Betrayal in its simplest form

By xiaosIays

53.7K 1.4K 606

One day, Seirin realizes Kuroko's strange behavior. Kuroko comes day after day to practice, harboring more in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Part 22
Part 23
Character information 

Chapter 20

1.3K 48 21
By xiaosIays

Kuroko felt his muscles tense when the car turned into the Tokyo Prefacture Court building. A tall and wide building stretched out before his eyes through the window, and he found himself clutching the car seat, his nails digging into the leather. Akashi noticed, however, and gently removed his hands and placed it into his lap. Kuroko didn't protest.

After a few minutes of driving around to find parking, Akashi's driver finally drove the car into a small, secluded place. The car door opened; Akashi out first, Kuroko second. Haru parked not too far from them, and he came jogging over to Kuroko, along with his colleagues. Murasakibara and Midorima followed up behind.

"Kuro-chin," Murasakibara dug into his jean pockets and pulled out a chocolate bar. He handed it out to Kuroko. "Here. Aka-chin said you didn't have breakfast."

Kuroko blinked at the purple-head's kind gesture, even if a chocolate bar was unhealthy for breakfast. "Thank you, Murasakibara-kun." He took it.

Midorima coughed and pushed up his glasses before awkwardly walking before the teal-head. "I also brought you your lucky item, since you obviously don't follow Oha-Asa's daily fortune." His bandaged hand held out an ice cream key chain. Kuroko thanked him fervently and took it.

Haru came close to his son and pulled him into a small one-armed hug. "Are you all right?"

"I am fine, Otou-san." The lie came out easily.

"You finally arrived, Seijuro." A woman's voice had all of them turning. Rin, Hayato, Kagami, Kise, and Aomine were walking quickly their way, faces grim but ready. Aomine and Kise were in their formal suits, while Rin and Hayato were in their standard attorney outfit. Akashi was dressed similarily as his father.

"The ride from Kyoto was long," Akashi said. "Have you made the copies?"

"Aside from the copies you've made from the other day, yes. I have another two of each; one for the police and the other for the jury," Rin clutched her briefcase tighter, as if the evidence in it would disappear if she held it too loose.

Hayato frowned. "Are you sure you want your mother to be your attorney?. . . I could fulfill the role just as well." There was a hint of jealousy.

"Stop being a brat, Hayato," Rin scoffed. "Of course Seijuro would pick me. I did raise him after all."

"It is nothing against you, Father," Akashi cut in. "I only picked Mother because she is more aggressive in court."

"And I am not?"

The red-head teen only sighed and straightened his outfit. "Mother is more of a match to deal with Ibuki. That is all."

Kagami scowled at how out of place he felt and focused his attention toward Kuroko. "Oi, Kuroko. You all right? You look pale."

"Thank you, but I am all right." Kuroko wondered if he did really look paler than usual. "However, Kagami-kun, you shouldn't be involved with this."

The red-head snorted. "Don't give me that crap, Kuroko. You're just lucky Seirin doesn't know about this."

"And they will not know about it," Akashi indirectly threatened.

"Kurokocchi~!" Kise bounded over and hugged the smaller teen fiercely. Kuroko cringed. "The ride here was awful, Kurokocchi! Aominecchi was being all mean, and he didn't let me sit up front! Even when I called it! Isn't that unfair? Neh, isn't it? Aren't you supposed to be able to sit in shotgun if you called it? But Aominecchi said that since he was taller than me, he would sit up front! He's only taller by three centimeters! That's cheating right? Right? I mean—"

Kise's blabber stopped suddenly. In fact, all small chatter among the large group silenced. Kuroko, confused as to why it got silent, struggled out of Kise's arms and turned to where everybody stared. Once he did, Kuroko also went still and silent.

A black, long limo turned slowly into the Tokyo Court parking, the passenger windows tinted all the way, so no one could see who sat in the back. It made a slow right to the front of the building until it stopped, and the engines were cut. When an unfamiliar driver stepped out, Akashi immediately got closer to Kuroko, his eyes narrowed.

Akashi's actions were not in vain. When the driver came around and opened the passenger door, a familiar, dreaded person stepped out. At the sight of the person, Kuroko shrank back into Akashi's arms. The red-head held him reflexively and pushed him closer to his body. Haru put a protective hand on his shoulder. Aomine and Kise hovered just behind Akashi and Kuroko, while Murasakibara and Midorima stepped to the front but at the sides of the couple. Kagami stepped closer to Midorima. Catherine, Jun, and Hiroshi scattered nervously. Hayato and Rin only tensed.

Kuroko Ibuki stood straight and tall, her long, teal-colored hair pulled back into a tight pony-tail. She wore the standard gray pencil skirt, along with a buttoned vest jacket and expensive jewelry There was a purse dangling from her left arm, and she carried some papers in her right hand. Ibuki turned a little and talked to someone unknown, and after, a blonde man stepped out of the car.

