The Hybrid Queen


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T.W Abuse/violence/sex/drugs/etc Previously named 'The Outcased Sister' Rieka Donovon, a special girl. She... More

Important authors note!!
Authors note
Twenty One
Sequel ideas


2.1K 46 16

Klaus' eyes open and he looks to his gorgeous mate that is tucked into the sheets next to him on her stomach. He moves the blankets down and scoots closer to her. He kisses her exposed shoulder and breathes in her intoxicating scent.

He runs his hand over her side feathery-light. He pecks her neck and shoulders and she unconsciously leans into him.

He lays back to watch her and take in the fact that after so many lifetime sof waiting for this, it's real. She loves him and he loves her. They have each other Always and Forever.

Rieka, feeling his touches and gazes, flutter her eyes open to see her grinning mate. She smiles. "Hi."

"Good morning, little wolf. We have a full day ahead of us once we walk out of this door."

She groans and lays back down. "We could always just stay here forever and ever."

"Yes," He chuckles. "-we could. Or we could be productive in a search of the cure for vampirism."

"Do you want it?"

"Why would I want to be mortal when you're not. I wouldn't want it anyways," He gets up and goes to the closet.

"Then why worry? We're immortal! We'll love each other for, literally, ever! We don't need it, so get your ass back in this bed."

"I wish I could, love, but not going to happen. I would like more hybrids to protect us from enemies in the future. To protect you, me, and our family," She gets up and wraps her arms around his waist as she starts kissing his bareback. He hums almost inaudibly. "Hmm."

"Or...we could stay here just a few minutes longer," She bites down with her blunt teeth as she sucks harshly, forming a love bite that heals. He turns around and wraps his arms around her waist. He nuzzles into her neck kissing her so she lulls her head to the side.

"As much I'd like to hear you scream out for me, there is a hunter downstairs chained up," Her mood is gone like a fart in the wind at his statement.

"What,"He winced at the calm but harshness in her voice.

"One of the Five hunter's that will lead us to the cure! Now, I'll be downstairs, get dressed," She groans. "I have a question, love."


"Move in with me? I love having you here and it quells my rage."

"Ok, I'll move in and quell your rage, Mr.Mikaelson," He pecks her cheek and walks out, after dressing, with the largest grin he's ever sported.

She decide to get back at him for denying her request of stay in bed. She walks to the closet that has some of her clothes and sees the perfect thing. She decides to put it on later after she showers and gets ready.


After having some time to herself reading fanfictions, doing face masks, and other things she decide to be productive in making her mate frustranted. So she got read by showering, shaving, brushing her teeth, straightening her hair, perfume, and doing her make-up. All of which took a few hours, she was in her dress and pulling her boots on.

She was adding final details like ner necklaces and earrings. The dress is black, has leather straps around her chest, flowy skirt, knee high socks, and platform boots. 

Her lips painted dark fuchsia, eyes have maschara and eyeliner only. Her bottom and upper lashline is lined with dark liner.

Klaus walks in and is entranced by her. To him she looks like a goddess. Like the goddness of death and trickery mixed in one. "What are you wearing?"

"A rug, why," She said with heavy sarcasm. "It's a dress, Nik."

"One that shows what only my eyes should see. Please, change. We have guests this evening."

"Who," She asks turning around.

"Stefan and Rebekah are joining us for supper and chatting. I expect you to change, little wolf," He says huskily. "I think you like your dress, yes? Well, if you don't change it might not last threw the night."

She smiles gently at that. That's what I was counting on, she thought as she internally smirks. "Well, fine. I'll change and be down in a second. Go!"

"Alright," He kissed her and went back down to the guests. She smirks knowing that she isn't changing. She waits a few minutes to make it believable. She heard them talking. "-On this lot like they were on the last. Let's eat."

"Yes, let's," Rieka says making herself know. Rebekah smiles at her outfit, Stefan was uncomfortable, and Klaus was trying not to let is desire cloud his brain.

