Your Eyes

By chlxriiss

327 26 12

~*~ A girl with peculiar eyes, an emerald green, speckled with blue and silver streaks. Everybody loved or ev... More

Characters' Aesthetics
2- New Friends
3- Home
4- Empty Classrooms
5- Project
6- Holding Hands
7- Subway Rides
8- The Mistletoe
9- Her Dress
10- The Party
11- Comfort

1- Schedules

50 2 0
By chlxriiss

Hi! I'm Chlxriiss and this is my first story so please, if you notice any grammatical mistakes, please correct me and I will try to fix them as soon as I can. Thank you!!

I wanna be the one you're calling
'Cause I believe that you could lead the way

My phone rings from my other pillow and I lazily pick it up, half awake.


"MARI, IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY, GET UP!" The other line screams into the phone, over-excited. I jump, immediately sitting up in bed, shocked. My hair looks like a bird's nest, my mouth probably has a little drool on it and I haven't decided what to wear.

"I- Kylie?" I say, still in shock.

"Yes, sweetie?" She says sweetly into the phone, acting like she didn't just almost destroy my eardrums. I blink, staring out the window with my phone still in my ear.

"Where are you?" I narrow my eyes at my blanket, gripping the phone in my hand tightly.


Suddenly the bathroom door opens, revealing the one and only Kylie. Her dark brown hair is pulled into a low bun, some strands hanging loose. She wears a black dress shirt, her jeans ripped. Her smile is crooked, revealing her white teeth.

I groan loudly, throwing my head back and flopping onto my pillow. Kylie's smile immediately disappears, forming a frown instead. I pull the blanket over my head, curling up into a ball and relaxing, getting ready to fall back asleep.

Suddenly, my warm, soft blanket is torn from me, the cold stabbing my skin. Kylie throws the blanket off to the side somewhere, opening the blinds. The sun's rays burn my eyes as I almost scream. Instead, I throw my head into my pillow, screaming into it. I hear Kylie laugh, the closet door opening as she rummages throw my clothes. I sit up, squinting my eyes through the brightness to find her holding up a t-shirt, instantly throwing it behind her. She picks out a piece of clothing, pinching it in between her two fingers. Immediately, a black cloth of panties flies my way, and out of reflex, I catch them in my hand, a bra hanging loose in my other. Kylie giggles.

"Nice panties," She smirks while throwing other clothing out of the way. I roll my eyes, picking up my pillow and throwing it at her. Somehow, just as it comes towards her, she crouches down, the pillow only brushing the top of her hair. She looks up, confused. Then, she turns over to look at the pillow that hit the floor just a second ago. She snorts, grinning.

"Did you just try to throw a pillow at me?" She giggles, snorting a few times. I roll my eyes again a bit louder.

Kylie makes a weird squealing sound, picking up an outfit and chucking it at my face once again. It hit me and it hurt.


The outfit she gave me was a sage green Nike crop top sweater with a white collar and a mid-length black skirt that'd probably reach the middle of my thighs. She also gave me some black knee boots so the skirt wouldn't look so short.

Kylie points to the bathroom she came out of it and bites her bottom lip, gripping the ends of her dress shirt.

I roll my eyes, as I quickly stand up, running into the bathroom and locking the door. I hear her laugh loudly and open my bedroom door, probably going to bug my mom.

Kylie and my mom are just like another mother and daughter, but much more of a closer relationship. They're like best friends and it usually makes me jealous but other times, I shake it off.

I turn on the shower water, the hot water immediately beating against my skin. I sigh dramatically, realizing that I forgot my phone on the bed and I immediately regret it, not being able to play a song and belt it out. I don't want to yell, but I have no choice.

"KYLIE MARIE!" I shout, my voice making my throat hurt. Feet pad around in the room, stopping at the door.

"What, I was making pancakes with my mother," She loudly says into the door.

her mom?

"Kylie, get my phone, and my mom is just your friend so shut up," I complain, setting my back against the shower wall.

"I have your phone,"

"Then give it to me?"

"The doors locked-"

"Yeah, I know that now,"

"Never mind." Were her last words before the door swung open, revealing Kylie and my phone. She smiles, walking in with her eyes closed and setting my phone in the sink. She leaves the room, closing the door behind her. I still always wonder how she was so sneaky and slick, doing things without anybody noticing. I reach for my phone, snatching it and unlocking it. I open Spotify, go to my playlist, and start it. I put the volume to its max, setting it back on the sink.


As I finish up, I reach for my signature perfume, spraying it on my neck, behind my ears, under my arms, and a bit on my legs. For some fun, I smile and just spray it on my full shirt, hair, and skirt. Now I smell like vanilla bean as I inhale the scent, almost dropping to my knees. I don't do much with my hair except tie it into a high bun, letting some brown and white strands fall loose. I get my glasses, sliding them onto my face, letting the slightly blurred vision disappear.

I walk out of the bathroom, grab my black handbag and my black backpack, and walk out of the room.

My mom is laying on the couch and I notice some nice pancakes on the kitchen counter, most of them being gobbled up by Kylie. I quickly run over, grabbing the rest of the five pancakes as I grab the syrup. Kylie only frowns at me but continues eating.