Soon, the two were walking toward Kuroko's way, still oblivious to the large group's stares. Ibuki strode with wide, demanding strides, her face ticked and annoyed. Her heels clacked loudly against the pavement. Kuroko flinched and lowered his head. His hands started to shake.

"You tell anyone about this, I'll break every one of your bones and leave you out to rot in your own blood."

"Fucking wimp, stand up! You almost told to your precious little friends, didn't you? Do you want me to hurt them? You're useless!"

"Okaa-san . . . don't . . ."

"I'll send you to the hospital, freak!"

Kuroko brought his head down even lower and covered his ears with his hands. Akashi, aware of his behavior, discreetly squeezed Kuroko into his body and gave him a chaste kiss to the head. Since everybody's attention was on Ibuki, nobody noticed. "Calm down now, Tetsuya." It was demanding yet comforting order.

The teal-head focused on Akashi's voice to distract himself of Ibuki's screams. Ibuki had done much damage to the small teen, so the reaction was to be expected at this time. Haru pressed his lips together and casted down his eyes.

Ibuki finally felt the penetrating glares aimed toward her. She kept walking, but turned to glance at her 'audience'. When she did, her sour face turned into a full-on glare. Her glare wasn't to their general area. It was pointed straight at Kuroko, who didn't dare look up to her eyes. The woman spat in their direction and kept walking, tersely commanding the blonde male to follow her.

The man did. Hayato frowned as the blonde passed them, a familiar feeling setting upon him, but he didn't know what. That man . . . Hayato scratched his head.

The two left the air tense around them. Kagami was the first to break it.

"Stupid woman," the tall red-head grunted. "Doesn't she know she looks ugly with that glare on?"

"Wouldn't be talking, Bakagami," Aomine grumbled.

"What'd you say, Ahomine?" Kagami demanded but let it go when the tanned teen deliberately ignored him. "Don't let it get to you, Kuroko. She's someone we can beat. Oi, you listening?"

Kuroko didn't answer.

Rin straightened her back. She pushed through the crowd of teenagers before standing right in front of the shrunk teenager. "Tetsuya-kun." Rin rarely put honorifics on people's names. She put her hands on his shoulders. Kuroko slowly looked up into her eyes. "I am the best lawyer in Japan, and there's a reason why I am called the best. Tell me, Tetsuya-kun, do you trust Seijuro?"

The teal-haired teen slowly nodded.

"Then you must trust me. And trust that we," she looked seriously into his eyes. "will win."

~Setting Skip~

"All stand!"

The crowd scrambled from their seats and quickly stood straight for the incoming judge.


The huge crowd bowed to the entering judge. The judge raised an eyebrow at the audience as he walked up to the front and center of the court. "Big crowd we have today," he murmured.

And for good reason. Kuroko Ibuki, most powerful woman in Japan, the most mysterious yet famous person that owned three large corporations and had great influence over everything, was actually being charged for something. They wanted to know who dared defied the 'Great Ibuki', and how she would fight. 'They' meaning as the ones who knew her as Ibuki. The people who knew her (or him, for others) as Akihiko or Abe Miku didn't come.

Some people in the crowd were shocked Kuroko Ibuki was a woman.


Everybody sat down, again, except for the prosecutors, the defendents, and the victim. Akashi and Rin stood confidently in front of the judge to the left. Rin's briefcase was set on the desk in front of them, already unlocked for use. Akashi looked coolly forward, his hetero-colored eyes full of determination and confidence.

Kuroko Ibuki stood on the other side, to their right. Instead of looking confident or smug, she looked annoyed and angry. Her eyebrows were scrunched, her left eye was twitching, and her hands were flexing. She now felt more pressure as she didn't expect that that much people would come to see her court trial. The man next to her only ran a hand through his golden locks and flashed a bright smile to the judge, his briefcase also unlocked on the desk in front of them. The judge only raised an eyebrow.

Kuroko sat off to the side as a victim. The teen was now even more nervous than before, his head ducked and his shoulders dropped. Akashi was further away from him than Ibuki was, and that made him feel unsafe. However, his father and the other witnesses were not too far from him, so it eased some of the tension off his shoulders.

Hayato narrowed his orange-like eyes at the literally sparkling blonde. He looks extremely familiar . . . It clicked. The usually composed man widened his eyes and put one firm hand on Haru's shoulder. Kuroko's father jumped in surprise and turned to cast a questioningly look at the other father. Hayato spoke in a low but hissed voice, "That man, next to Ibuki. I—no, Rin and I—know him. He used to be a lawyer prodigy at the age of nineteen in law school. He went to America after to study both Japanese and American law. Haru-san . . . he's a dangerous one. Liam Wiltz, an extremely successful lawyer known in America, also known to have the most guiltiest murderers innocent. And now, somehow, Ibuki had him come to Japan." Hayato took a shuddering breath. "If he hadn't gone to America, he probably would have taken our position and become the best in Japan."

