Crash [H.S.]

By sugarstylesx

113K 2.2K 629

Sometimes you feel a connection with someone so strong, that it's almost like you're crashing into them. Jos... More

character list/intro
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty eight
forty nine
fifty one
fifty two
fifty three
fifty four
fifty five
fifty six
fifty seven
fifty eight
fifty nine
thank you
epilogue one

forty seven

1.2K 21 1
By sugarstylesx

the pics may be poorly edited bc i'm not an expert, but it's just for the vibes of the chapter so don't judge :')

Joselyn Myers

"Why do have to have so many fucking books?!" Hunter groaned, entering the guest bedroom of my apartment, which I suppose could now officially be referred to as Frank's bedroom. He held two clear plastic bins that looked well over a few pounds simply from the amount of books that could be seen stacked inside.

"I'm an English teacher, the fuck do you think?" Frank sarcastically scoffed back in response, leaning forward to help him set them down on the floor next to the bookshelf that they had just finished reassembling.

"Hmm, yeah I still don't know how you managed to pull that one off." I saw in the corner of my eye Hunter flicked Frank's nose as they both leaned up to stand to their full height again, making Frank squeeze his eyes in frustration.

"Just help me put the books on the shelf you twat." I chuckled quietly to myself at the bickering brothers, flicking my gaze over to Laura who was doing the same thing. Her and I were currently unpacking Frank's clothes and hanging the tops up in the closet—we already finished refolding all of his pants and shorts so they would fit neatly in the dresser he brought rather than having them stuffed up in balls of fabric like he had them.

It was a little past 5 according to the last time I checked the clock a few minutes ago, and we were nearing the end of getting Frank fully moved in. It didn't take nearly as long as I thought, since the three of them didn't even get the the apartment until 12:30. That was of course after I rushed to get here by 11 from Harry's since that's when we originally planned for them to come, but apparently they forgot to set their alarms last night before passing out drunk.

I still felt completely exhausted, currently running on two cups of coffee from Dunkin after Harry drove me there without even having to ask this morning. We somehow managed to fall asleep for a little bit longer after I woke up at 5, but we were up and out of the house by 10:30. After dropping me off at my apartment, he was off to the studio for the filming of The Ellen Show, and he told me he'd let me know when he's done and on his way over here again.

What hasn't quite processed with me, is the fact that Harry is leaving to go to London on Monday to stay there for five days. This being the first time I'll have to go through not always having him around due to his sometimes hectic work schedule, I was a little bummed to say the least. But I know we'll be okay, it's only five days, and he'll be back here to have our own Christmas celebration before he leaves to go back to London, then I'll be flying out there to meet him until we leave for our New Years vacation. As much as it'll suck not being able to see him for a few days, it's just something we have to do.

With no point in dwelling on it right now, I shook the thoughts from my head and focused back on the task at hand. Taking another shirt from the box we were nearly done unpacking, I pulled another hanger and neatly placed the shirt on it, lining it up against the cluster of shirts that now almost completely filled the closet.

"Oh my god, Frank!" I gasped, holding up another shirt from the box that I hadn't seen in ages. "I can't believe you still have this!" I turned the t-shirt towards the other side of the room where him and Hunter were crouched next to the bookshelf.

"Oh yeah, you were the one who insisted I get it back in the first place." Frank chuckled, taking a small break so he could stand up and walk over to me and take it from my hands to inspect it.

"Well yeah! You gave it to that girl who ghosted you and this is a gift way too good to be left in her hands." I scoffed, reaching out to poke Frank's knee defensively. "I can't believe I shared my love of Friends with such a horrible woman." I shook my head disapprovingly as I thought back to the fact that when Frank was seeing this girl I found out she had never seen Friends, and practically forced her to binge watch it with us for a while and ended up getting her hooked on it too. Ultimately resulting in Frank buying her a t-shirt for her birthday that year that said "You're my lobster."

"Good thing she was nice enough to return it along with some of my other stuff, yet still felt okay with ripping my heart out and stomping on it." Frank dryly laughed at his self-deprecating joke, making all of us chuckle quietly under our breaths. "Evil bitch." Frank cursed under his breath, rolling his eyes annoyingly before flicking his gaze back to me.

"Cheers to shitty exes my friend." I matched his playfully dry tone with a cheeky smirk, using my free hand to pick up my half empty Dunkin cup and raise it up into the air, Frank laughing in response to my action.

"Amen." He raised his eyebrows in agreement, looking down at the balled up shirt still in his hands. "Do you want it? Lord knows I haven't fucking worn it even once." He extended it back to me, and I immediately widened my eyes excitedly at his offer.

"I mean if you insist, of course I'll have to wash the cooties off of it—and the dust it's probably collected in the bottom of your drawer." I chuckled, taking the shirt back into my own arms and setting it down next to me.

