Written in the stars

By dlwlrma_xxx

2.4K 189 191

In which Kim Jennie, a new student at Jangmi High, meets Min Yoongi, from then, their story begins. More

Fresh Start
New Girl
Music Room
A place of our own
Your new girl
I'm sorry
Newfound feelings... and heartbreaks
Crashing down
Movie date
Deeply hidden
Paper Hearts
One final goodbye
Make it right
Lost chances
The move
Settling in
Hidden and released
Taking chances
Nights like this
My shot
Dear Quadratic Formula, I hate you oh so much.
Forget Speechless, she sleepless
Pressure who? I only know extreme anxiety, nerves and dread.
Please don't
Without you
So that happened.......
Written in the stars
Author's Note

Perhaps love

54 5 4
By dlwlrma_xxx


We head to our lockers first to grab our books,

Then, we make our way to the classroom.

We sit down on our seats as we wait for the rest of the class and Mrs. Areum to arrive.

She has to be my favorite teacher.

She's so nice and she always asks us if we need help with the lesson.

She also tells us to call her by her first name instead of her surname.

So we call her Mrs. Areum.

Soon, people start coming in.

"OMO! Unnie I love both of your voices. Jinja! You sound amazing! Can I get a photo with both of you?" our classmate A-yeong asks.

"Wah, of course! We should be thanking you for liking our cover!" Chae replies.


Mrs. Areum comes in.

"Chaeyoung-ah? Jennie-ah?" She called out.

"Ne~" We answered in unison.

"I love your cover, you both are amazing! I'm so happy to have such talented students!" Mrs Areum says, complimenting us.

"Wah, kamsamnida! We're so happy you like it~!" I respond.

"Why does everyone think they're good? They sound so normal, bad even! Stop pretending to like them, they need a reality check." Kwang-nyun comments from behind.

"What? That's my opinion. Deal with it."

My blood boils, and I'm about to answer when, surprisingly, Mrs. Areum answers instead.

"Hey! Not everyone likes the same things but there's a fine line between opinion and hate. Your uncalled for "opinion" isn't needed and neither is your presence in my class. Go to the principal's office. Maybe she'll be thrilled by your presence, I doubt it though."

Everyone in class gasped.

I knew she was cool, but I never knew she was savage!

I'm so proud to have her as my teacher.


"Aish, I forgot my phone! Anyways, let's get to the lesson, now that the disturbance is gone, please open your books and turn to page sixty-four." She orders.

Then, the discussion begins.

"Okay so, the quiz will be on Friday but don't worry-" She says as she gets cut off by a voice.

"Eomma, you forgot your phone-"

A voice calls out.

An all too familiar voice.

Our eyes meet as you enter the classroom.

Those familiar brown orbs, encased in these cat-like eyes.

"Nini?" you call out.

I whip my head to Mrs. Areum.

"May I use the restroom please?" I plead.

"Ah, okay Jennie." She nods, albeit confused.

I run out of the classroom, in tears.

Why are you here?

Why now?

Why am I crying?

I thought I was over this?

I wash my face and look at myself in the mirror.

Come on Jennie!

Put on your big girl pants and get over this!

As I walk out of the restroom,

I'm greeted by a pair of arms,

Wrapped around my waist.

Your familiar scent brings me back to our Jangmi High days.

When we were best friends.

I try so hard to push myself out of the confines of your arms.

But you held on tight, afraid to let go.

Like how you let go of me all those days ago.

"Let's just stay like this please?" You plead.

As much as I wanted to stay like this forever,

I can't.

I'll end up falling even more.


As much as it hurts to say this,

"Yoongi, you have a girlfriend, and I'm still trying to move on."

I whisper the last part.

"We broke up." You mumbled.

"WHAT? WHY?" I ask, scared I was the cause for the downfall of their relationship.

"It was mutual." You replied as if you read my mind.

I didn't answer, so to signal you to go on.

We sat on the tables in front of each other.

"Nayeon set me free.

She realized on our parts,

that she was just infatuated with me,

and I was just infatuated with her.

It was one of those flings,

but a fling that caused me to lose sight of who I really wanted.

She helped me realize that,

It's you Nini,

it always has been and forever will be you,

I was a fool not to know before.

I'm not going to ask you to forgive me because I don't deserve it and-"

I cut you off with a peck on your cheek.

"Shut up pabo, I already forgive you, and this time, I mean it." I respond, too happy to stay mad at you.

At this point, we're just talking and I'm rocking back and forth on my chair, a nervous habit of mine.

Suddenly, the chair tips over, and I'm losing my balance.

You try to help me, then I end up falling on you.

My face heats up as we stare at each other for a while.

"Can I?" You whisper, staring at my lips.

I swear, I can feel your heart beating as fast as mine.

I nod as you move forward,

Closing the gap between us.

A mix of butterflies and fireworks filled my stomach.

It was gentle, soft and sweet.

And so, so, perfect.

We both pull away,

As I unconsciously giggle.

Then, a door opens, and I see Mrs. Areum walk out of our class.

So she must be your mom!

"Yoongi-ah you didn't introduce me to your girlfriend!" Your mom shouts, staring at us both sitting on the floor.

"Eommaaaa..." You whine.

We walk to your mom, holding hands.

"It's a long story, Eomma, but you actually played a big part in it, and we just became official today." You say.

"Wah, really? Yoongi-ah you're one lucky guy, Jennie is so talented and smart, and pretty." She says, winking at me.

"Wow, kamsa, Mrs. Areum-ah." I thank her as I bow.

It occurred to me then that her real name is Mrs. Min.

"I'll look forward to seeing you every now and then Jennie-ah!" She exclaims.

"Wah, my mom really likes you, more than me." He pouts.

I laugh.

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