
By Guerna

46.4K 868 599

This story contains some mature scenes. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65 (Last Chapter)

Chapter 39

531 10 0
By Guerna

I got back to my place to get ready for bed. I noticed Violet isn't in our shared room. She would normally be in here by now but that's not the case. I know she hates me now but does she have to hate that much? She doesn't even want to be in the same room as me or talk to me.

I know I couldn't do much with Drew in his bedroom tonight. It was completely understandable but why is it that I'm still horny for him. I still want to get my hands on him. He ended falling asleep quicker than I thought.

I had stayed on my my laptop for a bit just checking which songs I want to be played for tomorrow at my party for a while then I noticed it was almost midnight by the time I'm going to bed. I guess Drew end up falling asleep all night long. I looked at my phone that's been ringing in silent. Just when I was thinking about him his calling me. I waited just a little bit to pick up the call. I don't want him to think I was waiting.

"Hey," I answered the phone.

"You left." Drew says it on the phone like his sad.

"You fall asleep, did you miss me?" I tease him.

"I did," he answered. I didn't expect him to be so honest about it. My heart feels like it's racing. I smiling like an idiot right now not knowing what to say after this. I end up being silent.

"Hello?" Drew says on the line.

"Yeah I'm here." I went back to my normal voice so he doesn't think I was smiling and blushing.

"You were silent." He says.

"Um I just happened, so um what are you doing right now?" I changed the subject.

"Sitting talking talking to you. I missed you already and I wish you could have stayed." His being so cute. I can't help it but I have to smile a bit.

"I missed you too, I couldn't stop thinking about you when I left."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes," I tell him. This is one conversation that won't get me to sleep tonight. I already couldn't sleep because of tomorrow but tonight I am definitely going to be wide awake. I notice Drew had stay silent on the line and not say anything after that.

"You're quiet," I say.

"Just waiting." He says on the phone.


"It's almost." Drew says.

"Okay, I'm confused."

"I know," he says. Now I'm even more confused after that one. What in the world is he waiting for. My heart is also skipping beats. I'm so eager to know now.

"Happy birthday my love."

"Drew." I got happy I couldn't say everything else other than his name. That was so sweet of him.

"It's midnight, I wanted to tell you happy birthday before anyone else did on your Special day."

This is so sweet his making me want to cry.

"Jade?" He called me.

"Yes, I'm here, I didn't know what to say. I am so speechless. Thank you, you're amazing."
The way he had the thought to call right at midnight to say means so much right now.

"I love you," he says. Now his just killing me tonight. I'm so overjoyed I can't think straight.

"I love you too." A tear came out of my eyes. I never experienced such thing before. I'm so happy instead of smiling for some reason it's tears that are coming. I don't know how he could of done it any better.

"Sleep tight, and goodnight," Drew says.

"Goodnight." We hang up the phone. I got on my bed all excited. I kept tossing and turning about what Drew just said. happy birthday my love I kept replying what he said in my head which kept giving me butterfly every time.

I wake up a couple of hours later and I still can't believe it. I'm 18, I'm finally 18. I'm still smiling from what happened last night. I slept so light anything could of woke me up because I'm that excited for today. I'm mostly thinking about if it's tonight it finally happens.

Just thinking about it makes me cover head rolling around laughing to myself. I can't help it, it's a big day. When tossing and rolling on my bed I noticed I wasn't feeling like I was actually on the bed. I had fallen from my bed hitting the back of my head and my booty.


"Honey you okay?" I hear my moms voice outside of my bedroom. I guess that was a loud fall.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said and picking myself up quickly before anyone walks in here and I'm on the floor.

"I heard something like a sack of potato fall," I hear Daniels voice speaking. Daniel that idiot and his stupid thinkings.

My mom had opened my door looking at me.

"18?" She says.

"Yeah." I tried to laugh it off. This would of been embarrassing if they saw me falling from my bed.

"Happy birthday, excited?"

"I think so," I tell her trying to not act too excited.

"Come on," Daniel says grabbing my hand out of nowhere. His pulling me so hard.

"What, why?"