They walk in and sit at the table the food was set on. A blonde goes and serves them, ending with Klaus. "Thank you, my lovely," He says and watches as she walks away. Rieka raises her eyebrows at the action. "I could kiss the council for burning up all the vervain in town. They made my life so much easier, except one thing," His eyes drift to his mate who's drinking water. His eyes widen as he looks at Rebekah. "Rebekah, love, eat your veggies."

"I'm not eating until you apologize."

"Children, please," Rieka jests and Rebekah cracks a small grin.

"For which indiscretion? There have been so many," Klaus ignores the beauty to his left.

"You broke my neck."

"You threw away Elena's blood so I can't make anymore hybrids."

"Because you took me for granted!"

"That's what big brother's do, sweetheart!"

"Jesus, you two fight like a married couple," Rieka shakes her head.

"Let me just name the million other people I'd rather be having dinner with right now," Stefan murmurs.

"Apologize, Nik," She hisses at her mate.

"All right, fine," He leans back. "I'm sorry. I often forget how delicate you are. Forgive me?"

"I'll take it under consideration," She presses her lips in a line

"Ok, good," Stefan clears his throat. "Now, why don't you tell me about Rebekah's hunter."

"Right! Alexander," He grins. "Nice chap, forgoing the obvious issues."

He tells them about searching of night creature, how they felt safe wearing their daylight rings, and a weapon no vampire can survive. "So, that's what this is about? A weapon?"

"Not just any weapon," Rebekah and Rieka say and then smile at each other.

"Rebekah, Rieka, loves, don't get ahead of the story."

"How is a weapon the answer to all my prayers," Stefan inquires. They all look at each other and Stefan clears his throat. "Why don't we just skip witht he theatrics and get right to the point?"

"Not yet. Because in order to find this weapon, we need to solve the puzzle. Which seems to have disappeared," Rieka thinks about it. Hunter, tattoos, cures.

"What puzzle," Stefan inquires.

"The tattoo," Rieka utters in realization. "It's the map."

"Smart, little wolf you are! The tattoo leads us to it's treasure!"

"Fat lot of good a tattoo's going to do if we can't see it," Rebekah points out.

"We can't, but someone else can," Klaus begans. "Why don't you tell the hybrid to bring him in, love," Rieka wanted to kill the girls and her boyfriend. "You see, the hunter was so eagar to get to the bottom of his mystery tattoos that he mentioned there was only one other person that can see them," A hybrid drags in Jeremy and Stefan speeds to him only to be intercepted by Klaus. "I wouldn't. Lucky for us, young Jeremy here is a bit of an artist."

"I'm not helping you with anything," He denies but Klaus raises his eyebrows and the hybrid take his magic ring then tosses it to Klaus.

"I'm afraid you are."

The hybrid drags Jeremy to the room with the hunter. Klaus threats him more and goes back to the table. "So," Stefan speaks up. "Tell me more about this tattoo."

"My sister's suitor was unwilling to tell us anything," Klaus began as he trailed his fingers over Rieka's thigh ever-so slightly, just enough to make her squirm. "Rebekah, however,was more than willing to...investigate, isn't that right?"

Rebekah gulped and he goes on to tell the story about Rebekah's first daggering and how they put them down in their sleep. All the while he was teasing the wolf by going down her thigh and back up a few inches from where she craved him. "How was I supposed to know?"

"Cheers. To my sister's uncanny ability to choose men," He hold up his glass.

"I thought the daggers didn't work on you because of your werewolf side," Stefan inquires and Klaus smirks devilishly.

"They don't," He tells the story about killing the hunters and undaggering Rebekah. "Go ahead, Rebekah, tell him. Tell him what the hunter told you the tattoo leads to. What's this great weapon that could bring about the end of the vampire species?"

"A cure. He said there was a cure," She murmurs sadly. Stefan looks puzzled then Klaus gets up, Rieka going with him.

"There is no cure for vampirism," He said following the two hybrids.

"He's telling the truth, Stefan," Rebekah following the three.

"Then why wouldn't you have searched for it, found it," Klaus was pouring drinks for him and his lady as he replies.

