Peter Parker & The Avengers o...

By StoriesFan102

176K 3.8K 612

Oneshots of Peter and his unescapable vortex of a family This is book No. 2 so head onto my account to find t... More

Flying High
Can't run forever, right?
Wedding Mishaps
Hydra's Mistake
Hydra's Mistake II
Laundry Room
Super Secret Boy Band
Keep Holding On
For Long
Say Anything
Christmas Voulenteering
Coming For Christmas
A Siblings Christmas
Coming Home
Helped Back To Health
Admitting Love Is Hard To Do.
A Kiss To Recover
Talking Helps
Drop of Blood.
All it takes is one person
5 years of Fatherhood
5 years of Fatherhood II
Not the same
Death of Custody
Back to the Beginning
Undercover Costumes
Undercover Costumes II
The Movies
Solider II
Meals II
Love For A Wedding
Secrets of the Past
Secrets of the Past II
Secrets of the Past III
Secrets of the Past IIII
Training Nightmares
A Christmas Together
Solider III
Christmas Means Family
Home For The Holiday's
Home For The Holiday's II
Home For The Holiday's III
Home For The Holidays 4
She...she was...
She...she was... II
Finding The Kid
Meeting The Kid
Talking With The Kid
The Kid.
Sibling Squable
Merry Christmas!
Dating Advice
Admit to Love
Saving Love
What If?
To Raise A Child
To become a Parent
To Be A Family
Merry Christmas
Christmas Break
Seriously? New Year's?
This is a disaster
What are you doing?
Much more than a simple threat.
And you are?
Is that him?
Slow Dancing
Keeping Safe
Brusies and Black-eyes
The Bus
You're a what now?
The Newbie
Web of truth
Telling the Folks
Long Lost Love
Somethin' Stupid
Long Lost Love II
New Family
Thrown Off
Break Up
Suprise Visitor
Mystery of New York
Friends through Blood
107th Book Report
Secret Marriage and Dates
A Special Kind of Meeting
Secrets and Truths
Final Truth and Forgivness
Escape Act
Cabins and Tests
Hydra's Experiments
Unknown Agent
Cover Blown
Final Explanation
Strangers to Friends
Can't just show up!
Hide and Speak
Just Beginning
Late Night
Talking it Out
Hightened Senses
Secrets and Safe House
Long Time Secrets
Family Dinner
Protect Her
40s Dancing
Secret Moving
Agents of Future
Engagment Party
Parent-Teacher Conference
Family Additions and Baby Fever
Family Like Theirs
Forced to Kill
Love through a Christmas Lullaby
Come Back To Me, Safe.
Child of Dreams
Births & Break-Ins
As Time Goes By
Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas
London, 1943
Where We Are Now
New Boss
Fight Like A Girl

Angel Wings

732 18 3
By StoriesFan102

Sorry I've not updated in a while. I'd decided to take a little break for a while but now I'm back.

I don't know where I'm really going with this chapter, but I hope you like it.

Thank you for all your votes and comments, I really enjoy reading them <3 Xx

Stay Safe! Love Ya!

Enjoy! xx


Peter couldn't exactly remember what had happened. Fully, anyhow. One minute he was sat inside of an old pizza place in Chicago. The next his phone was ringing about a mission near by where Romanoff was in need of back up. Then he was faced in front of some man who claimed to have godly powers and then finally he was lay on the ground, knocked out and finally (again) woke up, with a little extra baggage.

"And you don't remember anything else? Nothing at all?" Bruce asked, checking Peter's vitals once again.

"Like I said. I was knocked back and then I woke up. With wings. Angel Wings."

"But how come we can't see them?" Natasha asked. "I mean, you say you can see them, but no one else can."

Suddenly, an extra voice came from the door way. Wanda.

"I can." She answered. "And anyone who either had a strong bond with Peter can see them, or anyone who had enough power like I do. And angels, of course."

Wanda spoke and ended with a little nod of her head at the end, her Sokovian accent slipping out a little.

"But we all have a strong bond with-"

Wanda smiled and laughed, shaking her head as she folded her arms deeped across herself.

"No, this is more of can I put it? Intimate bond." Wanda explained. "Like the same bond soulmates share on both the emotional and physical level."

