Borderline | Jeongchan

By jjisungjisung

37.6K 1.8K 662

Chan pauses, turns his head left and right to see if there's anyone within eyesight of the two of them standi... More



1.4K 65 24
By jjisungjisung

There's a reason why Jeongin is labeled as the country's sweetheart.

Not only is he impressive in his job as a singer, but Jeongin has proven time and time again that he's been blessed with the charms and wit that any golden boy would be expected to and he's never shown any sign of arrogance to come with the fame he has. His fellow singers and other people in the industry don't forget to talk about how charming he is and how easy is it to fall victim to his appeal.

He's also a curious little thing, wanting to explore different hobbies and doesn't shy away from sharing to his fans whatever his newest interests are because he genuinely enjoys finding new things to do in his spare time. He can be a little clumsy, sure, but nothing an embarrassed laugh can't make his fans deem him as adorable.

He doesn't think that he's the best in everything, but he doesn't have to be because his continuous impulses to try a bit of everything makes him feel like there's little that he can't do. And maybe the media does play a role in feeding Jeongin's pride with the fact that he can be excellent at anything he does but he tries his best not to let that get too him too much.

And even still, Minho has to scold Jeongin for fidgeting too much whilst they wait for their meeting to start. Usually, Jeongin doesn't think it necessary to actually meet in a setting as formal as a meeting room when he's more comfortable in the studios, but then Jeongin remembers that he's meeting the best composer in the country and that's enough for Jeongin to fidget with his drink until he almost tips the plastic cup over to spill his iced coffee.

Seungmin is there as well because the vocal coach has nothing better to do at the moment and Jeongin has decided that they were going to have lunch after this meeting so Seungmin had opted to tag along; so now Jeongin is in the middle of witnessing another one of his manager and the company's best vocal coach's bickering. He's used to it by now, having witnessed one too many of their good-natured arguing that by now he knows how to tune them out, so he does exactly that.

And then the door opens and Jeongin has two seconds to register who's walking inside before his mind spirals into an internal debate of whether or not he's underdressed to this meeting because Bang Chan looks absolutely flawless in what should be a simple attire but he makes it look like he's about to shoot for a magazine cover. He's wearing a powder blue button-up and black slacks, a pair of sunglasses perched up on his bleached hair and it would have looked unprofessional if not for the fact that the sun was unforgiving outside.

One thing is for sure: CB97 looks so much better in person. Maybe the reason he doesn't do interviews left and right is because he knows how the cameras won't be able to do him justice.

"Hello, I'm sorry I'm late." he apologizes and the way he's smiling makes Jeongin want to apologize for being early because he'd be damned if this man has ever done anything wrong in his life.

The three of them stand to greet him and he shakes Jeongin's hand last with a smile that could rival Jeongin's own media-approved award-winning grin. He briefly wonders how many people he's charmed with that smile on his way to this room alone.

"It's nice to meet you...?" Minho keeps the sentence unfinished, giving Chan the leeway to tell them what he'd like to be addressed as.

"Chan is fine, and it's a pleasure to meet all of you." he tells them just before the four of them sit down. Chan takes the seat at the head of the table, Minho on his right and Jeongin on his left with Seungmin sitting next to the singer.

"Anyway, this is Jeongin, I'm sure you know who he is." Minho introduces. "I'm his manager, Minho, and this is Seungmin, a vocal coach here in the agency and a close friend of our's. I hope you don't mind his presence here."

Chan is quick to raise his hand in a dismissive gesture. "Not at all."

Minho turns to Jeongin. "Jeongin, this is CB97, the country's most sought-after composer who produces hit song after hit song."

Minho introduces him like Jeongin isn't aware that Chan is the country's most sought-after composer who produces hit song after hit song and he suppresses a frown because he thinks that his own manager could have done a better job at introducing him as 'you know who he is'.

"Please, the praise is unnecessary." Chan insists with a laugh that's between flattered and embarrassed and Jeongin takes this as a chance to speak.

"I think it's just fit." he smiles. "And I'm so excited for this chance to work with you, I've been addicted to your songs ever since you started in the industry."

