The Monster in my Bed Vol. 2

By fanficphobic

14.8K 726 151

Volume 2 A woman met an interesting creature of a man... More

• Captivated •
• Trap •
• Perplexed •
• Tell-Tale •
• Planned •
• Sanity •
• Rendezvous •
• Close •
• Darkened •
• Suspicious •
• Trustworthy •

• Venom •

1.4K 66 19
By fanficphobic

As we arrived to the same nite club that brought us so much joy the first time we went, I felt a sense of awareness. It felt similar to the weird feeling I get when Dark is nearby, but less potent.

"He's here!" I chirped as I rushed to exit the car.
"Oh my god- Okay- Wait up!" Kelly screamed after me as she tried to catch up with me, I was already heading for the doors.

The same bouncer, from that night, was standing in front of the double doors with a smug look on his face. I began to search for my ID, however, when reaching him, he swiftly stepped out of my way, opening the door for me and allowing me to come in. I gave him an odd look.
"Nice to see you again~" he stated with creepy and low tone.

I just gave him a polite smile before walking inside. However, when Kelly tried to follow, he prevented her from entering by standing in the way again, demanding to see her ID.

"Wh- but you just-" she began to rebuttal, but he cleared his throat and gave her a stern look, showing that he wasn't fucking around.
Kelly sneered at him before digging into her purse to pull out her ID to show him. A look of shock and then dread appeared on her face when realizing...
"I don't have it- Shit!" she muttered under her breath as she sent me a look.

I couldn't be in here without her. It would feel wrong and I just wouldn't be able to feel comfortable without someone I trust being here with me. So if she isn't allowed in, I am not either.

"Let's just go." I muttered, feeling very disappointed, brushing pass the bouncer and grabbing her hand, we began to walk back to the car.
"Wait- you don't have to leave, Y/n. Just her- she doesn't have an ID and she isn't one of us." He clarified and I raised a brow.
"What do you mean by she isn't one of us?" I seethed and he tried his best to explain.
"She is nothing but a mere human... you are above that." he seethed in return and I narrowed my brows, feeling very aggravated now.
"What the fuck are you talking about!?" I asked with anger boiling.
"She is just as much, if not, better than me on so many accounts. Fuck you!" I yelled and I could tell that Kelly took that to heart. Her grip tightened on my hand as I continued to curse the man out, no matter how big or strong he was.

"No! You are not understanding! She is not like you- You are-"
"-Okay! Good talk guys! Let's get a drink to calm the nerves!" Anti interrupted the bouncer as he appeared from behind him, his arms spread and welcoming.

"Now come on Big Guy- Let Y/n and her friend through-" he spoke as he gave the bouncer a stern look, his voice sinister. The bouncer instantly nodded and and stepped back as if he was a soldier who just received orders from his sargent.

"Yes, sir."

"I thought I told you to let them both through-" Anti spoke, his voice at a growl, as he made suspenseful eye contact with the bigger man.
"I misunderstood, sir. Sorry, sir." the bounder quickly replied with fear.

One of Anti's eye lit up a neon green as he instructed the bouncer to do exactly as he say.
"Now apologize to these young ladies, or you will regret it." he ordered and the bouncer nodded his head intently.
"I deeply apologize for my actions. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. My life depends on it-" he begged Kelly and I, the last part sounded sincere.

We both nodded our heads slowly, shocked at what was going on.
"Y-yeah. You're forgiven-" I said and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Great! Now that that's settled, come follow me. Let's go get those drinks. My treat!" he spoke and Kelly and I glanced at each other and squealed. We couldn't believe we were being escorted in by the owner of this amazing place.

We followed his suave footsteps to the VIP section. He nodded his head at the bar tender who was a few feet away and the bar tender nodded his head before immediately making special drinks for the three of us. Kelly and I giggled and squealed as we sat up there on the leather couch, looking down from above, at all the people who crowded the dance floor.

"I feel like- someone with power." Kelly laughed and I nodded in agreement.
"I know right! It's amazing."