At the news, Haru's bouncing, nervous leg stopped. His eyebrows inched up. He closed his hands tightly into fists and swallowed hard. I knew it, Haru panicked, I knew we should not have done this. I knew she would have gotten the best connections to a lawyer. That man will probably deem Tetsuya mentally ill and then—The father didn't even want to think what would happen next. He darted his nervous eyes over toward Akashi. Please, Akashi-kun, Rin-san. Don't lose to him.

The judge waited for all to be quiet before clearing his throat loudly. He was wearing the traditional Japanese judge outfit. "Good morning. Calling the People of the Tokyo Prefacture, Japan versus Kuroko Ibuki. Are both sides ready?" The crowd shifted as the trial began.

Rin, having done this for more than ten years, ran a hand through her red hair and said without emotion, "Ready for the People, Your Honor." Akashi, having never been a prosecutor in a court trial, simply raised his eyebrows and tapped his fingers against the desk.

"Ready for the defense, Your Honor," Liam chirped and grinned. He put one hand onto his briefcase and gave Ibuki a reassuring look. Kagami almost gagged at the sight.

The judge nodded and went through protocol: "The next thing in a court trial is an opening statement. The public prosecutors will go first, and the public defenders goes next. Will the public prosecutor stand and present their case to the jury?"

This was Akashi's signal. His mother had rehearsed with him many of the different court parts and told him when it would be his turn to talk. With his abnormal memory, the red-head was able to remember every single thing he was supposed to say in order.

Akashi straightened and turned his body toward the jury. His cool, hetero-like eyes had some of the jury members shrink back. "Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury," Akashi's composed voice echoed throughout the silent court.

Kuroko, who was trying his hardest to get in control, relaxed at the sound of him. Hayato watched, proud at how calm and collected his son was in court. Any teen at Akashi's age would be stuttering and ridiculously nervous to be a prosecutor. However, his son, was no ordinary teenager. Well, he was raised by a demonic woman, Hayato thought wryly.

"The defendant has been charged of child abuse to the victim of Kuroko Tetsuya, both mental and physical abuse," Akashi continued his statement to the jury, but flicked his eyes to check on Kuroko. The small teen didn't seem to be shaking or panicking. "The evidence will show the defendant has been abusing the victim for the amount of thirteen years. The victim is now sixteen. Multiple wounds have been repeatedly shown on the victim's body. Along with multiple charges, the evidence I will present will prove the defendant is guilty as charged."

The audience's murmurs got louder at each word Akashi stated. Obviously, they were shocked Ibuki was being charged for abuse. The judge glared at them and requested order to the court.

Meanwhile, Ibuki frowned severely at the word choice the red-head had used. Multiple charges? The court summons read one charge. Liam, though, was not affected. Once Akashi stepped back, the blonde immediately went into action:

"Your Honor and ladies and gentleman of the jury: under the law, my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will hear or see no real evidence against my client. You will come to know the truth: that Kuroko Ibuki, mother of Kuroko Tetsuya, was simply being the supporting mother of a mentally ill child—" Haru widened his eyes and restrained himself from hurting the blonde man for calling his son mentally ill. Akashi, similarily, looked like he wanted to murder Liam. "and has been wrongfully accused of abuse. The 'victim' as you put has been abused of someone else. Therefore, my client is not guilty."

The lines were obviously rehearsed, and while everybody on Kuroko's side expected Ibuki's excuse for defense, it still made their blood boil. Murasakibara, who sat right next to Hayato, glowered at the woman and angrily ripped a gummy bear in half. Aomine had to smack his head to put the candy away. The rest of the Generation of Miracles were carefully observing Kuroko, seeing if there would be an oncoming panic attack. However, Kuroko simply sat still in his seat with his head bowed.

"The prosecution may now present their case and evidence."

Akashi stepped up as Liam stepped down. Even when all eyes were trained intensely on him, Akashi's mask didn't waver. He stood aloof with a trained gaze toward the jury. One of the members gulped. A slight smirk appeared on the teen's face. "Ladies and gentleman of the jury," Akashi tilted his head slightly and narrowed his eyes. "Today, the defendant has been charged of physical and mental abuse to the victim of Kuroko Tetsuya. Kuroko Ibuki, supposed mother of the victim, initiated the abuse when the victim was of age three. This has been continual abuse for thirteen years. On the date of 0X-XX-20XX, the victim sheltered in my own home in order to recover. The evidence will show the defendant is guilty."