"Go nuts kid." My features dropped when I felt Frank ruffle the top of my hair, teasingly pushing my head forward before walking back over to Hunter and the bookshelf. "Hunter, I said academic related stuff on top, not the just for fun stuff!" Seeing Frank reach out to undo everything Hunter evidently just set up in the short time he stepped away made Laura and I both snicker quietly to ourselves.

"If you weren't letting me keep the pool table, I'd totally push you over right now I swear. Seriously when did you become so organized?" Hunter calmly replied back, but clearly masked with how forced it sounded. If looks could kill, Hunter would be eating shit right now from the look Frank gave him in response.

"Hey babe, why don't you and I start clearing out the empty boxes and taking the trash bags downstairs?" Laura pulled herself together enough to raise her voice and get Hunter's attention, obviously over their back and forth teasing.

"Yeah okay." Hunter shrugged, standing up from the floor to take Laura's extended hand. "You want another beer?" Of course he didn't leave without gesturing to the empty bottle next to Frank with his own, instantly making Frank grin widely at his little brother.

"Finally making yourself useful." Frank patted the back of his ass in addition to his teasing remark as he walked away, simply earning a small kick to his shin from Hunter before him and Laura exited the room.

"You know, there's not much left in there—I can hang up the last of it if you wanna take a break." Before I could even return to my task once they were gone, Frank raised his voice from across the room as he straightened out a few more books on the shelf.

"Alright there anything else you need help with? I feel like we pretty much got it all." I dropped the shirt I had in my hands back into the almost empty box, looking around at the newly decorated room that was once my guest room.

It was nice—seeing all of Frank's stuff in here and knowing that this room was being used for more than storage now. His bed was all set up and neatly made, his lounge chair tucked neatly in the corner next to a small corner table with a lamp set on top of it, his dresser was put together and full of clothes, the closet was nearly full, and now his bookshelf was near completion too. I'd say we did a pretty good job.

"Pretty much I'd say, just waiting for Harry to get here so he can help us drag the TV stand and desk up here—gonna be a pain in the ass I know it. But once they're in here all I have to do is set up my TV and computer and I'll be all set." Frank rose to his feet halfway through his speech, twisting his back slightly to crack it before taking the few short steps through the room to stand next to me. I glanced over my shoulder to meet his gaze, not being able to fight the wide smile that spread across my face when I saw the corners of his lips stretched from ear to ear. "I'm so fucking happy Jos, I can't thank you enough for this. You're just incredible for letting me live here for a while." His sentimental words almost brought a tear to my eye, simply because I knew how much he meant it.

"You don't have to thank me Frank, you know I'd do anything for you in a heartbeat—what are friends for?" I happily smiled up at him when I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders to pull me in for a side hug. "I'm excited to have you live here, it's gonna be fun." I let out a small squeal of excitement, clapping my hands together.

He simply chuckled under his breath at my words, shaking his head lightly at my actions before squeezing me tighter in his embrace. "It's gonna be awesome, I promise I'll be a good roommate." His hand rubbed up against my arm excitedly, making me turn myself slightly to wrap my arm over his stomach to actually hug him back.

"I know you will Frankie boy." I playfully slapped my hand against his chest a few times, just before the sound of my phone ringer going off made me jump away from his towered figure in reaction. With short breaths, I pulled my phone out of my pants pocket. "Oh it's Harry." I pulled away from Frank's embrace as I pressed the answer button with a smile on my face.

"Hi Harry." I held the phone up to my ear, unable to stop smiling.

"Hi baby, I know I didn't text that I was done or anything but I'm downstairs. Could you buzz me in please?" My heart rate picked up at the simple thought of seeing him again, and I was already darting out of the room to navigate to the front door.

"Yeah of course, you don't need help carrying anything up do you?" I made sure to ask, pausing with my finger hovered over the buzzer keypad next to my front door.

"Nope, I'm all good. Thank you for asking though." I don't know why I was getting so giddy about seeing him specifically now, but picturing the cute little smirk plastered across his face while he talked was enough to make butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Okay..." I pressed the buzzer down, "Come on up."

"See you in a second gorgeous." Harry quickened his words for one last notion, hanging up before I could even get a response out, and I swear I felt like I was floating.

I don't know why I was in such a mood where I felt like I was meeting him for the first time. My whole body was just so light and tingly, and every part of me just couldn't wait to get my hands on him again. I guess I just really missed him.

"Alright, we're making a trip to the dumpsters, we'll be back in a bit." I jumped at the sound of Hunter coming up behind me from the direction of the laundry room, seeing him and Laura carrying a few empty cardboard boxes and full trash bags.

"Okay, Harry's on his way up so you'll probably pass him." I chuckled, taking the liberty of opening the front door for them and standing out in the hall to hold it open. "Oh, speak of the devil." My eyebrows raised excitedly when I saw Harry just turn the corner at the end of the hall, smiling wide when we locked eyes even being so far away from each other still. I also didn't miss that he was carrying something in his hands, and I think my heart nearly burst through my chest when I realized what it was.

"Harry! How are you man?" Hunter happily shouted down the hall, probably annoying my neighbors, as he dragged his large trash bag behind him.

