Holy sh*t {solo leveling & f...

By WhiteFluff

209K 10.4K 1.9K

Silence, darkness, peace When I look at the night sky and close my eyes slowly, I can still remember clearly... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
❗Attention! ❗
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. Y/n
Ch . 15
❗Important News ❗
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40 {1 Season End}
My gift

Ch. 19

4K 223 65
By WhiteFluff


"Uhm.. Jin-woo... Sir?.... Do you know how many clan's you have destroyed so far?"

"Sinse this is the 89th floor... Excluding your clan, shouldn't it be 9?"

"Starting from the 90th floor, each one will be supervised by clan's of highly-ranked nobles. They're a completly different league! If you can persuade them, they might just hand over the entry pass like my clan... "

"If I was weaker then your clan would you have negotiate with me?"

"That's how it is."

"You have said that there always a fierce competition between the demon clan's due to rankings. I'll boost the 'RADIS' clan to first place."

"My clan is called 'RADIR'."

(A/N: FUN FACT! In my original language radir means rubber!🤣)

"Uhm... Jin-woo... Sir... Why did you excuse my clan?"

"Because I took a liking to you."
.... After all, your glumsy personality remind me of y/n...

"HUH... huh!?"

... Just like with Jin-ho, am I somehow compatible with people that have glumsy personality or something?....


... Gradpa S is really busy... He now talking with the Japan S rank Ryuji Koto...

.. Hmm..
... It should be near. 'That event'...


... Should I help him?... But I don't like him and he wanted to kill the korean hunter's... I'll think about it but for now I have to be somewhere else..

Y/n used her god like speed and rush to Jin-ah school. She still accompanies her home. Then when she 100% sure that everything alright y/n change her location. She run to a certain hospital and jump in a certain room.

Standing beside the wide and big bed she look at the woman that sleep as if she could wake up in any moment.

.... As the last few day's, please take care of me...

*Bowed.* Then took her humanoid form.

"You would be very surprised if you see me Mrs. Sung."

Y/n checked her surroundings. When she see no problem, the girl started her stuff to do.
Y/n sit down on the big bed, beside the woman then hold her hand.


Didn't work.


Still not working.

"Please.... heal..."

No response.

She leans on the bed checking the woman life signs. She was definitely in better and better shape then few days ago but didn't wake up. Y/n carefully touched the terrible scar in the woman neck.

... It's definitely lighter but if I can't even heal this scar then it's not possible for me to cure her disease... Still, at last she healthier.....

Y/n give a wry smile then cover her with a blanket. She look out the window and see a beautiful full moon.

.. It's already night time...

"A few days passed so it wouldn't be weird if Jin-woo come here...I still have to talk Byubyu and grandpa S. I need to hurry."

Y/n suddenly stopped. Looked back from the windows and said.

"Don't worry. Your son is pretty reliable. He will help you."

Now she really left.


"Who are you and why are you here!?"

^Just so you know it's your fault not going anywhere. ^


^Say, did you met your Hyung out totay? ^

".. I was preparing to leave... But how did you know.... Just who are you?"

^Why don't you ask what am I?^

"Aren't ya a beast type hunter like my Hyung?"

^....... ^
^Let's say I am. Now to the main point! Byubyu you will die the next raid but no worries I will help you survive if you let me. ^

"... I have a lot to ask..."

^My name is y/n. I come to you to help because I like you. Not love thought! And I know some of the future events. If you accept my help you will live, if not I won't help you and you will be murdered. That's all. I don't have the time to waste. I'm a busy gurl. ^

"Wait! Am I supposed to be called Byubyu in the future too!?"

^Why? Should I call you Byungbyung or little Gu? ^

"Then I will call you little pupper!"

... Why that's name again...

Y/n transformed back to her humanoid form and give him a proud glance with a victory poise. Then she noticed that the man in front of her still much taller.

"Even in this form you're small. What did you eat until now.?"

"Shut up! You're so rude! That's why you're still single!"

"... Touché.."

"Hump!.. You can't refuse my offer nor stay behind. If you don't go with them all the korean S rank hunter will die in one go. But don't worry I will protect you guy's. Now I have to go."
"ah- and you better not tell this anyone! If you do bad thing's will happen!"

.. Will she kill us or what?... What a weird little girl..


Go Gun-he taking a short break before meeting his assistant Woo Jin-chul.

" Grandpa you shouldn't drink coffee. It's bad for your healt. "

He suddenly stand up which couse the coffee cup to fall down and break. He looking everywhere but can't feel a presence. Then he see a transparent little girl with animal ears.

"How did you-"

"Gandpa should worry more about the up coming raid and his healt."


"I come to help you in exchange can you help me?"

"What's your motives?"

"I want to destroy my soul. I'm tired of living. I want to rest. As the chairman of such a large group you at last should have the strength to find a way. In exchange I will save your hunter's. "

"You speek as if you-"

"Know everything? More or less and I'm confident that I could at last help out."

That's was when both felt Jin-woo presence.

.... He a lot stronger...

"Sorry grandpa. I need to be somewhere now. But we will meet again. Ah, and please don't talk about our lil meeting to other."

Then y/n transparent body completely disappeared.

"What a weird day... *sigh* I'm getting older..."

Still, Go Gun-he was excited for some reason.


(A/n: As you guys noticed she can now change into a humanoid form WITH CLOTHES! Yes she Can do it somehow. In that few day's y/n trained really hard!
She also noticed that a link will form with a person that she want to protect. But still don't know that Jin-woo heared her thoughts until now.)

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