Peter felt a faint blush come to his cheeks as he looked away, but Wanda only smiled more as Peter's wings gave a little shake and spread a little wider before returning back behind his back.

He knew who she was talking about. MJ.

She and Peter had been close to say the least since they were in highschool, they had just never told anyone. But, at the same time, they had never actually gone anywhere with it. They were both either too busy or it had simply slipped their mind.

Hell! They hadn't even kissed yet. Not properly, anyhow - or so that's what the others thought...

"By the looks of it, you're gonna need help with mending those wings. They're still setting in and because of the blast, some of them have fractured a little." Wanda told him, pointing to where the small fractures were, but never touching his wings.

A few hours later, Peter sat inside his room in the compound, examining his wings.

As much as they were probably pretty to look at and could be useful. They were a pain. His back irritated him like crazy and they were so sensitive. The lightest touch and it was like nails down a chalk board, until MJ walked in.

"Hey, Wanda said you might need some help." She smiled, entering with a first aid kit. "I have to tell you though, this will be my first time meding wings, well, Angel ones at least. Hey," MJ smiled, coming to a realisation. "If you have the wings, does that mean that you could technically be my guardian angel?"

Peter smiled. "Maybe? But in all honesty, they're a pain."

Chuckling, MJ sat beside Peter, his wings spreading out a little further. So, clearly MJ could see them. Maybe Wanda was right?

"May I?"

Peter was a little nervous and sat strained for the most part until he finally nodded. "Sure."

However, as Peter waited for the feel of nails down a chalk board, it never came. Instead, it was replaced with a sensation that he'd never had before. It was like MJ's fingers traced the edge of his wings with golden whispers of magic. Like she had a simple healing touch just in the tip of her fingers, never mind in the first aid kit.

Peter's wings gave a little flutter as she did so, causing him to go wide-eyed, blush and look down to the floor - all in that order.


Peter shook his head, trying to contain a smile. "No, it''s okay. They do that...sometimes. I think it's a new thing..."

Peter lied through his teeth. Wanda had told him enough of what she knew the moment she spotted his wings for him to know that that flutter wasn't something that came forced, but was much rather the angelic version of a....well, Wanda didn't have to say much for Peter to eventually catch on.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" MJ asked, finally breaking the silence between them as she dapped a small section of his wings with cotton wool.


"What happened, the other night," MJ began. "You know, before you got called out to help Nat. What you told me...did you mean it?"

Peter now looked to MJ.

They were yet to have this conversation. Nearly four nights ago, MJ and Peter had been intimate. It had included a near death experience for the both of them. Scars which were still slightly visible on the pair of them. It had also included a esculated fight before finally they met in the middle and admitted the truth.

"Did...Do you want me to mean it?"

MJ stayed quiet for a moment, trying to think what was best to say. On one hand, they had been friends and best-friends since they were 14. They had been each other's first kiss. But on the other, on the other, they were both in a line of work that didn't exactly have the best relationship record for anyone. Mostly due to couples either being seperated by time - whether that be 3 weeks or 70 years. They also had a team and an entire coutry to look after and should something go wrong...

Well, lets just say Fury wouldn't be happy if they threw it all away for just one person. Not like they'd do it if they were just friends...

"I..." MJ's mind was screaming yes, but yet the only words to come from her mouth were; "You should be okay til the morning. I'll come and check your bandages then..."

MJ didn't even pack up the first aid kit before she made a beline for Peter's bedroom door. But, he stopped her, his wings spreading out wide as he did so in both fear and final acceptence.

"I did mean it, MJ." He told her. "I meant every word."

"How can you be sure though?"

Peter just smiled.

"What?" MJ asked, watching his expression watch her.

"My wings." he smiled, "Look at them."

MJ did so before turning back to him. "And?"

"They're spread." Peter told her. "And according to Wanda, that only one thing. MJ, I love you."

MJ felt the air in her lungs stop swirling and her eyes grow brighter, even without her doing so herself.

That night, in their hotel room, they had been fighting about the dangers of the job and how he wasn't going to let her get hurt and how she didn't want him to get hurt when they were any where, simply because certain people made it their business to know who was behind them mask.

By the end, they had both told one another why. Why did they not want the other getting hurt. And now here it was again. Accept in a situation that niether of them thought they could ever be in, never mind would be in.

But, now they was, and there was nothing either of them could do about it.

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