"Hey Hunter, nice to see you, I'm good." Harry was already quickening his pace down the hall, immediately offering a hand out to assist in any kind of way when he saw that they were carrying stuff. "Do you guys need any help with that?"

"Oh no we got it, we're gonna be right back up. Thank you though." Laura kindly declined, flashing a bright smile at him once he nodded in understanding and took one last large step to stand next to where I was and get out of their way.

"But don't worry, we've saved the extra fun stuff just for you. You, me, and Frank get to carry up his huge ass desk and TV stand—fun right!" Hunter faked enthusiasm, showcasing a sarcastically over the top grin once he looked back to Harry for a brief moment.

"Sounds so exciting, I'm bouncin' off the walls already." Harry chuckled, matching his sarcastic tone, at the same time he sneakily brought his hand around my back. We watched the two of them slowly make their way down the hall, getting farther from us every second, and I finally took a step forward so Harry and I could go back inside.

Harry let go of my back once we were inside, turning his back to me so he could close the door behind us. I patiently waited for him to turn around, hoping to get a proper greeting from the adorable man in front of me, still feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush like before for whatever reason.

He slowly turned around, keeping himself planted by the door once he was facing me, and simply flashed me a cheeky smirk before anything else. I kept my hands locked together in front of me, trying to hide the shy smile that was threatening to form across my lips, especially when I took a quick glance over his figure and saw he was wearing the cutest fucking lime green sweater that had a picture of a puppy on it, saying "Stay away from toxic people."

It's like he knew I was desperate to have his attention right now, he was just being a tease like always and just continued to smirk at me from afar. And it was taking everything in me to ignore the beautiful bouquet of sunflowers sat neatly against his forearm in a shiny orange foil, but it was really really hard.

"How are you feeling Joselyn, any remnants of that hangover still?" My cheeks flushed when that was the first thing he asked, as he finally slowly moved forward the few steps that were between us so he was stood directly in front of me.

"I'm a lot better now, the coffees really helped—and I had a sandwich when we took a short break which helped too." I replied honestly, not bothering to fight the itching feeling for the need to simply touch him, swinging my right hand just enough to brush against his free one without even thinking. "I missed you." I blurted out, just feeling the need to say it out loud. Harry instantly let out a short chuckle, using his free hand to catch my own in his before I fully pulled away.

"I missed you too darling..." He paused just to lean forward and close the gap between us by pressing a soft kiss against my lips, feeling his smile melt against my own. "I got you these." I pulled my bottom lip back by my teeth when he pulled his lips away just enough so they were ghosting over my own, brushing lightly against them with every word that left his mouth.

When he lifted the small bushel of sunflowers between our bodies, I could feel my heart beating harder against my chest. I looked down at the bright, yellow flowers, instinctively dipping my chin down to take a small inhale of the fresh, earthy scent. "They're beautiful Harry, thank you." I blushed, lifting one hand up to wrap around the orange foil on the outside of them, bringing them closer to my nose so I could smell them even better. "You're so thoughtful." I flicked my eyes up to his, pressing my lips together in a tight lipped smile when I felt his left hand come up to brush away a stray hair that fell in front of my forehead.

"Believe it or not, I drove by one of those side of the road flower vendors, and I saw sunflowers with orange paper and thought how perfect. So of course I had to get sunflowers for my sunflower." He shyly smiled, dragging his hand down my arm while I stared at him in awe. How much more fucking sweet can he get? The nickname alone made my skin tingle, still not even having processed that he brought me the flowers yet.

"Harry thank you...fuck you're so cute, come here." I couldn't keep myself still any longer, bringing the sunflowers out to the side to avoid crushing them when I wrapped my other arm around his neck to pull him in for a tight hug.

"You're welcome baby, I'm glad you like them." He smiled against my head, pressing a soft kiss against the side of my hair as he laced his arms around my waist.

"Let me get a vase for these." I pinched his cheek before pulling away fully, watching his lips curl upwards at the notion, as he then watched me walk into the kitchen. Opening one of the lower cabinets under the sink, I pulled out one of the many flower vases I had, making sure to pull out a clear glass one that was tall enough for the long sunflower stems. "See, fits perfectly." I chirped, bouncing my shoulders up in excitement as I placed the vase on the edge of the island counter so I could begin to pull the orange foil off of the bouquet.

"I would love to know how many vases you've got stocked up under there." Harry teasingly poked his head up to get a better look at the cabinet I just pulled the vase from, raising his eyebrows curiously once he saw I had already shut it.

"Oh I've got just about every shape, size, and color you can imagine." I chuckled, setting the foil aside and double checking the stems would fit. "Could you fill this up please?" I pushed the vase slightly closer to his side of the counter, opening the drawer in front of me to pull out a pair of stem cutters I kept around just to make them all even.

A few seconds later he returned with the vase filled about halfway full with water, standing next to me to push it back in front of me on the counter. "So, how's the moving stuff going so far? Are you guys close to finishing yet?" Harry filled the silence while I placed the sunflowers in the vase and adjusted them how I wanted.

