Battlefield - 46

6.1K 150 118
By oreforbooks

*Raven's POV*

As soon as Hunter stopped the car, I was running out. There were bodies on the ground, a few faces I recognised. It was hard to see in the dark, the only lights coming from the house.

I reached for my gun, only to find it gone. Shit.

I turned around and found a spare lying beside a dead body. I grimaced as I picked it up, aiming at the men that bore a lion tattoo somewhere on their body.

What the fuck had happened, how the fuck did these cunts get into an estate with high level security. Unless...

"Maybe you would like to check for some tattoos around your house."

That prick was right, someone had released information to the Martinez Group, giving them weak links in our security, getting the three most threatening people out of the house.

Tyler must be here, if all his men were. I wouldn't let revenge cloud my rationality this time.

I looked around at the chaos in front of me. Most men are physically fighting, ammo already ran out. There were gunshots still shouting around, quick, every so often. Snipers.

I stared into the windows, keeping half my attention on the fight around me. I spun as I sensed a man sneaking my way, a bullet flew through his head, directly from Meg's window. I looked up and caught her sliding behind the wall through the window.

Another man came rushing towards me. I ran at him, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his neck, rolling towards the ground, flipping the man in a loud thud.

I pulled a pistol from my belt and shoot him in the head.

There must be over a hundred of the Martinez Group men, fighting the people I have trained with, sat in meetings with. Blood covered the lawn as more bodies fell to the ground.

There were so much more of them than us. The majority of our mafia had their own homes, or were out on missions, we weren't prepared for this, but they were.

I spied Hunter, throwing punches at a group of three men surrounding him. I knew he could take them down on his own, but I threw a knife into the back of one of their heads. Hunter looked up in surprise, gratification shone in his eyes.

Bodies fall to the ground, the sound of life and death rung in my ears as I unleashed myself upon the enemies around us, taking them down, one by one.

Tyler, I had to find him. He was most likely in the house.

I made my way to the front doors, which had been ripped off its hinges. As I ran over, men came charging towards me, I threw a knife into the stomach of one.

Another replaced him, a pistol in hand. I ducked and ran towards him, twisting his arm at the last second as he pulled the trigger, shooting himself. I felt arms grab my waist, there was no attempt to kill me.

I looked behind me and found a man I didn't recognise talk into his ear piece. "I've got her." His lion tattoo rippled across his neck as he turned back to me.

"Well, he didn't tell me just how pretty you were." He drawled, one hand groping my ass.

I've had enough of creeps thinking they could touch me where ever they wanted. I raised my foot up and kicked backwards into his dick. He let go and fell to his knees, clutching his junk through his pants.

"They didn't tell me how fragile men were." I smiled as I kicked him in the face.

His words rung in my ears though. I've got her. Were they looking for me in particular? questions ran through my mind.

I didn't have time to wonder. I slipped through the broken doors. It was quiet inside, the sounds of gunshots and shouts fading out as I wandered through the house.

A grunt sounded from beside me, I turned my head and found the dining room full of bodies, slumped onto the dining table, their food gone cold in front of their unseeing eyes. It was an ambush, our men were left defenceless, unprepared.

A man was still alive, I realised. He was on the ground, crawling towards me. There were multiple bullet holes in his stomach, if he wasn't dead yet, he would be soon.

"Please, end it." He struggled to say.

I closed my eyes, knowing this was the mercy. My hands found my pistol, I aimed it at him, pulling the trigger. He didn't make a sound as his body slumped to ground.

I continued through the house on high alert. There were a few Martinez men walking about as if they owned the place. They already think they've won.

This was it, the end of everything. Tyler would gain power over the mafia, everyone loyal to the real crime lord, dead. I had to kill Tyler, had to kill the men loyal to his selfish cause.

I rushed towards John's office, Tyler would want something big and dramatic as his final take down. I let out a shuddered sob as I reached the door.

Elijah was lying on the ground, blood soaking his clothes. I dropped to my knees before him, his breaths shaking.

"For fucks sake Elijah." I said. His weak eyes turned towards me, his shaking fingers pressed on his lips, telling me to be quiet.

I heard a mummer from inside the room. I nodded my head in understanding. I couldn't leave him like this. Tears threatened to fall down my cheek. I didn't know if the nurse was alive, but I had to try.

I pulled out my phone.

"Meg, pick up please." I begged into the rings of a waiting call.

"Raven." Meg said, breathless.

"Come to John's office quickly, take Elijah to the nurse." I whispered, hanging up. I only hoped she would understand and come as quickly as she could.

I pulled of my cotton jacket, not caring if all I had underneath was a too thin singlet top. I wrapped the jacket around Elijah's stomach tightly, trying to stop the bleeding till Meg arrived.

I stood up, gripping my pistol tightly as I crept into the room.

John looked up at me, his eyes full of surprise, it quickly vanished as I pressed a finger to my lips. He was tied to his chair, a black eye blooming on his face. Tyler stood before him, and beside him...

No, it couldn't be.

Matteo Zandoff. Elijah's father. Hunter's uncle. At least I knew who the traitor was.

I sucked in a quiet breath as I realised he probably knew his son was bleeding out just outside the room. Anger fuelled my veins as I lifted the pistol up, aiming it towards his head. Tyler could wait till later, I wanted to have some fun with him first.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Raven." Tyler said, turning around, facing me.

"Why not?" I asked, trying to make my voice steady.

Matteo turned around. I gasped as I saw what was on him. He was covered in explosives, a detonator in his hand, his thumb pressing on the button.

"I gave him the job on making sure I wouldn't die." Tyler smirked. "Pretty genius, right."

No, it was sickly, forcing another man to become a suicide bomber.

"As soon as I die, or Matteo dies, his thumb will lift up off the button, causing everything and everyone to explode around us." Tyler explained.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I am doing this, because I want to, because it is fun to watch the people who made me suffer, suffer for a change. The roles have reversed, I am the one with all the power now." He rose his outstretched arms, gesturing to perhaps the world.

"You decide to take down a whole mafia because you weren't treated right as a kid. It sounds a little overdramatic to me, don't you think." I scoffed.

"Oh dear Raven, because I wasn't treated right as a kid. You should have a look at yourself." Tyler scoffed. My expression only displayed confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"You have no idea what is really going on do you?" He asked.

"Of course not." I said.

"Let me enlighten you Raven Rodriguez. Or should I call you Raven Martinez?" My blood ran cold, I stopped seeing.

"What the fuck did you just call me." I shouted.

"I suppose you might want to take a seat for this, it is a pretty heavy load." Tyler beckoned towards the chair.

I stood still, not moving an inch.

"Suit yourself." He sighed before explaining.

"John Zandoff is a fraud. He took control of the mafia from my uncle, Robert Martinez. He has been feeding you lies since you got here. Let me guess, he has been making you feel welcome, like you belong, it's the least he could do considering what he did to your family." Tyler paused, glancing over his shoulder at John.

"John set my house on fire." I said quietly, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Oh god no, that was all Madoc. The man you mutilated, he is a distant relation of you, as am I, I suppose." He said casually.

"What the fuck do you mean by that." My mind was a mess, I was so confused.

"Sorry, I must have forgotten to mention that Robert Martinez was your father."

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