For all Time || five hargreev...

By ReinaL55

25K 445 60

"I'd sell my soul to the devil, If it meant getting one more moment With her." ... More

1. Greetings
2. Reunited
3. Past life reggressions
4. Coffee?
5. Fear Isn't the Issue
6. Saving delores
7. ๏ฟผBurning Pile
8. United in Grief
10. The spins
11. Dark Red
12. Afraid
13. High Enough
14. West Coast
15. Bohemian Rhapsody
16. RIP To My Youth
17. Back to Black
18. Black Out Days
19. Friends
20. We Cry Together
21. The Beach
22. Born To Die
23. Love is a B!tch
24. Daddy Issues
25. My Body Is A Cage
26. I Don't Want to Set The World on Fire
27. A Moment of Silence
28. There'd Better be a Mirrorball for Me
29. The White Violin
Season Two Aestetics
30. The Other Woman
31. Ferrari
32. Devil In a New Dress
33. My Propellor
34. The Devils Daughter
35. Family Ties
36. Staying up
37. Trouble
38. Arsonists Lullabye

9. I was never there

652 16 0
By ReinaL55

There was not a large age difference between eight and five when they were working at the commission. (Five was 38 and eight was around 30)

Man on the Moon

Eight Hargreaves was one of the more impulsive people in the world. She loved the high of adrenaline, the energy and power that flowed through her veins leaving her craving for more . She especially enjoyed doing impulsive things when she was upset and in need of a distraction.

And who is a better distraction then Five Hargreaves?

Eight walked sluggishly down the streets. The cold air whipping across her skin roughly. She shivered and stuffed her hands into her pockets.

Small trees line the sidewalk to her left, while on her right different unique shops lie. The sidewalk is rough and falling apart, and the lights along the street either flicker, or don't even turn on.

Eight stopped and searched her pockets finding a piece of gum. She popped it into her mouth then continued her journey to five. She didn't know what she was going to do, ever since they both got back, and were both 15 they've been acting quite strange towards one another. She blames it on the hormones though.

They never really liked each other when they were kids, but something had obviously changed since then. As children, they may have referred to each other as siblings but they never really felt like siblings. They felt more like roommates stuck with each other until they could escape. They both spent hours on end just wondering where the lines between love and hate began to blur.

She walks in front of MeriTech and spots the van five has been using. She opens the door and sits down in the passenger seat moving Delores to the center console.

"Where have you been?" He asked annoyed by her sudden appearance.

"Meeting up with a childhood crush, of course." She said sarcastically.

The boy scoffed and continued to look out his window "Diego?" He asked

She smirked "no, I lied. I saw someone at the store and he asked me on a date." She lied again, resting a hand on her chin.

Five glanced at her with his peripheral vision, he didn't know if the girl was lying or not, and it pissed him off. The car was freezing, eight could see fives breath quicken from the air he exhaled.

"Is someone upset?" She taunted leaning back in her seat. Five didn't answer, he took a moment then turned to her.

He pulled her by the collar until their foreheads almost smacked each other. "Yes, actually, I am upset."

The girl smirked, "hm, seems like a you problem, don't you think?"

He pulled her closer but Eight didn't flinch. His breath was warm against the siphons skin, making her feel a bit more comfortable in the cold car. "I'll make it your problem." He hissed gripping her collar tighter.

The fact that she was still tipsy didn't help the situation. "So are you like into this grabbing the other person type of thing? Because, you've done it two days in a row." She questioned smiling.

"Is the infamous Number Five jealous?" She provoked leaning into his ear to whisper.

"What if I am?" He whispered into her ear as well.

"Then that's unfortunate, time for me to leave...and do god knows what with the guy I met today." She leaned back and pulled away from his grasp. Eight opened the door and quickly escaped the van, hoping five would get even more aggravated.

After a few moments, she started to walk up the curb and back to the house. Five spatial jumped and grabbed her neck pushing her into the outside of the cold van.