"Honestly we're kind of done, Frank said the only thing left is having you and Hunter help him bring up the heavy stuff." I quickly flashed him a smile over my shoulder, finishing with the flowers and proudly gesturing my hands at the vase. "You've got pretty taste." I lightly nudged my elbow into his stomach, earning a small grunt of laughter before feeling his hand land on the small of my back.

"Why thank you, I've learned from the best." He tilted his head down to look at me, winking at me at the same time as he tugged my body closer to him.

"Hmm, you charmer." I giggled, biting my lip for a second before flicking my gaze down to his perfect, pink, petal shaped lips.

Both of us smiling, we leaned in to close the gap, our lips tenderly molding together for a soft, slow and sensual kiss. His free hand came around my front, gliding smoothly over my stomach, making my insides do flips like crazy, and I couldn't help but bring my hands up to wrap around his neck in return. The satisfying vibration of him humming into my mouth as he skillfully slipped his tongue past my lips caused a low moan to bubble up my throat, only encouraging him to continue further.

The amazing feel of his large hand sliding down my spine to make its way to the end of my back was the last thing I felt before our heavenly kiss was abruptly cut off.

"Hey, hey kids, you're not the only ones under this roof now!" Frank's teasing voice made me jump away from Harry's figure in a panic, gasping in fear from being so zoned in on our moment. "Can't go shoving your tongues down each other's throats just anywhere now." I watched Frank walk closer to us with my hand placed firmly on my fast paced heartbeat, Harry clearing his throat nervously to finally acknowledge him.

"Hey Frank, what's up?" Harry plastered a wide smile on his face, hiding the flustered state he had found himself in now as he held out his hand for Frank to shake it. Of course he had the most shit-eating grin plastered across his face.

"Just glad to finally see you here, I can't wait to get this shit finished." Frank shook Harry's hand, letting out a tired sigh to match his words, but still flicking his eyes between us with a suggestive look in his eye.

I really was going to have to get used to Frank living here, in more ways than one.

"Well, I'm here to help in anyway I can." Harry clapped his hand against Frank's shoulder, quickly turning to me to give me a reassuring grin. "Right Joselyn?" He was obviously trying to push away any embarrassing feeling I had, even going to tickle my side to lighten me up.

"Yes, and I'm so glad Frank is already making himself at home." I finally spoke, brushing my hands down my front and flashing him a sarcastic smile, only making Frank throw his head back in laughter.

"Aww, don't be so harsh Josie—that's not the worst thing I've caught you doing." My eyes widened in an instant, jumping away from Harry's side to swat Frank across the stomach.

"You know, don't think I won't kick you out even before you're fully moved in." I sternly squinted my eyes at him, pointing my finger against his chest, only making him chuckle under his breath.

"I love you too Jos." Frank purposely emphasized every syllable of his words, just to be annoying, before gripping his hand around my pointer finger and sloppily pulling me in for a hug. I could hear Harry chuckling from behind me, making me roll my eyes at their enjoyment of my embarrassment.

"Okay, okay!" I gave into his joking words, letting myself laugh along with them as I pulled myself away from Frank's embrace. "Before I want to slap the stupid grin off your face again, I have something for you two." I chuckled lightly, adjusting my shirt so it wasn't wrinkled in the front. Both of their eyes widened at my words.

"Something for both of us?" Frank perked up in interest, Harry doing the same when they both started to follow me down the hall to my bedroom.

"Yes, now stay." I held up my hand to stop them before they even made it past the kitchen, laughing at the fact that it felt like having two lost puppies follow me. "I'll be right back." They both exchanged confused looks, but shrugged their shoulders and let me continue on my own to my room.

Once I grabbed the small box from my bedroom that held the things I was giving them, I scurried back into the living room. Harry was now holding a bottle of Seagrams in his right hand, leaning his ass against the island while he intently listened to whatever Frank was saying to him.

"Okay, I'm back." I announced my return once I re-entered the kitchen, both of them immediately stopping whatever conversation they were having to whip their heads in my direction.

"So, what have you got for us?" Frank was the first to speak up, placing his beer bottle on the counter to manically rub his hands together in anticipation. Harry simply smirked at him, crossing his arms over his chest casually to patiently wait for me to talk.

"Well, it's nothing too big, but I got another key to the apartment and a keycard to the building made for you to have and you can give me the spare you have back..." I looked to Frank, taking the red colored key and plastic card from the box in my hand and handing it off to him, his smile going wide. Then I turned to Harry, "And I also got one for you." I smiled, blushing as I picked up the yellow key I picked out just for him and the keycard, placing them in his open palm. "I know it's not too big of a deal since you already gave me a key to your place, but I just wanted to give you mine—because you know...I trust you just the same."

"Aww stop it, I'm gonna cry." Frank was the one to speak up first, making me shoot him a blank glare while he started to wipe away fake tears from his eyes.

