Sanders Sides AU One-Shots

By zflakefanderpai

3.6K 151 131

I have too many Sanders Sides AU ideas and I can't stop thinking about them until I write them down so yeah w... More

Met You by Chance, Loved You by Choice
Sanders Sideskicks AU
The Birth of the Sideskicks (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
1- The Prince and The Fox (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
2 - A Puff and a Pop (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
3 - The Calm Before The Storm (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
4 - A Bird's Brain (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
5 - Snake on the Stone (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
6 - A Royal's Thief (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
7 - The Missing Sash (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
8 - A Little Nudge (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
9 - The Great Crofter's Heist (Sanders Sideskicks AU)
Challenge Accepted
Remember Me
A Little Side Secret
Modern Day Tangled AU (Sneak Peek)
Just Roll With It

A Team Effort

110 5 2
By zflakefanderpai

Summary: Basically, the Sides want to work on their synchronization skills by operating Thomas as a team.

(Written around the release of Selfishness v. Selflessness)


"Boys! I have an idea!" Roman shouts as he rushes into the Mindscape's living room, only to find Patton and Logan lounging on the couch, no Emo Nightmare in sight.

"Wait, where's Virgil?"

"Right here, Princey." said Side replies, walking out of their kitchen with a half-eaten cookie in hand.

Patton turns to his dark, strange son and smiles, "how are they, kiddo?"

Virgil munches on the last piece of his cookie and swallows before answering back, "delicious as always, Dad."

"That's good to hear." the fatherly Side nods in appreciation, receiving a kiss on the forehead from his logical boyfriend.

"Everything you make is delicious, dear."

"Awww, thank you, Logan."

"Guys, not trying to ruin your moment or anything, but I've got an idea."

Virgil chuckles and slings an arm around his slightly taller boyfriend, "and what would that be, mi príncipe?"

A fond smile creeps upon the fanciful Side's face at hearing the Spanish nickname leave his lover's lips.

"Well, rey de mi corazon (king of my heart), what would you all say to a team building exercise?"

"Team building?" Logan asks with much interest.

"Yup!" Roman nods in confirmation, "Since you and I are able to operate Thomas' arms, wouldn't it be a given for Patton and Virgil to be able to operate his legs?"

"Hmm, I suppose so." the logical Side answers after a quick thought, "Are you suggesting we operate Thomas to perform certain tasks he generally gets done on the daily?"


"ONLY if he wants to." Virgil adds in.

Roman nods towards his boyfriend, "Yes, only if he wants to. Let us ask him right now!"


"THOMAS!" Roman suddenly rises up from his spot near the TV and lamp.


"Language, kiddo!" Patton reminds as he and Logan rise up from their designated spots, Virgil the last to appear on the stairs.

Thomas is quick to cover his mouth to prevent himself from swearing, then glares at the princely trait, "I almost peed my pants!"

"But you didn't." the creative Side points out.

"Thankfully." Thomas mutters with a sigh, "Mind telling me why you're all here?"

"Well, we figured we could use a little bit of practice in working together, and what a better way for us to do so than by operating you as a team!" Roman tells their confused host.

"W-wait... I thought you and Logan are only able to control my arms?"

"Yeah, so wouldn't that leave Patton and Virgil in control of your legs?"

"...I don't know, guys." Thomas hesitates, "I mean, I'm not really opposed to the idea, but..."

"You're afraid that we might just start fighting, and end up hurting you if we got lost in the heat of the argument." Virgil finishes, knowing exactly what their host was nervous about.

"It's not that I don't trust you guys..." Thomas looks at each of them with a guilty expression, "it's just... You never know, you know?"

Patton walks over to their host and wraps him in a hug, "Aww, it's alright, Thomas. We understand."

"I still want you guys to do it, though, it'll help with your synchronization and all that stuff."

Someone clearing their throat catches the attention of all four Sides and their host.

"If you'd like, I'd gladly be here as the mediator. And to assure that our dear Thomas doesn't end up injured." Janus volunteers with a small smile.

Roman grins and looks at Thomas, who nods in approval.

"Let's do this!"

-1 hour later-

"I'm surprised we managed to do the laundry and cook a meal without having our usual disputes with one another." Logan tells his three co-Sides with a proud smile.

"I am both proud and relieved to see you guys doing a great job at this joint coordination you've all somehow mastered." Thomas admits, looking at each side warily, "What now?"

"Dancing!" Roman exclaims excitedly.

"Absolutely not/NO!/Ooh yes!" Logan, Virgil, and Patton say at the same time.

From those responses, Thomas knew something was going to go wrong now. With a quick glance at Janus, the lying trait sighs and places a reassuring hand on his host's shoulder.

"You'll be fine, hun, I got you."

-5 minutes later-

"Are we doing it right?"

"This is too cringey!"

"I am unfortunately feeling secondhand embarrassment with this."

"hah, secondhand embarrassment, good one Logybear!" Patton giggles.

The logical Side face palms but has a fond smile on his face, "That was, frankly, not intentional, but thank you, dear."

After a few more minutes, Roman sees no improvement in their attempt at getting Thomas to twerk, so he calls it off, receiving multiple sighs of relief.

"Oh, come on! That wasn't so bad... Right?"

"Pfft, I'll say." Virgil laughs lightly, making his way over to Roman's corner but accidentally tripping on his own feet, resulting for Thomas to, as well, lose his own footing.

Luckily, Roman was there to catch his boyfriend before he could fall.

As for Thomas...

"gAH!" He yelps, closing his eyes and waiting for the impact.

But it never comes.

He slowly peeks one eye open, and finds himself in the arms of his deceitful Side.

"Like I said my dear Thomas, I got you." Janus shoots Thomas a warm smile, helping him back up on his feet.

Logan glances over to the couple across from him, finding the anxious trait a blushing mess in the arms of his Prince Charming, who seems to have a mix between a smug and fond look on his face.

The moral Side couldn't help but let out a squeal at the adorable sight, "AWWWW!!! Logan! Why can't we be like that?" a sudden pout forms on Patton's lips.

"well, according to our two friends over there, Patton, we are always like that."

"I can confirm that." Janus cuts in.

"Well, now that you've all accomplished your team work skills, how's about I order us a pizza?" Thomas suggests.

"Ooh yes! Please do, Kiddo!"

"As cheesy as this may sound, I believe that Virgil over there has fallen for Roman once again."

Said Sides turn their heads towards Logan in amusement, "Did Pocket Protector just make two puns in one sentence?" asked the anxious trait, a grin spreading across both his and Princey's face.

"Judging by the fact that Patton's peppering Logan's face with kisses right now, I believe so, mi amor."

Thomas can feel his heart swelling up with love for each of his Sides, a small smile gracing his face and a single thought imbedding itself into his mind.

I love my famILY.

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