"Not today you won't, or tomorrow, or the day after that." Five hissed, re-bruising her neck.

"What about the day after that?" She asked innocently.

He put a knee in between both of her legs and his free arm slightly to the left of her head, "no, you wanna know why?" He queried looking at her soft face.


He leaned in, so their top lips were grazing against eachother "You're mine eight ."

On any other day, with any other person, eight would have simply laughed in their face and most likely punched them for treating her like property that could be owned. Instead, she simply closed her eyes and smiled. Call it sick but she adored the way the her name rolled of his tongue and she wouldn't mind testing him more just to hear the words again.

Eight didn't bother trying to kiss him, she got the reaction she wanted, anger. She also didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

Five was angry. Five was also smart, and yet he couldn't figure out why his emotions were so out of place. He couldn't understand why his heart was rapidly beating against his chest and why his stomach was doing flips. This made him angry also in the sense that he had no control. Deep down past the denial and confusion he knew the root of his problems were eight. Five was smart, but not smart enough to grasp the magnitude of her hold on him.

She was a mystery to him and this fulled him more. He wanted to know everything about her. What makes her tick, what makes her angry, what she was thinking, and even the taste of her on his lips.

Eight was a mystery that he planned on solving, no matter what it took.

"Fuck it."

Five surprised her and leaned in to hungrily kiss her. She let him, since he was the one to engage it and kissed him back. Five removed his hand from her throat and let it travel up behind her ear, cupping her head. Their tongues melted and molded with each other, battling for dominance.

Eight let her fingers run through his soft dark hair, moving it out of place. Five stepped down from the curb and got closer to the girl. They both savored each other's warmth while they were close. Five got carried away and traveled down to behind her ear. He placed small soft kisses then started to leave marks.

Eights eyes rolled back and she guided him back up to her soft lips. Eight pulled away after ten minutes much to fives dismay.

They both took deep breaths needing air, five blew a bubble with gum and popped it in the girls face. "Thanks for the gum." He smiled, Eight rolled her eyes, then yawned.

"You should go to bed, you won't even remember this in the morning." He concluded opening the door for her, she nodded acknowledging her current state and entered the car.

"What a gentlemen." She slurred.

Five stood for a few minutes leaning against the side of the van than walked back to his side of the car. Eight was reclined snoring softly curled into a small ball. The boy took off his jacket and laid it on top of the girl.


Eventually, she woke up to the sound of an ambulance. "Good you're up, we gotta go." Five announced handing the girl a bottle of water. "Where the- what happened?"

"No time to explain let's go." He grabbed her hand and spatial jumped the two to the man they had talked to two days ago car.

"Ahh, Jesus!" The man exclaimed startled, as five pressed a knife to his throat.

Eight took another sip of water watching the two amused. "One chance, that's all you got. One chance to tell me exactly what's going on in that lab." Five raised his voice.

"I..I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market." Biggs stammered.

"Including eyeballs?" Eight cut in.

"Y-yeah they are my biggest seller. I mean, they sell like hot cakes. I-I uh I have a list, a waiting list, probably 20 buyers." Biggs shakily spat out afraid of the two teenagers.

"So the serial number I told you...?" Five looked at the man wanting to hear a good answer.

"Uh, could've already been bought. -yes off the books." Biggs shook his head and glanced at the knife scared.

"I needed that list, lance. Names and numbers I need it now!" Five yelled disappointed.

"God this is useless, you guys are giving me a headache." She muttered closing her eyes. After a few moments Lance started the car and the three of them drove off towards the lab.

At home

Luther was rummaging through fives drawers while pogo stood silently behind him. "Like I said, master Luther, number five hasn't lived in his room since he was a boy."

"Yeah, I know, but we need to warn him, and eight wherever she ran off to drunk. He doesn't even know we were attacked unless eight got to him." Luther argued picking up stacks of papers and reading through them.