"Hi, mom," I coo, walking over to her and kissing her cheek. She smiles softly and closes her eyes again, drifting off to sleep. I make a weird face but only walk away with my pancakes still in company as I sit down and start eating away.

Once we finish, Kylie gets up, saying goodbye to my now, in the kitchen, mom, grabbing a snack for work.

"Bye, Mari's Mom!" She says, my mom, waving goodbye to her.

"Bye-bye, mom, I love you!" I shout, leaving the doorway and hearing her mimic me.

"Mari! C'mon!" Kylie yells down the sidewalk, far ahead of me. I stare at her before quickly running up to her. She grabs a fruit snack out of her- Uhm, shirt?

"Did you stuff that in your bra?" I ask, weirded out as we continue to walk. I kick a small stone in front of me, continuously kicking it when I get closer with each step.

"Yeah, it makes me look like I have bigger boobs," She observes, opening the packaging and popping one in her mouth.

"You want one?" Kylie asks, handing one to me. I stare at it for a while, wondering if I want one.

"Sure." I accept, not expecting what she was going to do next. Suddenly, she reaches into her shirt, pulling out yet another package of the same she was eating, stuffing it into my hands. I widen my eyes in surprise, elbowing her in the stomach but she only laughs.

"Why on earth do you have two in there?" I squeal, not laughing with her.

"Well I'm not just going to walk into school looking like one breast had a growth spurt and not the other, idiot." She smirked, popping another gummy into her mouth. I make a weird sigh but say no more than open the package and eat the little bite-size snacks. Kylie tugs at the hair tie in her hair, pulling it out and letting her hair loose as it falls into its long, straight, brown texture just as I see the school into view.

We approach the school building as teenagers walk around all over the place, chatting about who knows what. I notice a group of girls taking 'First Day' selfies together and I form a cringed look, turning away. I also notice how most of the girls in the group are blonde. And when I say blonde, I mean, blonde. I'm not trying to specifically target blondes because I know some are sweet but these? Hell no.

They giggle loudly, playfully slapping each other and making fish lips towards the camera. The poses they make are utterly unbelievable. One girl strikes her pose by forming a peace sign with her hands, squinting her eyes, and making kiss lips. Another girl mimics it but tucks her hair behind her ear and I laugh as it looks like she's trying to seduce the phone. The last girl put her head on the girl in the middle, her short blonde hair behind her ears as she twirls it in her finger.

I look back at Kylie to see her on the school wall, throwing her head back and ridiculously laughing unbelievable loud. She puts her hand on her chest, trying to keep herself from laughing but she's cannot stop. She stumbles over to me, still laughing as she claps her other hand over her mouth, her laughter muffled.

"D-did you see those-" She stops to take a huge breath, laughing all over again. I can feel heads turning to look at us, making weird faces as I feel my face heat up.

"Those girls! They look like the definition of duck lips!" She squeals, and I pull her away quickly, chuckling under my breath. I swear I saw those girls oogle their eyes at us before we left. As we enter the school building, I try to pluck my eyes out with my finger but I can't so I have to face it. People are faced our way so when I look at someone, they immediately look at my eyes, confused or- amazed?

"Hey, why are they looking at us?" Kylie breaks the silence between us and I push through the partly crowded hallway.

"My eyes, I'm thinking," I mutter softly as I feel my face heating up again. I stare at the ground, Kylie taking the lead as she grabs my arm, pulling me to find the office.

"I think I found the office, that's where we get our schedules." She gushes, a burst of excitement sounding in her voice. She somehow gets a wave of energy and starts running, dragging me behind her. I want to give up on myself and drop to the floor and just lay there, falling asleep.

We reach the office as Kylie lets me go, walking into the office to talk to the lady. I stand outside the room, waiting for her to get our schedules as I almost fall asleep. Kylie finishes up, stepping out of the room and shoving my schedule in my face before grabbing my arm and running off again.

"Kylie!" I shout, running behind her.

"Oh, shit," She pauses as she quickly lets go of me, jerking out of my way as I stumble forward, running into someone as they catch me in their arms.

"What a great way to start the day," I sigh, still in the unknown person's arms, just laying there probably knowing they may be uncomfortable.

I push myself off my holder, standing up and rubbing my eyes.

They did smell kind of good-

I look up to see a boy with black messy hair, his eyes practically hooded by small strands of his hair but I can still see that eye color. It was an admirable blue, tinted with a bit of darkness. He wore a black turtle neck sweater with blue jeans, matched with white shoes.

My lord.

"Oh," I cough after I snap back to reality, scratching my head.

"Sorry, I tripped and practically fell on you. My bad," I apologize, giving him a crooked smile. His face stays blank and my smile falters as I imitate his look, resting my eyes. I turn to walk away, grabbing Kylie's arm and dragging her behind me. She doesn't mind, she just kind of trudges behind me, looking at the piece of paper in her hand.

"History, 2A?" She stated.

I turn a corner. "History, 2A," I reply, bummed.


It may be short, but I think I may be getting to a start. I'll try to make these chapters 3,000-4,000 words long. I hope you liked it!! <3


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