"Because, when the hunters drew their final breath that night, the marks disappeared from their body. The map was gone, the Brotherhood of the Five: Extinct. For nine-hundred years, there was not a whisper of another hunter until our friend in there showed up in town."

He hands her the amber liquid as Rebekah starts speaking again. "Well, now we have the map, what do we do next?"

"We don't do anything. You can't be trusted, little sister. You'll be blabbing this secret to the first boy who calls you pretty," He laughs. "I mean, it's pathetic. Really, isn't it? How she continues to hand her heart to any man who shows her a hint of affection. You think she would have learned by now from the endless cycle of  disappointment and deception!"

"But I haven't! Instead I stay with you and let you leech every moment of from my life. You know, at least I faired better that Finn. Klaus left him daggered because he was tired of his judgement," Rebekah yells but you could tell she was angry and sad.

"No, Finn was a dullard. he's more intersting lying in a box," he says.

"You want the cure for Elena, don't you? So you can go back to mass producing your hybrids. That's why you brought Stefan here, 'cause you knew he'd help even though he hates your guts," She spat. "You know what, you can shove your cure."


Rieka was brushing her hair when she got a vision of Klaus daggering Rebekah, but she new it was the past so she did the normal.

She was mad and she ranted to her bestfriend-Kol-but before she could go farther, Klaus walks into the room. "I'll call you later, I have an ass to chew out," Kol laughs, says bye, and she ends the call. "Here to be more of a dick?"


"No! She is your sister and she loves you and you insult her for loving! Should she condemn you for loving," He stays quiet while looking away from her furious gaze. "I asked you a question!"


"Why because your Klaus Mikaelson the Original Hybrid without a soul or feelings," He took a step toward her and she turned her back to him. "Have fun alone tonight. I won't be here."

He grabbed her arm and she jerks away. "Little Wolf-"

"NO," The house shook. "I'm infuriated with you and it's best if you leave me be! I'm leaving town for a little while when I'm back, if she isn't undaggered you'll be in the dog house!"

She walks out to her car and speeds away. She was fuming at the thought of her sister with a dagger in her chest for years or even months. He infurirates her and she wants to rip his head off, but she also wnats to spend the rest of her days in his warm embrace and love him until time ends.

He sighs and pulls out the velvet box he got yesterday night. He wanted to ask her to marry him later in the future, but he knew he royal messed up.


She arrives at her house and goes inside. She heats up leftovers as she packs a duffle of clothes and shoes. She also removes her move up and dress then slides into a AC/DC shirt with a tie in the side, ripped skinny jeans, and Jordans.

When the microwave goes off she zips the bag and texts Kol telling him she's about to get on the road. She grabs a cloth bag and loads chips, cookies, Poptarts, and other snacks for the road along with drinks like juice, water, and tea. She grabs a key and opens her safe which is filled with cash and cards. She grabs four cards and five-hundred cash.

She earned money by working two jobs and from her deceased parents as she did her house. She attempts a few locator spells and other things to find Rebekah, all dead ends.

She loads up everything in her car and shuts the door. She removes her clothes and shifts into her white wolf with vibrant purple eyes and the takes off at supernatural speed. She was trying to stiff out Rebekah, but coming up blank.


After an hour of sniffing she makes a beeline to her car, pulls her clothes on, and gets in her car. She pulls out and speeds out of Mystic Falls, unknown to her, her lover was too. Just via a plane and he was going to Italy.

She was heading to Kol who is in New York. She wanted to spend time with him before going to see Elijah who was a few states over. She was blasting Guns'N'Roses on her speakers and singing.

She need this release of this dumb cure. She wanted to get away from Klaus before they did or said something to the other they both regret.

"It's just a break, not the end of us," She tells herself and keeps driving away.



Short chapter. Sorry, but atleast it's an update! The next will be better, I hope.

Rieka's moving in!

Klaus has a ring but he messed up!

Rieka's besties with Kol and Bekah.

She was big mad at Klaus.

I made them fight because I wanted drama, sorry not sorry!


Love, Safety, and Health,


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