"Do you have any exhibits that could be admitted as evidence against the defendant?" The judge asked formally.

"Your Honor, I have many exhibits that will be admitted as evidence. However, the prosecution calls the victim." Akashi eyed his partner.

At that sentence, Kuroko's breathing stopped. This was his signal; it was his time. He struggled to lift his head up, but his body was frozen. This is for Akashi-kun's and my sake, he reminded himself. I can at least do this. It was only when the bailiff's hand gently gripped his arm that he was able to move. Rather, his body moved on its own as it flinched instinctively at the new hand. The bailiff gave him a concerned look, but Kuroko only shook his head and stood up on his own. His legs almost gave out under him, but Kuroko stayed firm when he met Akashi's gaze. The stern, red-and-yellow eyes held up the small teen's body.

Once the bailiff guided him to the witness stand, the clerk asked him for his first and last name. Kuroko dutifully told him and spelled his last name. When he was done with the formalities, Akashi was allowed to question him.

"Kuroko Tetsuya," Akashi softly announced. Kuroko shivered at the way the red-head pronounced his name and kept his blue eyes trained on Akashi, avoiding direct contact from his mother. He could literally feel Ibuki's death glare on him, and he knew once he looked at her face, Kuroko wouldn't be able to speak or move. "Legal son of Kuroko Ibuki. Is it true you are physically abused by Kuroko Ibuki on an almost daily basis?"

Kuroko swallowed, his nerves still as he felt all eyes on him. His mind was whirling, and he was starting to feel sick. "Yes," he choked out.

The crowd gasped and the murmurs started again. Ibuki's face went red. She slammed her palm against the desk. "He's lying!" she screamed. "He's delusional! Ill! Anything he says is a lie!" Hearing the shout, Kuroko's head shot up. It was a mistake, because Kuroko met Ibuki's furious glare. Suddenly, the pale fingers that were nervously tapping against his leg stopped in mid-movement. Kuroko's eyes went completely blank, and his skin seemed even paler than before. His parted lips stayed parted.

"Order! Order in the court," the judge commanded. It quieted down some, and the judge fixed a stare at Liam. "Control your defendant. It is not he defendant's right yet to interfere." The attorney nodded and whispered something to Ibuki.

A burning punch connected to his cheek. Kuroko stumbled back, the glass table digging into his hip when he couldn't regain his balance. His hands covered his bruised cheek. Not a second later, a brutal kick came to his ribs. The glass now stabbed into his back, and the small teen tumbled onto the table.

"Work pissed me off today," Ibuki growled. "Seeing you pisses me off even more." A large hand gripped around Kuroko's throat, effectively cutting off his oxygen. He choked and clawed at the hand, but Ibuki only tightened her hold and threw him toward the wall.

Kuroko's head slammed into the wall. His arms flailed to grab something, but only knocked down a glass case. It broke into many pieces. "Look what you did!" she screeched. "My favorite vase! Damn kid!" She rushed over to stomp hard on Kuroko's leg. The teen screamed as he felt the bone crushing under her shoe. "How dare you make a mess in my house? How dare you?" Ibuki grabbed a piece of the broken vase pieces. "You're ruining my life!" Anger clouded her mind. No coherant thoughts were allowed in her head. Without thinking, she dived the piece down, intending to stab her own son.

Kuroko, sensing his life in danger, gathered his strength to raise his arms and grabbed Ibuki's incoming hand. The sharp marble cut into his skin, and he winced, trying to beat his mother's crushing force. Red fluid ran down his arm. "O-Okaa-san," he croaked.

The woman stared at her pathetic son in disgust. She wrenched her arm out of his hold, cutting deep into Kuroko's palm. The pressure on his sure-to-be-broken leg was lifted. Kuroko sighed a breath of relief and closed his eyes, praying for the worst to be done. Ibuki, on the other hand, only spat onto his face and leaned down close. "You listen, boy," she hissed. "You tell anybody about this, I'll kill you. Do you hear me? I'll kill you."

The teal-head's breathing came out hard. Unconciously, Kuroko started to rub his palm where the marble piece had once sliced. It wasn't as obvious he was having a panic attack in the audience, but up close, Akashi could tell. He turned while the judge was still trying to get the court in order. "Tetsuya." The way he said his name made the poor teen raise his head. "You will stay calm for this."

It wasn't a request. It was an order.

Kuroko casted his eyes at the witness stand desk. His fingers resumed tapping. The parted lips closed. His skin started to flush. And slowly, his breathing returned to normal. Akashi had managed to pull him out of the past.

"You may continue," the judge said once everybody settled, again.

Akashi nodded ever so slightly. "When did the abuse start?"

"When I was three; almost four," came the quiet response.