"Franklin Daniel." I seethed his name between my teeth, watching his lips quirk up in a tight lipped grin, obviously knowing that as much as he was standing here with us, I didn't need his input on this interaction.

"Alright, alright fine. Obviously ruining a moment, I'll go back to my room." He playfully placed his hands up in a surrender, then put his hand to the top of my head to ruffle my hair a bit. "But thank you for the key, it'll come in handy with the whole 'actually living here' thing." He continued to joke, giving my head one last pat before waving us off and actually walking back to his room.

"I get to live with that everyday now." I sarcastically spoke into the silence, shaking my head in humor at the realization. Harry chuckled at that, reaching out to take my hand in his and bring up to his lips to kiss my knuckles. My cheeks reddened immediately, flicking my eyes over his beautiful features, and specifically how his lips pursed against my skin, making for one of the most incredible feelings in the world.

"Thank you for letting me have this Joselyn, it means more to me than you think." He finally spoke, keeping our joined hands held comfortably against his chest so I could feel his steady heartbeat. "When I asked you to be my girlfriend and I gave you my key, I never wanted to make you feel like you had to return the favor. It was just how I wanted to show how important you've become to me—how important you are to me, and I wanted you to have that same level of trust with me but on your own terms." I smiled, cheeks flushed from his soothingly meaningful words, always loving when he got somewhat deep in his speech. I know how much it means to him that we develop trust in one another, and I can say with certainty I trust this man so much.

"I don't even know what to say anymore whenever you go all soft on me like that." I shook my head slowly, not fighting the wide smile that formed on my lips from the overwhelming sense of happiness he just gave me. "But I do know that I love you..." Harry smiled, "And I love having the privilege of getting to love someone like you, someone who I do trust and care for so much—you're just everything to me Harry." I shyly smiled, shaking my head again simply in disbelief that I was able to say these things to him, that he was really in my life the way he was...I just can't express how amazing he really is to me. 

"You're just as sweet my love...I love you too." With both of us grinning like idiots, we leaned forward to lock our lips together for another smooth, loving kiss. The feeling of the cold metal from the key I gave him sent a shock through my arm when he pressed the palm holding it against my forearm to pull me even closer to him than before.

With fluttering tummies and clouded minds, I felt the emotion pouring into this kiss, and it almost felt like every kiss we shared lately felt like that.

"Wait...I'm getting a feeling." I suddenly pulled away, leaving his jaw hung open to release short, panting breaths. My head flipped towards the door, just getting this weird gut feeling that we'd soon be interrupted again, and I didn't need anymore teasing.

"You feel that too?" I saw Harry smirk in the corner of my eye, shivering in his grip when I felt his thumb brush over my cheek.

"No, I mean yes but—no not that." I quickly waved him off, keeping my focus on the front door from our spot in the kitchen. "I just feel like they're gonna—"

"We have returned!" And in walked Hunter and Laura.

"Shit, you're good." Harry chuckled once he put together what I meant, both of us dropping our hands fully away from each other and turning towards them. One last fluttering feeling shot through my body when I happened to catch a glimpse of Harry sliding the bright yellow key into his front pants pocket for safe keeping.

"Alrighty then—Frank! Let's get this shit done!" Hunter clapped his hands together, wasting no time and trotting back in the direction of Frank's room, raising his voice to make me jump slightly in my place.

"Okay, okay." Frank then reappeared in the living room, sloppily pulling on his left shoe before standing up to his full height and slapping both his hands on Hunter's shoulders. "Harry, you ready to do this thing?" Frank raised his eyebrows in our direction as we met them in the living room.

"Just tell me what to do." Harry confidently replied back, puffing out his chest as he flexed his muscles for a brief moment to show he was ready. I couldn't help but bring my hand up to my mouth to hide my quiet snickers at that.

"Alright let's go then." Frank pushed Hunter back towards the door, pointing his finger at it as if he was the leader of a pack of dogs so they would follow him.

"Have fun baby." I chuckled at the silly nature of watching the three grown men walk together in a straight line towards the door, making sure to stop Harry for one last peck on the lips before actually making it to the door. He smiled back in return, a firm "will do" coming from him in response.

"We'll get started on some dinner, I know I'm fucking starving." Laura shouted just before Harry, the last one in the line, fully closed the door, and he simply flashed a big thumbs up in response before finally shutting the door.

"Please tell me you have stuff to make spaghetti." Laura dropped her features to a straight face, seeming dead serious and intent on having spaghetti for dinner.

"Yeah, I've got the stuff for it. Pasta, sauce, and even garlic bread." I started walking towards the cabinets above the counter where I kept the pasta, hearing Laura let out a soft moan at my words.

"Fuck yes, let's start making it. I'm so hungry." She began to pull out some pots and a baking sheet since she already knew where I kept everything.

While the guys were downstairs lifting heavy desks and TV stands, Laura and I were cooking dinner in the kitchen so we could all eat together when they finished. I smiled at the thought, how stereotypical of us.


