Stolen Lullaby

By Champagne-Dreams

85.7K 1.8K 938

Taylor and Joe are happily married with a new baby girl. Life could not be more peaceful or happy, until one... More

Gone Baby, Gone
I Am So Sorry
The Cruelest Irony
Don't Shut Me Out
Something More to Hide
I Can't Tell You
Past Connection
We Can Only Imagine
New Beginnings
Battle Lines
Playing Fair
Hard Questions
Causing a Ruckus
Sympathy Strategy
Secrets Between Friends
Blue Sky Turning to Rain
Love and War
The Real Devil
A Generous Proposal
Broken Heart
Life Saving Measures
First Meetings
Closing In
Shared Hurt
Always A Mother
Closing Wounds
Manifesting Hope
Letting Go to Win
Mosaic of Time
Journey to Heaven
*Story Sequel*

Alwyn vs. Collins

2.2K 47 39
By Champagne-Dreams

May 30, 2027

"Today begins one of the most bizarre custody battles we've ever witnessed. Popstar Taylor Swift and her husband actor Joe Alwyn are going to trial to fight for custody of their daughter was abducted as an infant and raised by Steven and Carol Collins who adopted her thinking she had been abandoned. The Alwyns were reunited with the little girl in 2015 but it has been a messy battle with lots of mudslinging and restraining orders tossed around between the two parties. Now both couples are set to have their lawyers present their opening statements in court today. Everybody has an opinion on this-"

"Can you please turn that trash off." Taylor called to Joe from the bathroom where she was fixing her hair and makeup. Joe clicked the TV off, she was right it wasn't healthy to watch any of the coverage of the trial all it did was make them angry and stressed out. Taylor stepped into the bedroom to look at her reflection.

"How do I look... I'm not showing am I? She said turning sideways in the mirror to make sure that there was no detectable baby bump. Just like with her first pregnancy she was very anxious not to let the public know, especially this time around the last thing they needed was to be on bump watched during the trial. She bought a suit and blouse that was a couple of sizes too loose so nothing clung to her abdomen.

"You look beautiful as always." Joe stood up giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You're not looking too bad in that suit yourself." Taylor winked giving him a smile. They were trying their best to lighten the mood and say positive but inside they were fraught with anxiety. Sophie was staying with Andrea for a couple of days while they were working through the beginning of their court case and meeting with their lawyer. She still made a point to facetime them every morning and before bed.

"Good Morning Daddy." Sophie's face appeared on the screen she was eating cereal with her bedhead hair standing up on end.

"Morning love-bug, you being a good girl and listening to Grandma?" He asked unable to contain his smile seeing her wild hair. Sophie nodded rapidly while chewing her breakfast.

"Daddy where are you going? You're dressed fancy."

"Mommy and I are just going to some boring adult stuff, it's not as much fun as staying with Grandma."

"We're going to ride horses after school today."

"You are? That sounds like fun."

"I wish you and mommy could come too, I miss you."

"Aww we miss you too Love but we'll see you soon."

"Okay, I gotta go get ready for school I love you"

"Love you too."


The scene outside of the court house was pure mayhem. Aside from loud news and entertainment reporters there were huge crowds of competing protesters with clashing ideologies loudly trying to have their opinions heard. Half of them were holding signs saying "Adoptive Parents Are Real Parents." and "Fame + Money Doesn't = Family." Taylor and Joe were shaken by how aggressive some of the crowd was against them. The counter protesters loudly shouted support claiming that stolen children belonged with their birth families. Other supporters just called out their support for Taylor and Joe. They exited their car to walk into the court house keeping their heads down and tightly holding each other's hands. The roar of the crowd was near deafening as a team of security and bodyguards surrounded them to keep the crowd at bay so they could get into the building. After passing through security and the metal detectors they were led to a family court room where they were seated with their lawyer while the Collins sat with their own lawyer on the other side of the room.

"All rise, the 209th State District Court for the State of Tennessee is now in session; The Honorable Marcia T. James presiding." The bailiff announced as the judge entered the room and took a seat at the bench. As this was a custody trail there was no jury, the decision for Sophie's custody would be entirely decided by the Judge James. Luckily she ordered the hearings be closed to the public so no media was permitted to be in the court. Opening arguments began for each side with the Collin's counsel speaking first.

Opening Statement from Lawyer Russell Schultz on Behalf of Adoptive Parents Carol and Steven Colins

It has been a debate since the beginning of time. What truly defines a family? Is it the people who raise you, nourish and care for you? Is it the people who make immeasurable sacrifices to help you thrive and achieve your dreams. Biological origins do not automatically create means for a good family. Yes, the Alwyns share their biological make up with Sophie but that doesn't make them her family. Carol and Steven Collins cared for Sophie since she was an infant. They were the ones who stayed up walking the floor with her when she was sick, encouraged her to speak her first word and held her hand as she took her first step. Above all they gave her the peace and security to grow up away from the chaos of having selfish parents who willingly choose to maintain public careers that invite media attention and scrutiny. Sophie didn't ask for this lifestyle. Before she was cruelly torn from the only home she's ever known the public couldn't tell her apart from other normal children. Now because the Alwyn's selfish actions she has had her image splashed all over all major publications around the world. What kind of loving parents would subject their child to a lifelong sentence of being followed by the media just because they can't let go of their egos long enough to consider what is interest of their child and pick a different private career. Not to mention Mrs. Alwyn has an extensive list of stalkers who have repeatedly broken into their residences and pose a constant danger. Is that really a loving safe family environment? All Carol and Steve have every done is take in a neglected child who needed a home. They've never wanted to harm anyone, all they've ever wanted was to be able to raise their daughter in peace. Joe and Taylor Alwyn have constantly brough up the term "In the Best Interests of Sophie." But we are respectfully asking the courts to do what is in truly in the best interests of Sophie Collins and return her to the custody of the parents who are her family in every sense of the word aside from biological origins."