"The abuse has continued all the way until now?"


"Do you see the abuser in this court room?"

Kuroko swallowed. Akashi had told him beforehand he would be asking this question. "Y-yes. The records will show the victim sees the defendant as the abuser." He said it formally, just like the red-head had told him to.

"Have you ever needed to go to the hospital and be treated?"

"Some of the injuries I endured; I should have gone to the hospital," he breathed. "But Okaa-san didn't want me to. My father has mostly treated my wounds in the past."

Some person in the crowd muttered, "What a cruel mother."

"Are you willing to show us your past wounds?"

This was the part Kuroko most dreaded. While Akashi said he could refuse into showing his wounds publically, the teal-head knew it'd make a bigger impact to show it now. He played with his fingers. "Hai," he said softly.

The judge furrowed his eyebrows. "Does the defendant have any objections?"

Liam answered, "We do not, Your Honor."

"Very well. Proceed in showing."

Shaky, slender hands reached up to the first button of his dress shirt. Kuroko unbuttoned the first, then the second, then the third. It was a long process, but soon, the shirt was completely unbuttoned. He took it off completely.

Loud gasps spread throughout the room. Haru covered his face, not wanting to see the wounds his son bared alone. Hayato grimaced at the scene. Midorima put his lucky item in a death grip. Akashi stayed emotionless on the outside, and suppressed the feeling to hurt the woman who inflicted pain on Kuroko. Ibuki only fumed silently.

White bandages wrapped all around Kuroko's torso and chest. The cold air bit his extremely pale skin. Yellow-ish healing bruises covered part of Kuroko's neck, shoulders, and from underneath the bandages, chest and stomach. The bruises were ugly looking, and some members of the audience had to advert their eyes.

But that wasn't the worst part. The bruises and bandages were mild; everyday injuries for Kuroko. The scars however . . . The teal-head gutted down his fear and hesitance to gradually turn to show his back. Once he did, many more people sucked in their breath at the image. Kise had to dig his face into Aomine's arms so he wouldn't have to face the terrible wounds. Haru, knowing what they were seeing, didn't dare look up to his son.

Ugly, big scars ran from underneath the bandages and curled right up to both of Kuroko's shoulders and neck. They were ragged, deep, and looked unhealed. There were ten lines in all, five rugged looking lines running up to his right shoulder, and the others to his left. The scars, it seemed, weren't properly healed, as the skin was still 'torn-looking' and an abhorent pink. Some lines were bigger than others, and none of them were pretty.

The scars had come from the time Ibuki had been publically embarrassed at a grocery store. She went home in a fit of rage, and crashed into the seven year-old Kuroko's room. Right there and then, the woman blamed him for her embarrassment and took out her anger. Haru hadn't been home at that time (something his father deeply regretted), so Ibuki had taken advantage of it. Before she had realized what she was doing, her long, sharp nails dug into Kuroko's back and dragged all the way up to his shoulders. The seven year old had passed out screaming. Afer that incident, Ibuki didn't make contact with Kuroko for a week.

What was left of the memory were old, permanent scars—physically and mentally.

The crowd's mood changed abruptly. It distorted from shock to pity. Chatter among the people's could clearly be heard:

"Poor boy . . . "

"Oh, that child; he's in pain."

"How dare that mother . . ."

"Someone cover him up!"

Kuroko was startled at the change of moods, until he realized it himself:

He was crying.

Tears slid down his cheeks at a furious pace. They dropped down onto his trembling hands, some slipping between his fingers to escape to the floor. Kuroko touched one of his tears, bewildered at how he was crying without him knowing it. The thought made the tears flowing more, though, and he soon found himself unable to control it. They kept coming, no matter how much he wiped them. Finally, he gave up. The teen pressed his hands against his eyes . . . and cried silently. His shoulders shook, along with his legs that looked like they would give out under him.

The stress, anxiety, and fear finally took over.

Ibuki could only watch in disgust. Haru had stood up and tried to rush over to Kuroko as soon as he saw the tears, but police officers held him back. The father could only stare helplessly as his son cried.

The judge noticed. He frowned at the wounded teen. "Order! Order in the court! Defendants, do you have any questions?"

Liam, whom had been smiling up until now, stared at the scars inflicted by Ibuki. "No . . . Your Honor. No further questions."

"Prosecutors; the victim is finished and excused."

Akashi picked up the cloth of silk and started to calmly help the distressed teen into his shirt again. He didn't say anything to Kuroko nor try to wipe the tears. For now, getting Kuroko dressed was his priority. When both arms were through the sleeves, Akashi swiftly buttoned it from top to bottom.

