Rob Lucci x OC Love Story (Bo...

By AuroraKnight23

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Please Read Book 1 before this book. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 27

149 4 7
By AuroraKnight23


Luna's P.O.V
I dodged an attack from the former assassin and as we fought I had tried to remember his name before it clicked. "Leo." I was shocked when we fought he managed to hook his blade with him and we both locked. 'Damn it.'

'Who is he Luna? I know you recognized him.' Lucci spoke but he was ticked he didn't know who this new threat was.

I ducked from another attack and moved kicking Leo back away from me. 'Say hello to Leo; he was on my island but a year before Buster Call he was kicked from the island when he killed an innocent family and the elders of our island deemed him highly dangerous. He joined the ranks of marines and he's the reason why you's were sent to attack my island.'

'That bastard; I see that the marines didn't even decide to look into his background. Your stronger then he is and will ever be; after all you were trained by me and he doesn't know.' Lucci smirked.

I smirked softly. 'You bet love; this bastard is going to pay for everything he did.' I moved using Sonpo and got Leo on his left side as the wound went deeply into him.

Leo cursed in surprise and as we fought we blocked and deflected one another both landing hits and I cursed when he managed to cut my left calf as we fought both of us fighting harder and our conquerors haki both collided making the area around us dangerous.

As we fought I took some breaths to calm down and really focused my visual haki and it felt like everything was slow motion and I managed to land hits on Leo. Every hit we landed on one another was a hit; for every hit he managed to land on me I returned the hit to him.

Lucci was watching mentally and between us both we were catching Leo's every change in his attacks. I noticed that Leo was beginning to get a little shakey from blood loss as I panted heavily as well but knew that the wounds that Lucci could heal through our bond were healing.

Leo slid towards my left and I tensed ready for an attack as he attacked and this time when we collided those from my enemies many of their numbers passed out and the area around us started collapsing.

Leo growled. "How?! How can such a weak pathetic child like you become so damn strong with such a pathetic captain!!" He sonpoed and I used my speed as we locked blades.

I smirked. "Because my captain and crew believe in me; they trust me to kick your ass and all those that fight me including you Leo!" I sent him flying. "HELL RAZOR!!" I swung my blade and anything the winds touched were torn to shreds.

I could see the damage that I left on Leo and was proud of myself; this fight was making myself, my crew and no doubt my captain all that much stronger then we were when we first arrived. "My blade is a very dangerous blade; you see when a person is used by this attack not only does it damage the person outside it also deals damage on the inside...I control the wind." I smirked as he looked behind and paled seeing the opponent numbers I brought down but I had taken out a huge chunk of wall.

"Woo kick his ass Luna!" Usopp yelled from his spot with Nami who nodded her head agreeing. I noticed and felt others of my crew and other crews watching amused many knew that myself and my crew just got more dangerous then they originally thought.

"Will do! Pass on a message for me to Luffy! Tell him to kick that yonko's ass above us on the roof! Then let's move ahead all together!" I yelled as Leo attacked again and I ducked his blade as I brought my blade up and his shattered like glass at impact.

"This is as far as you go Leo." I hit him hard in his solar plexus as I sheathed my blade and jumped twirling and kicked him down to the very bottom floor no emotions showing in my eyes.

I connected to Lucci mentally again. 'Tell your friends their more then welcome to do as they please with that man so long as I never have to see him again. No...better yet; bring him to Impel Down he has things he has to face and many people he harmed and wronged in his life time.'

Lucci's P.O.V
Lucci smirked and relayed the information to arrest Leo. Lucci was shocked but proud of Luna she had truly showed more power then she ever had in the past.

It was more then Luna it was the entire StrawHat crew; they all had so much power and strength all this time and they barely showed anything up till now. He knew that when Shanks saw Luffy and Luna again he would be a very proud man; the two young adults he saved and gave dreams too were doing what they said they would on their own strength.

'Leo is in our custody well done; from what I heard nearly every bone in his body is broken. You truly are a woman I would never want to tick off again; none of your crew I would want to tick off again.' Lucci chuckled softly to himself as he spoke.

'I told you babe that this time our enemy wasn't going to win; thank you for having them deal with Leo he's...he's hated me since before you destroyed my island. He was one of my main trainers before his banishment...his training was ruthless that's why I didn't have much contact with my family was because of Leo. But now he's just another thorn that's no longer bothering me.'

'Your correct he isn't.' Lucci looked over when Kaku brought him the information on Leo and he read it and saw the bounty. 'Babe you just made $1.5 million beri from Leo.'

'Seriously? Oh well looks like I'll have more the enough to help out with whatever on the ship and maybe a small shopping trip. My clothes are so done for oh well.' Luna playfully sighed.

Lucci chuckled shaking his head. 'I'll take you shopping my love; some time together is needed when we can get time. My kitten; my heart.'

Luna had to suppress a blush as she kept fighting and joined up again with Nami and Usopp when she heard screams and smirked seeing that Nico had scared people and she let Lucci see the view.

Lucci was amazed seeing just how fearsome Nico was. 'She's finally let go of her fears; your crew help each other more then you think. Your healing one another from the past events; teaching each other what ever needs to be taught. You ladies on your ship aren't princess's to your team mates...your queens; and you queens guard your ship and crew as well as one another very well.'

Luna smiled and she had to playfully reply. 'But wouldn't that make me your queen? And you my king?'

Kaku had been watching and smirked at Lucci who playfully shoved the younger male away who had gone to tell the others about Lucci blushing and Lucci could hear their laughter.

'I suppose that would; but to be your king I need to take that final step wouldn't I? There's one more group of people I need to talk to though and I know I will when we all meet next.'

'Oh I'm sure I can get my crew to listen to whatever you need to say. Heck maybe I can get the girls to come shopping with me while your talking.' Luna playfully smiled.

'Your going to have to go with Kalifa; I need all your crew but you my love. Once I get done taking to them I'm hoping we can have a date together.'

Luna smiled as she was knocking more opponents away and ducked as Nami and Usopp watched her back. 'I'd love a date with you again my love.'

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