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Waking up, Jordan finds himself in an unfamiliar place with almost no memory of his previous life. Getting cr... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
The Spiral Eye Of Eternity
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
A Second Chance At Grasping Infinity
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Lost In The Ages
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
The Copper Sun
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 1

219 19 131

Why does my body feel like it's been pressed like a sandwich and then thrown into outer space?

I feel so heavy. So groggy and nauseous...ugh.

I cough and cough.

My body feels hot, but at the same time, there's a frigid chill all over me. Don't tell me it's one of those fevers I used to get when I was a kid. I'm so done with those!

But, no... It feels different somehow. It's almost like I'm a little numb. Did someone inject me with some funny stuff! I don't wanna get arrested dammit! I'm still a teen and something like juvie, you'd bet would reflect poorly on my record! I have a reputation for causing trouble already. But what can I do? It's not my fault I was blessed with such a sunny personality. If anything I'm quite proud of it-

But first things first, I must figure things out. I can surmise how nothing's my fault and how innocent I am later.

Hmm...My, what the hell is wrong with me? Everything looks so blurry.

I blink. I blink again.


Oh wait. Right. My glasses.

I frantically search for my glasses. As my fingertips reach the surface, I realise that the floor has a matte metallic texture, cool to the touch. My fingers scrape against unfamiliar objects in an unfamiliar environment. What the hell did I get myself involved in this time? Well at this point, I'm just plain annoyed with myself and my poor luck. Couldn't even impress a girl in all these yea-

Oh sweet guacamole-

I fall by what my mind calculated to be no less than three feet to meet hard ground face first.


"AWWGHH Mama, that huuuurt."

I wheeze, then try to breathe, curling up my body because of the pain. My face is pressed against solid ground with a metallic tinge to it. Spit has automatically come out of my mouth upon the impact.

Where the hell am I?! Come to think of it...

My eyes open wide.

It's blank.

Oh no. I can't remember anything!

Oh my god. Oh my god.

I messed up. I really messed up. Oh dear.

It's- ugh. No. No. I'm not going to hyperventilate right now. First objective: Retrieve my glasses.

The frantic search resumes.

"Holy Mother Mary!" I prick my hand on something sharp while grasping it. I roll on the ground screaming. "Oh God! Dear God! Why am I showered with misery moments after I woke up!" This is worse than being bathed by gushing cold water thrown by my mother to wake me up every other morning.

Yeah, she has anger issues. She can turn from a timid sensible creature to a barbaric animal in the tick of a clock. Tell me about it.

While rolling my 'okay' hand a bit more carefully this time, I grasp something flimsy and familiar.

"Oh, blessed. I'm blessed at last," I pant. Unsteadily I put my glasses on.

A flood of relief washes over me and my blast-beating heart takes a chill. Now, a bit more calm, I inspect the gash on my palm. It's throbbing. It's bad.

I wince at the sight. Whoa, that cut looks lethal. "Need to stop the bleeding."

With my hand dripping I somehow stagger to my feet and for the first time properly behold my surroundings.


"What in the-"

Right before me is the most outrageous film production set I have ever witnessed. It looks like an abandoned store room or something of the like, the size of a barn. There are numerous metallic containers lying around, more small objects than I can make a mental note for and machines that are totally unfamiliar. "Are we shooting an alien movie? Wait, maybe I did get shot out into outer space."



Wait, I don't recognise that language. Maybe we are shooting it abroad. But this feels unfamiliar. Do I work on movies? Aren't I too young for that? Ah, maybe I am the starring protagonist!

I smile momentarily, my arms on my waist, then knit my brows, mouth a "Whatever" and look for an exit.

I'd be needing tapwater to clean the cut before I can wrap it up.

I start walking. My steps are stiff and hard on the ground. Seems like whatever happened to me has not had its effects ebbed away just yet. It is still a bit hard to control my own body, but for the time being my fists are not making mushy out of my face so I think I am okay for now.

I stare at my surroundings as I continue my stroll. "Hmmm..." They really went all out on the production. I can't help but wonder...why? I think CGI is good enough for recreating a scene of this proportion. Why do we need a set then?

I spit the metallic taste out of my mouth and search for a cloth.

To my right there is a large hoop, thick and connected by cable wires, standing upright. The things in its vicinity have all had a blast partying because they are completed wasted out, on the floor, lying like stupid college students who were having a blast for becoming adults when they are still a bunch of kids who don't know how to hold their liquor. And it's exactly like that- some have vomited out their contents, others are resting atop yet others. But for most of the mess that has sprawled across the floor, I'd say they all look identical.

Oh, there are also some metal rods there and some meshy- well, you know what? Never mind. As I said earlier, it's too large a list to mentally account for.

I move my gaze to the walls. Man, someone had it rough. The walls looks like they have been shot, blasted, scraped and what not. There is literally so much detail in this area, that I may as well be in a movie. Hooks are studded repeatedly and-

I spot what I am looking for. There. Looks like a silky material. I should probably find something that can soak the blood, but for the time being it's the best I can salvage. I need to put pressure on the wound.

I take the hanging cloth off the hook and move towards a corridor from the looks of it. Is this a kids museum for aliens or what? All these props...

A burst pipe in the corner, leading down to another path. A pool of water underneath it. Whoever broke it is going to face severe char- wait.


This cannot be.

Am I the one? Am I the who made a mess out of this place?

I shiver at the thought.

Considering my situation, and from the looks of things, the best explanation that I can find for what I have got myself into is- I came here to this other-worldly museum with some kids probably, some guys manhandled me to the ground, the kids ran away...or worse, had been kidnapped while I was knocked out on the head and passed out on the floor. And probably during that fight while trying to get away from those scumbags, the pipeline broke. That must be some weak plumbing right there...

I inhale deeply. I'm in deep shit.

I put my hand in the stream and wash my wound. It stings as the water is cold. But it is for the better. I wrap the wound around tightly with the black fabric. It hurts bad, but I successfully knot it secure.

Now, all I need to do is find a way out. I don't know for how long I have been here, but it can't be good.


"Oh my god!" I remembered.

Well, not anything that is incredibly helpful in my situation right here, right now, but-

"It's my big sister's wedding tomorrow!"

I need to get home right now!

Metal slabs on the wall. Probably to imitate the hatch doors in the movies. I make a half-run to the opening and before I can reach out for the knob, they open automatically.

"Oh. Well, that's sweet." At least I didn't have to break a sweat trying to make heads or tails out of the manouvering mechanisms.

The sounds from the outside. They are clearer now.

It sounds like kids!

I pant a sigh of relief. Maybe I was right-

Dead wrong.

Standing before me is the most hideous creature I have ever laid eyes on.

"What abomination are you?"

No. I did not say those words. It! said them to me.

"I think I am a madman, having a nightmare," I answer back before slapping my cheek to wake up in the real world.


The only difference: This, is the real world.

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