Lost Happiness (Jungkook Prin...

By nymeria_diems

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(COMPLETED) "It's a million years since I once saw him..." "really? Didnt you feel lonely?" "Lonely? I felt e... More

Chapter-9 (Skip if y'all don't wanna see how jungkook was killed)
Chapter- 19
Chapter -21
Chapter-25 (END)


88 5 2
By nymeria_diems

Jungkook POV
"you both can get married..." Said dad making me so happy. I looked at y/n, she was also looking at me with the biggest smile.

"Love you..." I said, giving a peck on her cheek. "What about about my daughter! You just insulted me and my family! You will pay for this!"

Charlotte dad shouted, he got up and banged out the door with his daughter. "Everything is set now! Go take mom and dad's blessings" Rosé came and gave me and ty/n a tight hug.

We both nodded and went to get their blessings. "Bless you guys..." Mom and dad were happy. They seemed so I guess...

"You guys should go and hang out you know..." Mom said making me blush. I nodded and took y/n outside.

It was snowing so me and y/n took heavy coats and wore them. We both walked and talked till we reached a hanging place near the castle.

We have alot of fun. We played games, made a snowman and visited museum and a Lomeil (pronunciation Lo-Mel which is a religious place like church or temple). It was almost sunset so I thought of taking y/n to my favourite restaurant.

We entered the restaurant. I heard y/n 'wow' in whisper. I smirked at her. "Table for 2" they looked at me and bowed, I bowed back. They leaded us to the table.

It was nearest to the window...

All the time until the food arrived y/n was looking outside. I pinched her cheek but she got startled. "What happened?"

I said while laughing. "nothing..." She took deep breathes and started staring outside again. "Do you like it?" I asked and pointed over to the scenery. "I like it? I love it!" She said with a big smile.

I swear, whenever she smiles...the world just stops...

"Here is your order majesty." The waitress put the food on the table. I thanked the waitress and started to consume the food.

The whole time I was looking outside, I just thought about our marriage.

What will happen if they get to know about it? Like, I think Charlotte knows that I am a Maira. Will they tell us to divorce? Will they kill me? Should I even do this?

"Y/n eat your food" Jungkook's voice shattered my thoughts. I nodded and started to chew on the food. While I was eating, I choked...

"Hey hey hey, drink some water" He handed me the glass of water. "Better?" I nodded and finished the rest of the food.

I need to talk to Jungkook about this...

While we were walking back to the castle, Jungkook told me to follow him to a street when I told him we need to talk. He told that it is very quiet and peaceful, we can talk there.

There were not so many people there. We sat on one of the benches. "What do you want to say?" Jungkook said as he took my hand in his.

"Jungkook...whatever we are doing, is it right?" Jungkook titled his head in confusion. "What do you mean y/n" I signed and explained.

"Okay, Like I am a Maira and you are a Weline, we know that. But your parents think that I am a Quarm and Charlotte knows that I am a Maira. What if something happens jungkook they are going to kill m-" before I could complete my sentence, jungkook smashed his lips onto mine.

He started to kiss me. I melted into his touch and forgot about all my thoughts. He put his hand on my cheek and gently rubbed it with his thumbs.

His touch gives me butterflies...

We pulled off as Jungkook took both my hands and kissed them. "I will always be their to protect you my lady... There is no way possible someone can hurt you...If they every get to know about this...Them just leave the whole situation onto me" Jungkook kissed my forehead and cheek.

He touched our foreheads and helped me get up. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. We both walked ourselves home...

I just wish everything goes right...
Hi everyone!
Sorry that this chapter is a little small because I cannot start a new story in a single chapter.
I hope you guys understand ❤️

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