"What are you doing here?" Diego asked entering the room. Diego looked to pogo and Luther again when they took forever to answer.

"Uh.. do you know about mom?" Luther asked quietly standing up tall.

Diego looked around the room, "well, it looks like you got what you way or another, right?" Diego said trying to lace his words with venom.

"Wanna tell me what you're doing here?" Luther asked hurt by his words

"Looking for five, and eight she went MIA after last night." Diego answered

"Let me guess, you're going to save the day?" Luther retorted

"It's what I do. Asshole." Diego turned to leave the room.

"Oh yeah, last I checked, you mopped floors." Luther accused. Diego stoped and turned towards the monkeys.

"And what do you do? Sit on the moon, for four years. Waiting for orders!" Diego asked, knowing he was provoking the ape man.

"Boys, this won't help us find your brother and sister!" Pogo interjected.

"Keep on being a loyal solider after everything father did to you." Diego continued.

"What? Do you mean save my life?" Luther attempted to defend his fathers actions.

"No I mean...turn you into a monster." Diego leaned against the tall dresser. Luther couldn't hold it in anymore and punched through the dark hickory wood.

Pogo sighed and shook his head. "This house was attacked, we barely got out with our lives! And Grace...she wasn't so lucky. Your brother and sister are missing, and this is how you rise to the occasion? Take your nonsense elsewhere. Now." Pogo scolded the two.

"Sorry pogo." They both muttered together and left the room starting their journey together to find the psychotic duo.

Back to Eight and Five....

Five nervously taps his knee with his fingers. Eight notices from the backseat and puts a hand on his shoulder absorbing some of his nerves. She accidentally takes some more of his power as well.

This puts her on edge, and anxious from the new emotions she became overwhelmed with. She leaned against the backseat window when she began to smell smoke.

They all exited the car and began to run when they noticed the burning building.

Eights lungs were screaming for clean air as she followed five closely. Glass shattered inside the building and the smell of gasoline became more prominent to the two small assassins.

They stood in front of the building, but as they did so, meritech exploded sending the two flying backwards through the air.

Five grabbed eights arm mid air and pulled close to her. He grabbed the back of her head and she did the same to him.

They both hit the pavement hard enough to knock a regular person out, they landed on random pieces of metal and glass. They were still holding onto each other when they both sat up. Eight quickly let go and yelled. "Fuck!" She turned to five, who looked completely crushed by the situation.

Eight stood and pulled the boy up, "Common' let's get you out of here." Eight said quietly, five pushed her off of him and stormed away, spatial jumping to grab Delores then continue on his path.

"Why do I bother putting up with this?" She groaned jogging after him.

Five led her to a liquor shop and spatial jumped inside, when he came back out he had two bottles of vodka in hand. The tall raven hair boy signaled for the brunette girl to follow, she hesitantly did. Last time they were drunk together, things got interesting.

Five led the two to the library. Eight followed after him, not waning him to do anything stupid, and because she wanted the vodka.


He sat down on the ground in a little nook on one of the top floors of the library. The smooth concrete was chilly to the touch. And the metal behind them was cold as well.

Five set the bottles of alcohol down, then walked away. Eight looked towards him then the drinks. She sat down on the floor tired. She opened the cap and flicked it off sending it flying across the floor.

After about ten minutes five came back with a notebook, a pen, and a bible?

"Are you turning religious now?" The girl asked leaning against the cold metal. "Maybe it says something about the end of the world." The teenager said semi-hopeful.

Eight sighed, "five, you and I both know that nothing is in there."

Five jotted down some notes as he flipped through random pages. "Five." Eight tried to interrupt his desperate attempts to find a way out of the end of the world. Five started working vigorously, he gripped onto the pen so hard that his knuckles were white. "Five." She said again.

She put the bottle of clear liquid down, and leaned forward closing the large book. Five briefly paused but continued writing random nonsense and equations after a few seconds.