"Aka-Akashi-kun," Kuroko croaked through his tears. "I'm sorr—"

The apology was interrupted by a hug. Kuroko's face was now muffled against Akashi's own shoulder. The red-head didn't seem to care if his tears stained his clothing. A hand came up to his teal locks. "Quiet," Akashi gently demanded. "You did well. Very well."

Kuroko reflexively put his arms around his former captain as well. "I am sor—"

Again, it was interrupted. "Tetsuya," he said sternly. "You did well. There is no room for an apology."

". . . Hai."

The bailiff helped Kuroko back to his seat while Akashi dusted off his shoulders and returned to his spot. The judge cleared his throat. Never had he been in such an intense court trial. "The defenders may now present their case and evidence."

Liam stepped up. After Akashi's impacting evidence, he would have to work hard to defend Ibuki. It's no doubt Ibuki is really the abuser, the blonde thought wryly, But since I'm a lawyer and she's paying me. . .

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury," he announced. "The charges against my client states physical and mental abuse to a child of sixteen years. The victim has recognized my client as the abuser. However, the defense claims the victim is mentally ill. The victim cannot separate truth from lie. In addition," Liam paused. "The prosecution has indirectly told us my client inflicted those scars on the victim's back. So we are to assume my client is the cause without evidence? The victim has admitted he has never been to the hospital! So how do they know my client is the abuser?"

The American swept his eyes over the jury. "The defense calls Akashi Seijuro."

Akashi's right eyebrow raised. It was extremely rare for the prosecutor to be a witness. Nevertheless, the red-head stood confident while the bailiff led him over to the witness stand.

"Akashi Seijuro, the son of the largest law industry in Japan, correct?" Liam asked formally.

He stared into Liam's blue eyes. "Yes."

"How long have you known Kuroko Tetsuya?"

"Five years."

Liam nodded. "What was your relation to the victim during your middle school years?"

The red-head knew exactly what the American was doing. It didn't matter, though, since Akashi had planned for this, already. "I was his captain in the first string of Teiko Middle School's basketball team."

"Many students have said many things during your middle school years. Some say you kept your team under constant threats. Did this result into violent behavior?"

Akashi didn't waver. "I treated the team members of the club fairly. I have only used physical exercise to train them and for consequences."

And then some, Aomine grumbled in his head. I still remember that time you made me wear that dress because I said you looked weak . . .

Liam, ticked that the red-head didn't answer his question, pressed, "There were rumors about violent threats coming from you. Is this true?"

"I would never physically hurt a team member other than training. Tetsuya has never been hurt by my hands."

The blonde squinted. "You did not answer my question. I also did not say anything about the victim."

Akashi threw him an icy stare. His eyes showed intelligence. "I answered it; whether to answer indirectly or not is another matter, as you have not made matters clear. If I hurt Tetsuya or not, it was implied with the questions."

Rin faked to wipe a tear from her eye. Never had she been so proud of her son. If only I could take him out of the Shogi career and have him take over our company . . .

Liam had to put a hand over his face to compose himself. A bright, fake smile appeared on his face after he removed his hand, and he cracked his right knuckles eagerly. "I have no further questions, Your Honor."

"Very well. The witness is excused."

The bailiff helped Akashi back to his spot. Liam finished his speech of, "The prosecution is falsely assuming my client is the abuser. There is no real evidence." He stepped down.

It was now Rin's turn. She turned to face the jury. "The defense has now finished their statements. We the prosecutors are charging Kuroko Ibuki of physical and mental abuse. The defendant denies of ever hurting the victim to the point of abuse, and claims innocent because the victim is mentally ill. However, if the victim was mentally ill, why is he not getting help? Why is he not in a hospital? Why has he never been in a hospital? And most importantly, why is the victim not enlisted as mentally ill? Has he received therapy for it?" She paused to let the information sink in. "From the witness session with him, you can see he has no difficulties in speaking or moving. In what way is he mentally ill?"

Ibuki gritted her teeth and clenched her hands. Nothing less of Akashi Rin.

"The defendants say there are no real evidence to even assume Kuroko Ibuki is an abuser. However, I have many exhibits that tells us so. Your Honor, I have past abuse records of the client I would like you to admit as evidence. The records show numerous charges of public abuse against her."

Liam slammed his hand against the table. "Objection; those are extremely personal records that an attorney cannot access. The Defense has not been warned of this."

"Objection overruled. The prosecutors have an exhibit to be checked."

The blonde clenched his teeth.

Records of Ibuki were passed onto the police officer which were passed to the judge. He examined them. "Exhibit #1 has been admitted as evidence." Rin smirked. The records were passed to clerk, who put an official sticker on them.

"The records also show the client has moved numerous of times right after the charge of abuse. There is too much suspicious movement to simply announce it as a coincidence. I'd like for the jury to acknowledge this."

