
By Trashcan_dad

13 0 0

5 years after Dark dipped, life has simmered down. Except now a few egos are gonna be have life throw a curb... More

A blossoming hate crush (2)

Its just the flu.. (1)

9 0 0
By Trashcan_dad

Bim had been sick for a while, often he'd walk it off. He wasn't the one to be bedridden for almost a week.

Bim finally managed to make it to the kitchen, yet nothing looked appealing. As if all of his senses have gone against him. His stomach still churning but he could say it was getting better. His hungry was certainly coming back.

Then there was a knock on the door. He barely expected guest at his apartment. Besides Sliver, but that was because the two lived together.

The show host opened the door. He'd be damn to see it was Ed Edgar. The two were close, after Dark dissapeared all the egos just left. Though some of them still kept in contact.

"What are you doing here?" Bim said, trying to keep his voice straight, but yet it still wavered a bit. Ed hummed, and then said, "I'm talking ya ass to the doctors," he stated, the just kind of stared at each other.

Bim then waved it off, he was sick, maybe just the flu he told himself. Ed was insistent, Silver also agreed, only booting him once the two started arguing. He sighed and Bim made an appointment.

Ed had a big smirk on his face. Bim wanted to rub it off.

"Its just the flu, he's acting as if I'm dying." He whined, Silver laughed, Bim turned to him. With the annoyed face being replaced with a new one. Bim crept over to Silver. It was rare to see him without his costume.

The two held each other. Back when they used to work for Dark they rarely interacted. Bim was more carefree and Silver was the squarest in town.

The two truly started to explore each other when everything went to shit quickly. First it was just a booty call. Soon sometimes they would meet up on occasion. Then it eventual lead to a date. Then another, another, and another. Now they've been together for almost four years.

Enough with that, in the moment their eyes were locked. Until Bim fumbled a bit. He almost hit the floor, thankfully Silver had a tight grasp on his lover.

Ed burst in interrupting an already ruined moment. After a few minutes Bim was back up. Silver and Ed kept their eyes on him.

"I'm fine, you two idiots, you act as if I'm going to explode." Silver looked away, his face red from the remark. Ed snorted and kept his gaze. Be it a more annoyed one.

Bim finished and him and Ed were out the door. Silver wishing the two a goodbye.

Soon on the road Bim started to feel the familiar upset stomach. He tried to ignore. It wasn't the worst feeling. But as further they went the worst it got.

"Pull over the car!" Ed did as he requested, after a rough turn. Bim quickly released himself from the car. He made it short distance before throwing up on the side of the road.

The burning sensation in his throat never got old. He organs felt as if they were twisting and turning. The world he could smell was masked by the unbearable scent of his stomach content.

Ed watched, he couldn't help but to feel as if this was a familiar scene. His mind tried to recall it.

Bim got back in the car. He felt somewhat better. Though the sickness lingered.

They finally arrived at the doctor's, nothing too big, but not too small. A local place that Bim had once or twice popped into. They walked in greeted by a small waiting room.

There wasn't a lot of people there. A couple and a elderly or two. Bim went to chat with the receptionist. Ed took a seat next to the couple. Then he noticed the stroller. A small infant sat within it.

"How old is the little one?" Ed asked, the couple looked up at him. He could tell they were young.

"He's 8 months, we couldn't find a sitter." The woman picked up the bundle. Ed continued to chat with the couple. He remembered when he first became a father.

Bim soon returned to Ed. Taking a seat right next to him. Soon the couple were called to the back. The cowboy turned to Bim.

"Why the hell did it take you so long?" Ed whispered yelled to him, Bim rolled his eyes. "You were busy talking to the woman and..." Bim cut himself off. Ed cocked an eyebrow.

"And what?" Ed pushed, Bim somewhat chuckled. He looked back at Ed.

"I thought you were flirting, but then I saw the husband," the two almost started laughing. Then Bim continued, "And also, you're the gayest man I know." Ed then stopped and looked dead faced at Bim. Who was still giggling.

"Bim, you I support you and Silver and all that, but I am not gay." Ed said in a mildly stern voice. Bim then stared at him.

"You're joking right?" He asked, Ed was on the verge of an argument once again. Though a sweet looking nursed poked her head out of the door, and called for Bim.

The two dropped the argument and went into the back. The atmosphere shifted. Bim had his together. Ed could tell he was nervous. The went into the doctor's room.

"Its not anything to worry about, but what if..." Bim stopped himself, Ed could now see he was pale. Paler then a ghost in a blizzard.

A doctor, not the usually one, popped in. It was a older woman. She somewhat short hair and possible a few inches shorter than Bim. Ed could easily tower over both of them.

"Bim Trimmer I presume, I'm Dr. Whatsit."  They shook hands, and she picked up the clipboard and examined the papers. The room is filled with silence. She hummed as she finished reading.

"Its likely just the flu or a bad stomach virus, but if you want we can do a blood test." Bim glanced at Ed, he gave a small nod and he then looked back at the doctor.

"Sure," he said hesitantly. The doctor soon made a hand signal for them to come with them. They were taken to a different apart of the building.

The blood was taken. The test didn't take long and the three were soon outta of there.

As they were about to leave the doctor stopped Bim.

"Excuse me, Mr. Trimmer, may I have a small chat with you." The two talked, Bim had waved off Ed. As the cowboy sat in the  car. He tapped his fingers to the sound of the beat. The song he had on was definitely from his time. As he got lost to the music. Bim's word came back at him.

'You're the gayest man I know' he leans back in his seat. He couldn't help but fixate on the words. It was a joke, he kept telling himself. He's straight, straighter than a pencil. Right... right?

