Fallen (One Direction Fan Fic)

By AmberNicholeHaupt

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Fallen (One Direction Fan Fic)
Chapter 2 Hard Goodbyes
Coming Home
Chapter 4 Emotional Roller Coaster
Chapter 5 Special Gifts
Chapter 6 Water Fun.
Chapter 7 Many questions
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Surprise!!!
Chapter 10 News.
Chapter 11 Hate, Twins, Nephew or Niece..

Chapter 1 Good Times

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By AmberNicholeHaupt

Tomorrow was the day i had to say goodbye to Niall. He was like a brother to me. We decided to spend our last day together.

~Ryders P.O.V~

I have had small feelings for Niall for awhile but i just pushed them back. But now with him leaving they all are surfacing. But what if he doesnt like me back? Would it ruin our close freindship?. Thos were the questions always going through my head. Then I heard the door open. " Nillie Im upstairs..." "Okay Ry be right up." he replied then he ran up the steps. I have been Nillie since we were little. He ran into my room and knocked me right on the floor then pinned me down. "Soo Ni what we doing today?" " Trust me i got this planned.. Put ur bathing suit on!" He winked at me.. Ohh God i thought in my head. What is he doing?  I searched through my closest and found my black and purple bikini. I slipped it on then put my short jean shorts on over top. " Ni should i wear my crop top or a tank?" i said holding them both up. " I like the crop top" he said.

~Nialls P.O.V.~

Seeing Ryder in that bikini was making he wanna drool.. She looked so hot. I said in my head. I really did have feelings for her if only she felt the same way.. I been pushing them alway. "How do I look Ni?" she said as she turned to me. " Prettier than ever... I mean your always pretty but even cutier...?" i said confusing myself. I wanted to tell her how i felt soo bad. I just stared into her gorgeous hazel eyes. "Ni?? Ni?? NIall... Are You okay???" She said.. I picked her up and throw her over my shoulder. She dangled there laughing. Then we got into my car and drove away.. When we got to the beach she was walking slowly on the hot sand. so i picked her up and gave her a piggy back ride to the water. "why dont u let me walk?" "Because you walk like a turtle" i replied. Then we decided to have alittle race. So we were btoh running and of coarse I won. After the beach we went out for lunch at Olive Garden. Then we went to the movies. She feel asleep at the movies so i carried out and to my car then drove home. She was planning on sleeping over at my house that night.

~Ryder's P.O.V~

I woke up as Niall was carried me to his car. He layed mee in his seat and buckled me in. I yawned to let him know i was awake. We got to his house and he went for a shower. I looked down to my phone to see two text messages from my boyfreind Luke.. Hey I think it would be best if we broke up, he said. I felt the tears running down my face. Then Niall knocked on the door. I didnt want him to see me crying so i jumped up and ran into his closest. I had my head in my knees. He found me and carried me and put me on his bed. "Were you crying" i just shoke my no."dont lie to me." "Luke broke up with me" I told him. I started crying again. He wipped the tears from my face. He stood up and he reached for a hug. I just rested my face on his chest. He smelled so good.. Then we layed in his bed. It felt so nice cuddling next to him. I fell asleep with my head on his chest and him playing with my hair.

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