When Chan turns from Minho to Jeongin to direct his embarrassingly flattered smile to the singer, Jeongin blinks. He thinks it's unfair that Chan should look this attractive when they're here in Jeongin's territory. Maybe he really is underdressed for this meeting; he's always been one to dress to impress and right now he thinks that Chan had pushed him to the receiving end of that dilemma. He hadn't even done anything but Jeongin is already so impressed with him.

"I've been a fan of yours since your debut as well." knowing that makes Jeongin's heart skip a beat and he prays that it isn't obvious. "To have you sing one of my songs would be an honour."

"We'll get to that soon enough." Jeongin says. "First, I want to get to know you a little better. We've literally only just met and if we're going to be working together, I'd like for us to be a little more than strangers."

Chan's smile grows slightly when Jeongin lets out a soft laugh at the end of his sentence. It's no wonder that half of the industry talks as if they're close friends with the singer. He's a natural at pulling people in and he's charming enough to make acquaintances without batting an eye.

And so, Minho and Seungmin tune out of most of the conversation as Jeongin and Chan better acquaint themselves with each other. They've seen enough of Jeongin's mostly practiced commentary and routine when getting to know new people but if they paid a little closer attention to the singer then they would have realized that Jeongin was absolutely invested with his conversation with the songwriter.

It's probably the first time that Jeongin thought of life unfair when Chan reveals that he's only 26 years old and that he still has a lot to learn about life. Jeongin thinks it's rubbish because already Jeongin is confident that he's never met anyone as intelligent and talented as Chan is.

He already knows, from the media, that Chan speaks multiple languages and plays even more instruments, but when Chan reveals that he's possessed his affinity for music since he was a child, Jeongin thinks it's amazing that Chan had gotten so far in life at such a young age. Jeongin asks about Chan's work style and the older tells him that there's no specific rhyme or reason to his work and that he'll get random bouts of inspiration at even the most odd times. Jeongin wants to witness one of those times, if only to see the look on Chan's face when he has only the idea of yet another masterpiece.

The meeting ends all too soon and the four of them realize that Chan has yet to let Jeongin listen to the song that they were to work on.

Jeongin pouts when Minho cuts through their conversation to remind him of the time; if it's because he didn't listen to the song Chan had prepared for him or if it's because he had to say goodbye to the composer, no one questions it.

Chan chuckles. "Doesn't matter, we can meet again some other time, or I can leave a copy of it with you and you can contact me about your thoughts."

Jeongin is quick to accept the offer. "I think it'd be better if we can schedule another meeting, but let's still exchange contact information so that we don't have to talk through our company heads anymore."

Usually, it'd be Minho's work phone that contact information like this will be exchanged through, so the manager automatically pulls it out of his pocket but before he can give it to Chan, the songwriter already has Jeongin's personal phone in his hands, typing his number in just as Jeongin is doing the same to Chan's phone. Minho quirks a brow but wordlessly pockets the phone again as he and Seungmin exchange curious glances with each other.

"It has been a great honour and pleasure to meet you, Chan." Jeongin says as he shakes Chan's hand goodbye. He had to stop himself from drawing the older in for a hug. "I can't wait to work with you."

"I share the same sentiments." Chan says before he leaves the meeting room.

Minho and Seungmin look at Jeongin with blank expressions and the singer looks at the two with furrowed brows. "What?"

It's possible that Jeongin is harbouring a small crush for the composer but it could also be because he connected with Chan during their two-hour long conversation and saw the potential to make honest friends with him. Minho and Seungmin know how excited Jeongin gets when he makes new friends and for a while they even thought that Jeongin had crushed on Felix when they first met because that's how excitable he gets at new friendships. In a world where most people are deviant from their on-screen personalities, it's understandable for Jeongin to get bubble-headed when he crosses paths with people that he's compatible with.

Seungmin snorts. "Nothing. Come on, Hyunjin texted me that he's already in the lobby."

"Great, I'm hungry, time for lunch." Minho says and Jeongin is even more confused because he doesn't know why there's a lilt in the two's voices as they pack up their things and prepare to head out for lunch.

Jeongin ignores how his phone feels warm in his palm because he's sure that it's his mind playing tricks on him, reminding him that he has Bang Chan's number.

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