With one last swipe of my dishrag against the bowl I was currently cleaning in the sink from dinner, I finally finished washing the dishes and tilted my head back to let out a sigh. Now I could actually let myself relax.

Laura and Hunter left a little bit ago, and Frank just said his goodnights to Harry and I once it was a little past midnight. Of course he was very excited to sleep in his new room and officially feel like he's moved in, and honestly I felt the same. I was so happy to have Frank living with me, and knowing we did this so that Laura and Hunter could move in together made the feeling that much better.

Harry was currently showering, and for whatever reason I wasn't that tired for it being 1 am, so doing dishes was what I ended up filling the time with. Hopefully he wasn't tired either, because I wouldn't mind staying up with him and spending as much time with him as possible since he's leaving soon—which is also why he insisted on sleeping here the next two nights.

"Joselyn?" I turned my head at the sound of Harry whisper shouting from my bedroom, seeing his head poking out from my bedroom door down the dark hallway. "Could you come here please?" Once he saw me acknowledge him, he waved his hand out to gesture me over, pouting his lips slightly which just made him look extra adorable. I chuckled, drying my hands on the towel on the stove before walking out of the kitchen, making sure I turned the lights off since I probably won't be coming back out here.

Harry smiled when he saw me get closer, already holding his hand out to pull me in the room with him once I reached him. "What's up baby?" I shut the door behind me, smiling when I quickly glanced over his features and saw his hair was damp from the shower, hanging loosely down the front of his face.

"I've got Jeff on the phone, he texted me asking if I was awake—he says he has some stuff to tell us." He lifted his other hand up, now making me realize he was holding it in the first place.

"Oh okay, well I'm here to listen." I led us both over to my bed so we could get a little comfortable, Harry nodding his head and pressing the unmute button on his phone once we sat down across from each in criss cross positions.

"Okay Jeff, Joselyn's here now." Harry spoke first, holding his phone up between us.

"Good, hey Joselyn how're you doing?" Jeff kindly greeted, making me smile.

"I'm good Jeff, thank you. And yourself?" I looked up to lock eyes with Harry, who was showing a tight lipped smile.

"I'm pretty good too, I've got some interesting news in regards to your lovely ex boyfriend." I cringed at the mention of him, honestly not sure what to expect.

"What kind of news?" Harry quickly questioned, flashing me a worried look—I just hope it's something good. Everything has been going fairly well this past week, I really didn't need some unexpected bad news about Darren to ruin it.

"Well, the officers working on the case got in contact with our lawyer today and a court date has officially been set up to determine his final conviction and sentencing. He went on about some laws that go into how invasion of privacy like this could be considered a second-degree crime, plus he did it for financial gain so that puts him in a really bad place. Nonetheless, by the looks of's pretty much a guarantee that he'll be imprisoned, and not just for failing to pay his $5000 fine. This is looking very good for us guys." Jeff released a breathy chuckle at the end of his brief explanation. My head was spinning from even just the summed up version, so I can only imagine how Ill actually process if Darren really does end up in jail after all this.

"Wow, that's fucking great news Jeff—so when's the court date, we should be there right?" Harry dug further to get more details, already having reached out to squeeze my knee reassuringly. Harry looked relieved, and I know I felt the same. This headache could be ending soon.

"Um, well yeah—no actually. None of you, or even Hailey will have to be present. With all the evidence they have it's not completely necessary for any of the involved parties to be there, but that's not saying you can't, it's really just if you want to go." I pressed my lips together surprisingly, that was interesting news to hear. I really figured we would be required to go whenever the time came to hold a court session to decide his fate. But apart of me still wanted to be there, just to see it through.

"Okay...Joselyn would you want to be there?" Harry looked at me, raising his eyebrows curiously and continuing to rub his hand against my knee soothingly.

I let out a puff of air, thinking quickly to try and get my first instinct decision. "I-I guess I do...yeah. I want to see it for myself, and this is because of something he's done to me—I want to watch him pay." I firmly spoke, blinking rapidly at Harry once I felt him squeeze my hand with a small smile. Saying that out loud made it feel so...real.

"Well then that settles it, we'll be there—and we can ask Hailey too. Although, I'm sure she'll be contacted on her own right?" Harry turned his head away from me to look at the phone, clearly directing his question to Jeff.

"Yes she will be, and Joselyn can definitely be there. If that's what you want, then I think you should go for it." I smiled at Jeff's kind words. "But Harry, the date is set for this'll be in London unfortunately." Harry's hand tensed in mine, Jeff sounding hesitant to be passing on the news.

"Fucks sake." Harry cursed under his breath, dropping his head with a sigh. "They had to pick this week, really?" He groaned in frustration, pulling his hand away from mine to rub it over his face. "I don't want you to go there alone, I want to be there with you." When he lifted his head up again, I could see the immediate stress this was causing him and I instantly frowned, bringing my hand up to cup his cheek.