"Wait Daniel, we should definitely blind fold her."

"Blind fold me for what?"

"It's okay, I'll use my hands," Daniel says. In a matter of moments Daniel had blindfold me with his hand and pushing me.

"Wait what if I fall, you pushing me."

This is strange, I know it's my birthday but they all acting way too weird.

"Then walk faster, hurry up," Daniel says. Does this kid make any sense. How can I walk fast if I can't see where I'm going?

I walked downstairs and Daniel had taken his hand off my face that was covering my eyes. I looked around with everyone having a huge smile on their face including Bert and Chris. This is so strange.

"Um so what's going on?" I asked them.

"Daniel why did you uncover her eyes," my mom says.

This doesn't normally happen to me, I promise.

"Alright let's go." Daniel covered my eyes again and start pushing me. I sense the front door is being opened.

"Am I going outside?"

"Shut up," Daniel tells me.

"Daniel be nice, it's her birthday," I hear my mom say. I sense that I got outside because the temperature feels different.

"Okay what's this surprise?" I asked.

"Um you 18 now and we're kicking you out. Go find some of other plac-"

"Daniel hush." My mom cut him off.

"Don't worry Jade that won't happen." My mom whispered in my ears. Okay I'll be honest I did feel a bit panic a little just now.

"Daniel you can let go now," I heard Chris voice.

"Surprised!" Everyone said. I looked and noticed Bert is leaning against a dark gray tone SUV car with the keys with him.

"You got me a car?"

"Happy birthday Jade," Bert says giving me the car keys. I'm speechless, I wasn't expecting this. It's such a nice car and it's crazy they brought it for me.

"I figured you'd be needing a car, next fall to get to school and maybe the mall also."

"I don't know what to say, this is a huge and such a big surprise. Oh my god thank you." I gave Bert a hug. I wasn't expecting a car. This is really nice of him getting me my first car.

"You've got a nice car, let me check out the engine for you," Daniel says asking me for the car keys.

"What would you know about a car engine Daniel?" My mom asked him. I know for sure he still haven't told my mom his working as a mechanic at a garaged.

"Trust me a lot," Daniel answered.

"Let me take a look inside first." I grabbed the keys from Daniel pressing the button to open the door.

"I can't believe this is going to my car." I say as I walk in it. I walked inside to the driver seat looking around in it. I can already picture myself going to school in this car.

"Now remember something, always be careful with this car," My mom says.

"Don't worry Alexandro will be great."

"Who's Alexandro?" My mom ask.

"It's the cars name, I'm naming him Alexandro his a protector and defender when ever I drive him."

"Right." My mom says and looked at me like I'm weird or something.

"Um can I have you open the hood of this car?" Daniel asked me.

"What's a hood?" I asked him.

"It's by your legs."

"Uuh okay." I try finding it but I don't see anything to open. I probably look stupid trying to find it. I noticed Daniel had opened the driver door and lift something up from which lift the front of the car.

"Oh so that's what the hood is," he went back to the front looking at everything.

"Daniel don't mess anything up," my mom says.

"Relax, engine is a huge problem when people buy a used car. If you don't make sure you might end up spending a lot of money to get it replaced."

"Okay, but don't mess anything up."

"I won't." Drew says.

"Yo why don't you just tell everyone already." Chris ask Daniel.

"Shush." Daniel says while looking checking the car.

"Tell everyone what?" My mom asked. I try to stay silent, I sure hope this doesn't turn out bad. I know she won't be happy hearing that news.

"It's nothing," Daniel says.

"It's something, Chris what is it," My mom asked.

"Not my place to tell." Chris says scratching the back of his head.

"Jade, do you know something?" My mom turn back to look at me sitting on the driver seat of my car. I try to pretend I'm doing something instead of sitting and listening to their conversation.

"What?" I asked like I'm confused. I really don't want to get involved with this. My plate is already full with what I just experienced with Drew.

"You kids aren't telling me anything these days. Daniel what is it, and I want to know now."

"Chris got a girl pregnant that's why his moving out." Daniel burst out saying.

"What!" We all shout out saying.

