minutes later, he exits the facility. Jacob wanders through the slums of the crater, seeing many Faunus around him, some sitting on crates and some talking with one another. As he walks, Jacob looks around trying to find any signs of Victor or his men.


SDC Dust Refinery

Meanwhile down into the crater in one of the SDC's dust refineries, Willow, Whitley, Councilman Sleet, Councilwoman Camilla, and the Council's cab driver were each tied to a chair as the Nazis held them at gunpoint. Victor sat in a chair wiping a red and white AK-47 with an attachable grenade launcher, with a white rag.

"What do you want with us?" Camilla asked.

"I have my reasons for taking you, one of them includes this world's purification," Victor answered.

"What do you mean?" Sleet asked.

"To answer your question, this world is disgusting. It has a disease that is in need of treatment," Victor said.

"What disease?" Whitley asked.

"Oh, the animals you live with, along with f*****s like you, n*****s like the Councilwoman. And once they are rinsed away, the Aryan master race will rain supreme," Victor explained.

"You're crazy," Whitley said.

"Am I, you little f*****?" Victor asked.

"Will you stop calling me that?!" Whitley asked.

"Why? You look like a f**. Sound like a f**. Therefore you must be a f*****," Victor said as he pointed his rifle at Whitley.

"Leave him alone!" Willow said.

Victor turns his attention towards Willow and walks up to her. After a short pause he struck her in the face knocking her to the floor. He sets Willow and the chair she sat on back up.

"I see your husband hasn't taught you enough on how to be a good woman. Women like you are only good for making children and being seen and not heard!" Victor said as he then glances down at Willow's skirt. "Looks like I'll put that lesson into your brain for him."

Victor grabbed onto Willow's knees and spread them apart and stepped in between widened her eyes and began to scream upon realizing what Victor was going to do. Victor grabbed on to the bottom of Willow's skirt with one hand and unzipped his pants with the other. Before anything else could happen, a Nazi ran into the room and up to Victor.

"Hey, boss," the Nazi said.

"What? I'm kind of in the middle of something," Victor said with an annoyed tone.

"You son has been sighted in the slums," the Nazi said.

Victor turned back to Willow who looked terrified.

"Will continue with this later. Family comes first after all," Victor said as he zips up his pants.

He then walks out the door as Willow sobbed uncontrollably.


City of Atlas

Glass Unicorn

Meanwhile back up in Atlas at the Glass Unicorn, Britney, Ruby, Oscar, Ricky, and Qrow all stood guard as Robert and Kendra stood a few feet next to the table where Trump, Johnson, Trudeau, Castex, and Suga sat. The soldiers were now suddenly running throughout the hotel.

"What's going on?" Ruby asked.

"I'm not sure," Ricky replied.

A few agents walked up to the five Earth leaders and spoke to them. Robert and Kendra grew stunned looks upon listening to the agents and ran up to Britney.

"Guys, what's happening?" Britney asked.

"The Russians just showed up at Mantle's doorstep, a horde of Grimm is stampeding towards Mantle, and a group of Nazis has taken the Atlas Council and Willow and Whitley hostage," Robert explained.

"What?" Oscar asked, looking shocked.

"How did a group of Nazis and the Russians get here?" Ricky asked.

Penny walks through the front doors and up to the group.

"Penny, what are you doing here?" Ruby asked.

"I was ordered by the general to check up on things here," Penny answered.

Just as Penny finishes her sentence, someone's Scroll starts beeping. Penny pulled out her Scroll and saw that General Ironwood was calling. She taps to the Talk icon, accepting the call.

"Penny, forget about your current assignment. I have two new ones for you," Ironwood said

"What is it, sir?" Penny asked.

"The Council and Schnees are being held hostage somewhere down in the Mantle Crater by a group of Nazis. Jacob has gone down there after the Nazis that have kidnapped the Council and the Schnees. I want you to find them and give out their locations to me," Ironwood instructed.

