Wangxian - The Road Not Taken

By shreydave

31.9K 1.4K 404

what if JGY's plan works and the siege on burial mounds is a success. what will happen to wwx ? will lwj sti... More

In search of truth (1)
In search of truth (2)
Reflection and Doubts
The Morning After
Seige? Again?
What Just Happened
Approaching Darkness
The Last Talk
14. Drifting
15. Unexpected Companion
16. I'm what?
17. Journey to the Healer
18. The Journey Continues
19. Baihu Shitu
20. Its YOU?
21. Flickering Candle
22. Fighting Chance
23. Yinning and Scrolling
24. Giving up is not even an Option
25. Tears and Hugs
26. Beneath the Eyelashes
27. Where am I ?
28. Goddess
29. What the fox
30. Story of Fengjiu
31. Another hottie
32. Bazaaaar
33. Cooking is all about the Art
34. Wooing and Healing
35.Once more from the top


1.8K 52 12
By shreydave

Ah! I ended up in trouble. Again!

When can I stop doing this?!?!

First it was stumbling upon the captured villagers in the binding nets, and my valiant donkey introduced me to my nephew. I wish I knew it that time, before saying those hurtful words to him.

Don't you have a mother to teach you some manners?

Why is it your uncle and not your father?

Arrghhh! Just one slap doesn't feel enough of a punishment. I should have just kept my mouth shut, its anyway not a good thing to say to anyone, but this tongue just runs free. Maybe it's not as affected as my other organs by the previous events.

Jiang Cheng really hates me, and it has grown so much over the years. But I can still see a spark of pain behind those eyes. It has been hard for him, not just taking care of his sect but building it again from scratch, and at such a young age. And I could not even help him much despite promising.

And then there's him, the ever silent and elegant being. He helped me with Jiang Cheng. Again!
How come he's continuously helping me? How? Just how?
Am I really a damsel?
If he knows who I am will he eat me up as a prey?? I shudder thinking about it.

These kids though! I just can't help but shake my head. ( Atleast it's not a eye roll like JC, his will definitely get stuck up there)

Why are they always without a guardian in place of danger. Then they have the nerve to not listen to advise!
What will I do with them!

There are times in life that you should stand your ground and fight. It shows your courage and bravery.
But having lived through the experiences that I did, I also know that many a times there is courage in retreating. You can't always be a headless duck running blindly into battles!

And why doesn't the sects teach them practicality of night hunts? If they are sending the kids on night hunt atleast teach them the things they would need rather than name of the bird of the symbol of a certain sect or the profession of the founder of the one of the main five sects.

And on top of that they didn't even stock up on signals!

And where is my in over his head nephew ? Please don't tell me he wants to fight the goddess by himself. Arrgh!

I explain the nature of the being and the reasoning behind the events that took place at the temple at the Dafan mountain to the ducklings. They are quick to catch-up though.

Just then I can't help but sigh! My nephew did just that!

And then I caused trouble. Again!

By accidentally calling A-Ning.
How is he alive , isn't he supposed to be dead?
If he is alive, would the rest of them also be?
No no I scratch that thought, I saw their bodies, hanging on display for the world to see. And them scattering A-Ning and Qing-jie's ashes .
Though if they lied about A-Ning, could they have lied about her? I didn't see her body.
This tiny semblance of hope lighted in my heart. I truly hope she's alive and well.

But dearest him catches me when I calm down A-Ning and order him to hide. It saddens me that he is not conscious right now.
What must he have suffered these past years.

I heard people new usually call him by his given title only. He is truly that. Hanguang-jun. The light bearing lord. The righteous one. And just in my heart, my once soulmate.
But he can't deter from his path, and neither do I have a choice of any other path.

And then my ex-shidi* had to come ruin the intense moment with him. Maybe that was for the better anyway. Then he proceeds to save me. Again!

*Shidi- younger apprentice brother

I want to run away from here!

So I do.

But will my dearest brother let me go so easily? Yeah thought so.
But it was worth getting hit to see his dumbstruck expression when my soul didn't leave the body. And the bonus was the same expression on Hanguang-jun, however subtle, but somehow it is apparent. Maybe only to me? Probably.

And my lovelies speak up again. Ah! They have already squirmed into my Heart, or whatever remains of it. Maybe , just maybe they are mending it together.

The words of someone speaking in my defense fills me with warmth. Even though I don't deserve it, I still soak up the feeling. Even when they yelled at me they were still so kind. Didn't feel like I was scum. Huh. It's a nice feeling.

I had a nice amazing plan to get rid of the past acquaintances. Of course by disgusting them. One took up the challenge while other just gave the total opposite of expected reaction.
Test failed!😟
And that's how he ruined my plan and dragged me to his home.

And he even got my ducklings to aid him
(Yes, I have somehow marked ownership over them)
And they are totally under his spell. They even asked me why I am making a ruckus for entering in Gusu when I have declared my liking to Hanguang-jun.
As if it needs any explanation!

He had a point though. But sadly he was talking to me. As already performing the role of lunatic I hardly need a sane explainable reason.

I was thrown in his den.

Why do I have this feeling of foreboding

Yeah I was right to have this feeling, seeing as I am currently lying on top of a magnificent slightly bare, very hard and defined, scarred chest of the very man that had the audacity to order me to be dragged here. And on top of that freeze me to stay on top of him.
I was only sneaking around and being shameless, did he really need to be this cruel and accomodating?
Why can't he throw me out like he would have? Should have?

I can still feel the utter shock that I received when I saw his back full of whip scars  and the brand mark on his chest.
Yes the very chest I am lying on. More like sprawled over.

Was I evil?
Are they not?
How could they do this to him who always did the righteous thing?
Just what ridiculous and severely horrible thing he did for them to be so cruel to him?

Sometimes I wonder, why is my path considered evil? Just because it focuses on a different type of energy than the norm?
Would they be happy if it emitted a pink color instead of black?
Why do people get so rigid with one way of life? It may not be wrong to follow a path that you believe in just as long as you have  good intentions at heart, right?
Or does it not matter at all?
Why is it that some are innocent until proven guilty while others are guilty until proven innocent?

I guess I really didn't make it easy for anyone. Instead of easing appeasing, I went ahead and broke all of it in one go without even caring.

I wish I had calmed down, sat and pondered over rather then run amock with raw emotions.


- In Chinese "didi" means younger brother, whereas in Hindi "didi" means older sister.

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