"Hey, hey it's okay. It's not your fault that you have to be in London Harry. I know you want to be there with me, and that means everything to me. But like you said, Hailey might be there too, so I won't be alone. And if nothing else, I'll bring Frank. You don't have to worry about me okay?" My thumb ran over his soft skin, scooting closer so I could throw my legs over his lap, watching his lips pull up into a weak smile, clearly still upset with the situation.

"I know but...I just really hate that I can't be there. And I would love to see the bastard get what's coming for him too honestly." His hand fell to my thigh, pinching his eyebrows together at the thought.

"Everything will be fine Harry, and I can go with Joselyn too...if you want me to of course Joselyn. You know I was staying behind for your stuff in London anyway because of the holidays, so I can be there for you." My lips curled up at his offer, seeing Harry look at me with raised eyebrows, obviously liking the offer as well.

"That would be awesome Jeff..." Harry trailed off, tilting his head towards me in question. "Joselyn?" He waited for me to say something on the matter.

I smiled, "I think that would be really nice of you Jeff." I happily accepted, instantly making Harry's eyes light up with relief. "See Harry, I'm already not alone." I squeezed his shoulder with a reassuring smile, feeling his body loosen up already.

"Yeah...thank you Jeff. Is there anything else?" Harry looked back down at the phone, using his free hand to wrap around my back to pull me closer to his chest.

"No I think that's all the basics, we can talk more tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you for keeping us updated. I'll talk to you later." Harry nodded, holding the phone up to his mouth so I could say goodbye as well, then pressing the end call button once I did. As soon as it was disconnected, Harry let out a short sigh, tossing his phone beside us.

"This is good news baby, this is gonna be over soon." I quickly spoke up, placing my hand on his chest and gently rubbing over his heart.

"I know it is, I'll be even more relieved when he's officially behind bars. It still sucks that I can't go to the court date with you." He pouted his lips together, still smoothing his right hand up and down my thigh. "I promise that I'll be checking in with you the whole day, as often as I can—and you do the same okay? Wednesday is when I'll be at BBC Radio most of the day doing promo stuff, but you still text or call me whenever you want, I don't care what it is or when, you hear me?" His hand lifted off my thigh momentarily to firmly point his finger in front of my face, and I couldn't help but pout my lips at him. He really does care too much for the people he loves, but it was one of my favorite things about him.

"I promise you, okay? I'll keep you in the loop no matter what. Trust me, I'll be missing you so much anyway that me blowing up your phone might not be the most unusual thing at that point." I tried to lighten the mood, Harry chuckling at that and instinctively closing the space of his finger and my face by tapping the tip of my nose.

"I have no problem with that, I might just do the same." I scrunched my face up shyly, mentally preparing myself just a little bit for only being able to reach Harry through a phone for a while. I can already guarantee I'll want to talk with him through everything now that I know I'll have to be in a room with Darren again. Hopefully for the last time though.

"Good." I returned the favor by lifting my hand up to tap his nose too, then lowering my head to press a quick peck against his lips. "Hey, let's look at those pictures we took earlier, I'm dying to see how they turned out." I decided to change the subject for now, not seeing the point in stressing ourselves out for something that doesn't really deserve it's almost 2 am.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about those." He happily patted my bottom to let me scoot off of him and the edge of the bed. I skipped across the small space of my room until I stood in front of my desk and the wall that displayed all of my polaroids.

After Hunter, Harry, and Frank finished bringing up all the heavy stuff and helped Frank set it up in his room, we all ate the dinner Laura and I made. About halfway through the movie we were watching afterwards, I remembered that during the many cleaning sessions I did to clear out everything from the guest room that I found my polaroid camera. I basically insisted to take some pictures of the group since I haven't added any new ones to my wall in a while since I hadn't thought to.

We didn't get to take more than 7 photos before I ran out of film since I haven't used it in so long. Nonetheless, I neatly lined the photos along my desk earlier to let them develop and we all continued with watching the movie. Obviously we all forgot about them or I would've showed them off to everyone before they left and Frank went to bed.

"They look amazing, aww." I instantly cooed once I saw the fully developed photos lined up on the clean white desk. Each one was a different combination of us, and three of them were just Frank, Harry and I by ourselves.

"Well I know which one is my favorite." Harry's hand came up to the small of my back, leaning forward enough to rest his chin on my shoulder to join me in looking at them.

"Oh yeah?" I teasingly turned to look at him from the side, raising my eyebrows when he nodded his head against my shoulder. "Well, we do look pretty good." I chuckled, picking up the one photo of us together, me not even looking at the camera but instead looking at Harry's chest since I remember thinking I saw a piece of lint stuck to his shirt. Of course we couldn't get a picture of both of us looking at the camera, but I honestly like this better—it was authentic.

"Not that one." Harry whispered against my ear, smiling when he lightly brushed his lips behind the shell of my ear. Before I could even question him, I saw his hand come into view, and watched him pick up a different photo. "This one, this is my favorite." I instantly blushed, seeing that he picked up the one that was just me—he had caught me mid-laugh when he took the picture.