I'm even surprised by that news. I was worried about Daniel's wanting to be a mechanic issue but this is news to me.

"Daniel dropped out of college and his working as a mechanic at a mechanic shop," Chris says.

Jeez so they all just telling on each other now.

"Bert honey am I hearing okay?" My mom asked like she's about to pass out after hearing all of this.

"I thought you told me you were going back to school Daniel."

"I am. . . well sorta and let's not focus on me right now. Chris issue is way bigger than mine."

Well this is entertaining right now. All this happening on my birthday morning. Who's even Chris girlfriend is what I want to know.

"Chris you got a girl pregnant? When were you going to tell us?"

"Definitely not now." Chris slapped Daniel in the back of the head. I know his mad deep down that Daniel exposed him like that.

"Honey why don't you come inside and have a seat. It's a lot to take in right now." Bert says grabbing my mom walking her inside.

This is insane, this totally shocked me.

"Are you stupid?" Chris asked Drew.

"You're fault for telling on me and I needed another thing to talk about to avoid my issue."

"You are such a pain in the ass," Chris says.

"So who's the girl?" I pop my head out of the window to ask Chris. I'm so curious about this. Chris turn towards me and looked at me.

"Rosie," he says.

"Pretty name."

"How did that even happen?" Daniel asked.

"Don't be stupid, you know how it happened."

"I don't want to imagine it but like come on how could you let this happen?" Daniel ask while looking at the car.

"I don't know, it just happened. I didn't think it would, not now at least." Chris says.

"So you having a boy or girl?" I asked him.

"I don't know yet," Chris answered me. This is so interesting I still want to find out more.

"So you're moving in with her?" I asked him.

"Maybe stop asking me so many questions."

"You mad." Daniel says almost like his teasing him.

"It's your fault, do you know what you just put me in."

"How is it my fault, I didn't screw up a girl," Daniel says. As soon as he said that I realized he really word it wrong. That was kinda mean to say.

Before I know it Chris had slapped Daniel across his face so hard I heard it. Oh god this isn't good.

"Why the fuck would you hit me you dickhead."

"Guys, stop this." I get out of the car from where I was sitting. I don't want to see another fight again. There's been way too many of them.

Chris pull out his car keys went in his car. He drove away after that not even looking back. They both can be so childish sometimes. Well one of them more than the other.

I looked at Daniel, his face is probably still hurt from that.

"What's going on?" I hear Drew says.

I looked behind me to find Drew is standing behind me. I sure wasn't expecting to see him now. The worry I had once I see him is all gone.

"Hey." I gave him a quick hug which can't last long since Daniel is standing right there.

"So what's this?" Drew points at the car keys I'm holding onto.

"Oh it's my gift by the way!" I got really excited after saying that I squeal.

"Babe, congrats." He gives me a hug picking me up. His this happy for me for getting my first car ever. I put my arms around him. He came close to kiss me. I try and give him a quick kiss but Drew wants more than just a peck on the lips. I'm worried because Daniel is right there with us.

"Stop being annoyingly disgusting. Drew come with me," Daniel says. I knew he had to have a something bad to say.

Drew didn't care instead he turned to make sure Daniel could see us kissing. His being so bold right now. I know Daniel is annoyed right now.

"Where we going?" Drew asked.

"Anywhere, I can't go back inside right now. I'm in trouble." Daniel says as Drew is putting me down. I really don't want Drew to leave yet.

Daniel got into his car waiting for Drew to get in with him. He just got here and now his already leaving. Daniel is so annoying like that.

"Can you go by yourself?" I asked him.

"This is important." Daniel says. It's always important according to Daniel. Whenever I'm with Drew he always steals him from me.

"I'll be back, I'm sure it shouldn't be too long. Come here." Drew open his arms for me to come to. I did what he said and hugged him. It feel good and I don't want him to leave me yet. I can feel him hugging me around my neck.

"Fine just go." I finally managed to pull away.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." He kissed my cheeks one last time and went into Daniels car. This isn't fair his my boyfriend I should be allowed to have him when I want not when Daniel wants.

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