"Why is the kid down there?" Qrow asked.

"Because one of the Nazis is confirmed to be his father, Victor Gordon," Ironwood answered.

"What?!" Britney asked.

"Kid must have gone down there to settle scores with his old man," Qrow said.

"Is he crazy?!" Britney asked.

"I'll be down there immediately," Penny said and then hung up on her Scroll.

Penny puts her Scroll back into her pocket and runs out the door. Britney sniffed and a tear went down her cheek. This did not go unnoticed by Robert and Kendra.

"Britney, are you okay?" Kendra asked.

"I'm just worried about Jacob. I'm worried he might do something to hurt those around him... or himself," Britney said as she had more tears in her eyes.

A few feet away from the group, Amber and Cade sat at a table. Amber had been watching and listening in to the entire conversation amongst them. She turned her head to face Cade.

"Cade, I want to go to Mantle," she said.

"Why?" Cade asked.

"I want to help their friend who's down there," Amber answered, gesturing to the group.

"Negative. I am under strict orders from the president to keep you protected," Cade said.

"Then come with me if you're so worried. You'll still protect me while I help that boy," Amber said.

Cade was silent for a moment, then Amber spoke again.

"They saved my life. And I want to help them in return."

Cade was still silent and a few moments later, he stood up from his chair.

"Follow me," he said.

"Thank you," Amber said as she stood from her chair.

Amber follows Cade as they make their way out the door.


Mantle, Atlas

Mantle Crater Slums

Back down at the slums in the crater, Jacob continues to wander around, searching for his father and the Nazis. As he walks, he then hears a faint and familiar voice calling to him.


Jacob turned his head toward the direction towards the voice as his face grew infuriated.

"Jacob! I know you're here!" the voice called.

He walked past a few Faunus and as he walked around a corner of a shack he saw Victor standing on the other side of a large open area. The father and son walked toward each other and stopped in the middle facing each other.

"It's been a while," Victor said.

"What are you doing here?" Jacob asked.

"Isn't it obvious? To see you again," Victor answered.

"Where is the Council? Where are the Schnees?" Jacob asked.

"Is that all you're concerned about? I thought we could just sit down and catch up a little. After all, I want to make sure that you are in dedication to the Aryan race," Victor said.

"Why would I be dedicated to a group of hate filled monsters that would stoop to any low because they think they're superior?" Jacob asked.

"Because we are superior. And I thought you really would be loyal, since your brother failed to be," Victor said.

"Leave him out of this. You've already done enough damage when you made me kill two innocent kids and raped mom," Jacob said.

As Jacob and Victor talked a crowd of Faunus gathered around the area listening in to the conversation.

"I taught her her place for stepping out of line. I was going to do the same with that drunken Schnee whore, 'til you showed up," Victor said. "So I'll ask this only once. Are you with me?"

Jacob tightened his fists, growing more angrier.

"No," he answered.

"Oh... I see then," Victor said.

The father slaps his son hard as he slowly turns his head back to face him with a furious scowl.

"Leave. Now," Jacob growled.

"You're gonna have to kill me for that to happen," Victor said.

Victor throws a punch at his son's face, but Jacob effortlessly catches his fist and moves it aside.

"You asked for it," Jacob said.

"Ugh... finally," Victor said.

Jacob punches Victor in the stomach, making him stagger back a couple steps. Victor chuckles as Jacob stepped towards him.

"Right... My turn!" Victor said.

He gives Jacob an uppercut that sends him flying up into the air and back down to the ground. Victor pulled out his assault rifle and transformed it into a sword. He ran up to Jacob as he was about to swing down on him. Jacob quickly sees him coming and rolls away as his father swung down his sword. Jacob jumped up to his feet and pulled out God's Trust and shield.

"Did you really think I'd be stupid enough to not challenge you without having my so called aura unlocked?" Victor asked. "If so, then you're the real stupid one."

Both son and father held their weapons up as they faced each other for a moment before finally charging at each other.

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