"Harry..." I quietly whined, already flustered by his easily charming words. I put the photo of us back on the desk, watching his dimples pop up when I tried to face him again.

"You look so beautiful when you're laughing, I love seeing you laugh." His whispered words sent shivers down my spine, absolutely melting into his back when I felt his hand slide around my waist until his own landed on my stomach to pull me farther against him. "This smile is an absolute killer, one look at it and I'm a goner—makes me weak at the knees I swear." Harry continued on, only making me more tingly and flustered all over. He just had such a way with words, and it was nearly impossible not to melt whenever he sweet talked like this.

"Stop it, I'm blushing like a schoolgirl over here." I shyly smiled, wiggling myself around enough so I could turn my body in his arms so I was facing him.

"No can do baby, I love watching you get all cute and blushy. Makes me wanna just—" He cut himself off by diving his head towards mine, peppering kisses all over my heated cheeks and forehead, then even more against my neck.

"Harry!" I couldn't help but chuckle at the feeling of his lips all over my face, his hair eventually tickling against my nose which made me scrunch up my face instantly. "Harry, stop it!" I was now giggling uncontrollably, feeling both his arms come around my waist so he could lift me off the ground before I could protest.

He carried my squirming figure back over to the bed, not taking a break from showering me in kisses the whole time, until he laid me back against the plush mattress. We were both laughing against each other, his head finally pulling off of my skin once I was laid flat and he was now hovered over me with his hair dangling from his head like a curtain. When I caught my breath enough to actually focus on him, I immediately lifted both my hands up to the sides of his head to comb my fingers through his hair just so I could see his pretty face.

"You're so lucky you're cute." I breathily chuckled, feeling his legs move to either side of my straightened legs while both his elbows dropped to the sides of my head. He chuckled, shaking his head before dropping his head down to lock his lips around my own. He certainly knows how to shut me up.

My arms wrapped around his neck without hesitation, and I hummed in satisfaction against his lips. Feeling us kissing so tenderly reminded me of how much I'm going to miss being able to do this when he's gone, but I didn't want to bother thinking about that right now. He's here with me now, and that's all I could ever ask for.

He'll always be here honestly, even if not physically, I know he's always with me. It was like that strong connection I felt between us was being proved even more tonight. Knowing how badly he wants to be with me on Wednesday made my heart flutter, because even when he can't be with me, I know with certainty that he cares way too much about me to not at least wish that he could be.

It just shows how true what Gemma once told me is, "Trust me, Harry is 100% the kind of person to care too much about people, but in a good way. He'd do anything for the people that are important to him, and clearly you've climbed your way up there as one of them." The memory of her telling me that alone warmed my heart, and I truly couldn't be more honored to have someone as amazing as Harry care about me so much.

"I love you Harry." I pulled my lips away just enough to speak against his lips, just needing to remind him because of where my mind was. "You're so amazing and loving and caring and I—I just love you so much." I pawed at his cheek, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with emotions. When I saw his lips pout in awe as he looked down at me, looking at me with so much love in return, I think my heart burst at the sight alone.

"I love you too Joselyn, I don't think words are enough to tell you how much honestly." He lightly chuckled against my cheek when he dropped forward to kiss my jaw.

"Trust me, I know the feeling." I joined in his laughter, rubbing my fingers soothingly through his hair still because I know how much he loved it. He pressed his lips tighter for a small smile, humming quietly to himself as he flicked his eyes from my eyes to my lips a few times, ultimately landing on my eyes.

"Why don't we get some sleep love, it's been a long day." Harry cooed, bringing a finger up to rub along my cheek and I nodded in agreement.

Once we got ourselves comfortably situated, my head on Harry's chest and his arm wrapped around my back while our legs tangled together, he pressed one last soft kiss against the side of my head. "Goodnight Joselyn." I smiled at the soothing tone of his voice, leaning forward enough to press a kiss of my own against his bare chest.

"Goodnight Harry." To lull myself asleep, I found myself instinctively tracing the lines of his butterfly tattoo, loosely to the same rhythm of his heartbeat, and I don't know if I could think of any better way to end the day and fall asleep.

Again, I couldn't help but drift off to the fact that he's going to be leaving, and I won't have the privilege of falling asleep with him every night like we've both grown so used to at this point. A part of me felt like a baby for already missing him when he hadn't even left yet, but I can't help it...we both just work so well together and I love being around him any chance I can get.

It's only five days, just five, that's it—I can do that, I'll be just fine.

I can already see my small need for attention that I've grown to want from Harry will probably be tossed onto Frank...and Missy of course, but they can suck it up. After all, Frank agreed to anything that comes with living with me.

a/n: just a cute little chapter, Frank is moved in woo!! and Darren still sucks woo!!

also can you believe that Love on Tour is happening like...every night Harry SERVES!!! I love that man so much omfg. I'm seeing him at MSG and I'm gonna cry for sure :')

anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, ily

if you're reading, thank you <3

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