"Here you go, ladies." Anti spoke as he handed us both dry martinis. He sipped on his own glass of Hennessy before taking a seat between us. Kelly and I took a swig of our drinks before hurriedly moving out of his way, so he could sit.

"So-" he breathed, setting his glass down and hooking his arms around both of our shoulders and pulling us in. He had a vibe that only a man without a single care in the world would have. He moved and talked as if the constraints of this world did not apply to him.... kind of like Dark. All of this luxury and popularity did not phase him because he seemed to be of a higher level or something.

"-What brings you two ladies stumbling back into my place?" he asked, his voice deep and his irish accent thick and enticing. The scent that radiated off of him was intoxicating. I can't quite name the aroma that leaked from him, but it made everyone that was near him, feel comfortable and relaxed. It was strange.

"W-we just wanted to have fun- like we did last time." Kelly replied and he gave her a smirk.
"Fun- huh? How much fun are we talking?" he asked as he narrowed his eyes at us.

"W-well- You lead us up here. We're hoping you will show us." I replied quickly and he spun his head so that his gorgeous crystal blue eyes could focus upon mine.

"Hm- well, you came to the right person, pumpkin." he stated, my cheeks immediately blushed at the sweet name he decided to give me.

"I'll be right back, okay." He warned as he abruptly stood up from his seat and made his way to the back, exiting behind some black curtains in the dark.

"You think he is getting the serum?" Kelly asked, trying to be quiet through the loud bumping music of the club. I shrugged my shoulders, not really sure what was going to happen.

A few minutes later, he came back out with a few capsules of serum in his hand, however, they were glowing extra bright this time. He tossed a couple to Kelly, which she effortlessly caught in her palms. Then, instead of throwing some my way, he sat unbelievably close to me instead. His smooth, yet strong hand found its way to my forearm, gently caressing it.

"May I?" he asked and I began blushing even more.
When I looked over at Kelly had already dumped her two capsules of serum into her drink and was too busy drinking the glowing substance.

I gulped and nodded my head slowly, reluctantly giving him consent.

I'm not supposed to let him do this... If Dark knew... He would be beyond crushed.

I thought to myself, but he hasn't been back on Earth for a few days now... it should be fine. He should know how I am by now. He has been gone for too long and I need to relieve some stress.

Anti brought my forearm up to his face, his nose grazed along the tender part of my wrist. I shivered inwardly as his lips began to caress my skin. Before I could comprehend, his sharp canines were sinking into the sensitive flesh of my forearm. I winced a tiny bit from the slight pinch of pain. Traces of bright neon green began to flow through my veins again, soon becoming a tree of glowing green flowing through the many veins in my arm, some that I never saw until now.

In just a few seconds of him doing his deed, I began to feel it again. The pleasure began to make my mind swirl. I felt elated and ecstatic. The serum sending my mind and my whole body into a frenzy. I looked over to Kelly to already find her passing out, her eyes closed as she relaxed with a flustered smile upon her lips.

"She's gonna be just fine. How are you feeling?" he asked and I nodded, I couldn't even come up with any words. My mind was a fuzzy incoherent mess. The music blaring in the club was breaking down into parts within my mind, it was as if I could hear every instrument and piece. Everything around me felt unreal.

"I feel amazing-" I sighed as relief washed over me and he flashed a bright smile, showing his canines.
"Good-" he growled.

"We're going to take you to somewhere- safer- okay?" he warned, and before I could comprehend, I felt strong burly hands lifting me from my seat by my arms. I felt as of I was being dragged somewhere against my will, however, I was immobile. The pleasure running through my veins debilitating me at this point.

"K-Kelly~" I tried to call out, but nothing but a faint moan left my lips.

"Shhh- she is fine, pumpkin." he spoke to me, venom lining his voice. I began to feel a bit fearful. My vision blurry as I was dragged behind a black curtain, shielding any light or any sight from getting pass it. 

"We have a few questions we need to ask you-" Anti's voice faintly stated as I moved in and out of consciousness.

"Comply... and we won't hurt you..."

Next part coming soon...
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