Eight grabbed his hand that he was writing with, "five!" She spoke up. He didn't look up at the girl, she saw as a few tears fell and stained the notebook he was writing on. His hands began to shake as he put them into a fist. She quickly grabbed both of his hands and siphoned most of his negative energy.

The boy felt numb at the loss of most of his negative emotions. The girl felt overwhelmed and tears formed in her eyes unintentionally. Most of the emotions five had been feeling she now carried, yet another weight added to her shoulders.

Five sat back against the metal and gripped onto Delores. He chugged half of his bottle and coughed violently after. "Five slow down-" eight began.

"Don't tell me to slow down. You're drunk all the time, fucking alcoholic if you ask me." Five intervened

"Five common' relax we'll find a way to save everyone." Eight continued ignoring his insults. He continued to drink.

"We'll? You haven't even been helping me! I just want to save everyone and everything!" He exclaimed angrily pointing a finger at the teenager.

Some random librarian shushed them from a distance. Eight rolled her eyes, and started drinking again. "I do care five, I've been busy with my own things.." eight defended herself

"Like sucking off another guy." Five scoffed under his breath taking another swig of the alcohol. Eight did the same, they both coughed lightly. "What did you say?" Eight asked

"Nothing." He rolled his eyes.

Ten minutes later

"I cant believe we are both seriously drunk right now." Eight spoke up again gripping onto the clear liquor bottle.

"What, scared we are going to fuck again?" The boy scoffed.

Eight glared at the boy, "it was a mistake, we were both drunk and celebrating a successful mission." She angrily drank.

"Still happened, last I checked you enjoyed it." He smirked.

He turned to Delores and gave her a 'shut the fuck up' look as if eight could hear the mannequin.

Fifteen minutes later

"You know I hate you, right?" Eight said blankly staring at the wall on front of her.

Five shifted uncomfortably, "hate you too, eight." They both drank more, and more, and more.


"I'm scared." Eight slurred. "Of what?" Five asked looking towards her.

"I don't know, I just feel scared. I don't think it's my emotion, to be honest." Eight said taking a final sip of vodka. "What do you mean?" Five asked

"Oh, w-well, basically I can take emotions from people, that's what I did to you all that time we were together at the commission. Why do you think you felt...almost.. happy sometimes? While you slept I would take some of your negative emotions, and pass them onto myself." Eight slurred and paused randomly while she talked.

Five was genuinely shocked. "Also, why was I in your van this morning?" She asked.

"Um.. I found you wondering and told you to get in my van and just sleep. Nothing else really happened." He lied about kissing her. In some ways it feels like a dream that he actually had enough balls to do it.

"Hmm, not what I remember." She concluded and shifted her body so she could use fives leg as a pillow. Five looked down at her alarmed. He tried to shift so that eight was comfortable. Eventually he heard her soft snores once more and watched as she took deep breathes.

"The things I would do for you." He whispered taking a final look at the girl.

He fell asleep comfortably leaning against the wall with one arm holding onto Delores, and the other gripping onto a bottle of vodka.


Eights dream/flashback

Five surprised her and leaned in to hungrily kiss her. She let him, since he was the one to engage it and kissed him back. Five removed his hand from her throat and let it travel up behind her ear, pretty much cupping her head. Eight let her fingers run through his dark soft hair, moving it out of place. Five stepped down from the curb and got closer to the girl. They both savored each other's warmth while they were close. Five got carried away and traveled down to behind her ear. He placed small soft kisses then started to leave marks.

Eights eyes rolled back and she guided him back up to her soft lips. Eight pulled away after ten minutes.


Current time

"I'll be damned." Diego said looking at the teenagers.

"Are they?" Luther began

"Drunk as a skunk." Diego answered smiling at the two.

Even though he hid it, Diego was jealous of how eight was laying on five comfortably like she used to do to him.

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