Opening Statements from Lana Gates Lawyer for Joesph and Taylor Alwyn Birth Parents of the child

Your honor, Louise Amelie Alwyn was born on April 3, 2022 in Nashville Tennessee at Vanderbilt Hospital to Taylor Alison Alwyn nee Swift and Joseph Matthew Alwyn. These details were included on her birth certificate that was certified and filed by the county director of vital statistics. This document legally declares that Louise A. Alwyn indeed exists and belongs to a family that is her flesh and blood. Yet according to Steven and Carol Collins and the state of Connecticut, Louise Alwyn does not exist. Instead Sophie Collins born May 10, 2022 in Danbury Connecticut in an unknown hospital to unnamed biological parents on her birth certificate is supposed to usurp the legally certified identity and rights of Louise Alwyn and her family? That notion is pure madness. The raw truth is that Louise was unwillingly taken from her true parents at birth and through illegal means she was placed in the custody of Steven and Carol Collins who knowingly forged adoption documents to obtain a child to call their own. The chances that the Collins did not know the child's true parentage is slim to none. When the Alwyns moved to reobtain the custody of their child the Collins not only blocked their parental right to take back their child they resorted to dangerous and illegal methods of coercion and stalking of a child to get what they wanted. Mr. Schultz claims that his clients have Louise Alwyn's best interests at heart. If that were true then they would step aside and permit Louise Alwyn not Sophie Collins to grow with the family that she never should have been taken away from on that cold September day in 2022.

After opening arguments Lana presented to the court Louise/Sophie's competing birth certificates and the items Carol had been passing to her through Maddy. In counter attack Schultz showed the judge edited footage of Taylor shoving Carol, completely ignoring the original catalyst where Carol had slapped her first. The court proceedings were enormously stressful and Taylor began to develop an intense headache. Joe could see that she was becoming increasingly uncomfortable and grew concerned because she had a spell of morning sickness earlier and the stress of court and not having any food in her stomach couldn't be good for her or the baby.

"Love are you alright?" Joe leaned over whispering to Taylor giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I'll be fine, I just need some water." She whispered back trying to give him a smile. The judge began speaking which brought their attention back to the Judge's bench.

"I believe that is enough for today. At the next hearing we will proceed with witnesses for testimony and cross examination. I am also ordering an evaluation for the child herself, knowing that she is quiet young it will be done in closed quarters with a court appointed child psychologist."

"Your honor, may we also have an amendment to the current custody arrangement. Currently my clients only have supervised visitation twice a week. We are seeking an amendment to have unsupervised visitation three days a week with alternating weekends." Shultz stood asked the judge before she prepared to leave the chambers.

"Absolutely not! my clients object to any modifications! The child is already traumatized by the forced visitation. At the very least we have to wait for the psychologist's report first." Lana fired back. The judge agreed that the visitation was to stay as is pending the child psychologist's report. Carol and Steve were obviously upset and argued with their lawyer. Taylor's head was really throbbing at this point and all she wanted to do was lay down. Court adjourned until a date three weeks away to give them time to gather witnesses. After enduring another battle to get through the crowd back to their car the exhaustion on Taylor's face worried Joe. She was silent and rested her head against the window hoping the cool glass could ease some of her discomfort. Joe watched her, filled with worry about the stress of the trial was forcing her body to endure.


"Wait I need to give baby sister a kiss good-bye too!" Joe was taking Sophie to the child psychologist for her evaluation. While Sophie didn't mind, Joe was bothered by having a stranger evaluate her digging for dirt on her family. Taylor was staying home to rest as her headaches were still bothering her.

"Be nice to Mommy, I love you." Sophie whispered giving Taylor's bump a kiss before skipping back to Joe. Taylor smiled and waved as they drove off. She paused for a moment to put a hand over her belly. Perhaps hearing Sophie talking to her, the baby doled out a series of flutters and kicks. She was six months along now and it was getting too hard to hide her bump under loose clothes. Still despite all of the stressors and craziness going on she was determined to enjoy this pregnancy.

When court reconvened after three weeks they were to hear testimony from the psychologist that evaluated Sophie as well as beginning witness testimonies. By now Taylor was still trying her best to hide her midsection but Steve and Carol were suspicious. The idea that Taylor was pregnant gave them mixed emotions. On one hand they were jealous that she could carry another child so easily while they struggled for years but on the other hand they could possibly use this pregnancy against her in court.

As the bailiff called the first witness to testify the name that was called made Joe and Taylor's blood run cold.

Still dressed in her orange prison outfit her arms and legs in shackles. The woman who started this entire journey of agony took the stand. Swearing to tell the truth on the bible, she took her seat at the bench her eyes locked on Taylor and Joe.

"The defence calls Sarah Jacobson to the stand to testify."

A/N: Super long update today hope you guys don't mind. We're turning the heat up on the drama :p As always thank you so much for you comments and votes! 

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