The judge waited until Rin finished until speaking, "The defendant may now present their second case of evidence."

"The Defense calls the secretary of Ibuki Corporation."

A bailiff walked a man to the witness stand. The clerk recorded his first and last name.

"Where do you work, Kio-san?" Liam walked up to the stand and gave him a kind smile.

The man looked around nervously and licked his lips when his gaze caught Ibuki's. "A-at Ibuki Corporation, owned by Kuroko Ibuki, in Tokyo."

"What is your job?"

"I-I take care of K-Kuroko-san's paperwork and organize files on the main computer."

"Tell me, Kio-san, did you happen to see multiple attempts to access a private record?"

"Hai," the man swallowed. "There were many attempts to access Kuroko-san's records. It was only able to get half of its information."

Liam flicked his eyes to the jury to see if they were listening. "What would you call this, Kio-san?"

"I-I'd call it hacking."

"Do you know who tried to hack into the records?"

The secretary tried to remember the initials. "I think we ended up with a line of AKH. Many of us thinks it stands for Akashi Hayato." Hayato tensed. Damn, my line was supposed to be private and secured.

"So, an attorney tried to hack into the records. Were they allowed to?"

"N-no, I don't think so. A l-lawyer is not allowed to access any files of a person's until it was officially made a case."

"When did the record hacked?"

"A few weeks ago. Before the case was official."

Liam smirked. If he couldn't completely deny Ibuki was an abuser, the jury had to recognize Akashi Rin and Akashi Hayato did illegal moves in order to get evidence. "I have no further questions, Your Honor." The secretary breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very well. Does the prosecution have any questions?"

Rin spoke through her clenched teeth, "We do not, Your Honor."

"The witness is excused."

Right after the secretary left, Liam called for another witness: "The Defense calls for Sui Aiko." A woman police officer was brought up to the stand. Rin immediately recognized her. "Aiko-san, what is your relationship with Akashi Rin?"

"We are friends," she said. "Close friends."

"Close? And, Officer, have you ever used your status to your advantage to become . . . close to Akashi Rin?" The officer widened her eyes. Liam pressed on, "such as, telling her the routes to my client's records?"

She pressed her lips together. " . . . Yes, I admit it. I have told her multiple ways to access a file."

Liam shot up his eyebrows, as if he were surprised. "I see. No further questions, Your Honor."

"Does the prosecution have any questions?"

"Yes, Your Honor." Rin walked right up to the witness stand. "Officer, did the police department give me, Akashi Rin, permission to handle files you have lent me?"

Aiko blinked. "Yes."

"Does you, who is part of the local police department, giving me the way to access a lent file count as permission?"

"I guess . . . in a way."

"No further questions."

The officer was excused. She also looked extremely relieved. Anybody would if they had to be a witness in front of the best lawyer in Japan and the most powerful woman in Japan.

Akashi was now up to speak. Rin had fully opened her briefcase to hand her son the evidence. They were now going to present the second and third piece of evidence. He walked up front. "Your Honor, I have several pictures and a tape recording that would need to be admitted as evidence. I request the tape recording to be heard for the public. However, I'd like to have a closed hearing with the picture exhibits."

Almost everybody knew Akashi didn't 'request' things. He directly or indirectly demanded it. Akashi's always got their way in the end.

The judge nodded, and one of the officers handed the evidence to him. He skimmed through the pictures and paled at the scene. It was too graphic for the public, so the judge could see why Akashi had wanted it to be private. He even had to hand it to the clerk early so he wouldn't have to look at it anymore. "The three pictures have been admitted as evidence. This is Exhibit #2."

Ibuki went red. She didn't know what was the content on the pictures, but it obviously wasn't good. "The photos could be photoshopped!" she yelled out of turn. "What kind of judge are you? The pictures might be fake! It can't be used as evidence."

"This is your last warning. Keep your defendant under control," he warned. Liam covered his face with his hands. "Officer, please play the tape recorder."

The tape was pushed into the system, and the volume was turned up a bit so that everybody could hear. People leaned in, curious as to what the prosecution had to show. What they heard was unexpected; Ibuki's loud voice blared and bounced off the court room's walls:

"I don't hurt him. I train him."

"What do you mean by that? Train him? He's not a dog." Rin's voice.

"I wanted a successor. I wanted one. I've built my whole life from the bottom, and here I am, the most untouchable woman in Japan with three of the biggest corporations. I'm rich, I'm powerful, and I'm feared! It's more than what I could want, some would think. But, I want more. I want my name to be carried on. Everyone must know of my name—no, not my name. My existence. The only way for that is to have a successor. It's the only reason why I married to Haru! To get a child; to get a child that would listen to me."

Haru brought a shaky hand over his mouth at the words. Ibuki was still from shock. She didn't know Hayato had been recording at that time.

