¿Wings? // Allium Duo // AU

By Broken_Artist01

23.7K 770 192

(I'm learning Enderman now I literally have a page of the alphabet on my wall that I can learn from an stuff... More

// F⍜und ⏃n Enderman\\¹
//⏃ Morn⟟ng All⟟um\\⁴
//Pa⟟inful Tr⎍th\\ 5
//B⟒f⍜re The P⏃rty\\ 6
//⟟t C⏃me T⍀ue\\ 7
\\W⟟ng⌇...& T⍀us⏁ //8
//⏃...K⟟ss..Ch⏃ng⟒d m⟒.\\9
\\Lov⟒ly Pr⍜tecti⍜n.//¹¹
\\ Ru⟟n⍀d //¹²

//Wa⟟t⟟ng F⍜r The R⏃in\\²

2.5K 80 21
By Broken_Artist01


Wilbur groaned before running to Phil, in hopes his father had a umbrella on hand. Tommy turned to Ranboo who let go of him, the blonde blushed as he had forgotten. he wondered how long they were holding onto him for, Tom gave a nervous chuckle to the ender. before asking a question that would soon change everything

"Wanna be friends?"



Tommy gave Ran a confused stare, this made the ender shake their head as they had spoken in ender again.. "Friends, that's what I said sorry...I never really had friends before.." Tommy's eyes widened in surprise, "Really!? Well then I'll be your first!" The ender smiled softly in return.

Wilbur came running with an umbrella that just so happens to be on Phil. "Here Ranboo, now let's go it's getting late!" Wilbur simply states as he ran back to where Phil was and to wait for the two boys. As the half enderman boy took the umbrella, holding it firmly while unhooking it as he put it over his head an smiled. Tommy went underneath with him as Ranboo used his free hand to grab Tommy's hand, then he took a deep breath.

Tommy lead Ranboo out from under the tree to the pouring rain, the ender flinched as they heard the raindrops hit the top of the umbrella. Both of them now approaching the blondes family, this made Ranboo nervous; they weren't expecting to become friends with someone an instantly meet there family in one day. That was when Phil suddenly saw the halfling come into view, making his suspicion grow as they came closer.

"Tommy, Who's this?" putting his hand behind his back about to grab his sword, "Father he's a friend, he's not gunna hurt us!"  The mentioned boy put his arm in front of Ranboo protecting him; Tommy grew scared over the fact his father was about to attack his new friend.

"Sorry, about that" Phil cleared his throat, "what's your name?" Phil said as his wings lowered slightly. "it's Ranboo, sorry sir for scaring you..can I stay with you guys for a while since I can't be in the rain..?" They asked their two different colored eyes looked at the man cautiously and worried that he would say no.

"Oh of course! You can stay with us as long as you like," The blonde looks at his father with a small smile. Then he looked at Ranboo, 'at least he can stay with us until the rain stops..' Tommy thought. The boy didn't realize it but he stared at Ranboo; admiring the tall boys features.

Their skin was smooth with black an white features, one half being black an the other being white. Even freckles splattered across their cheeks, they were wearing what seemed to be a black suit with a white button up an red tie to follow. An a tail that seemed partially long that Swished back and forth which was matching their skin.

What really intrigued Tommy was that Ranboo had a red eye on his right, a green eye on his left. For what Tommy has gathered about enderman is that they have purple eyes, Ranboo seemed to not just be enderman but something else.. he didn't know what-

The blonde heard his name being called, causing him to look away quickly. The ender seemed to stare back in confusion, 'Shit... They noticed me staring-' he thought as his face flushed abit. "Let's go home, it's getting late.." His father called out to the two, in return the two of them sighed before walking along with the family.


At this point the house has already came into view, the sound of the rain pouring kept going as big puddles now filled parts of the road. Making Tommy pull the other away from them, making sure he didn't get any of the water on his skin. When they finally reached the front door, Tommy pulled the ender halfling inside quickly as the porch was already dripping water from the rain.

Everyone was already going to there rooms to dry off, "wait.." Tommy froze as he felt the tug of his hand again turning to look at the other's two colored eyes. "What was that about?" They asked, which made Tommy confused "I'm talking about when you were staring at me-"

"oh nothing I just didn't really get a good look at you at first... You just look somewhat enderman...its just your eyes that throw me off." Tommy answered nervously, Ranboo nodded in understanding. Once both of them arrived at Tommy's room, the ender entered hesitantly but Tommy looked at him in reassurance.

"Come on in." The boy told the halfling, which made them smile softly an went inside further. They both decided to sit on the bed next to each other, "if The rain doesn't stop... Would u mind if...I stay here for the night?" Tommy turned towards them, nodding at their question. "I don't mind, plus my father said u could stay here as long as u need!" Tommy put a hand on their shoulder with a smile.
(Tommy's POV)
(First POV yay!)

Turning to my window, I saw the rain pour harshly; got up as I walked over pulling the curtains closed. This made the room go dim, so I went to the light switch to turn it on. My thoughts focused on how close my birthday was 'When this day is over, it would be two days an hopefully luck is on my side' "hey Tommy... Can I ask you something?"

Getting out of my thoughts as I heard Ranboo's voice, turning my head towards them as they still sat on my bed. "go ahead.." "How old are you?" The halfling asked out of nowhere, causing me to get anxious.

"16..." Ranboo nodded, frowning slightly "so you haven't experienced it yet..the inheritance I mean, when is ur birthday?" I gave out a small sigh. wanting to surprise them,"It's uhmm.. Coming up soon.." I replied not wanting them to come to my party an get disappointed or something.

"Oh okay! Well hopefully u get the wings ur father has!" He said kindly. I nodded slightly thanking him for his kind words, just walked to my bed an laid down next to him staring at the ceiling. A little while later we started talking to get to know each other, this went on for hours an it was already hitting midnight.

I was taking a liking to my half enderman friend, they are so cool. Their not as cool as Tubbo though, I've basically known Tubs alot longer than Ranboo. 'Okay scratch that this feels different somehow like I've known Ran more... Weird'

It was already past midnight, man both of us talked all night it felt like a few hours. I turned to Ranboo, both of us laying on my bed the whole time watching the ceiling. He was silent so I had to see why, he was asleep.. 'Oh well I guess he was tired after all.' I sighed not knowing what to do until it clicked, I got up from the bed. Not making any sound..

1199 words

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