Then he snaps out of his haze as Bim walks out the building. His eyes were blank as went to the car. Almost emotionless, Bim slid into the passenger seat.

The drive back was awkward silence. The soon arrive at the apartment complex. Ed looked up at Bim.

"Hey Bim, what did you mean.. when you said I was the gayest man you know?" Bim looked coldly at him, Ed knew this look. It was look that he always had when Dark talked down to him. How a failed meat grinder act would make him feel.

"It was a joke, Ed." Bim just stated, as he left Ed watched him. He did do something? What did the doctor say? He shook it off.

Bim took the elevator up. Leaning back against the glossy wall. He stared at the distorted the figure in the reflection. He held himself. A sinking feeling him kept him glued to the wall.

When the door opened, he almost stayed but was able to get out in time. His mind felt somewhere else.

As he reached the door. He sighed and walked in.

"Silver," he smiled, and closed the door behind. Silver, in his costume, burst out of the kitchen.

"BIM!!" He raced over to the show host. Then wrapped his arm around Bim. Swinging the slightly short man around. Bim lifted up Silver's mask and pressed his lips to his.

"I love you" Silver said, as soon the two immediately were on the couch. Silver laid between Bim's legs and resting his head on his stomach. Bim messed with Silver's messed.

The two watched trivia shows, it almost brought Bim back to his old show host days. Quick to answer each questions the host would say. Silver loved listening, getting lost in Bim's laugh. He'd chuckle at the losers. Then Silver would get to pick the show. Usually a hero show or movie.

The night was cut short due to Bim not feeling to good.

The night was quiet.

Bim laid still. His stomach felt the calmest its been this past week. Bim then turned on his back. He placed his hands on his stomach. Silver turned over to Bim.

He leaned over and kissed Bim's cheek.
"Sorry you don't feel good babe," as he placed his hand over Bim hands.

The rest of the night was usual. Then Silver rolled over. As his hand falls next to him. He soon noticed that the bed was emptier. Then he heard the noises that came from their bedroom bathroom.

Silver got up, the noises of agony. He opened up to his boyfriend double over the toilet. Silver went over and started rubbing circles in Bim's back.

"I hate this..." Bim gasped, Silver nodded.

"Hopefully its gonna be over soon." Silver attempted to comfort Bim.

The morning came. Bim awoke to Silver already gone. Unlike him Silver still did his  job. Being a super hero was odd.

He saw the little note, Bim then got out of bed and got dressed. As he read the note he heard a knock at the door again.

Bim opened the door and smirked. "Are you obsessed with me or something?" Ed rolled his eyes and moved passed him. They both broke into a laugh. Ed flopped down on Bim's couch.

"Docs called yet?" Ed asked, Bim rubbed his neck,

"Not yet," Bim took a seat next to Ed. Time felt crushing, a minutes felt like hours. They tried to pass the time by talking. Eventually they got comfortable with talking.

The two talked about going out. They soon left. Driving around town. Then they end up at Ed's home. A first story house what felt like it was stuck in the 70s.

Bim and Ed went in. Ed fell onto his couch. The couch wrapped around the living room. Bim forgot why they went here. Driving around to clear their minds but it didn't really help.

"Why are we here again?"

"I thought you needed to get out of that apartment of yours."

They slightly chuckle. Then the ringing started. Bim took out his phone hesitantly. Ed saw a new look in his eyes. Dread.

Bim went outside, onto Ed's patio. Ed watched from the kitchen. He felt like world was spinning. Everything bad filled his head. Ed shook his head, and when he looked back up.

Bim was crying. Ed couldn't see his face but he could tell how he moved and the slight whimpering.

Ed then rushed out to him. Bim looked up at Ed. His eyes full of tears, Ed pulls him into a embrace. He never saw this man cry. Angry, annoyed, happy if you could call it that, in love, but never... but never sad. Never crying, and now, Bim is crying, and burying his face in his chest.

Ed soothed the smaller man.

"Bim, Bim, buddy, whats wrong?" Ed had to ask, he wanted to help and know. Bim looked up with puffy, red eyes. He pushed his glasses up and took a breath.

"Ed..." Bim croaked, the two stood there in silence before Bim said anything else.

"Take me home," Ed didn't argue and the two were on their way. Bim calmed down more but he didn't look better.

The two entered the apartment complex together. They entered the elevator and got onto their floor. Ed kept a close eye on Bim.

They enter together. Silver was back from saying the day. He pops out and is ready to happily greet until he say Bim's face.

"Bim, whats wrong?" The two sat down the couch. Bim rest their head on his shoulders. Silver rubbed his arm.

"Bimmy, please." He whimpered to his boyfriend, then Bim raised his head slightly. He whispered into Silver's ear. Ed couldn't hear what he said but was taken aback when Silver pulled back from Bim and kissed him. Joyously kissing on his face.

Ed cucked an eyebrow, and Silver put his forehead gently against Bim's, the two were softly chuckling. Ed was still confused and finally spoke up,

"Excuse me, can someone please explain what the hell is happening??" Silver then popped up. He had a huge smile on his face.

"We're having a baby!" Ed was more taken back, out of every possible answer he wasn't expecting that one. Then once again Silver happily shouted,

"We're having a baby!!" Bim might've been crying, Ed could clearly see a smile on his face. Silver grabbed Ed and held him tightly.

"I'll be damned!" Ed rejoiced, confusing as it is, everything was alright. Everything was gonna be alright.


Would upload this to Ao3 but I forgot my password.

- Trashcan

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