"It backfired though. That kid I gave birth to turned out to be just like his father. He's soft, he has disgusting morals, he disobeys me. And just like I've said to them, he mocks me."

Kuroko, no longer wanting to hear the harsh words, covered his ears and put his head to his knees. He closed his eyes to stop the threatening tears.

"The way he looks at me with those blank eyes tells me he doesn't take me seriously. I can't get anything from him. So the only way for him to listen; to obey; to fear me, is to break him."

"Break . . . him?" This was Aomine's voice.

"A person who is broken will only listen to the person that succeeded in breaking him. Day by day, I see him break a bit more. He's been fearing me, lying to everyone but me. Oh, it's been wonderful; truly wonderful. But you—you messed up everything. Healing and healing him; it's useless! The more you do, the more I will try harder in breaking him. He is mine, and he will be my successor. He will be nothing more than my creation, and you can't stop me!" The last part was screeched, so the volume had to be turned down when the audience cringed at the shrill voice.

Akashi's lips curved up slightly. The horrified murmurs of the audience gave him satisfaction. And now, it was time to wrap up the abuse charge. He flicked a glance toward the Generation of Miracles, Kagami, Haru, and the others. They nodded back. "The prosecution calls all prepared witnesses to make their statements."

The judge granted it. One by one, each witness came up to the stand and said their lines loud and clear:

"At least twice a week, Kuroko comes to basketball practice at Seirin covered in injuries. He limps most of the time. Just a few weeks ago, his mother came to a late practice. She blew up in some kind of fit, and Kuroko obviously feared her." –Kagami.

"As the father of Seijuro, I know of his friends quite well. However, Kuroko Tetsuya has always been secluded. I found the injuries later. The tape recording that was witnessed by hearing a few minutes ago was recorded by me. Kuroko Ibuki is the one who is mentally unstable." –Hayato.

"Kuroko will always be troublesome, but his injuries were even more so. My family consists of doctors. All throughout his middle school years, I've had had to bandage and disinfect his wounds for a number of times. Kuroko Ibuki was always the cause." –Midorima

"Kuro-chin is always hurt, and it's always because of his mean mother. One day, Kuro-chin's leg was broken because it was crushed by a shoe. Kuro-chin didn't say it was his mother, but the imprint on his leg was a high-heel. I saw his mother's shoes the next day, and it matched. But Kuro-chin didn't even accept my candy bar . . ." –Murasakibara.

"Tetsu skipped out on practice most in middle school. It wasn't because he was lazy. It was because his injuries were to the point he had to go to the hospital. He would always refuse, though, saying something about his mother wouldn't allow him to. Why not? Doesn't she have medical insurance with her status?"—Aomine.

"Kurokocchi sometimes had really deep wounds on his body that Midorimacchi had to help heal him! It's horrible, and sometimes Kurokocchi would break down crying. I met Kurokocchi's mother, first, and she was mad he was out late practicing basketball. The next day, Kurokocchi came to practice injured! Isn't that weird?" –Kise.

"I used to always visit Tetsu-kun when he was little. But I suddenly had to stop for unknown reasons. Now I know the reason, and I regret not being able to help before. I've seen the pictures; it's horrible, and it's obvious Ibuki has done something cruel to a child." –Catherine.

"Tetsu-kun is a good boy. He doesn't need this kind of trauma in his life. I've also seen the pictures, and you've all witnessed the damage on Tetsu-kun's body. It's something you just can't hide, anymore, or lie about." –Hiroshi.

"Tetsu-kun used to be a bright child. While his face would seem to be blank, you could tell he was happy. But now, after thirteen years, his eyes no longer have that look. It's . . . devastating." –Jun.

"I am the father of Tetsuya and husband of Kuroko Ibuki. Almost everyday, I witness the sight of my son being beaten. It's something I wish I could forget. I don't know how many times I have injured myself in order to get my son out of harm's way. The fear of a custody battle hangs on me when I have the thought of divorce. It's . . . not something a mere child—anybody—should go through; the trauma and the pain. It's horrible, and I desperately wish for my son to stop experiencing something no one should experience. So, please . . . help my son." –Haru.

Haru straightened from his bow and stumbled out of the stand. Kuroko also stood up from his seat to help his father back to his. The teen was pulled into a crushing hug.

Liam looked pale, never have been attacked by this many witnesses in a court trial. So this is the power of the known Akashi family. He glanced at the smirking red-head. That boy; he's something else.

Rin stepped up. "There is more than enough proof to prove the defendant is guilty as charged." She glanced at the jittery jury. "If there is still not enough, there is still one charge I bring up to prove the defendant is the abuser of Kuroko Tetsuya:

Kuroko Ibuki is an illegal immigrant of Japan."

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